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体育新闻报道应走出三大误区   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
20世纪90年代以来,随着我国足球职业联赛的启动和新闻改革的深化,体育新闻成为国内媒体发展最快、影响最大的报道品种之一.进入21世纪后,以各地都市报和专业体育媒体为主角,我国体育新闻的竞争日趋白热化.应该肯定,在广大新闻工作者的努力下,同过去相比,我国的体育新闻报道无论是在报道内容上还是报道力度、报道方式、语言风格、版式水平等都有了长足的进步.但与此同时,目前我国体育新闻报道也出现了不少备受关注和争议的问题,一些媒体的体育报道走入了误区.  相似文献   

体育新闻报道应把握“四性”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自80年代以来,我国兴起过各种各样的“热”,但能引起各阶层关注而又经久不衰的恐怕要数体育热。体育热为体育新闻的发展营造了广阔的空间,也使体育新闻越来越成为媒体争相报道的话题。根据本人近年来阅读大量报刊的体育版和在地方晚报编辑文体版的体验,窃以为地方报纸的体育版面在报道中要注意把握“四性”。  相似文献   

如何更好地在体育新闻报道中体现人文关怀,是体育新闻媒体面临的一个难点。本文以中国运动员王燕不幸受伤的媒体报道为例,探讨体育新闻报道中的人文关怀问题。  相似文献   

王妍 《新闻世界》2011,(11):200-201
现阶段体育新闻报道呈现出娱乐化的趋势,本文分析了体育新闻报道娱乐化现象产生的原因,并指出应对这一趋势,相关媒体的对策和应注意的问题。  相似文献   

叶蓁 《传媒观察》2007,(1):55-57
随着我国体育事业的蓬勃发展,国内各类媒体纷纷在体育新闻报道上加大投入,竞争可谓日趋激烈。纸质媒体面对竞争,一方面在报纸杂志之外寻找新的经济增长点,另一方面则在版面上求新求变。体育新闻图片很好地弥补了平面媒体体育新闻报道直观性和现场感不强的弱点,在报纸杂志中扮演  相似文献   

在全球媒体新闻报道娱乐化的大趋势下,我国体育新闻报道日渐显现出娱乐化倾向,并出现了过度的趋势。本文着重分析了体育新闻报道的娱乐化表现及形成原因,提出了体育新闻报道应秉承传播体育文化的宗旨,维护体育新闻的公正性,在满足受众心理需求的同时应避免极端化和低俗化。  相似文献   

体育新闻深度报道的写作要素   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
众所周知,相较广播电视媒体和网络媒体,与其他报道一样,平面媒体的体育新闻报道无法在时效性上占据主动。那么,随着2008北京奥运会的日益临近,平面媒体如何才能发挥自身优势,在媒体奥运大战中有所斩获呢?我们认为,进一步注重体育新闻的深度报道,应是平面媒体正确而重要的战略选择。所谓体育新闻深度报道,就是以理性化和人性化的态度直面体育发展过程中的成就与问题,揭示体育的客观规律,从而对受众公众或政府决策部门加以舆论引导或监督。  相似文献   

自从1984年第23届运会中国获得第一块奥运金牌以来,中国的体育事业突飞猛进,竞技体育成绩斐然,体育新闻报道也火爆起来,各类专门从事体育新闻报道的专业报、杂志、栏目、频道层出不穷.我们也应该看到,如今.体育新闻趋向娱乐化的倾向比较明显,这其中有其积极的效用,一方面拓宽了报道领域,增强了对受众的吸引力,另一方面也使体育新闻变得更丰富多彩、更受欢迎、更好看,也为纸质媒体的体育版在与电视等电子媒介的竞争中找到了空档.但不必讳言的是,由于过分追求"眼球经济"和市场效应,加上记者自身专业精神和理性思考力的欠缺,一些媒体在报道体育新闻中也存在着不少偏差,体育新闻娱乐化带来的一些弊端不得不令业内人士深刻反思.  相似文献   

体育新闻报道作为传媒内容竞争的重要砝码,受到媒体从业者的极大重视,以报纸为例,体育专版、体育专刊占据着版面关键而强势的区域.然而,在吸引受众的同时,地区性媒体中的体育新闻报道却带有浓厚的"地方主义情结".  相似文献   

新媒体在体育报道领域发挥着越来越重要的作用,本文从新媒体实践角度着手,探究当前体育报道的新媒体实践策略,提出了新媒体时代的体育新闻报道要在跨媒体合作、与受众互动、体育报道方式有所创新,以提升新媒体在体育新闻报道中的竞争力和影响力。  相似文献   

