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课程本位评估在分析特殊儿童的发展性能力、制定个别化教育计划的目标、监控特殊儿童进步情况、评价课程方案以及特殊儿童资格鉴定等方面发挥着重要的作用。在我国特殊教育课程改革的背景下,应该注重以课程为基础的评估方式、加强对教师的相关培训和编制出适合我国的评估工具。  相似文献   

现代学徒制是当前我国职业教育改革中的热点,校企协同育人是现代学徒制的核心,我院积极探索和实践多元平台下现代学徒制校企协同培养人才的有效途径,按照现代学徒制人才培养的规格,发挥校企双方在人才培养过程中的优势,探索从双主体人才培养方案的制定、共建课程体系和实践基地、共建共享特色教学资源、双导师制班级管理、校企联合打造双导师教学团队、共同制定学生考核与评价体系六个方面,构建基于现代学徒制的校企协同育人机制,为我国技术技能人才的创新发展提供理论参考和实践依据。  相似文献   

When we think of conducting analyses with a performance view, we commonly lean toward tools like front end analysis, needs assessment, performance analysis, and several variations. Usually, this starts because of a performance problem or because of an anticipated new performance. What about existing training? We look to training evaluation in its various levels to determine whether people like it, learn from it, transfer it, and whether the organization is benefiting from it. This paper describes a scenario where existing training was occurring, people suspected it could be more efficient, and yet the individuals' performance was for the most part satisfactory. We wanted to determine where the training could be made more efficient, determine if there were other barriers to performance, and do this with valid and reliable data from a large workforce. The Coast Guard's Performance Technology Center was in its infancy and was given the permission to try out alternative methods of conducting its work. This article describes the lessons learned about the process, about the technologies employed, and even the logistics of carrying out a rather large‐scale effort in minimal time.  相似文献   

What are the areas of mismatch between the assessment problems teachers face and the type of assessment training they receive? How can the gaps be addressed in testing courses?  相似文献   

How do teachers obtain assessment information? Should our courses emphasize less formal assessment methods rather than formal methods? What nontraditional assessment topics should be added to our courses?  相似文献   

当前,从中央到地方转型发展与内涵式发展的工作大都是发展的基础性或外围性工作,解决的是规划、设计与实施、人才培养方案、实验实训等宏观与硬件的问题,而对于微观的主体——课程及其教学过程则没有引起足够重视。同时,因经济人理性、信息不对称、不当的学术评价与奖励制度等导致教师在教学、科研、社会服务三者之间进行多任务替代,即教师在工作过程中重科研轻教学与社会服务,整体工作"重量轻质"。如何实现教学、科研、社会服务三者之间的相对平衡,如何实现科研与社会服务服务于教学,都是值得探讨的课题,为此,文章以课程"消费者行为学"及其教学过程为观察对象,基于多元学术观探讨三者之间的整合机制及其整合效果。  相似文献   

英语教学和英语测试与评价是教学过程中密不可分的两个部分。有教学的地方就会有测试和评价。中考作为义务教育阶段的终结性考试,对日常教学无疑起到了指导和反拨作用。同时,英语学科的核心素养之一思维品质的培养与语言学习的方法存在着密切的关系,高效的语言学习能够促进思维品质培养的发展,思维品质培养也影响着语言学习的有效性。因此,作者结合一节中考阅读理解的复习指导课,谈一谈教师如何充分利用中考阅读理解中的文本,通过解读中考阅读文本,明确思维训练重点,设计富含思维内涵的活动,将复习备考和思维品质培养进行有效结合的一些做法和思考。  相似文献   

This paper describes an intervention for improving the quality of peer assessment conferences in calculus. Although a body of work highlights the learning benefits of peer assessment, few papers have described the nature of student conversations during peer conferences/assessment in detail. This paper provides deeper insight into what those conversations actually look like, and shows the impact of systematic training on conferences. The study took place over two consecutive semesters of introductory college calculus, and analyses show that students had considerably improved conversations after training. The improved conversations consisted of much more on-topic talk and productive feedback; after training, students provided more feedback related to processes (communication and underlying reasoning) than products (correctness or incorrectness).  相似文献   

高校招生考试制度改革不仅是理论上“为什么要改、改什么”和思路上“怎么改”的问题,更重要的是实践的问题。要进行改革,就需要做一个基础工作,即把长远改革目标愿景锁定好。一旦锁定,鉴于全国各地不同现状的不同起点,我们可从中设计出若干条不同起点而归于目标愿景的光滑曲线,即改革方案。本文从多元模式、科学考试、综合评价、自主招生、和谐管理等五个方面,分析了高校招生考试制度的现状,并提出了改革的目标建议。  相似文献   

随着我国基础教育阶段三级课程管理体制的建立与运行,中小学校长的课程领导能力日益成为一个重要的现实问题。在课程决策、实施、评鉴、运作机制构建等方面,校长要扮演好“首席教师”和课程领导的角色,承担领导课程改革的职责。教育行政部门应在评价、培训等方面为校长课程领导能力的提升提供外在支持;校长自身要通过自主学习、专家合作、同伴互助、校际联系等多种方法与途径,努力提高课程领导能力,这不仅是有效推进基础教育课程改革的重要保障,而且也是校长专业发展的重要向度。  相似文献   

本文从研究德国职业教育师资培训着手,借鉴德国职教师资培训经验,结合我国国情,在如何加强对我国的职教师资队伍建设,努力提高师资队伍素质等方面进行了一些探讨。  相似文献   

