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现在流行穿越剧、穿越小说,开展历史教学时运用"穿越时空,设境激情"既能做到用情境作引导,又符合体验教育的思路。在教学中可以让学生穿越时空扮演特定角色,去真正体验历史、欣赏历史、应用历史,使学生在整堂课中都能保持较高的学习热情,思维处于积极的思考状态,多种感官参与到学习活动中,提高课堂学习效率。现谈谈笔者怎样在历史教学中引导利用"穿越"体验历史,使历史和现实一样生动的。一、适时善导,搭建桥梁最好的历史教学莫过于做一个时空的穿梭者,回到过去,亲身体验,亲身感受,这是原汁原味的历史教育。要想实现课堂的"穿越"最重要的前提是要搭建桥梁,  相似文献   

田宇 《考试周刊》2011,(33):72-73
学生学习知识的过程,是体验知识产生、发展和形成的过程。学生有效地体验知识内容,能够实现学生学习效能的有效提升。数学教学活动更应该重视学生"过程"的引导,让学生慢慢体验、品味"过程"中感悟、领会知识的真正内涵和教学活动的真谛,实现学生在学习知识、解答问题"过程"中学习能力的提升。  相似文献   

现代教学论认为,体验是儿童学习数学的重要方式,引导儿童在亲身体验中学习数学,有利于培养儿童的数学意识和实践能力。全日制义务教育《数学课程标准》明确提出把体验作为数学教学的过程性目标之一,指出:"要重视从学生的生活实践经验中学习数学和理解数学。"因此,在数学教学中,教师要注重丰富学生的数学体验,重视把数学问题与学生生活和已有经验相联系,为学生的终身发展提供必备的基础知识、基本技能与积极的情感体验。  相似文献   

季筱桅 《广西教育》2011,(3):112-113
在高等特殊师范教育中,手语是专业课程。在手语教学中,应积极引导学生学习手语的热情,注意教学内容的价值取向,尊重学生学习的独特体验,掌握手语交流的学习方法。充分运用以教师为主导,学生为主体,训练为主线的"三主"教学模式,提高高校学生学习手语的效率。  相似文献   

周娟 《生活教育》2012,(18):56-57
新课程中提出"要重视从学生的生活实践经验和已有的知识中学习数学和理解数学"。的确,数学来源于生活,也将应用于生活,引导学生从生活中学习数学,不仅能提高学生的实践能力,对激发学生的学习欲望也有积极作用。教师在数学教学中因将学生熟悉的蕴涵数学知识的生活实例引入数学教学中,让学生体验到"数学就在自己身边,身边存在着数学"的道理,从而爱好数学学习,促进主动学习。  相似文献   

杨霞 《延安教育学院学报》2012,(5):109-110,F0003
《基础教育课程改革纲要》提出尽可能构建崭新的学习方式,要"引导学生质疑、调查、探究,在实践中学习,促进学生在教师的指导下主动地、富有个性地学习"。以这一精神为指导,《语文课程标准》积极倡导自主、合作、探究的学习方式,其中自主学习是基础,合作学习是过程,而探究学习则是新学习方式的归宿,它对于提升学生的综合素养,提高学生的收集、分析、利用信息,解决问题的能力,培养学生良好的学习方法和情感体验都具有深远持久的重要意义。  相似文献   

徐俭 《现代教学》2009,(10):18-18
中小学"减负增效"还要在引导学生学习上做文章,使学生在活动的过程中充分感受并体验学习的快乐,从而产生学习动机,使学生从束缚和压抑中解放出来。  相似文献   

"尊重学生在学习过程中的独特体验"是《语文课程标准》对语文教学提出的一项重要要求。教师在教学中应该尊重学生的独特体验,从而实现学生个性化阅读体验的形成。教师要在散文教学中引导学生想像联想,产生情感体验;品味语言,获得情感体验;  相似文献   

孙华琴 《考试周刊》2012,(27):106-107
学生如果没有自主学习能力,就谈不上学习的主动性和创造性,更谈不上自我发展。英语教师应该试着把学生当做"需被点燃的火把",学会如何点燃火把,组织和引导学生参与和体验,激发学生智慧的火花,变"要我学"为"我要学",让学生真正体验到成功的喜悦。  相似文献   

构建"问题情境——探究学习——活动交流——应用反思"为主线的探究性学习课堂教学模式.探究性学习是一种积极的学习过程,主要指学生在教师的引导下,以主体的姿态带着探究的精神自主地参与学习过程,以发现问题、独立探究、合作交流、实践运用、评价体验等形式探索知识,发展学生的实践能力、创新能力和学习能力.  相似文献   

孙杰 《成才之路》2021,(14):134-135
在生物教学中,教师要关注学生已有的生活经验,培养学生的主动学习能力。因此,可采取多样化、高效的教学方法激发学生的生物学习兴趣,为学生营造活跃、积极的生物课堂氛围,并借助多媒体手段引入学生熟知的生活化因素,引导学生将生物学知识与生活相联系,以提升生物课堂教学效率。  相似文献   

