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In this study, counselor educators responded to a survey about their scholarly productivity over a 3‐year period. Their involvement in 7 scholarly activities is reported by category and by type of institution, tenure status, academic rank, and gender. Using a more comprehensive definition of scholarly productivity, this study documents that counselor educators are involved in a much broader, more diversified spectrum of scholarly activities than prior studies of scholarly productivity have indicated. Implications for tenure and promotion decisions, along with recommendations for training and mentoring of future counselor educators as well as future directions for research, are discussed.  相似文献   

在马克思生产力范畴和理论的历史嬗变中,<德意志意识形态>和<致安年科夫的信>具有极为重要的意义.受英法社会主义经济学家思想的激发,马克思不仅赋予生产力以全新的思想内涵,而且由此出发,对人、社会存在和历史发展的本质和规律作了历史唯物主义的阐释,从而彻底翻转了旧哲学历史观的认识原则和理论逻辑.然而,作为一种"思维抽象",虽然已不再像<1844年经济学哲学手稿>和<评李斯特>中那样,仅仅停留于"感性具体"的表面的直观,但也尚未达到对生产力在现实社会中特别是在资本主义社会中的具体的历史的发展的理解和把握.实现向"思维具体"转变的任务是在<资本论>及其<手稿>中完成的.  相似文献   

Ten faculty members with experience teaching online were interviewed about their motivation for teaching online and the effect of teaching online on their teaching and research productivity. They represented nine different states and 13 different fields, and all were tenured or tenure-track at master’s or doctoral institutions. All ten mentioned personal motivations for teaching online; eight mentioned professional motivations. Based on analysis of the interviews, several professors felt their teaching productivity had increased as a result of design choices and an increase in workload. Several had freed up time which was spent on service or research although this was modified by the stage of the faculty member’s career.  相似文献   

Gender,Children and Research Productivity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The productivity puzzle, or gender gap in research productivity, is often thought to be due, in part, to gendered child care responsibilities. The time, energy, and money devoted to child-rearing can reduce the research productivity of scholars, especially women. However, there is little systematic research on this issue. The present study contributes to the literature by exploring the productivity puzzle in light of the influence of eight age sets of children. Data are from the National Research Council's 1995 Survey of Doctoral Recipients. They refer to 11,231 PhDs, in the sciences and engineering, who are employed in academia. Controlling for children, structural factors and personal characteristics of the PhDs, the present study finds that women still publish significantly less than men. Second, productivity is higher for PhDs with children less than 11. Third, productivity is relatively low for women with young children. Fourth, for the social sciences, the area with the highest proportion of women PhDs, gender is unrelated to productivity, but women in the social sciences who have young children have relatively low productivity. The leading predictors of productivity included location in a research university and effort (hours worked). The full model explains 39% of the variance in productivity. Children are not a strong predictor of productivity, but the influence that they do have followed a gendered pattern.  相似文献   

针对高等教育领域中一些科研人员在获得终身教职之后为何依然富有科研产出效率这一问题,在跨期优化框架下,提出作为主动者的院系可以通过制定终身教职规则和标准来激励作为从动者的科研人员养成良好的学术修养.通过院系和教师之间动态的Stackelberg主从微分对策模型分析,指出在终身教职规则和标准下形成的学术修养对科研人员学术生产能力具有持久的正效应,可以引致出更高的学术生产增长率和更高的学术生产能力水平.  相似文献   

公平分配不是没有收入分配差距.效率优先符合历史唯物主义基本原理,且效率优先不一定导致收入分配差距过大.我国现阶段的收入分配差距过大,不能归因于效率优先.要缩小收入分配差距,必须在效率优先的基础上更加注重公平:继续加大西部大开发,积极推进新农村建设;构建公平收入分配秩序,消除不合理和非法收入;完善财税和社会保障制度,有效调节社会收入再分配.  相似文献   


