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The purpose of this case study was to determine the feasibility of delivering a course on-campus and in real time, simultaneously transmitting it to students who were remotely accessing the same course. In future years, it is anticipated that universities will have inadequate physical facilities to meet the demands of an increasing student population. Additionally, with warnings of impending pandemics, universities need to be prepared to deliver courses in alternative ways to ensure continuity of instruction. Thus, this pilot project was designed to deliver a course to a large section of students while also allowing off-campus students access to the course in real time. The planning and delivery of the course is described, including the technology used, the support provided by the university and technology support staff, the course that was used for the pilot project, and how students were selected to participate as the off-campus students. The perspectives of the instructor, teaching assistant, students (both on- and off-campus), and technology support personnel are summarized.  相似文献   

建设工程项目管理是一项相对复杂的工作,本文针对目前高等院校建设管理过程中存在的一些问题,提出高校建设工程项目全过程管理的重要性,并结合现场实际工作经验,指出高校基建项目管理人员要加强理论知识的学习,做足前期准备工作,选择优质的设计和施工单位,加强工程管理力度,做好竣工结算,合理控制建设工程项目质量、进度和造价.  相似文献   

如何加强来华留学生工作是教育国际化发展趋势下的重点工作。通过对宁波部分高校来华留学生招收和管理现状的调查,在总结数量少、起步难,留学生配套设施不齐全,师资力量薄弱,教授留学生经验不足等共性问题基础上,提出相应的对策,希望能对来华留学生工作有所促进。  相似文献   


Although students with learning disabilities (LD) are increasing in Australian universities (Smith, Carroll, & Elkins, 1999), limited data is available about this group and the services available to them. This paper reports the results of a 1996 survey of university outreach, transition and orientation programs to attract potential students with LD and assist them in adjusting to higher education study. The availability of generic and specialist support services and accommodations was also investigated.

Universities promote awareness of disability support services widely in outreach to prospective students and at application and/or enrolment, although students with LD are seldom specifically targeted. Formal programs to assist students from equity groups or students with disabilities to consider tertiary study are most frequently directed at high school students; only one quarter of the universities had outreach programs which might include adults with LD. Most universities offer a comprehensive range of support to students with LD through both generic and disability services. Approaches to the documentation of diagnostic assessment and the establishment of need for accommodation are however variable, and raise issues of equity which are of concern to disability support staff.  相似文献   

通过对安徽省国有煤矿职工体育行为现状进行调查分析,职工参加体育活动的动机相对集中,多元化现象不明显;职工参加体育活动的场所、项目单一;没时间、身心疲劳、不知道如何锻炼和缺乏体育运动健身设施是阻碍煤矿职工体育发展的主要因素;为此提出针对性的建议及措施,以促进职工体育的发展。  相似文献   

This study addresses the implications of higher education marketisation for quality in Kenya. It focuses on full fee-paying programmes, the de facto market source of revenue for Kenya’s public universities. The study argues that Kenya’s public universities were precipitately subjected to diminished public capitation, and so was their plunging into marketisation. These institutions started enrolling full fee-paying students at a time when they were strained in terms of institutional capacity. There were not enough physical facilities, and most of those available were suffering decay following many years of neglect. They did not have enough teaching staff, a problem, which the marketisation agenda has made worse. The desire to claim a bigger share in the student market has seen the introduction of many new courses in advance of capacity to offer them. The study concludes that by seeking economic self-determination through full fee-paying programmes, in advance of a well-developed institutional capacity, the subsequent pressure seems to have made the quality situation worse.  相似文献   

英汉双语教学的忧思   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
目前我们国家正在推行高等院校英汉双语教学,值得商榷和反思。在高等院校推行英汉双语教学缺乏必要性和可行性,不仅于法无据且有悖于法,对我国的高等教育事业不仅无益而且有害。它挤占了学生的学习时间,妨碍学生对科学知识的掌握,影响学生能力的培养,容易使崇洋媚外的思想潜生暗长,助长了当前国内正在泛滥的英语霸权。英汉双语教学不宜推行。  相似文献   

当前高校教务管理:问题述评与对策因应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着教学体制与管理理念的嬗变,我国高校教务管理中制度建构的主客观性、目标定位的价值取向、内部结构的核心功能、职员素养的反思提升等问题日益暴露于当今教育改革的现实界面。探究并厘清其中的基本问题和主次问题,不仅为阐明问题之应对策略,也能促进教务管理专业化和现代教务管理机制建设。具体而言,应从以下几方面做起:其一,创新管理制度,以学分制为中介,以和谐管理为宗旨,联动科学管理与人本管理;其二,明晰教务管理的主体目标和客体"软"、"硬"目标,有的放矢,合理取向;其三,坚守教务管理内部结构中的学生核心和课程核心地位,充分发挥其核心功能;其四,树立五种意识、培养四种能力、完善三种机制,提升职员素养。  相似文献   

在高等教育人才培养过程中,毕业设计(论文)是一个重要实践性教学环节,也是学生毕业前最后一次综合实战模拟演练,对学生能力培养有着不可或缺的重要作用。文章分析了地方高校毕业设计(论文)教学环节中存在的质量影响因素,从师资力量、导师制度、选题、网络化管理、过程管理等方面,提出了相应的管理策略与办法,以期达到提高毕业设计(论文)质量与水平的目的。  相似文献   

