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The authors of this paper compared the views of Slovenian and Portuguese preschool teachers about the importance of play and movement for the preschool children. In the paper, they focused on the question: Does physical activity of preschool teachers (spontaneous or planned) impact the planning and implementation of movement activities in their kindergarten group? They also analyzed the influence of subjective theories on the planning of movement activities and the realization of the curriculum objectives in the field of movement. Most of the preschool teachers in Slovenia and Portugal give priority to natural forms of movement in nature and play, allowing the movement of the fingers, palms, and hands. Research has shown a link between physical activity of preschool teachers and their views on the importance of the implementation of the movement activities of preschool children. The authors also noted that the quality of the implementation of the education process in kindergartens in the area of movement activities depends on their subjective theories to a great extent and on the level of professional competence referred to the discussed topic.  相似文献   

It‘s natural for young people to be critical about their parents at times and to blame them for the misunderstanding between them. They have always complained(抱怨), more or less justly, that their parents areout of touch with modern ways, that they do not trust their children to deal with difficulties, that they talk too much about certain problems and that they have no sense of humor, at least in parents-children relationships.  相似文献   

In this paper, the role of parents in supporting their children's progress, as a factor affecting Turkish-speaking children's achievement, has been explored. It is a fact that Turkish-speaking pupils, when compared with other ethnic groups, such as Bangladeshi and Somali, struggle, underachieve, and still continue performing low in the British education system. The Turkish community has been resident in the United Kingdom (UK) for over 70 years with the current estimated population of 450,000. However, the community is invisible in the society; their diverse needs are not known; and there are limited research and government reports. The relevant data and research findings indicate that there are various factors for the underachievement of the Turkish-speaking pupils. This study shows the degree of importance of parental participation for Turkish-speaking parents in supporting their children's achievement. As a result, lack of parental involvement is one of the important factors in achievement; and a majority of parents stated that they could not involve in their children's learning because a number of reasons evaluated in the paper.  相似文献   

Richard  蔡敬 《英语辅导》2005,(1):52-53
Almost everyone at some point in their life thinks about running away from home. Maybe the pressure from school and parents gets to be too much. Some teens run away to escape family problems, such as fighting between parents, or to escape abuse. Many think they can find a better life on their own. But the reality is that most end up in far worse situations than the ones they left behind.  相似文献   

Almost everyone at some point in their life thinks about running away from home.Maybe the pressure fromschool and parents gets to be too much.Some teens run away to escape family problems,such as fightingbetween parents,or to escape abuse.Many think they can find a better life on their own.But the reality is that mostend up in far worse situations than the ones they left behind.Running away doesn’t solve your problems-it justmakes things worse.Teens living on the streets are easy targets for people who exploit them by forcing them tosell drugs or become prostitutes.Without the support of family,there’s no one to turn to,and that's when life can  相似文献   

This is a story of everyone. The tree is our parents (父母). When we were young, we loved to play with Morn and Dad ... When we grow up (长大), we leave (离开) them, and only (仅仅) come to them when we need some- thing or when we are in trouble (在困境中). No matter what, parents will always (总是) be there and give everything they could to make you happy. You may think that the boy is cruel (残忍的) to the tree but that's how all of us are treating (对待) our parents.  相似文献   

There are infant, primary, and secondary schools in the United Kingdom. Usually the parents or the eaters (监护人) would seek a school place for the child. In this case, the parents or the carers have to read the local School Admissions booklet (手册) that provides (提供) full information about the school admission process. Otherwise (否则), they may be disadvantaged ( 不容易) in getting the preferred (最想要的) school place for the child.  相似文献   

Today more and mere young men say that their parents don’t understand them well. They think their parents are very striet with them and don‘t give them enough space to do their own things which they like to. They even think their parents are out of touch with modern life. So,generally speaking, they don‘ t want to talk with their parents, they don‘ t tell everything, especially their secret to their parents. It seems there is a gap between the parents and their children.  相似文献   

