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Research on career development and counseling for gifted and talented students primarily has focused on the recurring themes of multipotentiality, career needs of females, perfectionism, and early cognitive and vocational maturity. A review of current literature, however, indicates that new perspectives on traditional concepts are needed in order to provide appropriate and adequate career counseling to all gifted and talented students. This article gives an overview of the existing issues, identifies areas for further research, and recommends an agenda for change in the nature of career counseling for the gifted and talented.  相似文献   

The career development of students, demonstrated by students performing appropriate career developmental tasks, is important to institutions of higher education because career developed students are more likely to have career objectives, persist in their academic goals, gain career-related work experience, find employment in their chosen fields, and graduate. The purpose of this study was to determine if the career development of students by class level had been enhanced by participation in a career management plan specifically prepared for undergraduates. The intervention of a career management plan (i.e., the Career Success Club) was successful, especially for seniors and middles, in enhancing the career development of undergraduates. Career management plans may help students that are academically undecided to become more connected to their majors by focusing more on academic and career matters.  相似文献   

College career centers provide a valuable resource to students faced with choosing a major, learning about different career fields, and securing internships and jobs. Career centers must provide an increasingly sophisticated array of one-on-one and virtual services in order to meet the needs of students and recruiters. Collaborations between the career services office and other departments, including the college counseling center, are necessary to address students' needs in a holistic manner. The author describes the organizational structure of college career centers and services typically offered, discusses psychological correlates of career development and the integration of personal and career counseling, and provides suggestions for how counseling center and other college professionals can collaborate with their career services office.  相似文献   

大学生职业生涯发展教育之我见   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在我国社会进步和高等教育迅猛发展以及人才培养模式、方式变革的大背景下,高校学生职业生涯发展教育越来越显示出其重要性和必要性。根据我国国情,把握好大学生职业生涯发展教育的实质、重点以及正确的导向至关重要。大学生职业生涯发展教育应立足于学生生源发展方向的引领、学生内在动因的激发、学生生涯规划要素的把握、学生素质拓展的推进等,还要防止以就业指导代替职业生涯发展教育、以职业生涯规划方案的具体指导代替职业生涯发展教育等误区。  相似文献   

对198名贫困大学生生涯发展自信的调查发现,性别和贫困等级对生涯发展自信有显著的交互作用,贫困生的生涯发展自信有随着年级提高逐渐降低的趋势,身体健康水平对生涯发展自信有显著影响。高校可以从个性化、全程化、整合化和专业化等方面加强对贫困大学生的就业指导。  相似文献   

大学生的就业问题已经成为当今社会的热点问题,大学生想找到一份理想的工作。就需要对自己的就业有明确的职业规划。入学不久的大学新生个人职业规划既是大学新生个人发展的需要。也是社会进步的需求。目前,大学新生对所学专业就业前景知之甚少,导致就业前目标不确定、就业后工作不稳定的问题。针对于此,笔者通过对所在学校的在校大一学生的个人职业规划现状进行分析与研究。从而提出一些针对性的建议以供参考。  相似文献   

通过自编《大学生职业生涯规划能力现状调查问卷》,对某高校1200名本科生进行的问卷调查,表明大学生对自身职业生涯规划现状的总体满意度一般,大学生自我个性认知、职业发展认知、职业发展规划都较好,但高校职业生涯辅导教师队伍建设需要加强  相似文献   

试论个性化的就业指导   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对职业指导“特性-因素”理论的借鉴与解读,结合实践阐述大学生就业指导应该:充分尊重学生个性,为其独特的职业发展需求提供帮助;启发学生认识自身潜能,根据自己的人生指标进行职业设计:鼓励学生热情追求职业理想,启发他们培养实现职业理想的理性思考和实力,在职业的选择与发展中成为自我认知、自我实现及自觉有用的人。  相似文献   

高职生职业生涯规划是指学生在大学期间进行系统的职业发展道路的设想和规划。大学时期是人一生中的重要阶段,学生应好好度过,并在教师指导的基础上认真规划自身的职业生涯,做好四个"三",即认识人生三种关系,树立人生三个支点,把握个人发展的"三级跳",构建三方面结构。  相似文献   

生涯发展问题是大学生常见的困扰与压力。理清大学生生涯的目标与任务,开展生涯辅导工作是提升大学生的生涯发展能力,应对大学生生涯发展问题,促进学生探寻适合自身特点的生活的有效措施。  相似文献   

高考作为中国"第一大考",不仅关系能否考上理想大学,更是承载无数职业梦想。可未来职业不是仅凭分数就能取得,而应该用科学的职业规划来选择适合自己的专业和院校,才能为职业梦想的实现打好基础。但我国高中生职业理念严重缺乏、职业教育严重缺失,导致高中生很难将高考专业与未来职业相联系,无法科学规划未来应从事的适合职业,与西方发达国家对比差距较大,为此应尽快建立高中生的职业生涯教育,使我国的教育回归本源,摆脱学生为分数而学习,建立为以未来职业发展而学习的教育新模式。  相似文献   