This article contributes to the understanding of how transnational media corporations enter, operate, and are structured in different national contexts. Specifically, it provides a detailed examination of News Corporation's use of sport as an instrument for successfully penetrating national television markets within the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. The discussion is divided into 3 sections, focused on (a) the cultural and economic rationales underpinning News Corporation's use of sport as a core aspect of transnational television market entry strategies, (b) examples of News Corporation's use of sport programming to enter and manage local media markets, and (c) the changes wrought in News Corporation's organizational structure and focus resulting from its transnational sporting orientation.  相似文献   

本文以台湾《苹果日报》在其网站上推出的动新闻为研究对象,采用媒介生态学理论作为分析框架,通过对动新闻事件始末的梳理及对台湾媒介生态的考量,对动新闻的产生原因、管制困境和生存背景进行了研究。文章认为,台湾动新闻是台湾媒介生态失衡发展的产物,它的存在反映了台湾媒介生态的现状和问题。  相似文献   

刘玲 《出版科学》2011,19(5):74-78
通过对世界五大传媒集团——贝塔斯曼、维亚康姆、迪士尼、新闻集团、时代华纳新媒体战略的实施状况进行比较,分析五大传媒集团新媒体战略的特点、实施路径及其成效,在此基础上,提出对我国传媒集团新媒体战略的启示意义。  相似文献   

With social media, presidential figures can communicate directly with citizens without filter, and the self-selecting nature of social media ensures that supporters will comprise the majority of that figure's social media following. This project examines an example of visual content aimed at a president's supporters: the Real News Update. Produced by the Trump reelection campaign, the Real News Update mimics the color designs and structures of cable news and uses female anchors to soften messages while emphasizing conflict with the press. In a polarized climate aided by the popularization of outlets like Fox News, the Real News Update apes the style of the press to offer an in-house digitally distributed alternative.  相似文献   

唐定  毛江红 《新闻界》2008,(1):118-119
电视新闻娱乐化促进了电视新闻的发展,满足了受众的多样化需求。而电视新闻泛娱乐化削弱了电视媒体的社会责任,降低了观众思维和行为能力,影响了电视新闻的传播效果。为了避免电视新闻娱乐化产生消极影响,应该把握好三个"度",即专业度、品位度和接受度。  相似文献   

The abundance of political media outlets raises concerns that citizens isolate themselves to likeminded news, leaving the public with infrequent shared media experiences and little exposure to disagreeable information. Network analysis of 2008 National Annenberg Election Survey data (N = 57,967) indicates these worries are exaggerated, as general interest news outlets like local newspapers and non-partisan television news are central to the public’s media environment. Although there is some variation between the media diets of Republicans and Democrats (FOX News and conservative talk radio are central to Republicans’ information network), neither group appears to engage in active avoidance of disagreeable information. Individuals across the political spectrum are not creating partisan “echo chambers” but instead have political media repertoires that are remarkably similar.  相似文献   

段勃 《新闻界》2008,(5):36-38
本文通过普利策新闻奖和《南方周末》的“致敬!中国传媒”的对比以及《新闻调查》和《十字路口》栏目的对比将中西调查性报道题材区别鲜明地表现出来。  相似文献   

This paper examines the ability of national companies to sponsor global media content in order to advance the sponsoring countries’ narratives. Specifically, the analysis examines Sky News’ coverage of Qatar, which has sponsored Sky News’ weather reports for more than a decade via its national airline Qatar Airways. The article examines how Sky News presented allegations that Qatar sponsors terror organizations, as well as allegations that Qatar bribed the Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA) to win the 2022 World Cup bid. To put the analysis in perspective, the study compares Sky News’ coverage of Qatari affairs with that of CNN International and Independent Television (ITV). The analysis revealed that Sky News covered Qatari affairs at large in the most positive tone of all three networks examined and its specific coverage of Qatari terror-related affairs was also significantly more positive than the other networks’. Sky News’ output advanced Qatar’s desired image as an intermediary force in the Middle East much more than the other stations’. In contrast, Sky News was more critical than the other stations toward Qatar regarding the FIFA bribery allegations. The study offers a unique perspective regarding the potency and boundaries of commercial sponsorship of content on global media to advance the sponsoring country’s image.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):93-96
Objectives: Students should be able to identify news stories generated from PR material in the media. Students should be able to explain how the media incorporates PR material into news stories

Courses: Mass Media Writing, News Writing, and Introduction to Public Relations  相似文献   

This theoretical article explores the idea of small, per-article payments for the newspaper industry. The article examines existing academic and industry literature on micropayments, as well as explores underlying theories in media management and economics, marketing, behavioral economics, sociology, computer information systems, and mass communication. The authors propose a “Modified News Micropayment Model” that contains 4 primary drivers that make the idea of micropayments a feasible and attractive idea for news industries in the Social Web environment—socialization/sharing, a microearn component, local focus, and a centralized banking system. The model is presented and discussed, and future directions for research are offered.  相似文献   

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