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In Grutter vs. Bollinger, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the use of race as one factor, among many in admissions decisions is constitutional. It is not known, however, whether future legal opinions will continue to uphold the use of affirmative action policies. Some have argued that class-based preferences can achieve many of the same goals as in affirmative action while being more likely to withstand legal challenges. To date, no empirical studies have been conducted on the potential impact of a class-based admissions policy if implemented at an undergraduate institution. This paper reports on a study at a selective public college and compares a number of outcomes under three admissions models: the original admissions decisions, a purely academic model, and an socio-economic status (SES)-based model. The findings showed that use of the SES-based model would have led to a more academically qualified class than in the original admitted class while maintaining substantially greater student diversity that was found under the academic model. An admissions policy based on preferences for socio-economically disadvantaged applicants appears to hold promise for other colleges and universities with similar institutional and applicant characteristics. The ideas and research design reported in this paper are based on the doctoral dissertation study of the second author, Undergraduate Admissions Models Incorporating Socioeconomic Factors (Johnson, 2000).  相似文献   

In this paper, I examine the impact of legacy status on admissions decisions at 30 highly selective colleges and universities. Unlike other quantitative studies addressing this topic, I use conditional logistic regression with fixed effects for colleges to draw conclusions about the impact of legacy status on admissions odds. By doing so, I eliminate most sources of outcome bias by controlling for applicant characteristics that are constant across colleges and college characteristics that are constant across applicants. I estimate that the odds of admission are multiplied by a factor 3.13 due to legacy status. My results also suggest that the magnitude of this legacy admissions advantage depends greatly on the nature of the familial ties between the applicant and the outcome college, and, to a lesser extent, the selectivity of the outcome college and the applicant's academic strength.  相似文献   

Critics of affirmative action policies contend that the elimination of racial preferences in college admissions would lead to a “more-able” student body. We develop a simple model comprised of three classes of college admissions—merit, race and legacy—to show that it is possible that a change in admissions policy that reduces racial preferences leads to a “less-able” student body. The change in admissions policy may serve only to ensure that more admissions are available for “sale” to wealthy alumni through legacy preferences. In other words, when there are multi-dimensional preferences, reducing or eliminating one dimension of preferences may lead to the unforeseen consequence of producing a “less able” student body.  相似文献   

开放办学是高等教育发展的内在规律之一,是现代高等教育的基本特征,也是高校存在与发展的重要基础和基本条件。校友是高校最宝贵、最丰富的开放办学资源,是高校伸向社会、联动世界的触角,做好校友工作、用好校友资源,是高校开放办学不可或缺的内容。在开放办学话语下,校友工作必须解放思想,实现"三个转变":从"囿于现状"到"积极作为",从"单方获益"到"合作共赢",从"偶尔联系"到"常来常往"。创新方法,构建"三好体系":建好"信息库",织好"校友网",打好"感情牌"。聚力开放,打造"三类平台":建设校友互动"根据地",构筑社会合作"主战场",搭建国际交流"桥头堡"。  相似文献   

One justification offered for legacy admissions policies at universities is that that they bind entire families to the university. Proponents maintain that these policies have a number of benefits, including increased donations from members of these families. We use a rich set of data from an anonymous selective research institution to investigate which types of family members have the most important effect upon donative behavior. We find that the effects of attendance by members of the younger generation (children, children-in-law, nieces and nephews) are greater than the effects of attendance by the older generations (parents, parents-in-law, aunts and uncles). Previous research has indicated that, in a variety of contexts, men and women differ in their altruistic behavior. However, we find that there are no statistically discernible differences between men and women in the way their donations depends on the alumni status of various types of relatives. Neither does the gender of the various types of relatives who attended the university seem to matter. Thus, for example, the impact of having a son attend the university is no different from the effect of a daughter.  相似文献   