In order to profit from the economic growth in their society farmers can (1) increase the yields of their crops and animals, (2) switch to the production of high value products for which there is an increasing demand in the market, (3) increase the labour productivity on their farm, (4) find non-farm sources of income for some or all of their family members. Many farmers are aware that with the increasing average income in their country the proportion of the labour force which can find employment in agriculture decreases. Therefore options (3) and (4) are important for them, but in many countries they do not get much help from extension services and social institutions to realize these options in their situation. These extension services and institutions need support from socio-economic research to be able to provide this help.  相似文献   

A number of studies analyzing publication productivity of criminology and criminal justice scholars have emerged in recent years. More specifically, this body of literature applies varied cross‐sectional and longitudinal methodological approaches to demonstrate the publication productivity of scholars. Furthermore, these studies often diverge in their operationalization of the key construct of interest (publication productivity); however, one relative consistency is the list of “elite” criminology and criminal justice journals. This study seeks to explore the elite publication productivity among recent executive board members of the American Society of Criminology and the Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences along with the board members of Academy of Criminal Justice Sciences’ regional affiliate associations. Comparisons are made between and within organizations/associations, and individual board member rankings are also presented. The results of this study indicate that publishing in the elite criminology and criminal justice journals is rare and there is variation across organizations/associations and variation among their respective members in the rate of publishing in these elite journals. Suggestions for future research examining publication productivity are also discussed.  相似文献   

Melitz的异质性企业贸易理论认为企业的出口行为是由企业的生产率和沉没成本相互作用而内生决定的。拟从出口退税视角出发,研究出口退税对企业生产率和沉没成本的影响。研究表明,出口退税可以帮助企业克服进入国际市场的沉没成本,降低出口企业临界生产率,使出口企业丧失提高生产率的动力,最后导致出口企业总体平均生产率低于内销企业,出现“生产率悖论”问题。  相似文献   

社会主义市场经济解放和发展生产力   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会主义、市场经济、解放和发展生产力三者之间有内在逻辑联系.社会主义是历史发展的必然趋势;坚持社会主义必须发展市场经济;解放和发展生产力是社会主义的本质要求,市场经济能够解放和发展生产力.  相似文献   

社会主义和谐社会是人自身、人与自然的社会关系全面和谐的社会主义新社会;坚持生产力标准,实现生产力的发展,也内在要求人自身、人与自然和社会关系的和谐,同时,生产力的发展也为社会主义和谐社会的实现提供了前提。坚持生产力标准与构建社会主义和谐社会是内在一致的。  相似文献   


This paper approaches the issue of resource allocation within education systems from the perspective of economic theory. Education is considered as a production process which involves the transformation of inputs (for example, staff and student time, physical capital and environmental factors) into outputs (for example, teaching outputs, research outputs and social services). The economic concepts of “efficiency” and “productivity” are reviewed, and it is suggested that while these concepts do not have direct application in the context of education systems they do serve to focus attention on factors which are influential in determining the extent to which resources that are available are used effectively. Accordingly, it is argued that account should be taken of the underlying economic concepts in establishing or reviewing arrangements for funding both institutions and departments or faculties within institutions, and that incentives that will encourage the pursuit of efficiency and productivity should be built into education systems at all levels.  相似文献   

人们为认知世界和满足精神文化生活方面的需要所进行的探索、创作活动即精神生产,它具有抽象性、创新性、传承性、长效性等基本特征。精神生产力,作为人们从事精神文化产品的创作、生产的能力,表现的是人与人之间的关系,精神生产改变的是人的主观精神世界。精神生产力与物质生产力相互作用、互促发展;精神生产力与物质生产力相互渗透、相互包含,在一定的条件下可以相互转化。精神生产中,生产力与生产关系都是生产中所形成的人与人之间的相互关系,它们具有同一性。  相似文献   

