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朗读流利度是阅读流利度的主要表现,因此发展第二语言朗读流利度在第二语言阅读教学中是非常重要的.朗读流利度主要包括三项指标:朗读速度、朗读准确度和朗读韵律.考察了多样化认读和拼音输入训练以及朗读录音作业相结合的朗读教学方法对初级汉语水平的英语母语者汉语朗读流利度的影响,并将中国人的朗读语料作为基线数据进行比较.研究结果发现,汉语朗读教学方法提高了英语母语者的汉语朗读流利度.多样化认读训练提高了解码的自动化程度,拼音输入训练增强了学习者的语音意识.朗读录音作业改进了学习者的朗读韵律;言语任务的难易程度对英语母语者的汉语朗读速度和朗读韵律的影响较为显著,对朗读准确度的影响不显著;学习时长对英语母语者汉语朗读速度的影响比较显著,对朗读准确度和朗读韵律的影响不显著.  相似文献   

停顿是普通话朗读的一个重要要素,是影响普通话水平的原因之一。在普通话测试和培训当中应对停顿予以足够的重视,推动普通话水平的进一步提高。《广西普通话水平测试评分细则》对停顿提出了明确的要求,对朗读停顿评分的依据主要看是否造成肢解、误解和岐义。停顿是朗读的需要,反映出语言中词句的组合关系、语法的组织关系、语义间的逻辑关系及思想和心理变化的进程等因素,体现了朗读特有的节奏和韵律,与语音、语感、语流、语调等都有关系,是  相似文献   

不同历史时期的韵律特征带有鲜明的时代特点,对新闻播音韵律特征的历时研究就是对普通话发展历史的梳理。基于现代汉语普通话数字化样本库,以不同时期新闻播音韵律特征为主要研究对象,采用感知实验和声学分析相结合的方法,从时长和音高等方面对韵律特征进行历时、系统地分析,发现韵律特征有一些规律和共性保持不变,但随着社会发展和时代变迁,韵律特征出现一些动态变化,说明普通话语音也在不断的发展变化中。  相似文献   

文章以真实的英语口语语料为基础,通过对湘语与新疆汉语方言的英语录音材料的韵律特征的统计分析,对比了湘语与新疆汉语方言对大学生英语朗读中的韵律和以英语为母语的本族人的英语韵律的异同,试图找出规律,希望以此来推进语音韵律研究的进展,对教学有所帮助。  相似文献   

尚利燕 《考试周刊》2010,(52):71-71
阅读是读者与文本相互作用,构建意义的动态过程。朗读教学可以促进阅读教学的开展,真正有效的朗读教学是通过朗读让学生直接感受作品的生活气息,唤起他们的情感体验,进而探求隐含在作品中的内涵。现实教学中的朗读多停留在朗读的主体——教师、学生这一层面上,或关注朗读主体的组合方式,极少关注朗读的载体——文本本身,极少涉猎因文本内容的差异而表现出来的朗读个性。其实,朗读更应关注文本内容,立足文本个性,巧借朗读手段,从而提高学习效率,增强语文学习能力。  相似文献   

无声段是时长领域中标记停顿的一种重要韵律特征,以汉语普通话朗读语体无声段为研究对象,通过听辨感知实验划分语篇韵律等级,可以在音步、韵律短语、语调短语和韵律句4个韵律层级考察无声段分布和时长特征。无声段主要分布于韵律短语、语调短语和韵律句3个韵律层级,时长随着韵律等级的增高而增长,换气对无声段的影响主要存在于低等级韵律层级。无声段与韵律等级的相互关系是一种普遍的停顿策略,配合其他韵律特征在韵律、语法以及语用中起到一定的作用,适当的无声段是保证韵律和谐的前提。  相似文献   

<正>《语文课程标准》指出:"各个学段的阅读教学都要重视朗读和熟读"。通过朗读可以声情并茂地把书面语言融情于声,从而变为富有感染力的口头语言。"书读百遍,其义自见",朗读对于小学语文阅读教学和小学生的综合能力的提高都具有非常重要的意义,同时能带动学生听、说、写水平,使学生综合语文素质得到协调发展。一、以诵读促教学朗读不是有着一副好嗓音、一口标准的普通话就能打动人心的,这需要读者深入文本,走进作者的心  相似文献   