Students’ work in ePortfolios was assessed through a case study supported by observation techniques and eQuestionnaires to gather data from a sample of eighty students over a period of 4 years (20 students per academic year). The main purpose of the study was to explore whether ePortfolios can be used efficiently to support the learning process of postgraduate business students taking a course where finance modules were a major component. The use, role and learning value of integrating ePortfolios into the learning process in a higher education institution was analysed over the period of study. The empirical findings suggest that ePortfolios could be used to facilitate and enhance students’ self-regulated learning. Additionally, the role of the instructor was found to be fundamental during early stages of the learning process to guide and coach students on how to use the tool. This role diminished as students became familiar with the course requirements. Overall, students judged the ePortfolio as being positive to their education, noting a significant improvement in their learning experience when compared to a traditional learning approach. The evidence suggests that ePortfolios could be used to support technical and complex modules in a controlled environment. At the same time, ePortfolios were found to be flexible enough to give students creative space by helping them to integrate their own ideas and views through their learning process. Students were also able to offer their instructors feedback on their learning achievements.  相似文献   

Students usually have plenty of experience with online social technologies, but they lack understanding about how to use these tools and methods for course learning. This article is designed to help college students who are anxious about participating in an online learning community or do not know how to build one effectively. With ideas derived from research and practice, this guide has been written to inform online students about learning communities, the benefits they offer, and how students can assist in building a successful online community.  相似文献   

学习迁移有正负两方面的作用,在母语以外的语言学习中体现尤为明显。语言迁移既包括语间迁移,也有语言内部迁移。在英语学习中,注意引导学生充分利用各种形式的正迁移,防止汉语学习中许多负迁移对英语学习的阻碍作用至关重要;同时,还要引导学生利用好先行学习对后续学习的正迁移作用。  相似文献   

包民娣 《成才之路》2021,(14):84-85
“深度学习”是指学生的一种学习状态,其有利于培养学生的高阶思维。文章探讨基于“深度学习”的提高数学教学有效性的策略:基于学生认知经验,开展渗透性教学;利用问题引导学生,实现创造性教学;有效整合课程资源,深化整体性教学;实现教学要素的有机联结,构建整体知识框架。  相似文献   

项目化实践教学是用项目引领教师的教学和学生的学习的活动,以项目为载体,融理论学习和能力培养于一体,讲学做结合,强调学生自主学习,让学生“学有所用”。项目化实践教学强化了高职教育的应用特色,调动了学生学习积极性,是高职实践教学改革的积极探索。  相似文献   

李文平 《成才之路》2021,(15):138-139
在数学教学中,学生基本活动经验的积累,有利于提高学生自主学习能力和自主探究能力,提升学生数学核心素养。在学生基本活动经验积累过程中,教师要更新教学理念,合理利用教材内容,创新教学方式,重视实践教学,运用线上与线下相结合教学模式,引导学生积累活动经验,形成数学核心素养。  相似文献   

The case study aimed to provide a deeper understanding of learners’ perception and experience of using augmented reality (AR) for language learning. Seven university students were recruited in this study, and they were provided access to an AR-based stroke-by-stroke animation guide for learning Japanese orthography with their own mobile computing devices. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews and direct observations. Subsequent thematic analysis showed that, overall, learners had positive perception and attitude towards the immersive language learning experience afforded by the AR programme. However, challenges pertinent to technology and user experience were also revealed. The findings accentuate the role of teachers in the implementation process and point out possible directions for more effective uptake of AR in this field.  相似文献   

Flow is a state of total absorption and concentration in an activity that is desirable for students, as it enhances the learning experience. Due to the importance of flow for learning, this research investigates the influence of three flow preconditions—namely balance of skill and challenge, feedback and goal clarity—on students' flow, operationalized as heightened concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience, while using clickers—a type of polling device. The study also explores the impact of concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience on students' perceived learning and satisfaction. Based on a survey of 204 undergraduate students who use clickers in the classroom, the findings show that balance of skill and challenge has a positive influence on students' concentration, sense of control and autotelic experience. Both feedback provided by clickers and goal clarity have a positive influence on concentration and sense of control, but do not influence the autotelic experience. Findings also corroborate the positive impact of concentration and sense of control experienced by students on perceived learning. Finally, autotelic experience predicts both perceived learning and satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the use of an online, resource-based learning (RBL) approach in first year psychology at Deakin University. Differences between on- and off-campus students that emerged are examined in the context of the learning goals and study approaches of the two student groups and their attitudes to using computers. Unlike the on-campus students who were less positive about working with computers and reported confusion about how and what to study for the unit, the off-campus students reported feeling confident they had a good study strategy and were more positive about computers. The off-campus students also reported that they spent more time working with electronic resources and attached greater value to them. While all students valued the prescribed resources, the off-campus students found some of the optional, electronic resources valuable because they added to the learning experience. These students also reported greater use of the computer-mediated communication available as part of the online learning environment, and valued this functionality more highly than did the on-campus students. These findings highlight the need to take into account learner characteristics when designing learning environments that cater for individual differences and preferences. While online-supported RBL approaches have the potential to cater to the diverse needs of students, learning environments need to be designed, structured and delivered so the learning experience can be customized to the needs of different student cohorts, while preserving the overarching, pedagogical goals.  相似文献   

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