
Identifying Backbone Knowledge and Effective Methods in Library and Information Science:Useful Methods as Double Evidence and Model Sample
中文关键词: 图书情报学  主干知识  有效方法  双证法  模本法
英文关键词: Library and information science  Backbone knowledge  Effective method  Double evidence  Model sample
叶鹰 南京大学信息管理学院,江苏 南京 210023 
摘要点击次数: 1302
全文下载次数: 647
Based on Kuhn's paradigm and Popper's falsification,backbone knowledge and effective methods with their functions and applications in library and information science are discussed. By logical analysis,it is revealed that the paradigm transformation accompanies with the change of the backbone knowledge while the effective methods may support the paradigm revolution in a discipline. Via the definitions of backbone knowledge and effective methods,it is judged that backbone knowledge has clue of characteristic concepts (concept)-academic laws (theory)-core knowledge (system),and it is suggested to set a hypothesis of backbone knowledge increasing linearly. In the field of library and information science,the backbone knowledge is clarified as information organization,information retrieval and information analysis,where concept theory system can be identifiedMeanwhile,it is proposed that the method of double evidence and the method of model sample integrated by quantitative analysis and qualitative synthesis are macroscopically and microscopically effective methods in library and information scienceWhen the method of double evidence is characterized by two kinds of evidences from different sources,its application for very small sample (n≤6)becomes the method of model sampleWith using the effective methods,it is possible and feasible to extend the backbone knowledge of library and information science,for promoting the creation and innovation of core knowledge in library and information science. 2 figs2 tabs21 refs.
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