A study of disenfranchised learners in a regional area found that their engagement in formal education was influenced by their learner identities, their perceptions of themselves as learners, and the identity resources on which they draw. Understanding the disconnects between individuals', communities' and educational institutions' assumptions about learning engagement impacted on the types of identities on which learners drew and the efficacy of those identities in negotiating new learning experiences. Developing innovative and successful approaches to engage disenfranchised regional learners in training necessitates effective partnership and the recognition of diverse knowledge systems as they relate to the worlds of work, community engagement and learning. Social partnerships in learning frameworks were the key in describing the interactions between agents, they are the interagency and interdisciplinary relationships that enable effective learning in different disciplines, workplaces and training sites. Social partnerships in learning frameworks are used to examine diverse knowledge systems, develop capacity building processes and understand the underlying relationships that facilitate connections, engagement and decision-making between government, non-government, enterprise, community, stakeholders and individuals. This paper will examine disenfranchised learners' identities and the role of learning partnerships in developing strong learner identities and re-engaging regional learners.  相似文献   

In the past ten years, many exemplar projects are completed in China to encourage the sharing of knowledge and experience of sustainability. Many of these projects are landmark buildings, and because they can attract more public attentions, they raise more awareness of sustainable development. However, school projects are rarely mentioned in the news and annual inspirational project lists. The fundamental point of this paper is to challenge the common concept in China that school buildings are only used exclusively by children in formal education. According to the paper’s review of the school schemes in England and Wales, not only the inspirational sustainable schools created the opportunities and responsibilities to accelerate positive changes, but also they developed a vision of an asset that supports lifelong learning and sustainable lifestyles for the whole community. In this paper, the definition of a ‘sustainable school’ is summarised by comparing the statements and concepts in England and Wales. Moreover, a wide range of benefits gained by project stakeholders and communities are also demonstrated through case studies. In the end, lessons and innovations which can be learnt by Chinese school projects are concluded. The illustrations provided by this paper do not aim to solve all issues of promoting a sustainable school in China, but to open people’s minds to the impacts of their actions, and to build the knowledge and cooperative framework to promote public sustainable projects.  相似文献   

Some students are late for school for reasons that are beyond their control. Some students arrive at school after the bell has rung because of choices they've made. Their lateness might be a symptom of anxiety about school- caused by either academic or social concerns. And some students wander in to class a few minutes late because they like the attention their grand entrance receives - especially if it results in a few minutes of one-on-one time with the teacher.If you have a student who consistently arrives late for school, try to identify the pattern that student is exhibiting. You will want to talk with the student and his parents, of course;  相似文献   

Life is full of challenges.Many people may choose to shrink back because they don’t believe in themselves.They’re so afraid of failing that they never overcome themselves.But there are also some people who are brave enough to face difficulties.They think they are clever enough to deal with these problems.And they can overcome themselves.Believing in yourself could change your life.If you are facing challenges,you should believe that you can  相似文献   

Nowadays, drug taking has been a serious social problem. According to the data gathered by the World Health Organization, there are about 300 million drug addicts in the world, and 66% of them are teenagers.Why do so many people take drugs? I think the main reason is that they know little about narcotics. And most of them are very curious about strange things, especially the youth. They try to taking drugs just for fun at the beginning, and then they will addict to heroin soon. In the end, they will  相似文献   

王艺沛 《海外英语》2011,(4):209+221
There are a lot of stories in Greek Mythology that involve the relationship between parents and their children.Human beings use their imagination weaving mystery into Myth.Among these stories,some impressed me deeply.Through them,I know that there are no perfect parents in the world just as there is no perfect person,they all have their own unrealistic desire of their children.This is the flaw of human nature,but is also very natural and understandable.Parents should remember that the children are not gods,they come to the world to have their own lives.If every parent can keep this in minds and let their children be the person they want to be,then,this ancient myth helps them to become smarter,wiser and more generous parents.  相似文献   

Over the last five decades, modem directions in technological areas such as wireless networks and communications, complex robotic systems, satellites and space structures have been immensely benefited by the use of system and control's conceptual framework. Estimation, stability, controllability, robustness, optimality, adaptation, information and statistical engineering are only some of the fundamental ingredients of the so-called new and emerging technologies, which are within the collective preview of this paper. Furthermore, these two, contrarily to technological trends, well established fields of science have been continuously supported by formal modelling techniques, and advanced computational and simulation tools, which enable the analysis and design of new powerful and effective methodologies. Consequently, in this article the authors' aim follows two equal directions. At first, the authors would like to provide a profusion of many practical examples and real life problems arising in different application areas that may have in the past abstractly engaged the authors' attention and have offer a wealth of opportunities for creative system modelling and practical solutions development. That is the core of our paper. However, in order to be more explicit, and to further illustrate the authors' thoughts, the case of a tele-medicine-assisted home support system is used; a system of great interest in the emerging field of information technology and medical health care. Secondly, by developing the necessary conceptual framework and some more efficient methods, important and straightforwardly challenges are inevitably derived. Moreover, a strong effort to develop a formal approach requires the definition of a generic system framework. It is a central objective of this paper to clarify and unify the alternative notions of a "conceptual model" and thus, to create a basis for the systematic development of formal methods, control/information architectures and decision-making strategies. AMS (Classification): 97U50, 97U70, 97U80, 97D99.  相似文献   