韩佳蔚 《文教资料》2014,(6):149-150
普通话课程教学不仅具有工具性特点,而且是一种人文教育。中国人运用汉字书写创造了浩若烟海的汉语典籍。在数千年汉语发展的历程中,口语与书面语、共同语与方言、凝练典雅的文学语言与鲜活生动的俗话俚语,相互渗透而彼此相得益彰,汉语本身即代表着一种独一无二的璀璨文化。普通话课程教学应走出纯工具化误区,在提高学生普通话水平和语言交际能力的同时,增进其母语文化素养;应加强普通话课程教学的理论研究和实践创新,精选古今中外各种题材、体裁的文学经典作为发声训练和朗读教学的文本语料,丰富课程教学的文化内涵,充分实现语言教学的文化传播与人文教育功能。  相似文献   

试论感情语调的超常韵律特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
感情语调具有情韵特征,能传递感情信息。通过用不同模式朗读相同文本,提取感情语调和中性语调的韵律特征并测听对比发现,感情语调的音高、音长、音强等某项或多项出现超常现象。实验表明:这是读者主观体验和因情求气获得了承载感情信息的气韵,也就取得了产生超常韵律的动能;再通过朗读形成的超常韵律特征,使听者感知和读者听觉反馈的心理、生理发生变化而接收到感情信息。感情语调的超常韵律就是情韵特征,因此声象和意象均可反复。研究还发现,在感情语调语意焦点重音边界以及短语或句末声断之后,有时进入感情状态的气韵还会继续延伸,所以声断气连会起到此时无声胜有声和余韵缭绕的效应。  相似文献   

目前高校现代汉语课程的教学效果不尽如人意,急需改革。通过多年的教学实践,我们发现在现代汉语教学过程中适当融入方言元素可以产生以下几方面的效果:缓解现代汉语课堂教学的枯燥乏味之感;引导大学生在找准方言和普通话对应规律的基础上说好普通话;调动大学生学习现代汉语课程的浓厚兴趣;纠正大学生有关现代汉语的某些片面认知;帮助大学生领会古典诗词小说的韵律之美和修辞技巧。  相似文献   

A phonological confusion task was employed to explore whether or not beginning readers of Chinese activate phonological codes while reading Chinese characters. Twenty first graders and twenty third graders read phonologically similar and dissimilar character strings. Following the presentation of each string, they were required to identify the characters from among a set of recognition items. Three major findings indicated that subjects used phonological codes while reading Chinese characters: (1) Subjects recognized fewer phonologically similar characters than phonologically dissimilar ones; (2) The phonological confusion effect varied with degree of phonological similarity among the characters read. Characters having the same rhyme and same tone (SRST) were recognized less accurately than characters of the same rhyme but different tones (SRDT), which in turn were recognized less accurately than characters of different rhymes and different tones (DRDT); (3) Silent reading and oral reading resulted in similar patterns of phonological confusion, indicating that similar codes were activated during the two reading conditions.  相似文献   

传统著作者对于诗词格律的介绍,都将近体诗的不同体式作为基本元素,就首句平仄起收不同分别作以介绍,并将其中格律的变化部分称之为"拗救"。这类著作让读者陷入格律的重峦叠嶂中,反而阻碍了格律的普及和推广。罗辉先生在其著作《诗词格律与创作》中将律诗的四种句型作为基本元素简约地介绍其变化。由于律诗实际上只是这四种句型的轮转,这就使得爱好者掌握了格律的法门。同时作者在诗词创作技法上提出了"有形、有则、有魂"的"三有"原则,从而在创作的形式和内容两方面为诗词爱好者指明了学习和努力的具体方向。  相似文献   

Employing prosody skilfully, one of the cornerstones of fluent reading, is an indicator of text comprehension. Morphological knowledge has been shown to underlie lexical acquisition and to be related to reading development. The relationship between reading comprehension, prosodic reading and morphological knowledge was investigated in 51 Hebrew‐speaking fourth‐grade students aged 9–10. Participants were tested on comprehension of two stories and on appropriate prosodic reading of one of them. Their prosodic reading was compared with an agreed prosodic map compiled from experts' reading. Participants were also administered a battery of morphological tasks. All three domains, including almost all of their component parts, were strongly correlated. The multiple regression in steps showed that morphology and reading comprehension each contribute to prosodic reading, while morphology and prosody each contribute to reading comprehension. The connection between reading comprehension and prosodic reading is however moderated by good morphological skills.  相似文献   

