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由于刘裕对门阀士族政治的限制,故刘宋以后琅琊王氏成员之政治生活受到很大程度的影响,随着门阀士族政治在朝廷政治中的逐渐淡出,因此不同朝代君主之政治理念,也便成为影响这些士族子弟参政的重要因素,加之齐、梁、陈三朝易代频仍,这样就更需要琅琊王氏之成员对不断变迁的社会政治作出适应性的选择.虽然齐、梁、陈三朝以后琅琊王氏之后人靠其祖宗之基业在朝廷政治中均有不俗之表现,在伦常婚姻方面也有与皇室通婚的情况,但此时琅琊王氏之出世入仕只不过是作为朝廷政治之点缀,已经失去以往士族群体参与朝廷政治之特征.  相似文献   

由于刘裕对门阀士族政治的限制,故刘宋以后琅琊王氏成员之政治生活受到很大程度的影响,随着门阀士族政治在朝廷政治中的逐渐淡出,因此不同朝代君主之政治理念,也便成为影响这些士族子弟参政的重要因素,加之齐、梁、陈三朝易代频仍,这样就更需要琅琊王氏之成员对不断变迁的社会政治作出适应性的选择。虽然齐、梁、陈三朝以后琅琊王氏之后人靠其祖宗之基业在朝廷政治中均有不俗之表现,在伦常婚姻方面也有与皇室通婚的情况,但此时琅琊王氏之出世入仕只不过是作为朝廷政治之点缀,已经失去以往士族群体与朝廷政治之特征。  相似文献   

琅邪王氏兄弟与司马睿在特定的历史条件下,同舟共济,建立了江左的东晋政权,开启“王与马,共天下”之局面。经过王敦之乱的较量,这种士族与皇权共天下之局面,被双方共同接受,终于形成东晋一朝门阀政治的格局。  相似文献   

“永嘉之乱”给琅琊王氏政治带来了两个转折,一是其家族成员与朝廷政治之关系更加密切;二是西晋南渡后.琅琊王氏成为东晋政治的实际的操纵者。但琅琊王氏政治势力的急剧膨胀,不仅使其内部的部分成员比如王敦等人有了觊觎朝廷政权的野心,而且也引发了其他士族群体对琅琊王氏政治的猜忌与怀疑.这就使得琅琊王氏政治在朝廷裁限以及士族抵制的形势下艰难发展。但琅琊王氏政治之基础毕竟是根深蒂固,其家族政治统治在整个东晋政治进程中仍然发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   

晋宋之政治更迭给东晋以来诸如琅琊王氏这样的士族群体在政治上带来了极大的冲击,这种冲击不仅表现在新朝政权对这些旧的士族政治群体在权利上的限制,更重要的是随着门阀政治的逐步崩解,以往士族成员之从政环境发生了根本性的变化。由晋入宋的琅琊王氏成员在政治上虽然仍受到朝廷之重视,但他们的参政不仅受到了皇权政治的严格限制,而且其本人参与朝廷政治的信心也受到程度不同的影响。本文所要讨论的是处于易代政治之际的琅琊王氏成员的这种政治得失,以及由此给家庭成员乃至朝廷政治所带来的影响,另外,王、谢二族对待桓温逆乱所采取的不同态度,以及因这种不同政治取向所产生的矛盾,亦可看出以往相对独立的士族政治,而此时必须借助于皇权政治的影响方能彼此展开争斗的现实。  相似文献   

门阀政治是东晋一朝的特色,在迭相秉政的王(琅琊)、庾、桓、谢、王(太原)五族中,琅琊王氏对当时的政治、思想、文化等的影响极为显著,本文拟就此作一简述。  相似文献   

琅邪王氏和陈郡谢氏是东晋南朝时期的一流高门,东晋是门阀大族与皇权共治的一朝,而南朝皂权有振兴之势,门阀大族无法与皇权共治,并且逐渐衰落.本文比较了南朝时期处在衰落过程中的琅邪王氏与陈郡谢氏内部的孝悌关系,发现陈郡谢氏远较琅邪王氏团结、和谐,并对其促成原因加以分析.  相似文献   

宋武帝刘裕自晋末掌权以来,不断强化对军权与军事重镇的控制,从而保证了新政权所需要的稳定的军政局势。在将那些具有较高政典学养的高门士族纳入新政权之前,刘裕对其进行了一次有效的整合,从而完成了从强调社会身份的门阀政治时代向强调吏能实用之才的皇权政治时代的转换。元嘉之世,强调吏治、吏道,一批士族子弟转化为国家官僚,在国家的治理中发挥着重要的作用。“元嘉之治”的出现,与刘宋政权所开创的政治新格局密切相关。  相似文献   

南朝王谢家族内部关系比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
琅邪王氏和陈郡谢氏是东晋南朝时期的一流高门,东晋是门阀大族与皇权共治的一朝,而南朝皇权有振兴之势,门阀大族无法与皇权共治,并且逐渐衰落。本文比较了南朝时期处在衰落过程中的琅邪王氏与陈郡谢氏内部的孝悌关系,发现陈郡谢氏远较琅邪王氏团结、和谐,并对其促成原因加以分析。  相似文献   

门阀政治鼎盛的两晋南朝时期,谱牒学开始兴盛。在编缀姓祖神话的同时,高门士族也在无意识中进行着家族精神和自我价值观的逐步建构与完善。这个过程,会从家族成员不同历史时期的文艺创作中以不同方式曲折地投射出来,成为后世读者眼中独具风采的家族特征。本文以南朝高门琅琊王氏家族为切入点,对上述现象尝试进行了初步的探讨。  相似文献   

