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This paper reports on a study in the area of informal science education in the contexts of science museums. The research focused upon two areas: first, perceived novelty and its effect on cognitive learning in year eight students visiting an interactive science museum; second, the links between exhibits which were most frequently recalled and exhibits which students later recalled as being interesting and puzzling. Results on a post-test of cognitive learning of concepts and principles associated with the exhibits suggested that students who underwent novelty reducing pre-orientation to the physical environment and had prior visitation experience learned more than their counterparts. Gender did not influence learning when perceived novelty level and prior exposure were considered. Furthermore, the most frequently recalled exhibits shared a combination of characteristics such as large physical size, prominence in the exhibit galleries, and the diversity of sensory modes that they employed. Finally, it appears that cognitive learning is likely to occur for exhibits which are most memorable.  相似文献   

阐述企业发展和科技查新的关系,分析科技查新在企业中的利用现状,论述图书馆开展企业情报竞争服务的优势,以及图书馆查新服务对企业及经济发展的作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relationships between (a) novelty and exploratory behavior, (b) novelty and cognitive learning, and (c) exploratory behavior and cognitive learning in science museums. Sixty-four sixth-grade public school students participated in a posttest-only control group design. The control group received a treatment designed to decrease the novelty of a field trip setting through a vicarious exposure while the placebo group received an informative but not novelty-reducing treatment. Both groups then visited the field site where they were videotaped. Statistical analyses were conducted on both dependent variables with socioeconomic status and academic achievement as covariates, novelty-reducing preparation as the independent variable, and gender as moderator variable. Exploratory behavior was shown to be positively correlated with cognitive learning. Significant differences were detected for exploratory behavior. For both dependent variables, gender by treatment group interaction was significant with novelty-reducing preparation shown to be highly effective on boys but having no effect on girls.  相似文献   

义利关系是中国哲学史上一个重要的基本关系 ,也是在发展社会主义市场经济中人们面临的一个重大理论和实践问题。树立和坚持社会主义义利观 ,正确认识和处理好义和利的相互关系 ,是社会主义市场经济的客观要求 ,也是社会主义精神文明建设的重要内容。  相似文献   

仿拟不仅是一种修辞方式,还是一种认知模式。联想是仿拟生成的心理基础,仿拟的表现特征是在联想的作用下形成的。求新求异、求美求雅、求简求便是仿拟生成和接受过程中的心理倾向。概念合成理论为深入认识仿拟意义构建提供了一个崭新的视角。从认知的角度观察、分析仿拟将有助于揭示其言语修辞行为的内在规律,深化修辞教学与研究。  相似文献   

情绪与记忆的关系很长时间以来都是当今认知神经科学研究的热点课题,对于情绪记忆的研究,研究者也提出了许多理论模型.目前已有大量的研究表明情绪刺激可以促进人们的记忆,但是对于情绪对细节信息的记忆的影响,已有的观点并不一致,研究的结果也不尽相同.有研究证明情绪可以增强对细节信息的记忆,也有研究得出了相反的结论,还有研究者认为情绪增强了中心细节的记忆,却削弱了外围细节的记忆.  相似文献   

儿童诗是儿童文学中非常重要的门类。儿童诗具有的与众不同的美学意蕴,即儿童诗叠印着儿童与成人双重审美内涵,它是儿童与成人共同放置心灵的“新月之国”。儿童诗的诗美体现在以儿童的眼光来看待世界所产生的新奇、明朗、稚拙、淳朴之美。目前,儿童诗的创作与出版尽管没有得到应有的重视,甚至因为市场需求的原因而显示出某种“没落”,但是,因为人们潜意识中对“诗”的执着与追求,我们有理由相信,儿童诗会在21世纪走出一条新路。  相似文献   


