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《白鲸》讲述了捕鲸船亚哈船长与他的仇敌白鲸之间惊心动魄的故事。评论界对麦尔维尔笔下的亚哈船长的评论褒贬不一,其主要原因在于亚哈复杂的个性。一方面,他是一个不畏艰险铁骨铮铮的硬汉,另一方面,他偏执而功利,造成了“皮阔德”号覆灭的悲剧。剖析亚哈复杂的个性对于解读《白鲸》这部历史巨著是极其重要的。亚哈身上体现了令人钦佩的正义品质:百折不挠、英勇无畏、经验丰富;同时还具有令人恐惧的邪恶力量:偏执、自私、专横。他集正义与邪恶与一身,具有鲜明的双重性。  相似文献   

解读麦尔维尔在《白鲸》中塑造的亚哈这一人物形象,我们会发现很难对这位游离于正义与邪恶之间,集结了英雄与恶魔特质的复杂个体下一个准确的定义。本文仅从亚哈船长不向命运低头,敢于正视自己的残疾,敢于挑战比自己强悍百倍的莫比.迪克,敢于抛弃一切甚至生命去维护"人类的尊严"等这些闪光点,以及由于他的自私、偏执导致的悲剧结局来探讨这一人物形象对现如今读者的积极意义和消极意义。  相似文献   

赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的《白鲸》是美国浪漫主义小说的代表作。主人公亚哈船长是个性特征极其复杂的人物,其性格特征与其个人命运有着密切的联系。本文主要通过对亚哈的极端个人主义、骄傲专横、自负及缺乏理性自律等性格特征进行探究分析,来解读他的悲剧命运。  相似文献   

《白鲸》是19世纪美国浪漫主义小说家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔的代表作。作品记叙了"裴廓德号"捕鲸船船长亚哈在同一条巨大凶猛的白鲸莫比·迪克搏斗中船破身亡的经历,深刻揭示了人与自然应该和谐相处的主题。本文分别从亚哈、白鲸和实马力三个不同主体的角度深层次探究了这一主题,对构建社会主义和谐社会具有现实意义。  相似文献   

正裴圭特号捕鲸船船长亚哈,从事捕鲸业已经四十年。上次出海时,一条腿被一只抹香鲸鱼咬掉。这只白鲸凶猛而狡诈,许多捕鲸者因它而失肢断臂,船破人亡。亚哈发誓哪怕走遍天涯海角也一定要捕杀它。他不断地分析季节和洋流及食物流的变化,研究这只白鲸的动向,决定船的航线,辗转世界,拼命寻找。亚哈终于发现了白鲸,追击持续了三天,狂风怒浪,人与鲸展开了一轮又一轮的殊死搏斗,最后同归于尽。裴圭特号  相似文献   

《白鲸》是麦尔维尔的代表作,小说的主人公亚哈船长,是一个敢于挑战自然、而又注定失败的英雄人物。亚哈的动机、性格和命运折射出了他身上的悲剧英雄主义气质。麦尔维尔成功地塑造了亚哈这一悲剧英雄,揭示出人与自然必须保持和谐统一关系的真理。  相似文献   

杨家云 《考试周刊》2008,(22):198-200
<莫比·迪克>具有丰富的内蕴,无论是作为实体的白鲸还是抽象的白鲸,都能引起读者的无限遐想.船长亚哈追寻白鲸的过程其实就是他实现自己梦想的过程.同时,因为金币,我们了解了不同船员对于金币的态度及他们对于这一切追寻的思考.而书中充斥全篇的"渎神"理念更是让人想对作者的"胆大妄为"一探究竟.  相似文献   

在麦尔维尔笔下,《白鲸》描述了亚哈船长对白鲸执着追杀的毁灭之路,其背后潜藏着一个伟大的主题,即人与神的抗争及一种对自由的探寻。亚哈对上帝与世间一切荒诞的反抗,宣泄了一个最强有力的人同时是世上最孤独的人,荒诞世界里人意识到荒诞后不顾一切反抗上帝追寻自由。  相似文献   

复仇是美国小说家赫尔曼·麦尔维尔小说<白鲸>的一个最为显著和重要的主题.从复仇这一主题出发,探究亚哈船长向白鲸莫比·迪克的复仇和以白鲸为代表的鲸类向亚哈为代表的人类发起的反复仇的不同原因,有助于深入理解这一主题.  相似文献   