大学毕业生就业形势的日益严峻对高校就业指导工作人员的素质提出了高标准和高要求。高校就业工作人员对学生的指导和帮助将影响到学生能否成功就业,能否顺利渡过从学校到工作的适应期,能否科学的设计自己的职业生涯。然而高校就业工作人员的素质及其培训却还未得到高校、社会、理论研究者们足够的重视。本文就高校就业工作人员素质及开发进行了研究。  相似文献   

香港高等教育国际化现状分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
香港是中西文化的荟萃地,国际性是香港高等教育的显著特征.本文从教育观念、师资构成、学生来源、课程设置和管理的国际化以及办学条件的现代化等方面,详细分析了香港高等教育国际化现状及发展策略.  相似文献   

The higher education sector is increasingly reliant upon casual (‘sessional’) staff for teaching and marking purposes. While this practice has been little examined in the past, over the last few years increasing attention has been paid to the quality of marking, mainly because students and academic staff alike are becoming increasingly likely to question examples of poor practice. Hence, many universities in Australia are now attempting to introduce stricter procedures relating to marking. Despite current concerns, there is little published research on marking practices in Australian universities. This paper adds to the body of knowledge by reporting on two pieces of empirical research into the use of casual markers. A project at Charles Sturt University comprised focus groups of, respectively, students, lecturers and markers, and a survey of distance education students. Research at the University of South Australia focused on pedagogical issues relating to marking, comparing the approaches of permanent lecturing staff with those of sessional markers. The results of these projects provide a useful insight into areas of current concern to university staff and management.  相似文献   

高校校园工程建设具有时间短、工期弹性小的特点,高校工程建设需要建立科学的基建管理模式,制定项目各阶段的工作计划,认真做好项目实施的准备工作,优选施工队伍,合理控制设计阶段及施工阶段的进度.  相似文献   

据调查,我国高校选修课的教学和管理还不甚完善。选修课的数量不足,教学质量不高,学生的兴趣不浓,逃课现象严重。选而不修、注重实用的现象普遍存在。有鉴于此,应充分挖掘教学资源,鼓励有能力的教师多开选修课,加强选修课教学的管理,确保选修课的教学质量,同时,还要适度增加实用性选修课的数量,并合理安排选修课的授课时间。  相似文献   

以高校生活区管理为载体促进学生全面发展,这是中西方高校学生社区管理工作的共同目标,也是当前高校学生管理工作向学生社区拓展延伸的主要目的。高校如何对学生社区进行科学管理,发挥其隐性教育功能,是高校教育工作者面临的一个崭新课题。比较我国与西方高校学生社区的管理理念、体制、方式、学生参与程度以及队伍建设等各个方面,旨在借鉴经验,进一步改进我国高校学生社区的管理工作。  相似文献   

高校思想政治理论课师资队伍建设非常重要,既是社会主义荣辱观教育、构建和谐社会的必然要求,又是高等教育改革和发展的重要内容,关系到大学生思想政治教育的落实及其质量的提高。调查发现,高校思想政治理论课师资队伍整体良好,同时也存在不少问题。作为一项系统工程,高校思想政治理论课师资队伍建设必须多管齐下,通过健全管理机制、提供制度保障,创建良好氛围、落实扶持政策,增加教学投入、改善教学条件,加大培训力度、优化师资结构,改进教学方法、提高科研能力等途径,最终促进思想政治理论课教师整体素质的提高,优化师资队伍。  相似文献   

当下,大学生体能呈明显下降趋势,情势堪忧。大学生自觉锻炼意识不强,高校对体育教育重视不够,学校体育场馆设施不足,体育教学存在的应试化倾向等是其主要原因。体育观体现着教育观,体育教学质量影响着整个教育质量,必须从培养身心健康全面和谐发展的人的高度来看待大学体育教育,改进教学方法和考核办法,努力养成青年学生自觉锻炼的习惯,使体育成为人们的一种生活方式。  相似文献   

在新的时期和新的形势下,大学生的思想政治素质总体状况积极向上,但少数学生思想政治素质低下,且呈现出一些新特点,针对这些新特点,高校应积极完善和拓展校园管理、校园活动和校园传媒等载体,加大对大学生进行思想政治教育的力度,不断提高大学生的思想政治素养。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the factors influencing the practical training quality of agricultural higher education programmes from the senior students’ perspective. The study was conducted in two public universities located in the north-west of Iran using a cross-sectional survey and structured interviews with a randomised sample of 254 agricultural senior students. The students reported that they received low-quality practical training throughout their agricultural courses. In order for there to be an improvement in the quality of practical training, three elements are essential: active participation of academic staff, effective inter-organisational communication with private and public institutions, and active participation of students in the curriculum. Establishing a strong linkage between universities and relevant institutions could provide the required facilities and an effective learning environment for the students through internship opportunities outside universities and would prepare them for the labour market.  相似文献   

慧鱼模型以良好的拓展性、丰富的知识性和趣味性,成为很多高校的创新实践教具。但慧鱼创新作为实验室开放的一项活动,在管理方面仍存在很多薄弱环节,结合2年来慧鱼创新实验室开放和管理经验,对慧鱼创新活动在制度、零件、开放和人员等管理方面进行了改进和探索,建立了分类管理和统一管理相结合的零件管理模式,提出了自主管理和项目管理的开放管理方法,同时针对开放实验期间人员管理的薄弱环节,建立了交流平台,促进学员的沟通、协作。各方面管理工作的不断完善、相互促进,有效地保障了实验室开放活动,并在实践过程中取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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