A number of recommendations to improve undergraduate education have been put forth in the higher education literature. However, we maintain that the implementation of these recommendations at our colleges and universities is unlikely if norms or group standards of appropriate and inappropriate behavior do not support these recommendations. Consequently, this study investigated the normative support for 6 selected recommendations to improve undergraduate education at teaching-oriented colleges. Results indicate support for 3 of the 6 recommendations: systematic program of advisement, providing students with prompt, formative feedback on assignments, and fostering an egalitarian classroom climate. These are the same recommendations supported by norms at higher education institutions that are more focused toward research and graduate education. The implications suggest that the normative structure that supports teaching improvement efforts may be more similar among various institutions than previous research might have indicated.  相似文献   

校友资源是高校发展不可忽视的一支重要力量。文章分析了校友资源与高校发展的关系,并针对高校校友资源的现状,提出了充分利用校友资源发展高校的路径:重视高校校友工作,努力培育"三个意识";积极响应校友诉求,深度开发校友资源;大力宣传校友事迹,发挥校友榜样作用;以校友带动校企合作,提升高校教育质量。  相似文献   

This research analyzed faculty evaluations of college presidents' role performance with the intent of identifying underlying dimensions and to ask further which dimensions predicted faculty satisfaction with presidents. Data were gathered from 896 faculty members from two technical colleges, three community colleges, two private universities and three public universities in a Western state. The factor analysis revealed three relatively independent dimensions of the presidential role: personal-public image, faculty and student interaction with presidents, and absence of autocratic leadership style. The personal-public image was the most important dimension and predicted faculty satisfaction across the four types of institutions of higher learning. Faculty-student interaction with the president, while not as important a dimension of the presidential role, predicted faculty satisfaction in three institutional types, but not in public universities. The absence of autocratic leadership style predicted satisfaction in community and technical colleges.  相似文献   

State-Level Post-tenure Review Policies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
State-level policies mandating post-tenure review in public colleges and universities have proliferated since the early nineties. A look at what Virginia's 1994 Commission on the Future of Higher Education said about tenure and post-tenure review reveals the thinking that lies behind many of the initiatives. As the commissioners said, For the general public and corporate executives, tenure is about an entrenched system that is perceived to place a much higher premium on research than on teaching, that causes the institution to be inflexible rather than flexible, and that appears to ensure employment regardless of performance. Policy makers view post-tenure review, then, as a safeguard against what they see to be the lack of accountability and performance incentives in a tenure system. This article provides an overview of the post-tenure review policies in the states, describes their features, and speculates about their future.  相似文献   

This paper examines whether donations to colleges and universities are partly motivated by the desire of alumni to increase their children’s admissions probabilities. The paper uses data from a single-sex college, so that only alums with a daughter would evince this motive. We find that alums with a teenage daughter, as opposed to a teenage son, are more likely to make donations of at least $5,000. The same relationship is not evident for smaller donations, or when children are older than 18. Further, we find evidence that this difference in the probability of a donation by alums with teenage daughters and teenage sons does not exist when acceptance rates are higher in an earlier period.  相似文献   

Interactional diversity, defined as informal engagement with diverse peers that occurs outside of the classroom, is one way for colleges and universities to facilitate connections between and among students (Bowman, 2010). Little is known, however, about the enduring effects of interactional diversity, particularly as it relates to disability. LEAD, an institutional, undergraduate disability awareness group, provides context for the exploration of interactional diversity and disability. The purpose of this retrospective, qualitative study was to understand what 17 LEAD alumni believed they learned as a result of their interactions with peers with disabilities. The results of this research highlight the potential of collegiate disability awareness groups and their importance as a possibility for promoting interactional diversity.  相似文献   

Faculty and administrators responded to 32 activity statements related to scholarship on a frequency basis and on the characteristicness of the role. Approximately 1,000 faculty members in 24 colleges and universities and 55 administrators from 5 of the schools participated. Factor analysis revealed 6 dimensions of scholarship — professional activity, research (publishing), teaching, service, artistic endeavor, and engagement with the novel, the last being a new conception, one valued highly by both faculty and administrators in all types of colleges and universities. Significant differences appeared with respect to faculty and administrative views on the importance of research in regional universities.  相似文献   

