
Methods and Empirical Research on Deep Integration of Literature in Citation Network: Case Study on XML Research Literature from WoS
中文关键词: 引文网络,核心文献,深度聚合,权值“高地”
英文关键词: Citation network,Core literature,Deep integration,Weight highland
邱均平 武汉大学信息管理学院 湖北 430072 
董克 武汉大学信息管理学院 湖北 430072 
摘要点击次数: 4614
全文下载次数: 2223
Interconnected by citation, scientific literature construct knowledge network of researches on specific subjects. As an acyclic network, the knowledge network reveals the knowledge structure and development of research subjects. This paper uses the citation network formed by research literature on XML collected from WOS database in order to calculate the degree of core literature by weighing citation ties and literature vertices, and finally to present the cohesion of key literature according to the weights and highland. It is found that the core literature substantially reveals the importance for each citation, and the weights calculated from citation ties and literature vertices can accurately detect the quality of literature; cohesion based on the weights can help to fast discover the most core literature and citation during the developments of specific subjects; adequate results from analyzing weight highland in cohesion make up for drawback of analyzing weights in revealing substructure, showing profound research dimensions in the development of the whole knowledge system. 6 figs. 4 tabs. 11 refs.
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