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In the traditional evaluation of information retrieval systems, assessors are asked to determine the relevance of a document on a graded scale, independent of any other documents. Such judgments are absolute judgments. Learning to rank brings some new challenges to this traditional evaluation methodology, especially regarding absolute relevance judgments. Recently preferences judgments have been investigated as an alternative. Instead of assigning a relevance grade to a document, an assessor looks at a pair of pages and judges which one is better. In this paper, we generalize pairwise preference judgments to relative judgments. We formulate the problem of relative judgments in a formal way and then propose a new strategy called Select-the-Best-Ones to solve the problem. Through user studies, we compare our proposed method with a pairwise preference judgment method and an absolute judgment method. The results indicate that users can distinguish by about one more relevance degree when using relative methods than when using the absolute method. Consequently, the relative methods generate 15–30% more document pairs for learning to rank. Compared to the pairwise method, our proposed method increases the agreement among assessors from 95% to 99%, while halving the labeling time and the number of discordant pairs to experts’ judgments.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the problem of how to rank retrieval systems without the need for human relevance judgments, which are very resource intensive to obtain. Using TREC 3, 6, 7 and 8 data, it is shown how the overlap structure between the search results of multiple systems can be used to infer relative performance differences. In particular, the overlap structures for random groupings of five systems are computed, so that each system is selected an equal number of times. It is shown that the average percentage of a system’s documents that are only found by it and no other systems is strongly and negatively correlated with its retrieval performance effectiveness, such as its mean average precision or precision at 1000. The presented method uses the degree of consensus or agreement a retrieval system can generate to infer its quality. This paper also addresses the question of how many documents in a ranked list need to be examined to be able to rank the systems. It is shown that the overlap structure of the top 50 documents can be used to rank the systems, often producing the best results. The presented method significantly improves upon previous attempts to rank retrieval systems without the need for human relevance judgments. This “structure of overlap” method can be of value to communities that need to identify the best experts or rank them, but do not have the resources to evaluate the experts’ recommendations, since it does not require knowledge about the domain being searched or the information being requested.  相似文献   

Relevance judgments occur within an information search process, where time, context and situation can impact the judgments. The determination of relevance is dependent on a number of factors and variables which include the criteria used to determine relevance. The relevance judgment process and the criteria used to make those judgments are manifestations of the cognitive changes which occur during the information search process.Understanding why these relevance criteria choices are made, and how they vary over the information search process can provide important information about the dynamic relevance judgment process. This information can be used to guide the development of more adaptive information retrieval systems which respond to the cognitive changes of users during the information search process.The research data analyzed here was collected in two separate studies which examined a subject’s relevance judgment over an information search process. Statistical analysis was used to examine these results and determine if there were relationships between criteria selections, relevance judgments, and the subject’s progression through the information search process. Findings confirm and extend findings of previous studies, providing strong statistical evidence of an association between the information search process and the choices of relevance criteria by users, and identifying specific changes in the user preferences for specific criteria over the course of the information search process.  相似文献   

In this paper, a new source selection algorithm for uncooperative distributed information retrieval environments is presented. The algorithm functions by modeling each information source as an integral, using the relevance score and the intra-collection position of its sampled documents in reference to a centralized sample index and selects the collections that cover the largest area in the rank-relevance space. Based on the above novel metric, the algorithm explicitly focuses on addressing the two goals of source selection; high-recall, which is important for source recommendation applications and high-precision which is important for distributed information retrieval, aiming to produce a high-precision final merged list.  相似文献   

Some of the most popular measures to evaluate information filtering systems are usually independent of the users because they are based in relevance judgments obtained from experts. On the other hand, the user-centred evaluation allows showing the different impressions that the users have perceived about the system running. This work is focused on discussing the problem of user-centred versus system-centred evaluation of a Web content personalization system where the personalization is based on a user model that stores long term (section, categories and keywords) and short term interests (adapted from user provided feedback). The user-centred evaluation is based on questionnaires filled in by the users before and after using the system and the system-centred evaluation is based on the comparison between ranking of documents, obtained from the application of a multi-tier selection process, and binary relevance judgments collected previously from real users. The user-centred and system-centred evaluations performed with 106 users during 14 working days have provided valuable data concerning the behaviour of the users with respect to issues such as document relevance or the relative importance attributed to different ways of personalization. The results obtained shows general satisfaction on both the personalization processes (selection, adaptation and presentation) and the system as a whole.  相似文献   

