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随着市场化的发展,就业形势日益严峻,人才市场呈现饱和态势.大学生越来越急于就业,但是贫于经验的积累.于是,暑期工成为大学生的最佳选择.大学生都曾经或者正在打"暑期工",有些甚至是几份"暑期工"同时进行法!不能不正视,在不知不觉中,一个庞大的大学生暑期打工市场在形成.但是,对于毫无经验的大学生来说,要谋求一份暑期工作并非易事,存在信息不畅、岗位不好、维权困难等问题.其中,最重要的就是大学生在暑期打工期间如何保障自己的合法权益.笔者通过本文分析目前大学生暑期打工的形势以及直击"黑中介"设陷阱侵害大学生权益的事实,试图运用专业的社会工作方法来维护大学生的合法权益.  相似文献   

对美国大学生来说,暑期一般是娱乐休闲的好时机,而有一些学生则利用暑期打工挣钱,或者到公司、机关参与实习(internship),为今后获得好的工作争取资本。不过,对于许多大学生来说,暑期还是上课。  相似文献   

常听人说,高考后是一种"失重"状态。高考结束后,准大学生们假期里都在忙些什么?记者调查发现,不少人开始忙于打工实践、学习"充电"等,使高考后的这段特殊时期过得精彩而有意义。快乐打工锻炼比赚钱更重要在暑假打工的准大学生中,不图赚钱只求"赚"经验的大有人在。据一家中介公司的负责人介绍,往年的暑期工多为大学生,而今年的暑期工求职  相似文献   

北京地税局:大学生暑期打工也要缴个人所得税日前,北京地税局有关人士提醒大学生:暑期打工也要缴纳个人所得税。据了解,国家税务总局规定:在校学生因参与勤工俭学活动(包括参与学校组织的勤工俭学活动)而取得属于个人所得税法规定的应纳税所得项目的所得,应依法缴纳个人所得税。北京地税局提醒,暑期打工学生自己可到所在地税机关缴纳税款,也可由企业代为缴纳。大学生应聘前查星座求职岂能看“风水”由于缺乏求职信心,如今一些大学生找工作,常常会迷信星座运程等。专家说,求职岂能靠“看风水”,应届生应纠正观念,加强自身竞争力,才能找到好归…  相似文献   

大学生利用暑期打工,已是家常便饭了.要说挣钱糊口、交学费,个把月的暑假,解决不了多少问题.况且,我的家庭生活状况也不是那个程度.可我已经读了四年大学,还没有走进社会的经验.于是抱着试试看的心态,来到一家大学生就业信息中心应聘文员.  相似文献   

“暑期打工,谨防受骗”,“暑期打工。重在经验”。每年暑假,数以万计的学生走出校门尝试暑期工角色,其问会发生形形色色的故事。但以上两句话则是过来人给初次尝试者的忠告。在准备做一份暑假工作之前,请你仔细阅读下面的内容,相信会少走很多弯路哦。  相似文献   

前一段,北京地税局提醒大学生暑期打工别忘交税,在媒体和大学校园内引起一片哗然。在这场争论中,我们欣慰地看到许多大学生的态度:他们把为国家纳税当作一种光荣。是的,为国家共同承担我们应该承担的责任,是每一个公民的光荣和梦想。更何况,在中国,大学生群体仍然是广大青年中的一  相似文献   

我打工,我成长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
暑期打工已不是第一次了,但打工后写心得作总结我还是第一次,这多少有点只可意会不可言传的感觉。  相似文献   

大学生暑期兼职现象普遍,处于学校管理和国家规范的边缘地带。大学生暑期兼职存在专业技术含量不高、与所学专业相关度不高和获取兼职途径较单一等问题。对此,劳动部门应从法制方面规范大学生兼职现象,保障大学生的权益;学校要多渠道加强大学生兼职教育,并积极提供安全可靠的兼职信息,引导大学生暑期兼职健康发展。大学生更要将兼职与个人的职业生涯规划相结合,有目标地选择兼职工作,最大限度地发挥暑期兼职效用。  相似文献   

让暑期实习成为大学生实践教育的必修课   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
鼓励大学生积极参与暑期实习,对提高大学生实践能力,特别是就业创业能力大有裨益.文章指出构建大学生暑期实习服务体系,从高校就业中心到后勤管理系统都对暑期实习给予积极支持,并指导学生转变实习心态,增进实习成效,使暑期实习为真正提高大学生实践能力发挥重要的促进作用,是一项系统的工程.  相似文献   

Mentoring is widely advocated as an educational experience for academically talented students because mentors may provide stimulation for academic growth and serve as positive role models for students in areas of career interest. This study examined the experiences of 72 talented teenagers attending a university-based summer mentorship program. Students completed pretest and posttest measures assessing self-concept and perceptions of research aptitude; they also shared their perceptions of their mentoring relationships in written journal entries. Results demonstrated increases in students' perceived research skills and job competence; students reported positive relationships with mentors, particularly when they felt that their mentor spent a great deal of time with them and was approachable, friendly, and engaging.  相似文献   

当代大学生面对就业必须有充分的心理准备。文章认真剖析了大学生就业的几种不良心态,及其形成原因,提出了大学生就业前应有从实际出发、转变就业观念;适应环境、重塑自我以及发挥优势、努力实现自我等方面的心理准备,以此来增强大学生的心理承受力,让他们在就业过程中找到自己应有的位置。  相似文献   

