
Review and Reflections on Information Resources Management Research in China
中文关键词: 信息资源管理  图书情报学  发展历史  基础理论  中国
英文关键词: Information resources management  Library and information science  Development history  Fundamental theories  China
邱均平 杭州电子科技大学中国科教评价研究院 浙江 杭州 310018 
史尚元 武汉大学信息管理学院 湖北 武汉 430072 
王琳 杭州电子科技大学中国科教评价研究院 浙江 杭州 310018 
摘要点击次数: 659
全文下载次数: 954
Information resources management(IRM)is a product of the evolution of the human information infrastructure and the development of the information society. The rise and development of information resources management has a unique historical track in China. The transformation of information resources management from a research field to a discipline has been deeply embedded in theoretical study,disciplinary construction,professional education reform,and enterprise development of library and information science(LIS).
This paper divides IRM developmental process into four stages. 1) The rise of information resources management in Western countries and its initial development in China(1970-1990). In the first stage,the LIS community in China actively joined the research trend related to information. The emergence of the “grand information view” created conditions for connecting LIS with information resources management. 2) The pioneering exploration of information resources management in Chinese LIS community(1990-2000). In the second stage,the renaming of “scientific and technological qingbao” to “scientific and technological information” in 1992 strongly supported LIS disciplinary and industrial reform. The renaming of the department/college of LIS to information resources management opened up a new situation for academic research,professional development and education. The restructured undergraduate program of information management and information system led to the rise of a new paradigm of LIS. 3) The prosperity of information resources management in the network environment(2000-2010). In the third stage,the network environment became the dominant information infrastructure,and information resources management was a hot topic at the forefront of academia. Scholars found that information resources management could reveal the essence of the discipline and adapt to the talent needs of the information society. Using information resources management as an umbrella discipline conception to integrate various secondary disciplines is a feasible solution. 4) Information resources management in the data and intelligence age(2010-2022). In the fourth stage,that information resources management is the goal of disciplinary construction has become apparent. It constitutes the solid theoretical and social foundation of LIS. Research on information resources management has entered a new stage of comprehensive development. The comparison of similar concepts of information management and information resources management,as well as dealing with the paradigm conflict between “information” and “intelligence”,are hot issues.
Looking forward to future information resources management development in the new era,the paper proposes to strengthen the foundation building of information resources management discipline and analyzes the main problems to be solved. It points out that the primary standard for evaluating substantive progress on the foundation is to construct abstract laws of information resources management and elaborates on the characteristics of such abstract laws. It is expected to provide useful references for the future research. 53 refs.
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