《白鲸》是一部场面宏大、内容繁杂的恢宏巨著。《白鲸》中的任务大都可以在《圣经》中找到原型。《白鲸》中的预言可以作为深刻理解这部小说内涵的一个重要方面。梅普尔神甫的布道揭示了亚哈作为一个"伪基督教徒"的任性妄为;疯癫水手以利亚的喃喃自语预言了"裴廓德号"的悲剧命运;次要但又非常重要的人物费达拉的预言是一条推进小说情节的隐含线索,他是上帝派来的维护上帝权威,惩罚亚哈船长的忠诚卫士。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study compared children's reports of two medical events, to assess the effects of the type of event on children's recall. Additionally, the study examined the effect of props on children's event reports. METHOD: Twenty children between the ages of 37 and 67 months were interviewed following either a voiding cysto-urethrogram (VCUG) or a pediatric assessment (PA) at a hospital. Interviews were conducted between 6 and 8 days after the event and included a doll and prop items. RESULTS: Ratings of stress were significantly higher for children who underwent the VCUG than those who underwent the PA. Children who experienced the VCUG procedure reported more correct information than the children who experienced the PA. Age was correlated with the total amount of correct information reported. Stress levels were correlated with both errors and accuracy of information. CONCLUSIONS: Children who experienced a stressful medical procedure remembered more than children who experienced a neutral medical event, although this increase in amount recalled was at the expense of accuracy. These findings suggest that stress impacts negatively on recall: however, the unique and structured nature of the VCUG procedure compared to the PA, and the familiarity of the PA prop items to the children who experienced the VCUG procedure, may also have contributed to differences in recall of the two events.  相似文献   

Research Findings: This study used data from a national sample to examine differences in school outcomes at the end of kindergarten between Head Start children who attended full-day and half-day programs. Propensity scores were used to match children who experienced different intensities of the program on a series of demographic characteristics in order to achieve a more unbiased estimation of the intensity effect. Analyses were performed on 2 different age cohorts: 3-year-olds who enrolled in the program for 2 years and 4-year-olds who enrolled in the program for 1 year. The results showed that in comparison to a demographically comparable group of children who attended the Head Start half-day program, children who experienced the more intensive full-day program showed no significant differences on any of the 5 academic and social outcome measures examined. Practice or Policy: Policy and practice implications, as well as future research ideas, are discussed within this context.  相似文献   

Hulme PA 《Child abuse & neglect》2000,24(11):1471-1484
OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study was to (1) determine the symptomatology of women primary care patients who experienced childhood sexual abuse (CSA), using both a self-report survey and a chart review, and (2) determine their health care utilization patterns, using chart and information system reviews. METHOD: An ex post facto research design was used. Women primary care patients who experienced CSA were compared with those who reported no CSA. Participants were recruited from a random sample of women patients from a large primary care clinic. They were mailed the survey; chart and information system reviews were conducted on those who returned surveys. RESULTS: Of the 395 participants, 23% reported past CSA on the survey. Women who experienced CSA reported 44 out of 51 physical and psychosocial symptoms more frequently than their counterparts who reported no past CSA. Further, they experienced these symptoms more intensely and in greater number. In their charts, however, far fewer differences in symptoms between groups were found. Nonetheless, women who experienced CSA visited the primary care clinic an average of 1.33 more times than women with no CSA, and they incurred an average of $150 more in primary care charges over a 2-year period. CONCLUSIONS: The findings indicate that many women primary care patients who experienced CSA suffer multiple symptoms that are not reflected in their charts. In addition, the findings demonstrate that not only is CSA associated with increased primary care visits, but also increased primary care costs, as measured by charges.  相似文献   

This paper reports a series of myths and realities derived from a study designed to answer two basic questions: What is the experience of an educator who develops a health disabling condition? In what ways are these educators similar to or different from teachers who do not leave the classroom? The study of 422 educators included four groups: all teachers currently on long-term disability; all teachers on LTD within the last five years who had subsequently returned to work; a selected group of teachers who had acknowledged interest in leaving the profession, and a selected group of teachers who were identified by area administrators as satisfied with teaching as a career, and who were judged to be physically and emotionally well. Interviews and questionnaires were used. This article is restricted to reporting the highlights synthesized from the combination of the qualitative and quantitative methodologies and reported as myths and realities.  相似文献   

