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袁彧 《海外英语》2015,(9):192-195
Sherlock Holmes, the literary image that Arthur Conan Doyle created in The Adventure of Sherlock Holmes, has undoubtedly become an iconic figure of detective. For over a century, a number of films and TV series which based on this book are countless, Sherlock Holmes has been brought to silver screen and stage for a million times. It will be mentioned Arthur Conan and Sherlock Holmes in his book at first, and then review a list of Sherlock Holmes' adaptations in the history. Secondly, showing different personalities of this figure, taking film and TV dramas adaptation as examples to compare with the original novel,from which we can discover different perspectives of this image of Sherlock Holmes. At last, it emphasizes through the ages, literary works have always been materials for films and TV programs creation. From the everlasting image of Sherlock Holmes, we can see that literary spirits in classic masterpieces can be spread and flourished through adaptation of films and TV programs.  相似文献   

Eight hundred and seventy-six high school and middle school students provided information on their perceptions of adaptations teachers may make to accommodate the individual needs of their students. Additionally, achievement and social alienation were examined to determine the extent to which these variables relate to students' perceptions of teacher adaptations. Overall, students preferred teachers who made adaptations; however, item analyses revealed that students find some adaptations more desirable than others. Students felt positively about many adaptations that promote learning, but preferred that no adaptations be made to textbooks and materials, tests, and homework. While students' perceptions followed the same overall pattern for low and high achieving students, those students who preferred adaptations demonstrated significantly higher reading and mathematics achievement scores. Students who felt more alienated (less socially accepted) from their teachers were more likely to view favorably teachers who made adaptations. Students' comments about teachers who make adaptations indicate that they perceive these teachers as better able to meet the individual needs of students, caring and understanding of students, and willing to provide extra help.  相似文献   

One hundred forty‐one teachers in grades 3–8 indicated how frequently they made 24 writing instructional adaptations for students with disabilities. They also rated the acceptability of each of the 24 adaptations on three dimensions: effectiveness, effort needed to implement, and implementation knowledge. Teachers reported making 16 different adaptations monthly or more often, and 10 at least weekly. The most common adaptation was allowing extra time to complete writing assignments. The least common adaptations included extra handwriting instruction, opportunities to compose via dictation, and homework to reinforce skills. Teachers viewed most of the adaptations as acceptable, and views on acceptability made a unique contribution to predicting reported use of adaptations, after variance due to student and other teacher variables was controlled.  相似文献   

在古代小说改编和新编的动画影视作品中,和《西游记》相关的影视作品最多、最成功。早期的作品如万氏兄弟的《铁扇公主》、《大闹天宫》都尽量保留原著的情节、人物形象,通过作品传播古代文化,给人以教益。海外和当代的作品,更关注娱乐性,不再照搬原著的情节,而是根据当代儿童的欣赏趣味,以搞笑为能事,如《孙悟空的大冒险》、《红孩儿大话火焰山》。分析这些作品与原著的关系,为我们探讨古代小说在动画片中的传播提供帮助。  相似文献   

《红楼梦》是我国小说文学难以超越的高峰,更是名著影视改编难以征服的高峰。迄今为止,我国在《红楼梦》的影视改编方面已有多个版本的努力和尝试。研究《红楼梦》影视改编,除一般影视改编的基本问题外,还存在版本选择、结局处理等特殊的问题。本文结合新版电视剧《红楼梦》,从版本选择、情节处理、人物塑造、艺术表现四个方面探讨连续剧对这部名著改编的经验与不足,以及今后影视改编可资借鉴之处。  相似文献   

This study explored mainstream education teachers' perceptions of instructional adaptations in inclusive classrooms and its feasibility, effectiveness, and desirability of implementation. It was of particular interest to know how teachers of different grade levels would respond to such adaptations. Kindergarten (n = 16), elementary (n = 34), secondary (n = 26) and high school (n = 13) teachers rated the feasibility, effectiveness and desirability of 29 items on the Teaching Adaptation Scale. Results indicated a moderate teacher acceptance of instructional adaptations. Additionally, statistically significant differences between grade grouping (high school vs compulsory grades) surfaced. Findings are discussed in the light of needs of professional practice and significant reforms to improve curriculum preparation programmes.  相似文献   

莫砺锋教授的《莫砺锋诗话》突破了传统诗词研究专著的局限性,将自己的人生体验熔铸其中,使古典诗词穿越时空,沁入到当代人的心灵中,使诗词焕发出活泼的生命力,读来亲切而有感染力,达到一种"人诗合一"的境界。这种对古典诗词的解读方法使古典诗词"飞入寻常百姓家",有利于古典诗词的传播,使古典诗词获得了新生。  相似文献   

"文学经典意识"是人们关于文学经典及如何创作出文学经典的认识。在中国古典诗学中,文学经典意识的发展有一个过程,它与文学观念的自觉、艺术精神的独立与否是相伴相行的。文学经典意识的最早形态应是文化经典意识,接着是汉以来的经学式的文学经典意识,再发展到以纯粹文学观念为基础的文学经典意识。文学观念发展的不同阶段,人们所具有的"文学经典意识"的内涵也有不同,这又深刻影响了中国古典诗学的建构。  相似文献   