专家——新手这一研究思路最初应用于象棋、物理、医学等职业专长领域,以后逐渐应用于学、体育、音乐等领域。在不同的职业领域存在不同的专长。职业专长的发展是一个长期学习和实践的过程。新手与专家的职业专长发展存在差异这些差异的影响因素主要在动机、实践训练、知觉、知识经验等方面。找到这些影响因素,对于职业指导与职业培训具有重要的意义。  相似文献   

美国研究生教育的发展及特色探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国研究生教育在世界研究生教育中占有重要地位,它从19世纪开始至今,历经了沿袭、改造、独创三个阶段,逐步形成了一套完善的培养制度。培养目标上的知识与能力优先、培养过程的规范与灵活、质量评估中的社会中介主导给我国带来了启示。  相似文献   

Teachers always played a significant role in the intellectual and moral development of students by using various techniques, assessments, and methods to improve student achievement in school's subjects. This study therefore focuses on the effect of teacher factors, such as assessment interval, communication language, the distance of residence, and the teacher's personal characteristics (gender, age, academic and professional qualification, designation, experience, and in-service training) on the 9th grade students' achievement in three subjects (English, Chemistry, and Mathematics at secondary level). The population of the study is comprised of all "public sector" secondary schools, male and female teachers, and boy and girl students. A total number of 16 secondary schools (eight for boys and eight for girls), 114 secondary school teachers (66 males and 48 females), and 2,404 students (1,400 boys and 1,004 girls) were selected through purposive sampling techniques. Multiple statistical procedures, Spearman and Pearson correlation, mean, and standard deviation were employed to obtain stronger validity to the study. The results of the study identify weak and negative weak relationship between most of the teacher factors and student achievement in three subjects but the relationship between students' background and learning achievement in all three subjects were found positively correlated.  相似文献   

Parent training has been shown to be an important means of supporting families living with autism – but such services are not universally accessible. A multinational project funded by the European Commission has been developed in order to establish such parent training in three south-eastern European countries. To ensure that the training was relevant and appropriate, a survey was carried out in autumn 2015 to ascertain the attitudes of parents of children with autism in Croatia, Cyprus and the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia regarding this issue, and to identify the areas of training that they felt most important. Two hundred and fifty-three surveys were distributed, and 148 were returned, a response rate of 58%. Respondents in the three counties were overwhelmingly positive about parent training, with almost 90% stating that they would like to attend such training. Weekend training sessions were preferred by the majority of respondents. There was wide variation between the three countries with regard to what content was felt important to be included, with parents in the FYR of Macedonia seeking information in the greatest number of areas. Five topics were prioritised by parents across all three countries. These were: ? Strategies for enhancing my child’s communication

? Strategies on facilitating my child’s interaction with other children

? Sensory integration and development

? General information on behavioural management strategies

? Identifying and/or developing socialisation opportunities


Reporting on research results to students, teachers and institutions is a big challenge within competence assessment research: students individually have to be given feedback about how they performed, teachers have to be provided with information about their classes, education authorities are interested in actual research results. For feedback being helpful for students, teachers and institutions, the following questions have to be thought of: (1) Who is the feedback given to? What is the aim of the feedback? (2) Which results shall be reported? (3) How should feedback theoretically look like? And (4) how does feedback depend on the given general framework? The given article discusses these questions and offers a “checklist” to research projects with a focus on competence assessment.  相似文献   

一些发达国家(如美国、法国等)和发展中国家(如印度、越南、土耳其等)在开展农民远程培训方面具有丰富的实践经验。经过分析这些国家的农民远程培训的一些具体项目,并结合我国农民远程培训的实际情况,我们提出了在我国开展农民远程培训的四点政策性建议:政府要加大在农民远程培训方面的资金投入并发挥主导作用;在我国发达农村地区可以先进行基于互联网的农民远程培训的试点;卫星电视网依然在我国农民远程培训中具有不可替代的地位和作用;应重视与农民的互动并不断完善形成性和总结性评价。  相似文献   

歌唱是一个十分复杂而又自然的肌肉运动过程。声音训练的科学性,发声方法的正确性以及歌唱心理的平和性,都与我们获得优美声音有着直接关系。我们应加强歌唱呼吸基本功训练,建立一个良好的歌唱呼吸基础;调整良好的声音共鸣;正确掌握歌唱语言;培养自我表现、抒发感情的歌唱能力。同时,我们还应当全面地了解、认识、学习和歌唱的知识,掌握歌唱的技能技巧和学习音乐理论知识,提高自己的音乐素养和审美情趣,更好地为歌唱服务。  相似文献   

在总结建设项目环境影响评价岗位基础知识培训特点的基础上,就我国建设项目环境影响评价岗位基础知识培训的教学方法进行了探讨。总结了解释教学法、案例教学法、练习巩固法、口诀教学法、突出重点法、倒叙教学法等的应用及注意事项。  相似文献   

教师测评素养是教师教育和教师发展的重要组成部分。通过对国外有关教师测评素养研究文献的梳理和分析,其研究内容主要包括教师测评素养的构成、现状及培训需求、测量工具的开发和验证、测评素养发展途径和影响因素等。这些研究对我国开展教师测评素养相关研究有一定的参考价值,同时也启示我们可以在研究对象、研究方法和研究内容上进一步拓展,要基于我国国情,开展教师测评素养及其测量测量工具的本土化研究。  相似文献   

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