It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful to success, than to initiate a new order of things. For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit by the old order, and only lukewarm defenders in all those who profit by the new order, this lukewarmness arising partly from fear of their adversaries, who have the laws in their favour; and partly from the incredulity of mankind, who do not truly believe in anything new until they have actual experience of it. (Machiavelli)


OBJECTIVE: The first objective of this study was to determine if children exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to be cruel to animals than children not exposed to violence. The second was to determine if there were significant age and gender differences between children who were and were not cruel to animals. METHOD: A community sample of 47 mothers with two children and a history of domestic violence were compared to a matched sample of 45 mothers with two children who did not have such a history. RESULTS: Children exposed to domestic violence were significantly more likely to have been cruel to animals than children not exposed to violence. The age and gender of children who were cruel to animals did not differ from children who were not cruel to animals. However, exposed children cruel to animals were significantly older than non-exposed children cruel to animals. CONCLUSION: Animal cruelty by children is correlated with exposure to domestic violence.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: This study was an exploratory analysis of the variables which differentiated incest survivors who self-mutilate from those who do not. METHOD: A sample of women incest survivors (N = 84) were divided into two groups based on the presence or absence of self-mutilation. Participants included both community and clinical populations. A packet consisting of a demographic questionnaire, Sexual Attitudes Survey, Diagnostic Inventory of Personality and Symptoms, Dissociative Events Scale and the Beck Depression Inventory was completed by each participant. RESULTS: Demographic, incest, and family of origin variables distinguished the self-mutilating women from those who did not. These include ethnicity and educational experiences; duration, frequency, and perpetrator characteristics regarding the incest; and multiple abuses, instability, birth order, and loss of mother in one's family of origin. Psychological and physical health concerns also differentiated between the two groups. CONCLUSIONS: Many variables may differentiate between women incest survivors who self-mutilate from those who do not. A rudimentary checklist to describe the lives of incest survivors who self-mutilate resulted from these findings. The importance of the concept of embodiment is also discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to determine whether pedophiles have a weaker identity structure compared with nonsexual offenders. METHOD: The recruitment process secured the participation of 87 male adult subjects, divided into three groups: 27 pedophiles who abused male victims (X = 38.6 years), 30 pedophiles who abused female victims (X = 35.5 years), 30 nonsexual offenders (X = 29.8 years). The concept of identity was examined on the basis of two factors: body image limits and ego identity. Two objective tests, the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) and the Ego Identity Scale, and one projective test, the Rorschach scored according to the Fisher and Cleveland method, were used. RESULTS: A multivariate analysis of covariance, at a significance threshold of p < .05, indicated that pedophiles who abused female victims and pedophiles who abused male victims have more fragile body image limits, as measured by the penetration score, and present a higher level of social introversion (Si scale) than do nonsexual offenders. Moreover, pedophiles who abused male victims have a weaker ego (Es scale) than do pedophiles who abused female victims and nonsexual offenders. In other respects, no significant intergroup difference emerged in terms of body image limits as measured by the barrier score and of strength of ego identity (Ego Identity Scale). CONCLUSIONS: Conceptual and empirical elements related to body image and ego identity are addressed to shed light on the potential disturbances in the identity of pedophile subjects. These results imply not only that certain impairments exist at the level of the basis structures of the personality, but also that these impairments should be taken into account in formulating a program and devising a therapeutic process for pedophiles.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The goal of this study was to contrast the childhood environment of adult psychiatric outpatients reporting to have been bullied at school with those who were not. METHOD: One-hundred-sixty consecutive adult outpatients from a psychiatric clinic in Norway completed self-administered questionnaires about their psychosocial environment during childhood and adolescence. The frequency of being bullied was measured with an inventory used in schools. Also, the Parental Bonding Instrument (PBI) and the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ) were used. RESULTS: Men who were bullied in childhood tended to grow up without biological fathers. Women who were bullied scored significantly lower on Father Care on the PBI and significantly higher on Emotional Neglect, Emotional and Physical Abuse and Physical Neglect on CTQ than those who weren't. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that to be bullied in school years is associated with characteristic psychosocial features in the environment of early childhood and adolescence.  相似文献   

人的本质是什么?历代的哲学家从不同的观点和角度出发,对这个问题给出了多种回答。有说:人是理性的动物。又有说:人是制造工具的动物。德国哲学家卡西尔力图从一种与前人不同的角度对人的本质进行动态的诠释,提出了一种新的回答:人是符号动物。  相似文献   

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