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基于“全国博士毕业生调查”数据探讨收紧培养关口与博士生延期毕业概率的关系发现:严把资格考试(事前控制)关口和论文开题(事中控制)关口均能显著降低博士生延期毕业的概率,而严把正式答辩(事后控制)关口会显著增大博士生延期毕业概率;学科因素对上述关系产生了调节作用,即在自然科学领域显著增强,而在人文社会科学领域不再显著。为降低博士生延期毕业率,自然科学领域博士生培养可前移管理重心,从资格考试、论文开题两方面同时发力;而人文社会科学领域博士生培养可寻求其他有效的制度工具。  相似文献   

本文利用我国博士生教育的基本宏观数据,计算了我国博士生的总体及分学科累计延期毕业率,发现博士生累积延期毕业率在高位运行,各个学科间存在显著差异,基于历年的累积延期毕业率波动不大。通过按期毕业率的3种假设计算了我国博士生长时段延期毕业率,并构建了我国博士生延期的毕业水池模型,同时还考察了我国在校博士生的年级结构。此外,通过2003届、2008届的微观数据,分别比较了这两届博士毕业生的真实延期毕业率与累积延期毕业率的差别,发现累积延期毕业率普遍存在"高估"的现象。  相似文献   

分析9816份博士毕业生的问卷调查数据,结果发现:第一,四成以上延期毕业博士生的学位论文质量得分超过了按期毕业博士生的学位论文质量均值。第二,根据学位论文是否高质量可将延期毕业博士生分为两类群体,学位论文高质量的延期毕业者在学术时间投入上显著高于按期毕业者,但其就读心理压力较大。第三,学位论文高质量的延期毕业者更可能出现在一流大学、科研院所以及基础学科领域,学术志趣明确和有境外学习经历的博士生更可能成为学位论文高质量的延期毕业者。为此,培养单位应针对合理延期毕业的博士生采取更具包容性和支持性的管理政策。  相似文献   

博士生导师身份特征对博士培养质量的评价存在显著影响,博士生导师国外学习(工作)的时间越长,对博士培养质量现状和变化趋势的总体评价越低;博士生导师年龄越大,对博士培养质量现状和变化趋势的总体评价越高。  相似文献   

延期分配是高校教师薪酬制度领域的热点问题。教师薪酬制度满意度、离职倾向与延期分配支持度的关系是:教师对延期分配制度比较支持,特别是对将新增收入用于延期分配,支持度更高;薪酬制度越满意的教师延期分配支持度越高;离职倾向越高的教师对延期分配支持度越低。  相似文献   

吴易林  张强 《江苏高教》2023,(6):117-124
按期毕业的博士生是研究博士生延期毕业问题的另一视角。文章对13位按期毕业的博士生求学历程的分析发现,他们“刚读博时”“在读博中”及“临近结期”共上演了六类生活事件,发生了两次转换。其中,培养型事件与资源型事件的贯穿式发生促成了博士生“向内归因”,以应对首次转换面临的科研挑战。基于认可型事件、实践型事件、交流型事件与休闲型事件所达成的“向外借力”,是博士生在第二次转换时应对困境的主要方法:前两者使他们更能客观看待何为深耕科研,后两者则帮助他们避免落入或走出自我怀疑的能力陷阱。研究认为,破解博士生延期毕业问题的可能发力点为:细化培养过程的各环节,探索构建导学双向反馈机制;注重培养过程评价,把握学术与生活相对独立的尺度。  相似文献   

20世纪80年代以来,博士生延期毕业问题已经引起各国高等教育学界的关注。博士生毕业时间的影响因素可归纳为个人先赋性、外部环境、个体自致性三个方面。个人先赋性对博士生毕业时间的影响并不显著;学科文化、导师等大学支持系统、社会就业环境等,会间接影响博士生的毕业时间;博士生的个体自致性特征是影响毕业进程的关键因素。外部环境和个体自致性因素的叠加、消减作用,使博士生毕业时间的影响因素呈现出个性化、动态化和交互性的特点。对其内在机理的深入研究,有助于对博士生进行追踪式的个性化指导。  相似文献   

通过问卷调查和统计分析可知,博士生能否按期完成学业在人口统计变量特征等方面不存在差异,而在学科、学习方式等维度上存在明显不同。博士生延期完成学业的影响因素可以归因为个体因素和制度因素两类,个体因素主要体现为博士生专业基础与科研能力、读博动机以及学习方式;制度因素则包括导师指导方式、论文选题工作、科研成果发表要求、学业考核制度、科研资助政策、资助方式、国家公派政策等方面。认为改进的切入点在于改革招生政策、完善培养制度以及切实落实院系和导师的职责。  相似文献   

女博士生在追求科研卓越的道路上较男博士生面临着更多的困难和挑战,“其学术表现比男博士生好抑或差”是博士生教育领域一个亟待回答的基本问题。对此议题进行研究,一方面有助于我们关注、了解和认识女博士生群体在接受博士生教育的过程中可能存在的特殊之处;另一方面有助于为我们制定男女博士生差异化指导政策提供实证依据。本文运用标准负二项回归等分析技术对“2017年中国博士毕业生调查课题”的8207份博士生数据进行分析发现:在学术产出方面,女博士生的国际/国内期刊论文数量及专利数量均比男博士生显著更低;在按期毕业方面,女博士生延期毕业的概率比男博士生要显著高出18.48个百分点,其延期时长也比男博士生显著更长。  相似文献   

