
Curriculum System Integration of Library Science, Museology and Archival Science
中文关键词: 图书馆学  博物馆学  档案学  人才培养  课程体系整合
英文关键词: Library science  Museology  Archival science  Talents cultivation  Curriculum system integration
肖希明 武汉大学信息资源研究中心,湖北 武汉,430072 xxmwhu2011@163.com 
唐义 武汉大学信息管理学院,湖北 武汉,430072  
摘要点击次数: 5145
全文下载次数: 2777
Due to the emergence of public services of digital culture, there is an urgent need of inter-disciplinary professionals who master the knowledge of library science, museology and archival science, and the integration of curriculum systems of the three disciplines is becoming one of the major issues in those fields. In the digital environment, libraries, museums and archives share common research objects, construction tasks and service content, namely documents, resources digitalization and services of digital culture, which provide a realistic basis for the curriculum integration of the three disciplines. This integration has been promoted by iSchools movement, broad information career-oriented professional education and relevant international conferences. Based on this trend, the article proposes a curriculum integration model of library science, museology and archival science. Human-computer interaction stands at the center of this curriculum model and four management tasks constitute the main contents:culture, ecology, collections and technology. 1fig. 30refs.
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