《百家公案》中的不少故事是对前人小说戏曲的改编,改编过程中往往大量移植、删改,篇幅大幅度缩减;作品的情节事件较少大段场景化铺叙,缺少对人物的描摹刻画,显得简略而粗疏。另一方面,《百家公案》主题的单一性又很好地实现了叙事者普及法律的意图。《判瓦盆叫屈之异》对《玎玎珰珰盆儿鬼》的改编即是代表性的一篇。  相似文献   

伴随着时代的变迁,音乐的形式在不断发生变化。流行音乐等的出现使得古典音乐的地位日渐衰退,然而古典音乐在电视文艺中发挥着其他音乐形式不可替代的作用。文章从我国综艺节目中的古典音乐应用实际的例子出发,阐述古典音乐在电视文艺中的重要作用以及其未来的发展方向。  相似文献   

文章阐述了在古城扬州开展经典诵读的现实意义,分析了目前扬州市经典诵读活动开展的现状与不足,并从诗文经典诵读与扬州地域文化内涵相互浸润、诗文经典诵读提升扬州城乡居民的人文素质与思想素质、诗文经典诵读成为特色文化品牌从而促进扬州文化名城建设这三方面进行全民诵读经典构建诗文扬州的对策研究。  相似文献   

This study investigated factors affecting students' ability to apply consistently the concept of adaptations (i.e., characteristics which suit an organism to its environment). Individual interviews were carried out with 74 Year 10 students, of whom only 47% showed an understanding of the concept. These students were asked to indicate on a list of living and non-living items which ones whould have adaptations. It was found that they were more likely to apply the concept to vertebrates than to other types of living things. In addition, many students appeared to be unable to separate consistently the idea of “adaptations as characteristics” from the other everyday and scientific meanings of the terms “adapt” and “adaptation”.  相似文献   

刘敞是北宋中期经学变革思潮中的一位代表性人物,从表面上看,他疑古惑经,但实质上是尊经崇道。他以义理解经,不拘传注,开创了宋代经学发展的新局面,在中国经学史上占有重要的地位。  相似文献   

大学经典教育目标是培养具有现代意识、全面发展的人。大学经典教育课程应当以马克思主义经典著作为基础,包括中国古代经典著作、中国现当代经典著作、外国经典著作和科学技术哲学著作等五类,每门课程内容以文本细读为主。通过经典教育课程学习让不同专业大学生拥有一部分共有的知识、记忆和体验,形成正确的价值观和判断力。而设立经典教育中心、推行经典教育课程计划、实行必修和选修制度、严格授课管理和监督等办法是实现大学经典教育的基本路径。大学经典教育可以有效构建现代中华民族精神,为开创中国特色的新时代中华文化提供基础的精神资源和智力支持,形成复兴中华民族的内在动力,从根本上提高中国的文化软实力。  相似文献   

周谷平  张雁 《教育研究》2006,27(11):29-34
在大学发展史上,德国经典大学理念向美国现代大学理念转化是一个延续的、互动的过程,这两类理念共同架构了现代大学人的创新思想取向和行为模式。我国大学存在着经典与现代理念的双重缺失,因此,我国创新型大学建设中面临两大张力:经典大学理念与现代大学理念的张力以及经典大学理念与中国传统文化间的张力。经典大学理念的守望与超越共存,是我国建设创新型大学中应一以贯之的原则。  相似文献   

经典文学名著《西游记》先后经历央版、程版、张版的电视剧改编,三版改编各有侧重,体现了不同时代背景中人们的精神追求,也体现了不同时代的艺术和审美特点.分析三版《西游记》,可以得出一个结论,即文学经典的电视剧改编获得成功的关键是在忠实原著和把握艺术创新的基础上,体现时代应有的题旨和意义.  相似文献   

Here I discuss how studies on animal social learning may help us understand human culture. It is an evolutionary truism that complex biological adaptations always evolve from less complex but related adaptations, but occasionally evolutionary transitions lead to major biological changes whose end products are difficult to anticipate. Language-based cumulative adaptive culture in humans may represent an evolutionary transition of this type. Most of the social learning observed in animals (and even plants) may be due to mechanisms that cannot produce cumulative cultural adaptations. Likewise, much of the critical content of socially transmitted human culture seems to show no parallel in nonhuman species. Thus, with regard to the uniquely human extent and quality of culture, we are forced to ask: Are other species only a few small steps away from this transition, or do they lack multiple critical features that make us the only truly cultural species? Only future research into animal social learning can answer these questions.  相似文献   

高中文言文教学实践往往较少涉及人文教育的教学内容,缺乏可行的教学策略。文言文人文教育是文言文教学的重要组成部分,高中文言文人文教育有其自身的教学内容和教学特点,探究式学习能够适应文言文人文教育的规律和特点,可作为文言文人文教育的一种教学策略。  相似文献   

红色经典艺术是中国共产党艺术实践的结晶,对学生艺术素养、人文精神、道德人格等方面有着深远的教育意义。延安大学借助获批国家红色经典艺术教育示范基地有利时机,大力推进红色经典艺术教育,通过加强领导,健全机构,突出特色,创新活动,引导示范,提升质量等途径建设红色经典艺术教育示范基地,取得了一些成绩,对高等学校红色经典艺术教育有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

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