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主要的课堂教学目标表述模式有内部心理表述、行为表述、结合表述、表现性目标表述等。内部心理表述过于模糊;行为表述追求精确;结合表述把对内部心理的模糊表述与对行为的精确表述结合起来;表现性目标表述力求表述很难在短时间内实现的目标。  相似文献   

古代诗歌鉴赏试题按表述内容可分为内容主旨表述、形象赏析表述、语言赏析表述、技法赏析表述四大类。如果按照表述方式分,又可分为筛选性表述、解说性表述、引证性表述、思辨性表述四大类。  相似文献   

数学表述是学生掌握数学知识与技能的一种手段,也是教师评价学生数学学习能力和水平的一个重要标准.目前,小学生问题解决中数学表述的状况是:不同年级学生采用表述类型的倾向性不同,数学语言的掌握程度是影响学生数学表述的根本原因.而小学数学表述教学方面存在的问题包括:教师对数学表述的重视程度一般,数学表述教学质量不高;学生存在数学语言理解和转换障碍,数学交流能力有待提高.认清数学表述教学的价值、理清数学表述与数学语言和数学交流的关系、构建小学数学表述教学模式,对培养小学生数学表述能力具有重要意义.  相似文献   

数学表述能力是以数学语言作为基本元素,对数学知识、数学问题进行准确解释的能力。教师忽视数学表述的积极指导、学生缺乏数学表述的有效训练、教材中缺乏数学表述的直接表述等三个原因导致小学生数学表述能力在日常教学中迷失。在教学中,教师可通过加强数学表述指导、强化数学语言间的互译、扩大数学阅读的视野等策略培养学生的数学表述能力。  相似文献   

中学物理教材中有关楞次定律的表述有四种。往往我们会利用表述1判断感应电流的方向,利用表述2判断导体的相对运动情况,利用表述3判断回路面积的变化情况,利用表述4判断自感电流的方向。  相似文献   

以往给句子下定义,主要路径有逻辑的角度、意义的完整性、结构的独立性、句调。由此认识句子的本质特征,有很大局限。对句子的各种定义进行梳理,从句法、语义、语用三个平面进行分析,重点对句子的语用特征即表述性特征进行探讨,可以见出:表述性是句子的本质特征。表述性分为句子的表述和句子的局部表述,句子的表述依靠句调来表现,它表达的是语气;句子的局部表述依靠语气词、语气副词等来表现,它表达的是口气;具体的句子和抽象的句子都具有表述性,但表述性的特点并不相同。具体的句子的表述性是外显的,实现了和语境的联系。而抽象的句子的表述性是内隐的,尚未实现和语境的联系。  相似文献   

教育科研的实质就是对教育领域未知的问题做出解答。因此,进行教育科研的第一个环节就是确定科研课题。教育科研课题是一个有待于解决、验证或回答的问题。 一、科研课题的表述 科研课题的表述是十分关键的,如果表述不准确,就直接影响了研究的进行。 科研课题的表述要注意以下几点。 1.科研课题不宜用肯定的语句表述 课题表述不是论文题目的表述。课题是问题,要体现问题性,而  相似文献   

历史本身是一种客观存在,但是人们在重现历史之时,有一个重要环节,即如何加以表述,表述时站在什么立场。历史表述还在于表述过程中的表述方式方法,是客观表述,还是非客观的主观表述;是简单重复,还是价值评论;或者是实践认识,或者是求证现实。  相似文献   

本文在阐述基尔霍夫回路电压定律三种经典表述的基础上,导出基尔霍夫回路电压定律三种经典表述之“等效表述”,然后应用其“等效表述”去计算同一电路中任意两点间的电压,既验证了“等效表述”的正确性,又体现了用“等效表述”去计算同一电路中相同两点间电压的简捷性.  相似文献   

语文课堂教学目标表述是语文课堂教学的起点和归宿,对课堂教学起指导和制约作用。在现实的教学实践中,广大教师对于语文课堂教学目标的表述还存在许多的问题,这将影响到语文课堂教学。外国的心理学家对课堂教学目标的表述问题进行了探索,并提出各自的目标表述模式。语文教学目标的表述应该立足了本学科特点,借鉴合适的教学目标表述模式,才有利于达到语文课堂教学的最优化。  相似文献   

从一个案例引出对我国《合同法》第六十四条规定性质的利他合同说、非真正利他合同说和宽泛说三种不同解读,并通过对上述三种观点的分析得出宽泛说是对《合同法》第六十四条的最优解释。  相似文献   