基于2011年对北京大学延期毕业博士生开展的调查,研究博士生延期毕业现象.通过对博士生延期状况和主要原因的分析,探讨了博士生延期现象的本质,进而提出对策建议,以促进博士生完成其培养环节,提高人才培养效率和资源利用率,实现学校有限的教学、科研资源的合理配置.  相似文献   

博士生延期毕业现象受到高校和政府的重点关注,但相关研究付之阙如。为探寻博士生延期毕业原因及矛盾根源,研究访谈了32位博士生及15位导师。围绕高深知识的生产、学习与传授,得出延期矛盾的根源如下:延期博士生学术基础与高深知识高深性、深奥性的失配,延期博士生学术动力与高深知识开放性、探索性的失配,延期博士生自学能力与高深知识个人性、缄默性的失配,院系培育服务与高深知识学习、传授方式的失配。为改善延期现状,研究建议:应严格把控博士招生环节,多途径提高学生科研素养;正视导学冲突的负面效应,弥合师生沟通的现实张力;加强过程监管及考核力度,回归科研评价的学术本位。  相似文献   

为探寻博士研究生规模扩张的影响因素,利用1980—2017年美国研究型博士培养的经验数据,构建包含博士生规模、GDP、修业年限以及导师数量的向量误差修正模型。研究结果表明:GDP和导师数量对博士生规模扩张具有促进作用,修业年限具有抑制作用,短期内修业年限的抑制作用更为强烈。结合近些年我国博士生延期毕业率超过60%的困境,建议通过调整学制、实施分流与淘汰机制以及建立良好的院系文化环境等方式缓解博士生延期毕业问题。  相似文献   

This article investigates how doctoral students perceive their research education in different disciplines in two higher education systems, the UK and France. It explores what underlies the diversity of doctoral students' experiences. Three theoretical positions are identified: the epistemological position, conceptualisation of research objects and organisational structures of research training. A questionnaire on the experiences of research training was distributed to doctoral students in Economics & Management (representative of social sciences) and Chemistry (representative of natural sciences) in France and was compared to a survey carried out earlier in Education (representative of social sciences) and Chemistry (representative of natural sciences) in the UK. Strikingly, similar disciplinary patterns were found in the doctoral research experiences in the two countries. The findings were used to review the three theoretical positions on the experiences of doctoral studies.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether there is some factor or set of factors which will predict the probability of graduation from doctoral programs. This study concentrated on two areas: (a) the factors available to the selection committee when the students apply for admission into graduate programs, and (b) those factors emerging after admission, resulting from the students' meeting program-imposed requirements for graduation. Data were collected from the file of each student admitted to the doctoral program in Educational Administration. The results of the study indicated that program variables are more important than admission variables in predicting graduation. and the technique of Path Analysis is highly recommended to study the problem of student progression through graduate departments.  相似文献   

结合教育部高等教育改革精神。通过管理模式的创新,将经济管理类专业的毕业实习与毕业论文、学生就业工作有机地结合起来,建立“三位一体”的工作模式,此模式的改革与实践不仅提高了经管类人才培养质量,而且能更好地适应了社会对人才的要求。  相似文献   

The demand for developing creativity among doctoral students is found in a number of educational policies all over the world. Yet, earlier studies on Swedish doctoral education suggest that doctoral students’ creativity is not always encouraged. Based on a critical hermeneutic approach and cases in four different disciplines, the aim of this study was therefore (1) to explore different shapes of doctoral students’ creativity in Swedish doctoral education and (2) to reveal and find possible explanations to some of the conditions stifling doctoral students’ scholarly creativity. Interview data was collected from 28 participants, constituting 14 dyads of students and supervisors in four disciplines. Through hermeneutic interpretative analysis of the disciplinary cases, the results show that creativity kept on playing in musical performance, was an unexpected guest in pedagogical work, was captured in frames in philosophy and put on hold in psychiatry. Across the cases, students’ scholarly creativity was essentially encapsulated in silence. This silence seemed to emanate from controlling intellectual, political and economic agendas that enabled stifling conditions of the students’ scholarly creativity, where it was as follows: restricted by scholarly traditions, embodying supervisors’ power and unrequested in practice. Based on these findings, the article ends in suggestions for preventing such conditions, holding that it is important to establish a discourse on scholarly creativity in doctoral education, to view doctoral students as capable creative agents and to actually ask for their scholarly creativity.  相似文献   

为充分了解和掌握影响博士研究生超期毕业的主要因素,本研究基于Logistic回归模型相关理论构建博士生超期毕业概率模型。以哈尔滨工业大学为研究载体,对构建的博士生超期毕业模型进行实证分析,并得到了影响博士生超期毕业的关键因素。该研究为博士生超期预警机制的建立、博士生的教育管理以及相关政采的制定提供了一定的参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

Around the world, changing funding policies have pushed for university departments to find increased external project-based funding. While this trend is widely acknowledged, mixed views exist about implications for faculty members’ academic practices. Regarding doctoral education, researchers have raised concern that external funding will push doctoral supervisors to be more directive in their supervision of doctoral students’ research projects. However, the empirical evidence supporting such concern is limited. The aim of the current study was, first, to develop and validate a scale allowing us to measure the degree of supervisor direction. Second, the aim was to examine the hypothesis that directive supervision is more likely to occur when the doctoral student’s research project is supported by external funding secured by the supervisor. A total of 1690 doctoral students at a research-intensive Danish university participated in the study. Three scales, including a directive supervision scale, were developed and validated by means of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis. Our hypothesis could be confirmed for the health sciences, but not the natural sciences. Results from the humanities and social sciences were ambiguous.  相似文献   

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