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一条金辫:类比--相等性原理--基础理论学   总被引:8,自引:4,他引:8  
欧阳耿 《宜春学院学报》2004,26(4):23-24,38
深入探讨人类认知活动中的“分类”与“类比”现象的本质,将“类比”概念进一步理论化与科学化.发现人类在认知活动中所依赖的“相等性原理”与“不等性原理”.构建科学大厦中的新学科“基础理论学”.  相似文献   

大数学家波利亚说过:“类比是某种类型的相似性,是一种更确定的和更概念性的相似.”类比是提出新问题和作出新发现的一个重要源泉,是一种较高层次的信息迁移,被誉为科学活动中“伟大的引路人”、“人类认知的核心”.《新课标》已把培养学生的类比推理能力作为主要的能力培养目标之一.从近几年的高考来看,着重考查学生的探究能力、创造能力、推理能力的“类比题”已高频率地出现.  相似文献   

英汉构词法,有从传统角度研究构词法,有从认知角度研究构词法,还有从原型理论角度来探讨英汉点面构词法。原型就是点面构词法中的“点”,非原型的成员即边缘范畴成员是点面构词法中的“面”,这个“面”是以“点”为圆心辐射出去的。英汉词语的点面构词法能产性都很高,其中汉语的部分词汇受英语的影响较大。出现点面构词法的认知过程是由于人类的类比心理和遵循语言的经济原则。  相似文献   

简单性原理之源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
物理学中的简单性原理对应于自然科学的理论简单性原则,两者都源于科学发展历史中的简单性思想。牛顿关于“自然界不作无用之事”的论断,丰富了“奥卡姆剃刀”式的简单性思想,形成了自然科学的理论简单性原则,爱因斯坦关于简单性的事物在理论体系上表现为一种对称性的思想使简单性原则升华为简单性原理。  相似文献   

“政治学原理”是政治学类本科生的第一门专业必修课。借用拉斯韦尔在《政治学:谁得到什么?何时和如何得到?》中的分析框架,这一课程要解决的是教师与学生得到什么、何时得到以及如何得到的问题。就学生而言,他们得到了关于政治和政治学的结构化认知以及政治学的思维方式,而教师在此过程中则实现了知识与方法的同步成长。学生在“政治学原理”课程中的“所得”,既有即时效应的,更有影响终身的。而要真正有所得,学生需要在“读”“写”“思”“行”四个字上下功夫。  相似文献   

动量传递、热量传递和质量传递现象存在“三传类比”关系,在《化工原理》课程中充分利用这一特点进行类比教学,有助于教学效果的提高。  相似文献   

在人们的语言交际和思维活动中,语用类比的应用非常广泛。语用类比的本质特性是一种“由此及彼”的认知和表征模式,其表现形式的基本特征有三,即形象性、概念性和形象一概念复合性。语用类比的应用是源类和目标类的表征的比较与整合,也是形象表征和概念表征在语用认知和表征中起着认知的功能作用和运算作用的具体化过程。  相似文献   

文化:“天人合一天人知识”学说——数学哲学   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
从现代科学的角度研究、挖掘国学精萃“天人合一”学说的内涵,运用“类比一相等性原理”导出“天人知识”学说(N+H=K),提出与N+H=K公式密切相关的“知识—非知识”和“科学—非科学”的新划界标准。从本体论角度、以具体的新事例证明“天人合一天人知识”认知理论体系与现代数学基础理论之间必然的密切关系。得出“天人合一天人知识”学说是人类所有知识与科学的基础理论之一,是数学的基础理论之一。  相似文献   

《语文课程标准》指出“工具性与人文性的统一,是语文课程的基本特点”。由此可见,“人文性”被提升到了语文教学中的重要地位。作为语文教师,我们应该本着“一切为了每一位学生的发展”的理念,重新探求语文课程的人文性,从人文主义观念出发,使课堂生活成为一个涉及学生认知活动、情感活动、意志活动和道德活动等方面的整体。  相似文献   

试论隐喻的认知机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
隐喻本质上是一种认知活动。语言中的隐喻是人类隐喻性认知活动的工具和结果。“思维的贫困”产生了“根隐喻”,但“根隐喻”的隐喻性只是在人们的认知能力达到了一定的程度后才被认识。同时,隐喻又是人类认知世界过程中一种不可缺少的重要方式和手段,它的认知功能直接影响着句子的组合关系,可以改变句子原有的语义规则。  相似文献   

类比构词是现代英语新词新语构成的重要途径之一.其构成方式很多,主要有近似类比、反义类比、色彩类比、数字类比及地点空间类比.本文从政治经济、科学技术、日常生活等方面就类比构词在英语新词新语中的语义特征加以分析.  相似文献   

