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This article investigates how a structured post-course follow-up reflection activity affects the depth of reflection and facilitates the transfer of learning. The research is reflective, based on the findings from the Action Learning Management Practicum, a 3rd year paper at Massey University, New Zealand. The initial reflections at the end of the course generally went no deeper than students “noticing”, or “making sense” of the experiences. With the benefit of distance and time away from the course, the students' reflection was deep and insightful. The findings suggest that the post-course reflection activity enables participants to “make meaning” from their experiences with the benefit of time and distance from the initial post-course reflection, thus enhancing the transfer of learning. The article argues for an extension and adaptation to Kolb's “Experiential Learning Cycle” model in relation to the time of reflection based on the empirical evidence provided.  相似文献   

Time is not lost, I deem, in bewailing and mourning our fate when answering tears stand ready in the listener's eye.

Prometheus Bound 1 1 Lynch's 1970 work, Christ and Prometheus: A New Image of the Secular, explores in three “acts” two pivotal questions that run throughout most of his works: “What is the place of the secular in a totally religious world?” and “What is the place of the sacred in an overwhelmingly secular world?” (p. 15). On page 49 he refers particularly to Images of Hope with these words: “In an earlier book, on hope, I tried to sketch a path of approximation to innocence for the mentally ill. There it was a matter of taking away from the sick the burden of finding a one, nonexistent right way in all situations, an inscrutable way of the will of God, that would come from outside our own wishes and would condition all of these wishes. There is no greater torment than this kind of endless, external search for innocence. We must restore the primacy of man as a wishing being who, as long as he is within reality, creates the right thing by the absolute unconditionality of his own wishing. This wish does not have to go out of itself.” Ironically, he wanted Christ and Prometheus entitled “In Search of Innocence” (p. 36). Presumably, the editors prevailed.



If we consider the shape of the criminal field during the Third Republic, we observe quite a sophisticated architecture which is due to the creation of intermediary spaces such as the Conseil supérieur des prisons or the Société générale des prisons. As a laboratory for criminal law, the Société established itself as a kind of private and extra‐parliamentary commission, permanently in session. Consideration of these spaces will enable us to reflect upon the sociopolitical ways of elaborating law, the networks of social reform or public action and the different development “schemes” of the political aspects in the criminal domain. 1 1Bruno Jobert, “L'Etat en action, l'apport des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique XXXV (1985), pp. 654–682; Id., “Représentations sociales, controverses et débats dans la conduite des politiques publiques”, Revue Française de Science Politique, XLII (1992), pp. 219–234; Id., “Mode de médiation sociale et politiques publiques, le cas des politiques sociales”, L'Année sociologique, (1996), pp. 155–178.


In 1874 the eminent Scottish scientist, James Clerk Maxwell, said of Mary Somerville's On the Connexion of the Physical Sciences that it was one of those “suggestive books” which communicate intelligibly the “guiding ideas” already in the minds of “men of science” and so lead the latter to further discoveries. 1 1 Elizabeth Patterson, “ Mary Somerville”, British Journal for the History of Science, IV (1968/1969), p. 322. Mary Somerville's three main publications, all of them updated and reedited a number of times, had a significant impact upon the scientific world of Britain in the nineteenth century. She was seen and, indeed, saw herself, as an expert expositor of science rather than a scientist in her own right. Unusually for a woman, however, she wrote for adults ‐ students and practitioners of science ‐ not children. This paper will explore how influential her scientific writings were in the nineteenth‐century, how and why they came to be written,for whom they were intended and what were the reactions to their publication. This case study will be used as an exemplar of how far, as authors of influential books, women could find a niche in science education or the academic world, or even within the changing cultural construct of “science” itself.