通过从历史角度对美国大学共同治理制度的梳理发现,共同治理的出现并不是历史的偶然,它发端于14世纪意大利悠久的教授自治传统.有关美国大学共同治理制度发展历程中存在三个拐点,一为1966年AAUP、ACE和AGB联合颁布的<学院与大学治理的联合声明>;二为1988年加州颁布的AB1725,开创共同治理法制化的先河;三为1998年AGB颁布的<治理宣言>,对1966年AAUP等协会的<联合声明>进行了部分调整,提出七原则对大学治理模式进行重建.  相似文献   

2000年,英国高等教育质量保证署(QAA)发布了"教育研究"(本科荣誉学位)的学科基准,以帮助高等教育机构设计和发展教育研究类课程.2007年,依据定期审核的结果对此进行了修订.本文评介了英国"教育研究"的学科基准及其在三所大学中的应用状况.  相似文献   

Considering the importance attached by the participants in the International High‐Level Consultation on Policy Issues of Quality Assessment and Institutional Accreditation in Higher Education to the issues of quality assurance and assessment and the need to further co‐operate in the field in order for the central and eastern European systems of higher education to face present and future challenges, the Bureau of the meeting, assisted by the Secretariat of CEPES, proposed a Statement for adoption by the participants. A discussion of this Statement, to be known informally as the Oradea Statement, took place; some suggestions were made, and finally it was adopted as follows:  相似文献   

This article considers the impact of the New Public Management culture on Irish education and calls for a debate in relation to the prevailing bureaucratic model of accountability. The influence of the Lisbon Agenda (2000) on education planning is identified and the 2005/7 Education Strategy Statement is analysed using the relevant OECD framework. This analysis reveals the preponderance of macro policy objectives over individual learning objectives. The implications of this finding are considered in the case of two of the five goals of this Strategy Statement, those dealing with the personal and social goals of education and education quality. The paper calls for alternative indicators that will achieve balance between process and product, between responsive and contractual accountability and between individual and system outcomes. Some hopeful developments are identified.  相似文献   


The focus of this paper is upon an examination of the ‘direction of travel’ in European countries from special needs education to inclusive education – a development influenced by the Salamanca Statement. The 1994 Salamanca Statement argued that inclusive schools provide ‘an effective education for the majority of children and improve the efficiency and ultimately the cost-effectiveness of the entire education system’ (ix). Underpinning this assertion are issues around special needs and inclusive education are financed. The paper will examine the degree to which the critical issue of financing has – or has not – changed across European countries since Salamanca. This examination takes retrospective look at key issues identified in the European Agency 1999 study of funding models for special education in 17 European countries, compared and contrasted with those identified in a 2016 study of approaches to funding inclusive education in 18 European countries. This paper argues that the essential issues underpinning their financing mechanisms have changed very little. For many European countries, changing systems of financing of inclusive education can still be seen as a key lever for achieving the goal of more widespread inclusion of learners with special educational needs, as outlined in the 1994 Salamanca Statement.  相似文献   


The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs Education proposed a policy shift from special education to inclusive education models that require schools to serve all children. However, alongside this shift was a recognition that sign language access for deaf learners is essential for meeting the right to education and that this access cannot always be provided in mainstream settings. The Statement was written during an apex in bilingual education for deaf students in certain countries, and the World Federation of the Deaf (WFD), joined by Swedish and Danish government and deaf advocacy organisation delegates, successfully lobbied for inclusion of Section 21. This section makes three claims regarding the importance of policy-level recognition of differences among learners, the right of deaf learners to education in a national sign language, and the suggested greater suitability of deaf schools or congregated programmes for many deaf learners. The Salamanca Statement, like Article 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) and related General Comments, makes universalising claims within a rights-based framework; however, the competing claims of deaf advocacy organisations have posed a challenge and corrective to such statements since deaf learners are often excluded in inclusive classrooms.  相似文献   

The following statement on education and research has been excerpted from Chancellor Willy Brandt's Policy Statement to the Bundestag, January 18, 1973.  相似文献   

Cultural Studies of Science Education - In an effort to pursue and achieve quality and equity in science education, the South African National Curriculum Statement stipulates that learners should...  相似文献   

中日邦交正常化以来的四个政治文件各具特色,在中日关系发展的不同历史时期起到了举足轻重的作用。《中日联合声明》翻开了中日关系新的一页;《中日和平友好条约》奠定了中日关系的法律基础;《中日联合宣言》指明了新时期中日关系的发展方向;新《联合声明》对中日关系作了新的定位。今年恰逢中日两国实现邦交正常化40周年,40年来的历史证明,中日双方只有共同遵守四个政治文件的各项原则,中日关系才能健康发展。  相似文献   

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