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身体是福柯研究的一大领域,对身体为载体的体育运动研究中,借助了福柯概念系统。福柯视角下,体育运动过程中包含权力关系转移,在体育的话语结构下,所表现出的身体形态以及权力结构。本文通过简述福柯身体研究,呈现福柯思想对体育社会学思想的启发,话语建构下的体育运动,健身考古学的研究,以及西方体育研究者运用福柯思想的研究的相关研究,旨在呈现福柯身体研究的思想对体育社会学的启示。  相似文献   

采用文献资料、逻辑分析等研究方法对体育中的性别平等与差异现象进行研究。以身体操演的性别区隔、体育中的性别变迁、体育性别变迁引发的问题及其出路为内容进行深层次解读。认为:对传统性别认同的颠覆以及对性别平等的过度追求构成了体育参与中的性别危机,体育中的性别平等取决于对传统性别二分法的重新诠释,无论是对传统生理性别还是社会性别的简单划分都无法准确诠释体育运动中性别跨属行为,而多元化性别正是一个具有前瞻性和强有力的解释视角,性别是社会权力建构的产物、体育竞赛中的那种性别跨界以及变性人参加比赛的现象均可以被认为是通过性别角色的自我表演,进而获得一种当前的不稳定的性别身份,处理好人类对性别认识同一性与差异性的关系,从女性自己的术语和价值观方面去定义体育中的性别,才能真正获得她们运动参与的自由与解放。  相似文献   

体育运动向来有着鲜明的男女性别划分,具有浓厚的性别秩序色彩。运用文献资料与逻辑分析等方法,从身体体现、再现与表达的理论视角出发,探讨了体育运动的性别秩序的建立与破解。研究认为身体体现先决了体育的肌肉霸权、身体再现构建了体育的社会性别文化关系、身体表达塑造了体育的性别消费欲望,这种深深根植于事物(结构)和人类身体之中统治关系确立了男性在体育运动中第一性的地位,维持着体育运动性别秩序的超历史稳定性;性别“差异”下的自由之人格追求,是实现体育运动公正性的必由之路。  相似文献   

由雅典奥运会看我国女性竞技体育现状   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以雅典奥运会及之前连续三届奥运会我国体育运动成绩为切入点,选择女性竞技体育作为研究对象,从社会学角度出发,对在现今社会、经济、化教育的环境下女性竞技体育的发展现状及因素的影响进行了研究。  相似文献   

G80 9901029竞技与身体观之探讨〔刊,中,I〕/郑明育//台湾体育.-1998.-6-9参7(YYW)体育//竞技体育//体育社会学//意义//身体本文讨论的重点为:(1)探讨竞技在西方体育运动发展中所扮演的角色,了解竞技与人的关系;(2)探讨竞技与运动,了解竞技的意义及其与运动的关系;(3)探讨竞技背后的身体观,了解竞技背后所隐藏的身体思想;希望通过哲学的反省,能重新思考在身体观下的身体思想。G80 9901030  相似文献   

性别问题是西方体育社会学研究的重要议题,女性体育研究为推动性别平等做出了重要贡献。采用文献资料和逻辑分析法,对西方体育社会学中有关女性体育研究的相关成果进行梳理与分析。结果认为:西方女性体育研究伴随着女性解放的进程而较早起步,并具有研究阶段划分明晰、理论基础丰实的特点,其女性文本研究主要集中于女性参与体育的历程、参与的平等机制、性别意识形态的建构、身体文化和性别权力、体育传媒对性别气质的塑造、体育与性倾向的关系以及对男性主导体育模式的抵抗等七个维度。西方女性体育丰富而全面的研究将为处于初级阶段的我国女性体育研究提供全新的视角与有益的分析框架,以期促进我国女性体育研究的开展。  相似文献   

体育运动是指运动员为不断提高或保持运动成绩而专门进行的运动。主要包括竞技体育运动与非竞技体育运动,不同的体育运动对身体各部分的要求不同。下面重点谈谈学校体育中的准备活动。  相似文献   

空间是女性休闲体育行为的实现载体,为女性休闲体育主体实践和社会建构奠定了必要的物质保障和制度基础。社会空间视域下的女性休闲体育行为主要研究女性身体空间社会建构的影响因素、作用机理,以探求社会空间、身体消费及女性休闲体育行为三者之间的辨证关系。从空间的主体实践与社会建构角度探索身体、空间和休闲体育的理论关联与实践路径,诠释当代女性休闲体育行为中身体、生活与关系等影响因素及其空间整合与再生产机制,剖析身体赋权、生活型塑与关系再造对女性休闲体育行为的空间基础与制度保障。  相似文献   