就业是民生之本,事关国家、社会、家庭稳定与和谐。随着高校毕业生就业形势日趋严峻,国家、社会、高校如何为毕业生就业拓展出一条光明大道,实现大学生充分就业和高质量就业,从而为构建和谐社会打下坚实基础。这将是本文要探讨的。  相似文献   

Summer schools serve multiple purposes for students, families, educators, and communities. The current need for summer programs is driven by changes in American families and by calls for an educational system that is competitive globally and embodies higher academic standards. A research synthesis is reported that used both meta-analytic and narrative procedures to integrate the results of 93 evaluations of summer school. Results revealed that summer programs focusing on remedial or accelerated learning or other goals have a positive impact on the knowledge and skills of participants. Although all students benefit from summer school, students from middle-class homes show larger positive effects than students from disadvantaged homes. Remedial programs have larger effects when the program is relatively small and when instruction is individualized. Remedial programs may have more positive effects on math than on reading. Requiring parent involvement also appears related to more effective programs. Students at all grade levels benefit from remedial summer school, but students in the earliest grades and in secondary school may benefit most. These and other findings are examined for their implications for future research, public policy, and the implementation of summer programs. Based on these results, our recommendations to policy makers are that summer programs (a) contain substantial components aimed at teaching math and reading and (b) include rigorous evaluations, but also (c) permit local control of curricula and delivery systems. Funds should be set aside to foster participation in summer programs, especially among disadvantaged youth. Program implementers should (a) begin summer program planning earlier in the year, (b) strive for continuity of staffing and programs across years, (c) use summer school in conjunction with summer staff development opportunities, and (d) begin integrating summer school experiences with those that occur during the regular school year.  相似文献   

大学毕业生苦读四年,面临用人单位和社会的选择,都希望能找到一份满意的工作,被心仪的用人单位录用。但大多数毕业生只注重专业知识的展示和简历的制作而忽略了求职应聘礼仪的修养,在求职应聘活动过程中不能充分地展示一位合格的大学毕业生应有的文化知识水平和相应的人文礼仪修养,未能给用人单位留下良好的印象,致使求职应聘失败。本文通过求职应聘中大学毕业生容易出现的礼仪缺失和因应对策的分析,提醒大学毕业生加强求职应聘礼仪的修养,充分展示自身内涵,提高求职应聘的成功率。  相似文献   

随着我国教育改革的深化,就业体制的改革,大中专学生就业已从传统的“统包统分”向“自主就业”方向转换,面对激烈的就业竞争,大中专学生就业心理产生了一系列的冲突。本文对大中专学生就业心理冲突进行了分析,提出了就业心理教育与就业心理测评等相应对策。  相似文献   

What kind of jobs students prefer after having completed their professional education may have important personal and organisational consequences. It is therefore essential to gain a better understanding of the job values they pursue, as well as of the antecedents of such values. In this longitudinal study, we first showed that the job values of the 152 participating Norwegian student nurses and student teachers could be divided into extrinsic job values, such as high salary and good opportunities for advancement, and intrinsic job values, such as good social relations and interesting work. Moreover, we found that an important aspect of academic motivation, that is, students' achievement goals, predicted their job values. Specifically, students adopting performance‐approach goals were more likely to pursue extrinsic job values and students adopting mastery goals were more likely to pursue intrinsic job values. Ways in which the findings address current controversies in the literature on achievement goals are discussed.  相似文献   

Many teachers experience their profession as stressful, which can have a negative impact on their job satisfaction, and may result in burnout, absenteeism, and leaving the profession. The relationship with students can have both positive and negative implications for the job satisfaction of teachers, both early and later in their careers. The current study focused on the relationship between veteran teachers’ job satisfaction and their aspirations in teacher-student relationships. Data were gathered among 12 Dutch veteran secondary school teachers, including interviews, the Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction, and the Questionnaire on Teachers’ Self-Efficacy. Veteran teachers’ job satisfaction appeared to be positively related to the extent to which their aspirations in teacher-student relationships had been realized. Teachers who had failed to realize their aspirations in teacher-student relationships showed relatively low job satisfaction, or avoided feelings of low job satisfaction by reducing the number of tasks that were directly related to teaching students. An implication for coaching veteran teachers is the need to pay more attention to the teacher-student relationship so that they can adhere to the way they would like to teach students.  相似文献   

We examine the role of the Big Five personality traits in the job exploration process of Latino undergraduate business students to ascertain the personality traits and socio‐cognitive variables that lead to greater success of students in their job searches. We find that personalities such as extraversion and conscientiousness are positively associated with career self‐efficacy, career expectations, and interests in both academic and professional skills, which in turn positively influence job exploration behaviors. Additionally, we find that personalities such as agreeableness and neuroticism have a negative influence on career exploration behaviors. Our findings provide Latino business students with college vocational guidance that can help enhance their career confidence, job beliefs, and career interests in the job‐seeking process.  相似文献   

随着我国就业体制改革的深入和高等教育规模的扩大,高校毕业生的数量迅速增加,其就业问题日益突出,有效开展高校职业教育是帮助学生顺利就业的重要举措。该文从加强思想政治教育,重视综合素质培养,建立完善的就业指导体系等策略等方面,提出了加强高校职业教育工作的策略。  相似文献   

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