
OpenCSDB:Application of Linked Data in Scientific Database
中文关键词: 关联数据,科学数据,数据记录,数据文件,数据发布
英文关键词: Linked Data,Scientific data,Data records,Data files,Data publishing
沈志宏 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心 北京 100190 
张晓林 中国科学院国家科学图书馆 北京 100190 
黎建辉 中国科学院计算机网络信息中心 北京 100190 
摘要点击次数: 5059
全文下载次数: 3117
This paper introduces OpenCSDB as a solution of applying Linked Data in the Scientific Database,Chinese Academy of Sciences (CSDB)project. In this paper,we discuss the background,applicability,implementation principles,software architecture and application effects,and challenges for OpenCSDB. We found that Linked Data meets the needs of scientific databases,which is a low cost,inclusive,adaptive,semantics supported,easy to popularize,and open access mechanism,and it is feasible to apply Linked Data in CSDB. Although there are new challenges such as interoperation of heterogeneous data sources,provenance of scientific data,access control in Linked Open Data context,and ranking and search of massive scientific data,Linked Data can still be considered as the best choice for scientific data. As proved by the achievements of OpenCSDB in the “Eleventh Five Year” program,OpenCSDB will promote the sharing of scientific data and play a greater role in the “Twelfth Five Year” program. 4 figs. 31refs.
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