While the critical importance of phonological awareness (segmental phonology) to reading ability is well established, the potential role of prosody (suprasegmental phonology) in reading development has only recently been explored. This study examined the relationship between children's prosodic skills and reading ability. Hierarchical multiple regression analyses examined the unique contribution of word‐level and phrase‐level prosodic skills to the prediction of three concurrent measures of reading ability in 81 fourth‐grade children (mean age 9.3 years). After controlling for phonological awareness and general rhythmic sensitivity, children's prosodic skills predicted unique variation in word‐reading accuracy and in reading comprehension. Phrase‐level prosodic skills, assessed by means of a reiterative speech task, predicted unique variance in reading comprehension, after controlling for word reading accuracy, phonological awareness and general rhythmic sensitivity. These results add to the growing body of evidence of the importance of prosodic skills in reading development.  相似文献   

The importance of prosodic elements is recognised in most definitions of fluency. Although speed and accuracy have been typically considered the constituents of reading fluency, prosody is emerging as an additional component. The relevance of prosody in comprehension is increasingly recognised in the latest studies. The purpose of this research is to examine the contribution of prosodic reading to comprehension beyond automaticity in word reading, taking into account children's grade level. One hundred and twenty‐two Spanish children (74 second and 48 fourth graders) were tested in prosodic reading, automaticity in word reading (nonword reading and reading rate) and comprehension abilities. Results show that the contribution of automaticity in word reading is relevant in both grades; however, it is more significant in Grade 2. The prosodic components of reading seem to be related differently to comprehension across grades, intonation being the highest predictor of comprehension in Grade 4. Implications for educational practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Phonemic and prosodic awareness are both phonological processes that operate at different levels: the former at the level of the individual sound segment and the latter at the suprasegmental level across syllables. Both have been shown to be related to word reading in young readers. In this study we examine how these processes are differentially related to reading monosyllabic and multisyllabic words. Participants were 110 children in grades four and five who were asked to read monosyllabic and three- and four-syllable words matched for frequency. Phonemic awareness was assessed via a phoneme elision task; prosodic awareness was assessed by a task asking participants to identify the syllable bearing primary stress in a spoken word. Results showed that phonemic and prosodic awareness were independent predictors of short word reading, and both phonological factors made independent contributions to multisyllabic word reading, showing that phonemic and prosodic awareness are complementary but not redundant processes. Only prosodic awareness survived control for simple decoding ability in the reading of long words, suggesting that suprasegmental phonology gives added value to our understanding of reading multisyllabic words.  相似文献   

It was hypothesized that prosodic reading facilitates beginning readers’ comprehension by allowing them to segment the text into meaningful word groups. Two prosodic features of the oral reading of second-grade students were considered: lack of inappropriate pauses and attention to punctuation. To examine the unique contribution of these features to reading comprehension, fluency (speed and accuracy of reading) and vocabulary were controlled. As expected, both prosodic features were significantly related to comprehension, jointly explaining as much variance as fluency. Accordingly, it might be counterproductive to encourage reading speed and accuracy at the expense of prosody.  相似文献   

We examined the independent contributions of prosodic sensitivity and morphological awareness to word reading, text reading accuracy, and reading comprehension. We did so in a longitudinal study of English-speaking children (N = 70). At 5–7 years of age, children completed the metalinguistic measures along with control measures of phonological awareness and vocabulary. Children completed the reading measures 2 years later. Morphological awareness but not prosodic sensitivity made a significant independent contribution to word reading, text reading accuracy, and reading comprehension. The effects of morphological awareness on reading comprehension remained after controls for word reading. These results suggest that morphological awareness needs to be considered seriously in models of reading development and that prosodic sensitivity might have primarily indirect relations to reading outcomes.  相似文献   

文中列举了六安方言中单字促化和词句促化现象,总结了其单字促化的原因是上古长入声遗留、训读、以及区别意义产生的第二读音,而词句中的促化原因是受了轻声、急读双重作用以及连续变调的影响.  相似文献   

章指出了重建汉诗格律的必要性和可行性,因为古今音系不同,汉诗旧格律脱离今人口语,走过百年历程的新诗又至今还未形成格律,作在考察了古诗格律的流变之后,发现历来汉诗格律均具音律、声律、韵律三大要素,只是各有不同格式而已;为此,提出新诗应根据现代汉语节奏规律,来确立以普通话为规范的新格律。  相似文献   

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