高珂珂 《体育风尚》2020,(1):191-192
新中国成立后,中国女性对于中国竞技体育事业做出了重大的贡献。本文采用文献资料等方法分析中国女性在新中国成立后所处竞技运动环境下的发展及性别差异情况,得出以下结论:尽管传统的"男尊女卑"对女性进行体育运动产生了阻碍,但由于共产主义倡导男女平等,越来越多的女性参与到体育运动中来;上一世纪50年代以来,中国女性在国家的支持下不断地提高着竞技水平,中国竞技大环境呈现出了"阴盛阳衰"的现象,尽管这一现象在北京奥运会后减弱,但中国女性在奥运会等国际赛事上的夺金优势依然存在;竞技运动并不是争金夺银这么简单,中国女性在中国奥委会,国际单项体育委员会,国际奥委会等体育管理机构比例低,决策权、话语权处于边缘地位的问题亟待解决。  相似文献   

女性身体观与女性体育互动关系的历史演变   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从女性解放角度在历史和逻辑的辨析中展开女性身体观与女性体育互动关系的分析,得出如下结论:1)女性体育与其所处社会文化中的女性身体观之间的互动关系,既具有适应、认同和融合,也具有冲突、排斥和对立关系.2)女性身体观的发展受认知水平、社会变革和文化变迁等因素的影响.随着历史的发展,主导的女性身体观呈现逐渐由生物身体观向社会身体观,进而向审美身体观过渡的趋势.在这种趋势的影响下,女性竞技体育开始出现;女性参加体育人数从少数到多数;从参加少数体育项目到几乎所有项目,还根据女性自身的特点设置了女子项目;领导决策层中从没有女性到女性比例不断增加.3)女性体育的发展过程不仅体现了女性身体观对它的影响作用,而且也反映了其与女性身体观不断冲突,从而促进女性身体观朝向女性解放的方向发展.  相似文献   

This paper examines the gendered performances and identity construction of UK female University soccer players and netballers (n?=?31). Focus group interviews explored their sporting experiences with reference to body perceptions, and perceptions of their sporting bodies outside sporting contexts. Three themes resulted from data analysis, these being; (1) UK culture, body performances and femininity, (2) sporting culture, body performances and femininity and (3) transiency of body satisfaction across sport and non-sport contexts. Findings suggest that sport may not always provide an opportunity to challenge and resist dominant discourses. In both netball and soccer, a range of surveillance and management practices were used that served to perpetuate the value of a ‘feminine’ and assumed heterosexual body, and legitimize their sport participation through an emphasis on a hyper-femininity. The influence of sport subcultures on gendered performances and identity construction, along with implications for marketing sports participation to women are discussed.  相似文献   

在不同的文化语境下,不同的历史时期,女性对自身身体形象的追求是不同的.本文探讨了体育消费文化语境的内涵;回顾了不同文化语境下、不同历史时期女性身体形象的审美规训.在此基础上提出:(1)在体育消费文化语境下,女性身体是构建自我认同的重要条件,体育消费活动是女性身体形象认同的重要路径;(2)在体育消费文化语境下,女性进行体育消费应该以“健康”作为根本目标,重新认识“健身房”和进一步解放自己的身体,走出体育消费的误区,对身体形象的价值观认识应该得到突破和重新进行定位.  相似文献   

lisahunter 《Sport in Society》2018,21(9):1382-1399
Surfing economies, working through material culture in the form of high fashion clothing, surfing monikers or fashion clothing has had scholarly attention in the past. Unlike other sports however, clothing for performance rather than fashion or cultural consumption remains under-researched. With increasing research on the gendered and sexualized nature of surfing alongside an increasing emphasis on female surfing as athletic performance, a paradox seems apparent. In warm-water competition, women deal with tensions associated with appearance, sponsorship driven by sexual objectification and functional surfwear that increases exposed body surface – while men’s clothing epitomizes comfort, protection and ultimately a reduction in exposed body surface. Under the guise of athletic performance and celebrating female gains in the sport, a patriarchal thread seems to tie up a particular sex, gender and sexuality order that is neither new nor productive for high performance or full participation.  相似文献   

Alice Prof was the first female sport physician in Germany and she influenced ideas on female bodies and female sports for more than 40 years. Her dream to become a doctor could be realized only in Switzerland because women were not admitted to universities in Prussia before 1908. After her examination and her PhD she established herself as one of the first female doctors in Berlin in 1905 and she worked there until her death in 1946 as general practitioner and medical specialist for pediatrics and sport medicine. As an expert on the female body she was active in many committees and organizations. Alice Prof worked her whole life for the improvement of the situation of girls and women. The focus of her work was physical education and sport and she was always active in different types of sports herself. Her first article on this topic was published in 1906. In the following years over and over again she 'took the floor' criticizing traditional stereotypes of women and the female body, demanding resources for the education of girls and women. Her efforts also helped to reduce anxieties about women in sport and to encourage women to participate in sport. In her articles and in her lectures she encouraged women to decide for themselves about their involvement in sport. She rejected all attempts to patronize female athletes and refused to accept their exclusion from many sports. Prof propagated ideas which were not popular and she never swam with the tide. In one obituary it is stated: 'you never changed your ideas about life for material rewards or professional advancement. You stayed yourself'. Her ideas are relevant even today.  相似文献   