A theoretical framework for understanding the career maturity of diverse groups is needed since the career maturity construct has evolved using white, middle class samples (Cheatham, 1990). Krumboltz holds that career beliefs can be influenced by one's social environment (1991). If career beliefs were related to the career maturity of a diverse group, they could be used to provide a more coherent understanding of the unique social experiences that surround their career maturity. This study examined relationships between the career beliefs and the career maturity of academically at-risk students who were failing core academic courses. Several career beliefs were significantly related to the career maturity of the sample in this study such as the belief that obstacles can be overcome and college/occupation variation. The career beliefs construct appeared to clarify the role that social experiences played on the career maturity of the sample in this study.  相似文献   

In Taiwan, substantial resources have been invested in upper-secondary vocational education for Aborigines as a solution to their lack of career development opportunities. This study examined the schooling experiences and career aspirations of Taiwanese indigenous vocational high school students. A case study was designed to collect data through in-depth, semi-structured interviews with 24 aboriginal students in twelfth grade at a Major Indigenous Vocational High School (MIVHS). The findings indicated that aboriginal students experienced mainstream-centric schooling that focused on preparing students for college education with additional support. The schooling contributed to their solid educational aspirations to attend non-prestigious technological colleges and vague occupational aspirations with low occupational self-efficacy. It also enforced their strong cultural aspirations of living in their homelands and benefiting their people. The findings suggest that the MIVHS could provide the culturally responsive schooling for aboriginal students' diversity to facilitate their career development.  相似文献   

大学生职业理想教育基本路径探析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
职业理想教育作为职业指导的重要组成部分,对于大学生的个人成长和终身发展具有奠基意义和核心作用。在帮助学生树立职业理想的过程中,应该从职业认知、职业情感、职业意志、职业信仰以及职业实践的基本路径去开展,以增强职业理想教育的有效性和实效性,这既是思想政治教育工作者的职责所在,也是大学生发展的必然要求。  相似文献   

随着世界经济一体化进程的不断推进,新的就职环境向年轻人提出了自主进行生涯规化的更高要求。新西兰就业中心通过制定一套从中等教育阶段到高等教育阶段完整的生涯教育评估标准,为中学生提供了系统、具有可操作性的生涯规划指南。该标准以学生的生涯管理能力为核心,以领导力、信息系统、项目与服务为依托,形成了以学生为中心、关注弱势群体、强调多方参与的特点。本文通过对这些标准的研究,以期对我国教育部门制定生涯教育的政筻以及中学开展生涯教育提供一定的借镜。  相似文献   

生涯适应力是大学生成为社会有用人才的重要能力。当下,大学生生涯适应力整体水平不高,生涯发展不平衡。探索大学生生涯适应力水平,改善生涯发展现状更新生涯理念,着力打造行之有效的生涯教育体系,构建社会支持、学校引导、家庭助力的生涯服务系统,以提升大学生生涯适应力。  相似文献   

为更好地稳定高职学生的就业思想,帮助其规划职业与人生的发展,树立正确的就业观与职业价值观,高职生的职业生涯规划显得尤其重要。文章介绍了职业生涯规划的意义及步骤,有助于高职生早日实现职业发展的目标,尽早做个人职业生涯规划。  相似文献   


Using a multiple‐case study design, this research explored influences on choice of major and career related decisions of seven gifted female students from the end of high school through college over a five‐year period. Major findings suggested that academic preparation opportunities that could limit ability to achieve prominence in chosen careers by limiting access to academic programs and institutions were disappearing for females; future orientation that included dual career marriage and family expectations were consistently expressed over time, and changes in choice of major and institution, as well as career indecision were experienced. Career guidance interventions may have facilitated the career decision making efforts of these gifted females and deficits in career development may be a major barrier to career attainment for gifted females.  相似文献   

研究团体沙盘游戏对大学生职业决策自我效能的影响,探索提高大学生职业决策自我效能的途径,可以为大学生的职业指导提供一套可行的实施方案。经过沙盘游戏辅导,大学生在自我评价、收集信息、选择目标、制定规划、问题解决等维度上的得分有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

职业生涯教育不同于职业生涯规划教育,但决不排斥并且积极地容纳职业生涯规划教育。基于模块化课程建设的职业生涯教育,将职业生涯规划教育作为一个必修模块,由专业教师任教。职业生涯教育是一个完善的教育体系,它包括职业生涯规划教育、个性化的职业生涯辅导、旨在提高学生职业能力的模块化课程建设。因此,要在"生物学基础观"的指引下,在课程模块的工作过程导向的教学中,夯实"宽基础",注重为学生长期的具有可变性的职业生涯服务。  相似文献   

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