The cognitive approach to creativity emphasizes the processes involved in producing effective novelty, as well as the control mechanisms that regulate novelty production, and the structures that result. Merely novel structures display surprisingness and incongruity, to be sure, but they must also be meaningful and practicable to be effective. There are no special processes or control mechanisms unique to the production of effective novelty, but metasystematic operations are particularly favorable for it. Effective novelty can be produced at lower levels of cognitive development, but children's creativity is likely to differ qualitatively from that of adults. Although the cognitive approach takes little account of motivation, personality, or the social environment, it provides an operationizable definition of some aspects of creativity, and offers insights into what needs to be fostered to promote it.  相似文献   

王梦 《德州学院学报》2007,23(3):57-60,74
在语言和文化关系的传统认识上,有两种相反的观点.这两种观点都是片面的,其不足之处在于它们都把语言和文化看作两个孤立的个体.从人类的认知角度来看,语言和文化都是人类认知能力的外在表现.人类认知的本质决定了语言和文化的性质和它们的关系.语言和文化不是彼此决定的关系,某一语言和文化的结合是历史的、偶然的产物.人类认知能力是无限的,无限的认知能力赋予人类语言以无穷创造性,人类语言可以跨越文化的界限,实现对它文化的理解和接纳.这种对语言和文化的理解构成了翻译可能性的坚实理论基础.  相似文献   

人的文化需要在本质上表现为对精神家园的寻找,有了精神家园就有了人生幸福的感觉;社会的文化需要在本质上表现为对共同精神家园的建立,有了共同精神家园就有了社会共同的价值取向及和谐、进取的社会发展态势。社会单体精神家园寓于社会共同精神家园之中,建设中华民族共有精神家园的目的是满足社会单体寻找到精神家园的需要。本文自人的文化需要出发,运用文化学方法,就中华民族共有精神家园建设问题,提出了应该关注的四个方面:人生动力与精神家园、社会发展与共同精神家园、社会单体精神家园培植与社会共同精神家园建设、民族共有精神家园建设与增强民族文化软实力的统一。  相似文献   

情态作为一个语义范畴,它反映了说话人对所阐述内容的评价或态度。作为人际功能的语义载体,情态具有调节,维系和发展人际关系的特殊作用。本文在前人研究的基础上,重点从认知角度探讨认知因素对情态意义和功能的解释力,这不但可以丰富认知语言学的内容,而且也为情态的研究提供了一条新的思路,使我们对情态的发展及其前景有一个较为科学、系统的认识,从而超越逻辑和传统语法对情态研究注重语法形式研究的局面。  相似文献   

国内比较关注《沉没之鱼》的主题研究,所以,基于生态女性主义,从批判人类中心主义,远离自然、受到迫害和回归自然、恢复人性三个方面对这部小说进行解读有一定的新意,研究发现,《沉没之鱼》是一部富含生态女性主义思想的小说。旨在引导人们重新审视人与自然的关系,履行保护自然、重建生态平衡的责任,最终重返与自然的和谐相处。  相似文献   

The connection between human cognitive development and motor functioning has been systematically examined in many typical and atypical populations; however, only a few studies focus on people with Down syndrome (DS). Twelve adolescents with DS participated and their cognitive control, measured by the Corsi-Block tapping test (e.g., visual working memory), the Auditory Memory span test (e.g., verbal working memory) and the Tower of London test (e.g., cognitive planning), and motor control, measured by the Purdue Pegboard (e.g., fine motor control), were measured in this study. Results indicate that if people with DS have better performance in fine manual dexterity, they will have better performance in cognitive planning and verbal working memory abilities. The co-activation hypothesis of the prefrontal area and the cerebellum may support this positive relationship. Hence, it is suggested people with DS will obtain benefits in cognitive control by participating in further motor intervention.  相似文献   

认知语言学主张从人和世界互动体验的视角去探讨语言的规律。语言全息则强调宇宙、人和语言的全息关系。二者在对语言的看法上可以说是殊途同归。从认知语言学的原理,如隐喻、转喻、格式塔、事件认知模型理论等方面探讨认知语言学与语言全息理论之间的映照关系。  相似文献   

