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论教育考试公正的内涵与实质   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育考试公正是教育考试的生命线,也是社会公正的重要体现。本文在讨论公正的一般内涵和实质基础上,着重研究教育考试公正的理论内涵和社会实质。文章认为,教育考试公正就是组考者通过考试使可能的应试者得其所应得,或者说使可能的应试者各得其所,其社会实质在于:它是教育公正的基本前提,是社会公正的重要体现,是社会资源合理分配的基础方式,是个人潜能合理开发的保证机制。文章提出,不能仅仅从教育考试本身来认识教育考试公正的必要性和重要性,而要从整个社会的宏观视野、站在人类更好地生存和发展的高度来认识教育考试公正问题。  相似文献   

考试是教育过程中的一个重要环节,它是教育测量学所研究的问题。教育测量学是一门新兴的学科,研究的问题却是一个古老的问题。本文仅从考试的标准化及选择题两方面作一简单的介绍。标准化考试的含义就是要使考试“公正”,要使考试科学化。使考试做到“公正和科学”是一件不容易的事情,它要涉及到教育测量学的大部分内容,从考试的目的到对分数的解释都有严格的要求。具体说,我们要进行数学考试,就必须要有一个明确的目的,是摸底考试还是检查学生学习效果的  相似文献   

公正就是"不偏私、不偏袒、不弯曲、正直",它包含了依据学习者自然差距进行选择和教育的机会均等蕴意。现代社会公正范畴的发展超出人际的关系,涉及生态正义问题。现代职业教育因其能够根本改善社会弱势群体的境况,关注职业活动的环境后果而成为社会公正的重要组成部分,其公正性表现在它的全纳性、尊重个体差异性、弱势补偿性和生态正义性。  相似文献   

在纪念我国恢复高考制度30周年暨庆祝湖北省教育考试院建院10周年之际,湖北人民出版社出版了湖北省教育考试院院长、武汉大学和湖北大学博士生导师、我国著名伦理学家江畅先生关于考试理论的新专著《教育考试公正论》。集理论学者和考试管理者两个角色于一身,江畅先生以一个学者的敏锐和良知,从社会关注的焦点"公正"入手,阐明了教育考试公正对社会公正的作用和影响,提出了"公正是教育考试的生命线"的新命题;同时,又  相似文献   

教育考试,作为社会评价人才的重要机制、分配教育机会和资源的重要依据,必须以公正原则为基本价值原则。公正,是教育考试的基本价值原则,也是教育考试的内在要求。但是,各种旨在通过非正当途径和手段达到考试取胜之目的的作弊,不仅违反了教育考试规则,更破坏了教育考试的公正性,干扰了教育考试在教育机会和资源分配中的作用。因此,要有效地维护教育考试公正,就必须防治考试作弊。  相似文献   

论自学考试对中国考试文化的创新与发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国考试文化,是中华民族考试活动及方式、过程和结果的总称,它表现为考试精神文化和考试物质文化两种形态,由考试观念文化、制度文化和实物文化三个层面构成。中国考试文化系统的核心层面是考试文化的价值系统,即考试观念文化,它是社会价值观的集中体现,如人们在考试实施中所倡导的公平、公正、公开原则,以竞争择优为主要内容的  相似文献   

考试制度是一种崇尚程序正义的程序制度,考试的核心理念是公平和公正。1977年恢复高考,为教育公平的实现步入了一个崭新的时代。为国家合理有效地选拔人才创造了良好条件,起到了积极作用。但是,由于现有高等教育资源的相对短缺,区域问教育发展的不平衡,加上高考模式的多交、考试诚信的缺失、考试法律的缺位等,使得考试制度的公正和公平问题越来越成为社会关注的焦点。本文试图从目前我国规模较大的普通高校全国统一考试(简称"高考")制度中公平性的缺失角度,探讨在高考制度中存在的不公平性的危害,揭示其社会根源,进而提出一些思路及办法,从考试层面上促进教育公平,建立社会公平公正理念,进而达到整个社会的和谐。  相似文献   

