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分析大学出版社的所有者和利益相关者以及大学对其出版社的要求.探讨当前大学出版社所处的困境,以及造成当前困境的诸多原因.指出大学出版社富有活力和创造性的业务实践,而非像开放存取运动那样根本性地改变现有的版权体制,是帮助渡过学术交流难关的最好方法.  相似文献   

当前,数字出版是传统出版产业转型和升级的主攻方向,本文着眼于大学出版社数字出版转型的现状,立足于大学出版社可持续发展的长远未来,梳理了大学出版社出版转型中存在的问题,对大学出版社数字化转型的发展路径进行了探讨。  相似文献   

武齐 《现代出版》2007,(2):27-29
一、大学出版社所面临的出版生态困境分析 大学出版社服务于高校的教学科研,以出版大学教材和学术专著为主.众所周知,大学教材利益丰厚,市场稳定,引起了越来越多其他类型出版社的关注,他们纷纷介入大学教材出版竞争的行列.加上1999年开始的高校扩招和国家允许高等教育投资办学主体的多元化政策,都使得高校教材市场近几年空前繁荣起来.在大学教材市场,几百家出版社各显神通,推出了数万种教材,竞争十分激烈.  相似文献   

坚持特色和品牌战略——大学出版社快速发展的必由之路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放的二十几年,正是绝大多数大学出版社从无到有、从小到大蓬勃发展的二十几年。大学出版社中不仅有许多国内外知名的大社、名社,也有一批特色鲜明、充满活力的中小出版社。出版社的发展历史不同,学校的学科背景不同以及其他因素的影响,各出版社的发展模式也就有所不同。经过多年的探索与实践,坚持质量优先、社会效益第一、品牌形象第一和社会效益与经济效益统一的发展战略,成为大学出版社发展的共识和必由之路。当前是出版社,特别是大学出版社发展的关键时期,机遇和挑战并存。党的十六大的胜利召开,为我国今后的全面发展指明了方向,对…  相似文献   

大学出版社绝大多数成立于20多年前,是随着国家改革开放的进程而逐渐发展、壮大起来的,成为我国出版行业一支重要的力量,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。当前,随着新闻出版等单位化体制改革的探讨和实施,大学出版社如何应对化体制改革以及如何进一步促进自身的健康发展,是摆在我们每一个大学出版工作面前不容回避的问题。应该说,目前是大学出版社发展中一个关键的时期,  相似文献   

通过对大学出版社学术出版的现状与特点的探讨,认为学术出版向数字出版方向转型是必然的发展趋势.基于大学出版社的优势,从出版信息化、数字复合出版、收费体系以及新的出版领域和模式等角度,提出了学术专著出版向数字化发展的对策.  相似文献   

科技图书出版的困境和出版趋势   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科技图书出版社面临很多困境,认识这个问题并寻找解决的办法是科技出版社的当务之急.本文就有关科技出版的相关问题作了探讨.  相似文献   

在当前我国各类读物出版中,学术出版是一个薄弱的环节,这种状况与我国教育科技大发展的形势不相适应.学术出版亟待改变现状,走出困境,寻求开拓发展之路.在这方面,北京市社会科学理论著作出版基金作出了特殊的贡献,给我国大学出版社学术出版的持续发展以深刻的启示.本文以该基金对北京大学出版社的支持为例,浅析社科基金对学术出版的作用与影响.  相似文献   

2007年,教育部和新闻出版总署联合召开了高等学校出版社体制改革试点工作会议,对未来大学出版社体制改革和发展进行了动员和部署,确立了清华大学出版社等19家出版社转制为企业.2008年,大学出版社体制改革工作全面铺开,再次确定62家大学出版社启动体制改革工作.至此,尚未启动转企改制工作的大学出版社仅有十几家,可以说,大学出版社的体制改革工作已经在绝大多数出版社中逐步开展.为保证大学出版社体制改革的质量,少走弯路,在充分尊重各大学出版社创造性的同时.教育部及时制定了<大学出版社体制改革规范>,确保大学出版社体制改革工作的扎实推进.  相似文献   