An appropriate model of intrinsic motivation can explain the traits of creative people described in psychobiographic research and in recent models of creative thinking as need for novelty, curiosity, task commitment, and persistence. The roots of intrinsic motivation are the need to know and the need to achieve. The first has been described by Berlyne as “primary motivation” and finds theoretical support in the model of equilibrium and disequilibrium of Piaget. The second has been reformulated in the model of self‐regulation of motivation and action by Bandura, which shows the effect of perceived self‐efficacy for constructing control of strategies, actions and choice of challenging goals. These models based on experimental research permit good comprehension of the relationship between high ability, performance, knowledge and motivation.  相似文献   

交际意图是说话人在交际行为中所要实现的目的,它影响和制约着说话人对语言形式的选用。在文学作品中,作者为实现自己的交际目的,有时会故意打破言语常规,造成前景化。前景化和交际意图的传递有着密不可分的联系,读者对非常规形式背后的隐含意义的探求过程正是作者交际意图的实现过程,前景化语言结构可将读者认知活动有效地引向对作者交际意图的破解。  相似文献   

This article outlines three broad propositions for student equity in Australian higher education (HE), arising from the Australian Government's recent policy announcement to expand and widen student participation. The first is that a new relationship between student demand for places and their supply is on the horizon, unlike any other in Australia's history. Specifically, demand will struggle to match the intended supply. Given these new arrangements between government, institution and applicant, the article's second proposition is that governments and universities will need to develop a new regard for the people they seek to attract. And, following on from this, they will need to pay more attention to the nature of HE and its appeal to people who traditionally have not been all that interested. Informing this account are an examination of statistical data, analysis of university outreach programs, and a comparison of current principles of effective teaching in HE. The article concludes that advancing student equity in the current context will require new relations between institutions and students, which include a more sophisticated appreciation for the diversity of students and their communities, and for what they potentially contribute to HE.  相似文献   

A number of preterms who had participated in a study of visual recognition memory when they were 6 months of age were seen at older ages to assess the predictive validity of the early visual measures for cognitive outcome. The Bayley scales were administered at 6, 12, and 24 months, the Stanford-Binet at 34 and 40 months, and the WISC-R at 6 years. Novelty scores, which reflect the relative amount of time infants look at new compared to familiar stimuli, constituted the measure of infant visual processing. These scores, obtained by averaging over performance on the 3 or 4 problems administered at 6 months of age, were consistently and significantly related to cognitive measures from 24 months to 6 years, with correlations ranging from r = .53 to r = .66. Parental education, which was unrelated to novelty scores, bore a strong relationship to outcome beginning at 24 months. Although both measures contributed uniquely to the variance in cognitive outcome at 24 months and 6 years, visual novelty scores made a stronger contribution than did parental education. Neither 6- nor 12-month Bayley scores, nor various perinatal variables, were related to outcome.  相似文献   

TEMPERAMENT is characterised as the relatively stable dimension of human functioning, while intelligence is increasingly seen as a dynamic process. This study investigated the relationship between temperament and cognitive modifiability in an academically successful but disadvantaged South African population. For 92 adolescents in the Soweto Gifted Child Programme, the relationship was determined between their ratings on the Teacher Temperament Questionnaire and their performance on the Learning Potential Assessment Device and other measures of cognitive ability and learning. The Task Orientation and Personal‐Social Flexibility temperament dimensions were directly related to learning, academic performance and cognitive change. A more complex relationship was suggested for the Reactivity dimension, in that more intense and reactive subjects tended to perform better in unstimulating situations, while under more facilitative learning conditions, a higher performance level tended to be associated with a lower reactivity level. The findings support the possibility of an interaction between temperament and cognitive growth and demonstrate the usefulness of considering these individual difference variables in combination with each other.  相似文献   

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