江畅 《中国考试》2007,(10):4-11
教育考试是社会教育机会和资源分配的重要依据。在教育机会和资源有限的情况下,要使教育机会和资源分配更加公平合理,必须重视教育考试公正问题。教育考试公正与教育考试质量密切相关,它们共同构成教育考试的两大支柱,都值得重视和研究。但就我国目前的情况而言,教育考试公正的问题更突出,迫切需要加以认真解决。而且随着我国公民维权意识的普遍增强,随着公正问题成为全社会普遍关注的重大问题,教育考试公正问题将会进一步突出,如果不加以高度重视和认真研究解决,不仅会对教育考试机构产生重要消极影响,而且会对社会和谐产生重要负面作用。因此,应当重视教育考试公正问题,应当重视教育考试公正研究。  相似文献   

美国教育考试服务中心(ETS)一直致力于通过提供公平和有效的测评、研究以及相关服务来提高教育质量和公平性。2002年ETS颁布了《ETS质量与公正标准》(ETS Standards for Quality and Fairness),这个标准涵盖了从试题开发到应用的各个环节,指导着ETS进行严谨和科学的试题设计和考试程序管理。对于海外考试, ETS要求更高,不仅要符合《ETS质量与公正标准》,还要经过一系列公平公正性审查,保证符合《ETS评价工具公正性审查的国际准则》,从而确保测验工具对目标国家和目标人群的文化是适合的。下面就这一国际准则做一简要介绍,希望对教育考试工作者有所启示。  相似文献   

公平和公正是一个考试所追求的高位标准,讨论一项考试招生制度的改革应以此为目标和前提。研究生考试招生制度作为我国教育综合领域的一项重要考试招生制度,其所包含的公平和公正内涵是丰富的。本文以现有研究生考试招生制度为背景,指出了现阶段制度中存在的缺陷和不足。同时,探讨了公平和公正在研究生考试招生领域的体现和内涵,并以此为目标,论述了研究生招考制度在制度层面、实施层面、监管层面三个层面的改革思路。  相似文献   

从罗尔斯的平等自由原则和机会的公正平等原则出发,可以推演出教育制度的正义原则。然而从经费政策、教师政策、课程政策和高考制度四个方面分析可以看出,我国教育制度存在着非正义现象。分析教育制度的非正义性,是为了更好的建设或完善,使其在构建社会主义和谐社会建设中发挥更大的正面功能。  相似文献   

社会转型时期社会治理的道德教育体系应该包括民主观、公正观、平等观、人道观和自由观,这些是善待他人的道德观,也是解决瑞士教育家裴斯泰洛齐道德教育难题二的重要教育内容。这五观在内容上相互包含,功能上相辅相成,实施中相互支撑,是全息统一的。  相似文献   

International consensus on education priorities accords an important place to achieving gender justice in the educational sphere. Both the Dakar ‘Education for All’ goals and the Millennium Development goals emphasise two goals, in this regard. These two goals are distinguished as gender parity goals [achieving equal participation of girls and boys in all forms of education based on their proportion in the relevant age-groups in the population] and gender equality goals [ensuring educational equality between boys and girls]. In turn these have been characterised as quantitative/numerical and qualitative goals respectively. In order to consider progress towards both types of goal, both quantitative and qualitative assessments need to be made of the nature of progress towards gender equality. Achieving gender parity is just one step towards gender equality in and through education. An education system with equal numbers of boys and girls participating, who may progress evenly through the system, may not in fact be based on gender equality. Following Wilson (Human Rights: Promoting gender equality in and through education. Background paper for EFA GMR 2003/4, 2003) a consideration of gender equality in education therefore needs to be understood as the right to education [access and participation], as well as rights within education [gender-aware educational environments, processes, and outcomes], and rights through education [meaningful education outcomes that link education equality with wider processes of gender justice].  相似文献   

宪法至上不仅包括形式意义上的至上还包括实质意义上的至上。实质意义上的至上才是宪法至上的核心。宪法至上不仅因为宪法的高级法背景,还因为宪法体现了人民的意志,符合公平正义的自然法则。宪法至上与司法独立二者相互联系、相互影响:一方面,宪法至上要求司法权的行使必须以司法公正为“至上”宪法。这其实也是司法独立的基本内涵,因为撇开司法公正讨论司法独立没有任何意义;另一方面,司法独立又对宪法至上起到维护和促进作用,因为它不仅是司法公正的基础,而且还是宪法至上的制度保障。  相似文献   

