
A Review on the Value-added Exploitation and Utilization Efficiency of Information Resources in Public Sectors
投稿时间:2013-03-04  修订日期:2013-05-21
中文关键词: 信息资源,公共部门,增值开发,利用效率
英文关键词: Information resources, Public sectors, Value-added exploitation and utilization, Efficiency of information exploitation and utilization,
刘冰* 武汉大学信息管理学院,天津师范大学管理学院,天津 西青 300387 brother_lb@126.com 
摘要点击次数: 3701
全文下载次数: 2425
Information resources in public sectors have great economic and social values, This paper uses synthesis methods to examine the studies of value-added exploitation and utilization efficiency of information resources in public sectors, and analyzes the relevant progress of domestic and international researches. We find that the research on value-added exploitation and utilization efficiency of information resources in public sectors exhibits characteristics in an all-round way, including macro system-level elements such as policy system, market mechanism, exosystem-level elements such as technologies, and microsystem-level elements such as products and services. We also find that the following points worth studying in the future:measuring and evaluating the value-added exploitation and utilization efficiency of information resources in public sectors based on users'' perspectives, targeted research on specific public sectors and specific types of information resources, and application of systematic empirical analysis methods. 59refs.
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