
Periodization of the History of Library Science Education in China
投稿时间:2019-01-21  修订日期:2019-11-08
中文关键词: 图书馆学教育  图书馆事业史  中国  教育史
英文关键词: Library Science education  History of librarianship  China  Education history
基金项目:本文系国家社会科学基金重大项目“中国图书馆学教育百年史及其文化影响研究” (编号:17ZDA295)和江苏省高校哲学社会科学研究重点项目“江苏图书馆学教育百年史研究” (编号:2018SJZDI125)的研究成果之一
谢欢 南京大学信息管理学院 江苏 南京 210023 
摘要点击次数: 1423
全文下载次数: 1300

Taking the establishment of Boone Library School in 1920 as the symbol of the birth of China's modern library science education, China's library science education has gone through nearly a hundred years Dividing the one hundred years history into different periods will not only help us understand China's modern library science education history more clearly but also contribute to exploring the connections or diversities among different periods and find the development path of China's modern library science education When dividing the periods of China's modern library science education history, it is necessary to comprehensively consider the influence of political, economic, cultural, and librarianship development factors on library education Besides that it also needs to consider the characteristics of the library science education itself
In view of the above considerations, the article comprehensively uses literature research method, historical research method and other research methods to divide the history of library science education in mainland China into: 1) initiation period (1920-July 1941); 2) growth period (August 1941-Sept. 1949); 3) transformation period (Oct 1949-April 1966); 4) stagnation period (May 1966-Oct 1976); 5) recovery period (Nov 1976-September 1992); 6) reform and breakthrough period (October 1992-) By comparing the different periods, the article concludes the development path of mainland China's library science education in the past 100 years as follows: 1) professionalization and standardization are constantly improving; 2) library education in schools evolves from single level to multiple levels and to the high level, and the universities now are the main institutions carrying out the library science education; 3) training is always the important part of library science education; 4) the “blind spot effect” of library science education has intensified, which means in library science education the educators concentrate most attention on how to help the patrons obtain the useful knowledge, hardly any on the reading, library as space and many other contents which are the reasons why people like the library As a result, the library science education falls short of meeting their profession's needs 35 refs
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