This article focuses on the influence of Wilfred Cantwell Smith's presentation of the nature of faith on James W. Fowler's faith-development paradigm. Smith contended that, in the pre-modern era, terms translated by the English words “faith” and “believe” denoted a personal allegiance that did not require assent to any objective assertions. Two difficulties with Smith's research are highlighted: 1) In the premodern era, the terms translated as “faith” and “believe” denoted both personal allegiance and objective assent. 2) Although “faith” and “believe” primarily indicated personal allegiance in the premodern era, the primacy of personal allegiance within faith does not preclude the presence or the necessity of objective assent. The author suggests that, although Christian faith and Fowlerian stage-development are two distinct phenomena, the reality to which Fowler referred as “faith” describes the psychical context for Christian faith. The article concludes by reflecting on the implications of this concept, suggesting that Christian faith emerges from Fowlerian stage-development, but that the content and development of both phenomena remain essentially distinct.  相似文献   

Campbell's reputation has suffered from modem conceptions that assume Aristotle's Rhetoric as the paradigm for rhetorical theory and from modern commitments to epistemic and dialogic rhetorics. A focus on the place of the passions and emotional appeal in Campbell's Philosophy of Rhetoric (POR) brings his achievement more clearly into view. The “sentiments, passions, dispositions,” three key terms in Campbell's definition of the “grand art of communication,” are an index to his consideration of non‐rational response, a consideration informed by a discussion of “the passions” in the moral psychology of the period and that culminates in Book II of Hume's Treatise on Human Nature. What emerges when POR is seen from this perspective has significance for our understanding of the relationship between reason and passion in persuasion and for our appreciation of POR, which is arguably the most coherent conception of rhetoric that we have.  相似文献   

When Dewey scholars and educational theorists appeal to the value of educative growth, what exactly do they mean? Is an individual's growth contingent on receiving a formal education? Is growth too abstract a goal for educators to pursue? Richard Rorty contended that the request for a “criterion of growth” is a mistake made by John Dewey's “conservative critics,” for it unnecessarily restricts the future “down to the size of the present.” Nonetheless, educational practitioners inspired by Dewey's educational writings may ask Dewey scholars and educational theorists, “How do I facilitate growth in my classroom?” Here Shane Ralston asserts, in spite of Rorty's argument, that searching for a more concrete standard of Deweyan growth is perfectly legitimate. In this essay, Ralston reviews four recent books on Dewey's educational philosophy—Naoko Saito's The Gleam of Light: Moral Perfectionism and Education in Dewey and Emerson, Stephen Fishman and Lucille McCarthy's John Dewey and the Philosophy and Practice of Hope, and James Scott Johnston's Inquiry and Education: John Dewey and the Quest for Democracy and Deweyan Inquiry: From Educational Theory to Practice—and through his analysis identifies some possible ways for Dewey‐inspired educators to make growth a more practical pedagogical ideal.  相似文献   

To support various assumptions outlined in Edwin Black's Rhetorical Criticism, two apparently dissimilar discourses are compared. Thoreau's “Plea for John Brown” and Towne and Stringfellow's “Letter to the Berrigan Brothers” reveal remarkably similar lines of argument. These topoi— the defense of illegal actions by invoking moral law; the slight concern for punishment; the assailing of the government; the impact of the illegal actions on the movement; the identification of the accused with morally superior beings—suggest a genre labeled “moral justification for legal transgressions.”  相似文献   

In the early 1980s, an influx of child immigrants from Ethiopia forced Youth Aliyah and some of its affiliated youth villages to return, unequivocally, to their initial calling. Yet, reports from the field at that time exuded the sort of spirit expressed by one educator: “The situation in the youth villages that opened their doors wide to the underprivileged is getting worse and worse…. Let's be honest with ourselves: the institutions are attempting to solve today's problems with yesterday's tools (emphasis in the original).1 Research studies at that time, too,2 attested to “disappointing facts” (cf. Adiel's introduction [1980] to a collection of studies). A decade of education, which began when the Jewish Agency entered into a covenant with the Government of Israel and undertook to educate underprivileged Israeli children in Youth Aliyah residential settings, ended in an atmosphere almost bereft of commitment to the original Youth Aliyah mission: providing readily available and suitable frameworks for the accommodation of Jewish youth from any potential source of immigration, however unexpected.  相似文献   

In this essay, David Hildebrand connects Democracy and Education to Dewey's wider corpus. Hildebrand argues that Democracy and Education's central objective is to offer a practical and philosophical answer to the question, What is needed to live a meaningful life, and how can education contribute? He argues, further, that this work is still plausible as “summing up” Dewey's overall philosophy due to its focus upon “experience” and “situation,” crucial concepts connecting Dewey's philosophical ideas to one another, to education, and to democracy. He opens the essay with a brief synoptic analysis of Democracy and Education's major philosophical ideas, moves on to sections devoted to experience and situation, and then offers a brief conclusion. Some mention is made throughout about the surprisingly significant role art and aesthetics can play in education.  相似文献   

“The accent in cultural history is on close examin‐ ation — of texts, of pictures, and of actions — and an open‐mindedness to what those examinations will reveal, rather than on elaboration of new master narratives.”