Previous studies of author productivity in business and management education (BME) research have focused on single disciplinary areas, and even single journals. This study is the first to examine the productivity of BME scholars across multiple disciplinary areas (i.e., accounting, economics, finance, information systems, management, marketing, and operations/supply chain management). We analyzed a pool of 17 BME journals with the highest hg‐index, by including the top three journals in the accounting and information systems areas, the top two journals in each of the other disciplinary areas, and an interdisciplinary BME journal. This examination covered a 10‐year period (2005‐2014), 4,464 articles and 9,617 article co‐authors. We identified 7,209 unique authors in this pool and ranked their productivity to create a “Key Authors” list. Each of the top 99 authors had five or more articles in our database. Our findings indicate the potential for cross‐disciplinary dissemination of research ideas and opportunities for scholars to enhance their research profile, because even a small increase in productivity can lead to substantial movement in the BME rankings of authors.  相似文献   

This article aims to widen the empirical evidence about the determinants of Spanish academics’ publication productivity across fields of study. We use the Spanish Survey on Human Resources in Science and Technology addressed to Spanish resident PhDs employed in Spanish universities as academics. Productivity is measured as the total number of publications in a three‐year period. We show how personal and academic variables explain differences in productivity within universities and fields of studies and across fields of research. Female workers report lower productivity than their male counterparts, but family responsibilities do not explain this gender gap. The type of contract and tenure or rank do not seem to have any influence on productivity. Researchers seeking professional promotion rather than altruism or personal satisfaction are more productive and young scholars publish more than their older counterparts. Additionally, we find a certain research‐teaching trade‐off and some nuances in the predictors of publication productivity across birth cohorts and fields of study. Finally, international cooperation is one of the most relevant determinants of the number of publications, regardless of the birth cohort. The institutional context in the Spanish research system as regards requirements for promotion and the assessment of research outcomes may contribute to the understanding and interpretation of our results.  相似文献   

企业的个别劳动生产率是其在市场竞争中所处地位的关键。马克思认为,劳动生产力取决于五个方面的因素,即工人的平均劳动熟练程度、科学的发展水平和它在工艺上应用的程度、生产过程的社会结合、生产资料的规模和效能和自然条件。本文将从这五个方面探讨如何提高企业的劳动生产率。  相似文献   

科学生产率是指科学家(科研人员)在科学上所表现出的能力和工作效果。文章概括了影响科学家生产率(productivity)的几个因素,即年龄、性别、社会出身、研究小组的规模与研究领域、以及优势积累效应,井对它们进行了社会学的分析。  相似文献   

思想政治教育是一种精神生产力,是一种科学形态的生产力。思想政治教育具备了生产力构成的各要素,体现了“精神变物质”的哲学思想。将“思想政治教育”联系“生产力”概念,有利于使思想政治教育理论适应社会主义市场经济发展的需要,推动思想政治工作的现代化。“思想政治工作和科学技术是推动生产力向前发展的主驱动轮。”因此,将思想政治教育工作作为生产力研究,具备鲜活的研究价值。  相似文献   

生产力本是人造物,现在却反过来奴役人类,这就是生产力的异化,它集中表现为利己,利他又利天的生产力异化为损人,损天又损己的生产力,它的根源在于人的经济人特性,归根到底是人本质的异化,自然资源的公共物品属性以及资本的稀缺性是生产力异化的条件,资本主义和社会主义都会发生生产力异化,以社会福利最大化作为发展生产力的最终目的,控制生产力的发展速度,途径和方向,把人从被异化的生产力中解放出来的,这就是生产力的复归。  相似文献   

The Bologna reform aims to enhance several dimensions of the universities' activities, by favouring mobility and mutual recognition of higher education degrees across Europe, with the objective to create a European Higher Education Area. The radical changes induced by the Bologna Process affect universities' productivity both directly (for example, implementation costs, curriculum streamlining, evaluation intensity) and indirectly (for example, the ability to attract more students and higher levels of competition among institutions). The decentralised organisation of the Swiss university sector provides an ideal setting to test this hypothesis, as the panel data of departments permits the consideration of the unobserved heterogeneity across both universities and scientific fields. The empirical results support the claim that the Bologna reform enhances university productivity. Furthermore, there is no evidence of substantial costs of the system transformation.  相似文献   

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