It is well-known that relevance feedback is a method significant in improving the effectiveness of information retrieval systems. Improving effectiveness is important since these information retrieval systems must gain access to large document collections distributed over different distant sites. As a consequence, efforts to retrieve relevant documents have become significantly greater. Relevance feedback can be viewed as an aid to the information retrieval task. In this paper, a relevance feedback strategy is presented. The strategy is based on back-propagation of the relevance of retrieved documents using an algorithm developed in a neural approach. This paper describes a neural information retrieval model and emphasizes the results obtained with the associated relevance back-propagation algorithm in three different environments: manual ad hoc, automatic ad hoc and mixed ad hoc strategy (automatic plus manual ad hoc).  相似文献   

Concurrent concepts of specificity are discussed and differentiated from each other to investigate the relationship between index term specificity and users’ relevance judgments. The identified concepts are term-document specificity, hierarchical specificity, statement specificity, and posting specificity. Among them, term-document specificity, which is a relationship between an index term and the document indexed with the term, is regarded as a fruitful research area. In an experiment involving three searches with 175 retrieved documents from 356 matched index terms, the impact of specificity on relevance judgments is analyzed and found to be statistically significant. Implications for index practice and for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of relevance feedback in a cross-language information retrieval environment. We have performed an experiment in which Portuguese speakers are asked to judge the relevance of English documents; documents hand-translated to Portuguese and documents automatically translated to Portuguese. The goals of the experiment were to answer two questions (i) how well can native Portuguese searchers recognise relevant documents written in English, compared to documents that are hand translated and automatically translated to Portuguese; and (ii) what is the impact of misjudged documents on the performance improvement that can be achieved by relevance feedback. Surprisingly, the results show that machine translation is as effective as hand translation in aiding users to assess relevance in the experiment. In addition, the impact of misjudged documents on the performance of RF is overall just moderate, and varies greatly for different query topics.  相似文献   

This paper studies how to learn accurate ranking functions from noisy training data for information retrieval. Most previous work on learning to rank assumes that the relevance labels in the training data are reliable. In reality, however, the labels usually contain noise due to the difficulties of relevance judgments and several other reasons. To tackle the problem, in this paper we propose a novel approach to learning to rank, based on a probabilistic graphical model. Considering that the observed label might be noisy, we introduce a new variable to indicate the true label of each instance. We then use a graphical model to capture the joint distribution of the true labels and observed labels given features of documents. The graphical model distinguishes the true labels from observed labels, and is specially designed for ranking in information retrieval. Therefore, it helps to learn a more accurate model from noisy training data. Experiments on a real dataset for web search show that the proposed approach can significantly outperform previous approaches.  相似文献   

Engineering a multi-purpose test collection for Web retrieval experiments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Past research into text retrieval methods for the Web has been restricted by the lack of a test collection capable of supporting experiments which are both realistic and reproducible. The 1.69 million document WT10g collection is proposed as a multi-purpose testbed for experiments with these attributes, in distributed IR, hyperlink algorithms and conventional ad hoc retrieval.WT10g was constructed by selecting from a superset of documents in such a way that desirable corpus properties were preserved or optimised. These properties include: a high degree of inter-server connectivity, integrity of server holdings, inclusion of documents related to a very wide spread of likely queries, and a realistic distribution of server holding sizes. We confirm that WT10g contains exploitable link information using a site (homepage) finding experiment. Our results show that, on this task, Okapi BM25 works better on propagated link anchor text than on full text.WT10g was used in TREC-9 and TREC-2000 and both topic relevance and homepage finding queries and judgments are available.  相似文献   

This paper presents a probabilistic information retrieval framework in which the retrieval problem is formally treated as a statistical decision problem. In this framework, queries and documents are modeled using statistical language models, user preferences are modeled through loss functions, and retrieval is cast as a risk minimization problem. We discuss how this framework can unify existing retrieval models and accommodate systematic development of new retrieval models. As an example of using the framework to model non-traditional retrieval problems, we derive retrieval models for subtopic retrieval, which is concerned with retrieving documents to cover many different subtopics of a general query topic. These new models differ from traditional retrieval models in that they relax the traditional assumption of independent relevance of documents.  相似文献   