Lynn Hunt (Ed.), The New Cultural History (Berkeley, Calif., 1989), p. 22.

“[Films] are a legitimate way ... of representing, interpreting, thinking about and making meaning from the traces of the past ... that seriously deals with the relationship of past and present.”

Robert A. Rosenstone (Ed.), Revisioning History (Princeton, N.J., 1995), p. 3.

One of postmodernism's major lines of development collapses the boundaries and hierarchical distinctions between elite or academic culture and popular culture, giving us new opportunities to cross boundaries separating history from literature and the arts, the “academic” from the “popular”, the archival from the imaginative. I embrace the freedom that postmodernism offers to entertain new ideas, play different kinds of language games, challenge established “ways of seeing”.

I propose here that we extend the range of what we regard as historical “source” to include film, and that film be accepted by historians of education as a legitimate form of textual representation and important evidentiary “source” for our exploration and interpre‐ tation of culture and of education. What follows is an attempt at integrating film into the historiography of education. For illustrative purposes, I've chosen Peter Weir's “Dead Poets Society” ("DPS”, 1989) for my text. I don't presume to give “the” meaning of “DPS” for understanding recent American educational history, but to suggest some of its possible meanings, which, given the problematic nature of “meaning” in our postmodern epoch, is about all we can hope for, but which may be enough to continue the conversation about movies after the movie is over.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Professional organizations have linked core competency to professional success and competitive strategy. The Research Chefs Assn. (RCA) recently released 43 core competencies for practicing culinologists. Culinology® is a profession that links skills of culinary arts and food science and technology in the development of food products. An online survey was created asking RCA members from all 6 membership categories (Associate, Affiliate, Chef, Culinology, Food Science and Technology (FS&T), and Student) to rate their knowledge level based on a 7‐point scale and agreement to importance in job performance based on a 5‐point Likert scale for each competency statement. RCA participant's (N = 192) survey results were analyzed using SPSS for Windows version 13.0 at a significance level of P < 0.05. Statistical survey validation grouped all 43 competency statements into 8 factors (groupings) according to level of competency proficiency (opposed to the 7 groups each competency was originally designated by the RC A) and into 9 factors according to job success. Results suggest that Chef Members know “Culinary Arts” best and FS&T members know “Food Science” best. A gap analysis determined what competency factors were low in knowledge level yet important to job success for each membership category. Chef members have a lower level of knowledge in “Product Development,”“Food Science,” and “Quality Assurance” factors; however, the factors are important to job success. FS&T members have a lower level of knowledge in “Nutrition” yet identified the factor important to job success. An opportunity exists to improve educational efforts for specific membership categories.  相似文献   

What are the “key competencies” needed in our time? What literacy is needed to make students active participants in their societies and contributors to changing cultures? This article offers a contribution to the ongoing discussion about these questions. It takes as its point of departure the “key competencies” formulated in the OECD program Definition and Selection of Competencies (DeSeCo) in response to educational challenges in a changing world, and the five “basic skills” to be developed in all school subjects from year 1 to year 13 in the Norwegian curriculum of 2006 (LK06). It argues, first, for the need to understand “basic skills” in the perspective of DeSeCo “key competencies”, with a focus, as formulated in DeSeCo, on using tools interactively, acting autonomously, and interacting in heterogeneous groups. Secondly, the aims and purposes of the school subject “Norwegian” in Norway, as formulated in LK06, are discussed in relation to the aims of the DeSeCo key competencies and the concepts of critical literacy and Bildung. Thirdly, the article offers a discussion of how standard language education can become a site for the development of key competencies and critical literacies, drawing on Mikhail Bakhtin's ideas about utterances and voices and Roz Ivanic's about discoursal identities, and talking about the StLE subject as a potential public space, a stage, a resonance room, and a cultural workshop. Finally, some concluding remarks are made about the crucial role of the teacher in such a curriculum, and about the role of standard language education in relation to other school subjects.  相似文献   