This qualitative study aimed at exploring whether students’ successful use of analogy in learning curriculum complex science concepts was related: (a) to the level of their understanding of a specific analogy and (b) to their metacognitive awareness of how the analogy was to be used and of the changes produced in their own conceptual structures. In implementing a biological curriculum unit, students’ prior knowledge has been taken into account in order to examine its conceptual growth and change via a not completely introduced analogy to 15 fifth graders as they were engaged in understanding the ways in which the new concepts (on photosynthesis) were similar to a familiar source (making a cake). Qualitative data present the children's mapping processes in elaborating the analogy and their metacognitive awareness of the meaning and purpose of the analogy itself, and their personal use of the analogy in changing initial conceptions. As hypothesised, the results showed a high positive correlation among the level of conceptual understanding of the new science topic, the level of understanding of the analogy, and the level of effective use of the analogy in integrating the new information into the pre‐existing conceptual structures. Key implications on the use of analogy for conceptual change in the classroom are outlined.  相似文献   

Cognitive and metacognitive aspects in conceptual change by analogy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study is a qualitative investigation on the teaching-learning by analogy of complex curriculum concepts in natural and relevant environments, such as classrooms, to improve the ecological validity of the research itself. It aimed at exploring whether students' successful use of analogy in learning science was related a) to the level of their understanding of a specific analogy and b) to their metacognitive awareness of how the analogy was to be used and of the changes produced in their own conceptual structures. During the implementation of a biological curriculum unit, sixty 5th graders were engaged in understanding the ways in which the new concepts (concerning the human circulatory system) were similar to a familiar source (the mail delivery system) by detecting all the relations between the two systems and mapping the relevant information from the source to the target. Learners' preexisting mental models have been taken into account in order to examine their conceptual growth and change via the analogy. Qualitative data are presented for the analysis of elicited and spontaneous analogical inferences, based on structural and semantic similarities, as well as of the identification of where the analogy breaks down. Moreover, qualitative data also concern children's metacognitive awareness of the meaning and the purpose of the analogy, and their personal use of the analogy in changing initial conceptions. As hypothesized, results showed a high correlation between level of conceptual understanding of the new science topic, level of understanding of the analogy itself, and the effective use of the analogy in integrating the new information into the pre-existing conceptual structures. Some implications on the use of analogy for conceptual change are considered from an educational standpoint.  相似文献   

Preservice teachers studied texts about three fundamentally important science concepts. They read versions with no analogy, versions with a simple analogy, and versions with an elaborate analogy. An elaborate analogy is one that consists of text and pictorial components in which similarities between the analog and the target concept are made explicit. Verbal and imagery processes combine to promote a mapping of conceptual features. The findings indicated that elaborate analogies improved the science knowledge and attitudes of preservice teachers by relating what is familiar to what is new. The findings are consistent with a constructivist view of learning science and suggest that science texts for preservice teachers should be adapted to take advantage of elaborate analogies in a systematic way.  相似文献   

本文就王蒙新时期中短篇小说比喻所具有的特色进行了论证,提出了王蒙用喻的三大特征:运用比喻着意刻画人物的心理及性格特征;善于标新立异,使旧格赋于新彩;将丰富的生活积累运用于文学比喻之中。  相似文献   

This study presents the results of an experiment which investigated analogical reasoning in knowledge acquisition in a natural school setting. The aims were to evaluate the efficiency of analogy in the conceptual restructuring of a science topic and compare the effects of analogy in different learning conditions. Two analogical topics of physics (water flow and heat flow) were studied by means of two experiments performed in the classroom with concrete objects. Eighty-four 5th graders, divided into three experimental conditions (given analogy, constructed analogy, no analogy), took part in the study. The quantitative analysis mainly confirms the hypothesis that analogy can be a productive way to trigger a process of knowledge restructuring while students learn a new topic. However, the effective use of the analogy was affected by the experimental condition: When the analogy was constructed by the learners themselves, instead of being presented and justified by the teacher, it acted indeed as a more powerful tool in understanding the new topic which required changing their initial conceptions. The qualitative analysis shows the children’s explanations of the heat flow phenomenon and different conceptual outcomes of the learning process. Finally, educational implications are considered.  相似文献   

类比方法是用已有的知识和已掌握的技能去解决新问题,从而加深学生对新知识的理解,促进学生对新规律的认识;找出问题、探究问题、解决问题,有助于思想、方法和技巧的开拓与延伸。类比法对提高教学效果和培养学生的创新意识是十分必要的,也是课程改革所倡导的。介绍类比式教学的基本概念,分别大学数学的基础学科和应用学科两类课程来以类比式教学方法的使用情况。运用好类比式教学法将有助于学生加深对数学课程的认识,形成系统全面的知识体系。  相似文献   

类比推理是一种被广泛使用的逻辑推理,并且是一种极富创新精神的思维方式。在知识经济时代,类比推理将会发挥越来越重要的作用。因此,笔者对国内有关类比推理的研究作了扼要的述评,明确了类比推理的定义以及它与归纳、演绎推理的关系,指出类比推理不是纯逻辑的思维,它不仅是逻辑学研究的范畴,还是哲学、心理学等学科研究的对象,其影响和应用的广度、深度都是传统类比推理所不及的。  相似文献   

"语言游戏说"关注语言在日常生活中的应用,强调语言乃生活形式的一部分,是西方哲学"语言转向"的代表性理论,为哲学找到了新的发展方向,同时也给英语视听说教学带来了启示。文章探讨了"语言游戏说"在英语视听说教学中的体现,并提出关于英语视听说教学的建议。  相似文献   

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