The female advantage in college enrollment and completion has generated concern among university officials and sparked debate about gender-conscious college admissions. There are a number of explanations for this increasing gender imbalance on college campuses. This paper focuses on the role played by admissions policies that base decisions solely on applicants’ high school grades. Given that females earn higher grades than males, such policies can contribute to growing female shares in admissions. To exemplify this trend, I use publicly-available data from Texas to show that the Texas Top 10% plan, which guarantees public university admission to students who graduate in the top decile of their high school class, led to an increase in the female share of accepted students. The increase was particularly large among black students, where the female share of admitted students was already highest among the major racial/ethnic groups.  相似文献   

伴随着我国经济持续、健康发展,我国高校校友捐赠数额快速增长,已逐渐成为高校办学经费的重要资金来源.文章从改善高校财务状况、促进高校学术自由和增强校友凝聚力等三个方面,分析了校友捐赠对高校发展的积极作用;从校友、学校、社会环境与文化背景、政策与法律制度等四个角度,分析了影响高校校友捐赠的因素.作为校友捐赠的受益主体,高校应加强校友会组织与管理工作,健全和创新校友会的组织体系,加大校友捐赠的宣传力度,营造校友捐赠文化氛围,以吸引更多的校友捐赠.  相似文献   

我国世界一流大学建设高校及一流学科建设学科名单的正式公布,标志着我国“双一流”建设已进入具体实施阶段。对于地方本科院校而言,既充满了机遇,又面临着挑战。该文旨在明确地方本科院校学科专业一体化建设的必要性,通过剖析地方本科院校学科专业建设面临的问题,提出相应的对策,以促使地方本科院校提升综合实力。  相似文献   

九十年代以来,为了争取优质生源,美国大学的招生策略逐渐走向市场化、技术化,学业成就成为大学录取新生的主要依据。申请大学人数的不断增加促使大学提高了录取标准,导致大学整体的录取率和入学率有所下降。近几年,大学招生规模的持续扩展并未使教育机会的差距有所缩小,如何提高各族裔学生入学机会的公平性将继续成为未来几年大学招生人员、公共政策制定者面临的一大挑战。  相似文献   

With the purpose of gaining a better understanding of the impacts that attending a work college may have on students while in college and up to 25 years later, this study estimated the effects of graduating from a group of work colleges on alumni educational and employment outcomes. Based on an overall sample of 7083 alumni from 5 work colleges, 20 private liberal arts colleges, and 5 public regional universities, a series of regression equations tested for differences across a range of college and employment related outcomes. With respect to a variety of facets of undergraduate educational outcomes, results indicate that attending a work college, relative to other types of institutions, has significant long-term effects. With respect to socioeconomic outcomes, results indicate that work colleges provide the greatest benefit to students from families with relatively low parental incomes. This research was supported by grants from The Mellon and Spencer Foundations.  相似文献   

Using the 1975 National Center for Educational Statistics/Bureau of Census Participation in Adult Education survey data, this paper presents an analysis of part-time students at colleges and universities—who participates and who persists. Separate analyses of public two-year colleges and noncredit activities are also presented. The analysis is followed with a discussion of the implications. A general conclusion is that adult education at colleges and universities may rest on a precariously narrow base.  相似文献   

In the 1960's many colleges and universities developed programs for disadvantaged students in higher education. Almost all programs were involved to a certain extent with four different areas: basic skills development, affective objectives, use of technological aids, and evaluation of students.In order to determine the specific policies and practices in the academic programs now being implemented for the disadvantaged student, a questionnaire was designed and mailed to 262 colleges and universities. The questionnaire listed 14 academic program statements and asked the respondents to what extent the statements applied to their particular programs.The respondents indicated that teaching relationships with minority groups must be highly personal for effective learning to take place. They recognized the importance of communication skills but also felt that such virtues as self-discipline and self-respect were equally important as academic skills. In addition, most respondents felt their students did not need social skills (such as the ability to relate to fellow students) more than communication skills. Reading machines, tape recorders, computer-assisted instruction, and other technological aids tended not to be used in most programs. Compensatory work seldom carried college credit. Most programs did not have a pass-no-pass system for academic assessments, and almost no programs gave students financial incentives for grades or class attendance.  相似文献   

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