
The Features and Future Prospects of the Newly Released COUNTER
中文关键词: COUNTER,电子资源,使用统计
英文关键词: COUNTER,Electronic resources,Usage statistic
李洪 深圳大学图书馆 深圳 518060 
摘要点击次数: 4062
全文下载次数: 3790
      本文通过对比COUNTER第四版与第三版,发现第四版在如下方面具有很多新特征。在文档结构上,使用一个要规范代替原来的两个规范;在术语及测量指标方面,新增“金色开放获取”、“多媒体全文内容单元”、“记录浏览”、“结果点击”等术语;在数据元素上,新增数字对象标识符、所有权标识符及机构标识符;在使用报告上,新增开放获取文章的使用统计报告、多媒体资源使用报告及基于移动设备的使用报告,并对原有报告做了不少调整;在审核上,新增对SUSHI 协议遵循情况的审核。未来的COUNTER 将继续探索与SUSHI 的结合应用,探索新的期刊测量指标,增加文章级的使用评价指标。图1。表6。参考文献10。
Based on the comparison of Release 4 and Release 3 of the COUNTER Code of Practice, the paper analyzes the new features in Release 4 of the code from the aspects of document organization, terms, metric types, data elements, usage reports and audit. First, the newly released COUNTER is a single, integrated Code of Practice. Second, ithas an expanded list of new terms and metric types such as gold open access, multimedia full content unit, record viewand result click. Third, new data elements such as digital object identifier, proprietary identifier and institutional identifiers are required in Release 4 of the COUNTER. Fourth, it has new reports covering usage on gold open access articles, multimedia resources and mobile devices, and modifies some reports of database, journal and book. Fifth, it enhances SUSHI protocol designed to facilitate its implementation by vendors and its use by librarians. Finally, the paper indicatesthat COUNTER will continue to promote the application of SUSHI, explores new metric types for periodicals and recordsusage at the individual article level in the future. 1 fig. 6 tabs. 10 refs.
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