丁道勇 《教育科学》2012,28(3):10-14
教育公平是现代教育发展的基本诉求之一。但是,有关讨论并未意识到,不同教育公平观在基本原则上存在分歧,并且秉持不同原则的教育公平观对教育部门的设计、对教育与社会的关系定位都十分不同。为了澄清我们的教育公平理想,很有必要深入检讨其基本原则。为此,文章区分出基于平等原则的教育公平和基于多元正义原则的教育公平两个观念。随后,在批判分析的基础上,我们认为基于平等原则的教育公平观较难满足当前教育公平的核心诉求;由于多元正义原则与教育的个性化原则之间相互匹配,所以基于多元正义原则的教育公平观更为可取。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Social justice is a key concept in current education policy and practice. It is, however, a problematic one in its application to schooling. This paper begins with a critique of the account of social justice offered by Gewirtz followed by an alternative philosophical notion based on the perfect world argument and the just society where equality is to the fore. This leads on to an exploration of what it is to be an educated citizen, consideration of the just school and discussion of the place of the school as an instrument for attaining social justice. The conclusion draws attention to the importance of the policy web as a way of developing coherent and unified policy designed to achieve social justice for all.  相似文献   

Critical theorists have called attention to the intensification of diversity that is now occurring inside and outside of school, while critically engaging with the detrimental effects of globalization on equity, diversity, and social justice. Globalization presents new challenges to education and to issues of social justice. In this article, we argue that there is a need for scholars in the field of physical education to re-think and re-frame the social-justice agenda to address current inequalities produced by globalization. To support this argument, we first reflect on the impact of global neoliberalism on physical education; second, we discuss the ways in which, as a result of global neoliberalism, public health discourses have an “othering” effect on ethnically diverse young people; third, we propose a theoretical shift from a focus on equality to a focus on difference; and finally, we conclude with considerations for future research and curricula in school physical education.  相似文献   

教育与社会阶层结构的互动关系分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育与社会阶层结构是一种非线性的互动关系。一方面,教育对社会阶层结构既有积极的影响又有消极的影响,这不仅发生在教育的纵向差异对社会分层和社会流动的影响上,而且也发生在教育的横向差异对社会分层和社会流动的影响上,另一方面。社会阶层结构也同样影响着教育的公平和受教育者的入学机会、学业成就等。而教育与社会阶层结构的这种双向互动关系则充分体现在弱势群体的社会流动与教育这一关系范畴中。  相似文献   

Common schooling and multicultural education intuitively seem to be mutually reinforcing and possibly even mutually necessary: each is motivated by and/or serves the aims of promoting social justice and equality, common civic membership, and mutual respect and understanding, among other goals. An examination of the practical relationship between the two, however, reveals that neither one is a necessary or sufficient condition for achieving the other; in fact, each may in fairly common circumstances make the other harder to achieve. In other words, there is no direct instrumental relationship between multicultural education and common schools. Nor is there a clear expressive relationship between the two. Although common schools may serve as explicit, public symbols of our multicultural civic commitment to diversity, mutual respect and egalitarian inclusiveness, many demographically common schools neglect or even betray multicultural ideals, while many restricted entry and even segregated schools may express these ideals better than most comprehensive and integrated schools. Hence, while multicultural education and common schooling do intuitively stand for similar, mutually reinforcing ideals, in practice they may be linked more closely in the confusions and dilemmas of implementation they both raise than in their mutual realisation.  相似文献   

Educational policy depends on assumptions about fairness in education, whether they are made explicit or kept implicit. Without a view of fairness, one would be in the dark as to what should be done about the reproduction of social inequality through education, or whether or not anything should be done at all. The aim of this paper is to uncover the view of fairness in Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) education policy. It is based on an analysis of the normative argumentation concerning educational fairness in a set of policy documents from the last seven years, with special emphasis on the association between social background and educational achievement. The main result of the analysis is that the OECD explicitly operate with a loose idea of equal opportunity, compatible with even a merely formal equality, but implicitly with a meritocratic variant of fair equality of opportunity. In the final section, I argue that the OECD approach to fairness suffers from a limitation in that it considers educational justice in isolation from social justice in general.  相似文献   

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