在美国,由政府资助的学校所开展的体育运动禁止性别歧视,主要法律依据是1972年《教育法修正案》第9章。法院在处理相关案件时将所涉体育项目区分为身体对抗性运动和非身体对抗性运动。在一所公立学校,对于对抗性运动,学校只有男队或女队时,一般不允许异性参加。对于非对抗性运动,学校只有男队时,允许女性参加男队,只有女队,则一般不允许男性参加女队。同时有男女运动队时,男女运动员应该享受平等的机会和待遇。美国追求学校体育领域的性别平等,是在承认男女客观存在的生理差别基础上,摒弃基于生理差别特别是社会性别而形成的偏见,使得男女都享有平等的机会并最终达到实质上的平等。  相似文献   

We argue that new meta-theoretically based applications of non-traditional perspectives of knowledge in science, and sport science, that highlights the question of ‘being woman’, and our understanding of woman as a social and biological being through sport, can enrich the general understanding of gender, identity, body and sport by developing and deepening a critical humanistic sport science perspective through athletes’ artistic reflections of their own athletic female body.  相似文献   

In general, women are well represented among sport participants and sport audiences but not in the media. Data show that women's sport is greatly underreported and trivialized in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure press coverage during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in the largest circulating Belgian, Danish, French, and Italian daily newspapers by: (a) number of articles, (b) size, (c) page placement, (d) accompanyingphotographs, and (e) photograph size. For each sport covered, the athletes' nationality and the gender were recorded. Compared to the 1996 Atlanta Games, there was an increase of 326 female athletes (+4 %), and women competed in 25 sports and 132 events (44 %) of the total 300 events. Although only 29.3 % of the articles and 38 % of photos were on women 's sports, the newspaper coverage was similar to the distribution of participating athletes and events. No significant gender differences were found with respect to article size, page placement, accompanying photographs, or photograph size. The most covered sport was track and field, independent of national achievement. Other sports received different coverage in relation to national expectations, achievement, and participation. In conclusion, there was a trend to overcome gender inequities in media coverage during the Olympic Games, which may be due to the International Olympic Committee's actions to promote increased participation of women in sport activities and to publicize their achievements. Moreover, during the Olympic Games, a nationalistic fervor might affect the equality of gender coverage.  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2019,22(5):736-747
Given the growth in the female sport fan base of North American major league sports and the development and expansion of women’s team-related apparel, the purpose of this study was to examine women sport fans’ perceptions of team apparel. The authors collected data through in-depth interviews with 16 Canadian women who self-identified as fans of professional sport teams. They perceived a lack of options in team apparel, despite the development of women’s clothing lines. Analysis of the aesthetics, symbolism, and instrumentality of team apparel using a third-wave feminist approach provides socio-cultural explanations for women fans’ dissatisfaction with existing offerings. This approach advances understandings of the social circumstances shaping women’s sport experiences as fans and the impact of gender on consumer engagement. Results suggest that sport teams need to recognize the diversity of women’s gender identities and expressions and provide a wider range of clothing that demonstrate their status as authentic fans.  相似文献   

In general, women are well represented among sport participants and sport audiences but not in the media. Data show that women's sport is greatly underreported and trivialized in newspapers. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to measure press coverage during the 2000 Summer Olympic Games in the largest circulating Belgian, Danish, French, and Italian daily newspapers by: (a) number of articles, (b) size, (c) page placement, (d) accompanying photographs, and (e) photograph size. For each sport covered, the athletes' nationality and the gender were recorded. Compared to the 1996 Atlanta Games, there was an increase of 326 female athletes (+4%), and women competed in 25 sports and 132 events (44%) of the total 300 events. Although only 29.3% of the articles and 38% of photos were on women's sports, the newspaper coverage was similar to the distribution of participating athletes and events. No significant gender differences were found with respect to article size, page placement, accompanying photographs, or photograph size. The most covered sport was track and field, independent of national achievement. Other sports received different coverage in relation to national expectations, achievement, and participation. In conclusion, there was a trend to overcome gender inequities in media coverage during the Olympic Games, which may be due to the International Olympic Committee's actions to promote increased participation of women in sport activities and to publicize their achievements. Moreover, during the Olympic Games, a nationalistic fervor might affect the equality of gender coverage.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和调查法,对温州地区社会体育发展环境、体育人口现状及体育行为特征进行了调查分析。结果表明:①温州体育场馆建设发展相对滞后,体育健身资源分布不平衡;社会体育指导员总量有待于进一步增加,体育健身组织网络较为健全;②体育人口低于全国和浙江省的比例,女性体育人口多于男性,城市体育人口多于乡镇;③温州地区城乡居民倾向于选择简单易行和趣味性强的运动项目,且喜欢集体活动,男女对体育锻炼场所的选择和体育消费上有差别。  相似文献   

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