
Approaches to Improve Service Effectiveness of the Public Library
中文关键词: 公共图书馆  服务体系  服务效能  普遍均等
英文关键词: Public library  Service system  Service effectiveness  Universal and equal access
邱冠华 苏州图书馆 江苏 苏州 215002 qgh@szlib.com 
摘要点击次数: 3106
全文下载次数: 2032
The service effectiveness of the public library, in a word, is how well the public library carries out its mission Improving service effectiveness is a new requirement for the public cultural service system which includes the public library The foundation of the public library in China is relatively weak Simply relying on investment from the public finance cannot support the universal and equal service The public library has to pay attention to enhancing its own professional abilities Therefore, improving service effectiveness plays a significant role in establishing the public library service system, and realizing the universal and equal service.
Public library service effectiveness involves many factors, including theory and practice, hardware and software, as well as input and output, etc This not only makes the evaluation of service effectiveness difficult, but also makes how to improve the service effectiveness a tough topic Based on the status in quo of the public library service effectiveness, this paper examines deficiencies, including the problems reflected by indicators, practice and academic research By analyzing objective and subjective factors, this paper tries to find ways to improve service effectiveness.
The influencing factors are divided into four categories which will be analyzed respectively. The first is legal environment, which is the precondition for developing service capacities of the public library Legal duties of the government and the public library are defined explicitly in good legal environment The public library’s establishment, service system, organization and the investment of all sorts are provided with legal basis Correspondingly, the legal duties of providing services, improving service efficiency and guaranteeing service quality are clarified Therefore, the primary task is to promulgate the Public Library Law in order to improve the legal environment in China.
The second is the service system, which is the carrier of the universal and equal serviceEstablishing the service system is the way to improve service capacities and service benefits, as well as an important goal to promote service effectiveness The main and branch library system is the most economical and efficient service system Following the objective laws and realizing the layout of the main and branch library system can elevate the service effectiveness of the public library to a great extent and achieve the universal and equal service. The third is professional planning Professional planning is a requirement for the public library and should be embodied in establishment, construction, purpose, scheming, services, activities, management, etc By means of professional planning, resources of various kinds can be integrated to improve service capacities and encourage the access to the libraryThe improvement of service quality and benefits can also be guaranteed.
The fourth is management level Management is a decision-making process of integrating, organizing and optimizing various resources, and on how to providing all kinds of services in order to fulfill missions of the public library Scientific management mechanism and good quality management can integrate all kinds of resources and make service abilities compatible with service benefits which promote service effectiveness into the optimal level.
Making use of service effectiveness instead of service benefits as the method of evaluation makes the evaluation more comprehensive It also clarifies the duties of the government and the public library, that is, the public library should make effects to improve service effectiveness and the government should provide conditions for the public library to enhance its service capacities In this process, the public library is confronted with great challenges and opportunities 1 tab 20 refs.
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