蔡翔  唐颖 《现代传播》2005,(3):25-28
本文针对当前我国大学出版社转制减缓的一些迹象,对大学出版社转制的缘起、困惑、对策等作了探讨。  相似文献   

对大学出版社体制改革的几点认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2007年4月,争议颇多的大学出版社改革终于开始了破冰之旅。本文从大学出版社改革的背景入手,首先指出大学社的改革不能也不应该是政治决策的产物,而应是政策推动下大学出版社基本属性的回归和对现实的考量。其次,指出大学社改革中在观念上存在的几个认识误区。最后,探讨了大学社改革之路,涉及改戍新的事业体制还是企业体制、整体改制还是部分改制以及改制怎样实施等问题。  相似文献   

何皓 《出版科学》2012,20(3):5-11
大学出版社经过30多年的发展,已走到一个新的历史关口,本文系统阐述大学出版社的发展问题。在揭示当前市场环境新特征的基础上,研究大学出版社的产品构成和取向、制度安排与创新、现阶段营销策略重点,以及发展路径选择等问题,并对大学出版社发展的困惑给予现实的解读与思考。  相似文献   

Academic book and journal publishing constitutes the majority focus of university presses. Besides commercial scholarly publishers, academic scholars and researchers view the opportunities provided by university presses as important venues for the dissemination of their research. This discussion focuses on the disciplinary imperative to publish scholarship that is ever more fluid and specialized as academic disciplines continue to become further nuanced in their response to the increasing knowledge produced by humanities and social science inquiry. The focus is on university presses and not commercial scholarly presses, although constitute a significant locus of scholarly publishing. What are the general characteristics of academic specialization and university press publishing? Further, how is disciplinary fluidity, especially evolving specialization, reflected in university press book publishing nomenclature and how scholarship is tied to the intellectual preoccupations of academic specialization? Multi- and inter-disciplinarities further articulate disciplinary publishing, accelerating disciplinary fluidity. Examples from disciplinary and emerging configurations of disciplinary nomenclature utilized by university presses offers insight into specialization and publishing. Academic history publishing is used to illustrate newly emerging fluid disciplinary configurations.  相似文献   

University presses occupy a distinctive field of publishing, heavily tied to the fortunes of the universities and colleges in which they are usually situated. COVID‐19 has catalysed their adoption of digital technologies; focused their commitments to social justice; and given new impetus to business models and formats that fully leverage the Internet, especially open access. Economic pressures on higher education that seem set only to increase are also driving university presses to more interdependent approaches and an emphasis on the contributions of the university press network to knowledge infrastructure for the humanities and social sciences. This article explores how university presses have reacted to the COVID‐19 pandemic, with particular reference to the experiences of the University of Michigan Press. It concludes that the diversity of types of university presses is one of the greatest strengths of this field of publishing and makes it resilient in a time of unprecedented change.  相似文献   

梁志 《出版科学》2007,15(1):48-52
本文分析了大学出版社体制改革的必要性及特殊性,指出大学出版社的改革需要争取政府和学校的支持,并应根据各个大学出版社的不同情况,因地制宜,循序渐进.  相似文献   

Just as scholars now specialize, so do university presses. This article explains why university presses designate publishing lists, discusses how they determine their list-building areas, and analyzes the listbuilding designations of eighty leading American university presses. Listbuilding at university presses is heavily weighted toward the humanities and social sciences, with less emphasis on the natural sciences. Paul Parsons is R.M. Seaton Professor in the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications at Kansas State University and author ofGetting Published: The Acquisition Process at University Press (University of Tennessee Press, 1989).  相似文献   

学术出版物价格的攀升和学术传播电子化发展趋势促使美国大学出版社与图书馆开展合作,共同促进学术传播。双方合作方式灵活多样,主要涉及:图书馆帮助出版社进行印刷版图书的电子化;合作建立电子出版平台或合作出版学术期刊;图书馆帮助出版社建设有关图书、编辑等的论坛;共同举办学术活动;出版社帮助图书馆销售电子产品或与图书馆共同出版学术著作等。  相似文献   

In recent years university presses have undergone some significant changes, such as expansion of their scope to include materials that may have appeal beyond the scholarly market. This article investigates, through the use of a survey of university libraries, the acquisition of university press products by libraries. In general, recent years have been changes in the relationship between university presses and libraries that have resulted in fewer items being purchased by the libraries.  相似文献   

Have university presses shifted their focus toward trade books? It so, when did this shift occur and why? Changes in funding of research and education, in consumer spending and publishers' sales, and in trade publishers' attitudes toward “midlist” books are discussed as influential factors. The article also examines the way university presses define trade books and the impact of publishing trade books on university press lists. Finally, the article describes current trends in university press publishing.  相似文献   

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