
On the Discovery and Recognition of Web Archive Right
中文关键词: 网络信息,存档权,保存
英文关键词: Network information, Right of archive, Preservation
周毅 苏州大学社会学院 苏州 215123 
摘要点击次数: 4399
全文下载次数: 2797
The long-term preservation of network information resources should take the discovery and recognition of Web Archive right as a precondition. The paper analyzes the connotation and constitution of Web Archive right and argues that public libraries, public archives and other public information agencies are the main bodies of Web Archive right. The legitimacy and legality of Web Archive right are displayed in the following aspects: Guaranteeing for accumulation of digital heritage (or asset) of the country and conditions for realization of the right for citizens’ access to information, and offering resources for scientific development of economy and society. They can only be realized by balancing relationships among several information rights through new legislation (such as Library Laws) and amendment to regulations and laws(such as regulations and laws on archive and publishing) based on regulation analysis and planning. Web Archive right entitlement to public information institution requires proper obligations, management mechanism, sound information environment and scientific operations.
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