Whether the Jewish supplementary school should be operated as if it were a public school depends on the goals of Jewish education. “In terms of ultimate goals, however, Jewish education is now at a crossroads.”1 While all Jewish educators would probably agree with Harold Schulweis' statement that “it is our sacred task to create Jews,”2 educators are not in agreement over what type of Jews we are to create and how we are to create them. Jewish educators can be divided into two groups. One group wants to create “educated, thinking Jews” — goal #1—while the other desires to shape children into “feeling Jews” —goal #2.  相似文献   

This article identifies strengths and weaknesses in the introductory course sequence in computing, 1 1Read as “computer science,” “computer science and engineering”, or any similar title. View all notes and proposes an alternative sequence using a “breadth‐first” approach. This approach integrates theoretical material, includes scheduled laboratory work, and covers a broad range of subject matter in the discipline of computing. We also summarize our early experience teaching the first course in this sequence.


The present studies investigated the out-group homogeneity effect in 5- and 8-year-old Israeli and German children (= 150) and adults (= 96). Participants were asked to infer whether a given property (either biological or psychological) was true of an entire group—either the participants' in-group (“Jews” or “Germans”) or their out-group (“Arabs” or “Turks”). To that end, participants had to select either a homogenous or a heterogeneous sample of group members. It was found that across ages and countries, participants selected heterogeneous samples less often when inferring the biological properties of out-compared to in-group members. No effect was found regarding psychological properties. These findings have important implications for our understanding of the origins of intergroup bias.  相似文献   

Place value notation is essential to mathematics learning. This study examined young children's (4‐ to 6‐year‐olds, = 172) understanding of place value prior to explicit schooling by asking them write spoken numbers (e.g., “six hundred and forty‐two”). Children's attempts often consisted of “expansions” in which the proper digits were written in order but with 0s or other insertions marking place (e.g., “600402” or “610042”). This partial knowledge increased with age. Gender differences were also observed with older boys more likely than older girls to produce the conventional form (e.g., 642). Potential experiences contributing to expanded number writing and the observed gender differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Futurists “wave a magic wand,” insinuating thereby that tabula rasa is a psychic and sociological option. “If there were no Bureau, what would the Jewish community do?” “If there were no Jewish community, what would the world's Jews do?” “If there were no world… ?” On the surface, it's an innocuous strategy: a way to probe assumptions, a way to hone a definition of needs. Examined closely, however, it is a flawed way to explore reality. At worst, it is a device to encourage a preconceived outcome.  相似文献   

Describing behaviors as reflecting categories (e.g., asking children to “be helpers”) has been found to increase pro-social behavior. The present studies (= 139, ages 4–5) tested whether such effects backfire if children experience setbacks while performing category-relevant actions. In Study 1, children were asked either to “be helpers” or “to help,” and then pretended to complete a series of successful scenarios (e.g., pouring milk) and unsuccessful scenarios (e.g., spilling milk while trying to pour). After the unsuccessful trials, children asked to “be helpers” had more negative attitudes. In Study 2, asking children to “be helpers” impeded children's helping behavior after they experienced difficulties while trying to help. Implications for how category labels shape beliefs and behavior are discussed.  相似文献   


Within the diverse and sometimes amorphous outdoor education literature, “neo-Hahnian” (NH) approaches to adventure education are exceptional for their persistence, seeming coherence, and wide acceptance. NH approaches assume that adventure experiences “build character”, or, in modern terminology, “develop persons”, “actualise selves”, or have certain therapeutic effects associated with personal traits. In social psychological terms NH thought is “dispositional”, in that it favours explanations of behaviour in terms of consistent personal traits. In this paper I critically review NH OAE in an historical context, and draw on Ross' and Nisbett's (1991) seminal review of dispositional social psychology to argue that OAE programs do not build character, but may provide situations that elicit certain behaviours. For OAE research and theory, belief in the possibility of “character building” must be seen as a source of bias, not as a foundation. The conceptual analysis I develop provides not only a basis for critique, but also offers a way forward for OAE.  相似文献   

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