Adolescents' perceptions of family relationships were studied using the FAST, a spatial technique in which wooden figures were placed on a board to represent cohesion and power. 150 subjects, drawn equally from sixth, ninth, and twelfth grades, portrayed the family in 2 representations: as perceived typically and ideally. Father-mother, father-child, and mother-child dyads were analyzed. Perceptions were strongly influenced by age, type of representation, and dyad. In accord with a developmental perspective, older adolescents portrayed less cohesion in parent-child dyads and smaller power differences in all dyads than did younger adolescents. In accord with family systems theory, the father-mother dyad was depicted as the most cohesive and as near egalitarian in power. At all ages and in both representations, parents were perceived as more powerful than their children. The family was generally portrayed as cohesive, significantly more so in the ideal than typical representation. Furthermore, in the ideal representation there were no significant power differences between the parents but moderate power differences in the parent-child dyads. Results were interpreted from both developmental and family systems perspectives.  相似文献   

In this article, we take a concrete case study as a starting point for a reflection on preventive family support. More specifically, we conducted fieldwork in the setting of a waiting room of a childcare consultation office for parents with young children. The writings of the philosopher Giorgio Agamben allowed us to come to an alternative understanding of both the room as such and the behaviors of adults and children in this room. This article can be read as the result of an experiment with fieldwork in philosophy of education: an attempt to enrich Agamben’s philosophical account of biopolitics with an everyday example as well as an attempt to reread what actually happens in the case we have studied from an Agambenian perspective.  相似文献   

庐江何氏家族世代崇尚儒学,精擅礼学,自两晋至南朝,其代表人物皆参预讨论国家典礼,特别在丧服制度和朝仪方面.何氏经师的这一学术风格体现了当时世族社会的文化倾向和特征.在家族内部,何氏尊礼集中地表现为崇尚孝友之道,目的在于维护家族内部的和谐.此外,在玄学思潮的影响下,何氏家族自东晋开始明显玄化,玄学积累不断丰厚,至南朝出现了玄学方面的代表性人物.就其门风而言,东晋南朝时期,何氏家族出现了一些著名的隐逸名士,使其家族保持着清流风雅的特征,从而获得了很高的社会声誉.这种儒玄双修的家族文化风尚,使何氏家族形成了富于弹性的互补的文化结构,有利于其家族地位维系与延续.  相似文献   

权力制衡是政治学研究中一个重要的问题。从古至今,有很多政治学家对这个问题发表了自己的看法。权力制衡是社会公平正义的重要保证,要从根本上根治腐败,保证改革开放和社会主义现代化建设事业的顺利进行,关键在于我国政治体制改革是否成功,而成功的关键在于是否彻底实现当代中国权力制衡结构的构建。  相似文献   

Most previous research on parental involvement in children's homework has focused on the pedagogical advantages or disadvantages of school assignments while neglecting the practice in its social context, family life. By studying parent–child homework negotiations in Swedish families, this paper examines how family members position themselves and each other in relation to Swedish discourses on homework and parental involvement. The study shows that parents want their children to do homework independently. It is hard for the parents to take up another subject position than that of a ‘responsible parent’ who helps the child with homework or controls that it is done. Thereby, the child is simultaneously positioned as ‘irresponsible’ whether that is the case or not.  相似文献   

点评:这是一篇小作者的习作。他将人物的形象与动物的特点有机地结合起来,使文中的人物栩栩如生,让我们看到了身高体胖的爸爸、严厉的妈妈、和蔼可亲的爷爷、默默奉献的奶奶,纵观全文,语言表达较准确,语义连贯.行文流畅.不失为一篇优秀的学生习作。  相似文献   

六朝世族门第之长盛不衰 ,与其家风、家学有关。会稽贺氏兴自汉代 ,历经六朝绵延至隋唐 ,数百年间代有才人 ,成为江东著姓 .贺氏门风尚忠义、倡孝友 ;在学术上则世传礼学  相似文献   

"The causes for the lowering of the birthrate below the necessary level for a simple reproduction of society [in the USSR are] sought within the family itself and in the conditions surrounding its existence....The present demographic situation requires the elaboration of a whole program for the development of marital and family relationships and the optimization of population reproduction processes....[Such a program] must encompass the issues of preparing youth for family life, the prestige of the family and its economic status, the optimal distribution of functions among individuals in the family and in society,....[and] the equalization of per capita income levels between one-child and large families...."  相似文献   

One hundred seven adults' family activities and experiences were studied via the Experience Sampling Method (ESM). Respondents carried automatic paging devices and were randomly signalled to fill out self‐reports over the period of one week. While some scholars have claimed that communication during television viewing is nonexistent, talking occurred during 20 percent of family television time. Respondents who watched more television also spent more time with their families and reported feeling as well affectively while with family members as did light viewers. However, family viewing experiences were reported as being more passive than family activities generally. Heavier viewers also reported lower levels of activation during non‐TV family activities than did light viewers. Implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The predictive value of a child abuse screening instrument on unselected populations is illustrated for varying hypothesized levels of child abuse prevalence in order to demonstrate outcome of a hypothetical national screening program. At any level of application, the prediction of false positives and false negatives suggests a low practical utility for an unacceptably high social cost.  相似文献   

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