
The Semantic Networking of Thesaurus Based on the Simple Knowledge Organization System: A Case Study of the Chinese Archival Thesaurus
中文关键词: 主题词表,语义网,简约知识组织系统,SKOS,《中国档案主题词表》
英文关键词: Thesaurus, Semantic Web, Simple Knowledge Organization System,SKOS, Chinese Archival Thesaurus
段荣婷 南京政治学院上海分院信息管理系 上海 200433 
摘要点击次数: 5213
全文下载次数: 2129
The Simple Knowledge Organization System (SKOS) is a W3C standard and its application is one of the important methods to achieve the goal of scientific integration, exploitation and services of information and knowledge resources. The paper demonstrates how SKOS’ systematic and standardized control can be implemented by taking the Chinese Archival Thesaurus’ marking-up as example. The paper’s ultimate goal is to promote the application of semantic networking in such knowledge organization system as thesaurus or classification based on SKOS. The Chinese Archival Thesaurus based on SKOS is characterized by its normalization, systematization, flexibility and practicability and etc. China should advance the study and application of thesaurus’ semantic networking based on SKOS, and enforces ultimately the visualization of thesaurus’ and other extensional applications. 12 figs. 1 tab. 12 refs.
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