This paper presents a relevance model to rank the facts of a data warehouse that are described in a set of documents retrieved with an information retrieval (IR) query. The model is based in language modeling and relevance modeling techniques. We estimate the relevance of the facts by the probability of finding their dimensions values and the query keywords in the documents that are relevant to the query. The model is the core of the so-called contextualized warehouse, which is a new kind of decision support system that combines structured data sources and document collections. The paper evaluates the relevance model with the Wall Street Journal (WSJ) TREC test subcollection and a self-constructed fact database.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a new algorithm for relevance feedback (RF) in information retrieval. Unlike conventional RF algorithms which use the top ranked documents for feedback, our proposed algorithm is a kind of active feedback algorithm which actively chooses documents for the user to judge. The objectives are (a) to increase the number of judged relevant documents and (b) to increase the diversity of judged documents during the RF process. The algorithm uses document-contexts by splitting the retrieval list into sub-lists according to the query term patterns that exist in the top ranked documents. Query term patterns include a single query term, a pair of query terms that occur in a phrase and query terms that occur in proximity. The algorithm is an iterative algorithm which takes one document for feedback in each of the iterations. We experiment with the algorithm using the TREC-6, -7, -8, -2005 and GOV2 data collections and we simulate user feedback using the TREC relevance judgements. From the experimental results, we show that our proposed split-list algorithm is better than the conventional RF algorithm and that our algorithm is more reliable than a similar algorithm using maximal marginal relevance.  相似文献   

In this paper results from three studies examining 1295 relevance judgments by 36 information retrieval (IR) system end-users is reported. Both the region of the relevance judgments, from non-relevant to highly relevant, and the motivations or levels for the relevance judgments are examined. Three major findings are studied. First, the frequency distributions of relevance judgments by IR system end-users tend to take on a bi-modal shape with peaks at the extremes (non-relevant/relevant) with a flatter middle range. Second, the different type of scale (interval or ordinal) used in each study did not alter the shape of the relevance frequency distributions. And third, on an interval scale, the median point of relevance judgment distributions correlates with the point where relevant and partially relevant items begin to be retrieved. The median point of a distribution of relevance judgments may provide a measure of user/IR system interaction to supplement precision/recall measures. The implications of investigation for relevance theory and IR systems evaluation are discussed.  相似文献   

Term classifications and thesauri can be used for many purposes in automatic information retrieval. Normally a thesaurus is generated manually by subject experts: alternatively, the associations between the terms can be obtained automatically by using the occurrence characteristics of the terms across the documents of a collection. A third possibility consists in taking into account user relevance assessments of certain documents with respect to certain queries in order to build term classes designed to retrieve the relevant documents and simultaneously to reject the nonrelevant documents. This last strategy, known as pseudoclassification, produces a user-dependent term classification.A number of pseudoclassification studies are summarized in the present report, and conclusions are reached concerning the effectiveness and feasibility of constructing term classifications based on human relevance assessments.  相似文献   

Term weighting for document ranking and retrieval has been an important research topic in information retrieval for decades. We propose a novel term weighting method based on a hypothesis that a term’s role in accumulated retrieval sessions in the past affects its general importance regardless. It utilizes availability of past retrieval results consisting of the queries that contain a particular term, retrieved documents, and their relevance judgments. A term’s evidential weight, as we propose in this paper, depends on the degree to which the mean frequency values for the relevant and non-relevant document distributions in the past are different. More precisely, it takes into account the rankings and similarity values of the relevant and non-relevant documents. Our experimental result using standard test collections shows that the proposed term weighting scheme improves conventional TF*IDF and language model based schemes. It indicates that evidential term weights bring in a new aspect of term importance and complement the collection statistics based on TF*IDF. We also show how the proposed term weighting scheme based on the notion of evidential weights are related to the well-known weighting schemes based on language modeling and probabilistic models.  相似文献   

The object of this paper is to present a new kind of approach to the problem of information system effectiveness evaluation as based on the theory of fuzzy sets. On the basis of this theory, the concepts of relevance and pertinence, which are the basic concepts used in determining the indices of information system effectiveness evaluation, have been defined. Assuming that in evaluating the effectiveness of information systems, one should consider separately the problem of quality evaluation of the transformation of the contents of documents and information requests into their search patterns and the problem of quality evaluation of the process of profile control of a document set of the information system, definitions have been given of parameters of quality evaluation of the transformation of the contents of documents and information requests into their search patterns with regard to a given information request as well as of parameters of quality evaluation of the process with regard to the whole set of information requests under examination. Besides, parameters of quality evaluation of the process of profile control of a document set of the information system have been defined. The parameters of effectiveness evaluation of information systems put forward in this paper take account of the fact that both evaluation of the relevance and evaluation of the pertinence of documents are of a continuous character.  相似文献   

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