This paper is about a research focusing on recent problems of Hungarian teachers. The aim of the study is to reveal the real troubles of Hungarian pedagogues, on the basis of their answers to a questionnaire, the nature of these problems and how they affect the role of the teacher. Supposedly, the nucleus of the problems of the teachers is connected with existence, skills and material or professional uncertainty. The study based on the related professional literature and its main statements. The conclusions could be applied mostly to the intellectual and existential preparation of would-be teachers. The aim of the research is to reveal the real problems of the high school teachers after the turn of the century, what these problems are, how stressful they are and how they impact the changing teacher role as, "Teachers are central to any consideration of schools, and majority of education policy discussions focus directly or indirectly on the role of teachers" (Hanushek & Rivkin, 2006). Ever since the pedagogical researches had started many monitors, surveys and reports have there appeared about the actual matters, issues and problems of the teachers. However, these previous examinations were structured or set up on the base of assumptions of researchers. The possible problem-framing was quite hypothetical and suggested the presuppositions of the inventors of questions, not that of the involved teachers. The methodological mean of the research was the questionnaire. The research has supposed that problems that are in the forefront of teacher thinking include skills, lack of conformity to practical demands, and material and financial uncertainness. We have focused the survey on finding the problematic activities that are primary for the educators. The results could be applied mainly in the field of the teacher training, especially in the mental and existential preparation of the would-be-teachers. It has also an actuality, since the teacher training stands before a changeover from the traditional structure to the two-level structure (transition between the former traditional and the BA and MA levels of higher education), so these remarks can also add somewhat to the reform program and--at the collective level-to the identification of issues important to the community of teachers, would-be-teachers and both in-service teachers and educators.  相似文献   

Sports and Sportsmanship—体育和体育道德Recently I received a few letters from our readers asking about sports in America.Well,today let’s talk about some of the popular sports played here.C1osely related to playing sports is"sportsmanship".So,we’ll also touch on how sports should be played.Of course,what I’m telling you are the kinds of sports that I think interesting.There are many types of sports people play in the different parts of the world,and here I’m only going to mention a few that I think I know how to play.  相似文献   

张静 《海外英语》2014,(19):264-265
Schemata are abstract structures that represent what one holds to be generally true about the world. What people know exists in schemata hierarchies and this prior knowledge is activated when they encounter new information. Schema theory asserts that reading is an interactive process between the text and the reader. Such interaction involves the readers’ prior knowledge of schemata and the actual information in the text. Only be constructing appropriate and meaningful schemata, can readers comprehend the text.  相似文献   

It is clear from past research that family atmosphere influences the course of many mental illness such as schizophrenia. EE (emotional express) is a measure of emotional response of a relative towards a person with a diagnosed health problem (Lobbon, et al., 2006). EE has three aspects like critical, hostile, and emotionally over-involved attitudes that relatives have toward patients. The goals of this study is to investigate EE's role in Eastern countries especially in Iran, compared to Western countries. 120 schizophrenia patients and their key relatives are selected to answer the family questionnaire. The results indicated that in Iranian families are regarded to emotionally over involvement attitude more seen than western countries. Parents who were emotional over involvement report self- blaming and more controlling parents than other parents. When the EE in Iranian families were compared to western countries, the differences were clear. For instance, in western countries hostile and critical attitude were more than Iranian families. In addition, they are less self-blaming and controlling their patients. But in Eastern countries mental illness is viewed as the fate or predestination, so there are fewer attempts to follow up therapeutic interventions. It is important to note that the role of culture is explored in explaining the specific manner in which EE relates to relapse among Iranian families, also for programming and family psycho- education interventions.  相似文献   

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