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作为世界性母题的乡土小说,在中国历经近一个世纪的发展变化,在这一个世纪的历程中乡土小说演化出了不同的形态和主题,为文学史增添了绚丽的一笔。作为乡土小说美学特征的"三画、""四彩",在乡土小说的创作中无疑是展现乡土小说审美形态的重要手段。丁帆凭借自身敏锐的审美能力,抓住这一重要元素来评价乡土小说的发展历程和反思中国乡土小说的创作过程,为过去、现在及将来的乡土小说创作和评判提供了一条参考价值标准。  相似文献   

中国现代乡土小说在文学上的地位举足轻重,贡献颇多。该文以鲁迅及其影响下的乡土小说和左翼、东北作家群、京派等创作的乡土小说为研究对象,仅就启蒙的文化批判主题、左翼文学中乡土小说的社会政治视角、精神家园的追寻三个方面阐述中国现代小说中"游子还乡"母题的文化内涵。  相似文献   

作为上个世纪二三十年代的乡土小说流派的中坚力量,王鲁彦的乡土小说中透露出浓重的悲剧色彩,除了表现"爱的破灭"的主题,他又继承了鲁迅先生对"隔膜"主题的探索,形成了自己独到的创作风格.  相似文献   

接受相同地域文化滋养的赵树理和葛水平两位乡土小说作家,在价值诉求、主题呈现和创作方式上既体现出继承性,又呈现出代际性的差异。从中可以看出山西现代乡土小说一些重要命题和艺术水平的发展变化。  相似文献   

乡土叙事主题贯穿了贾平凹小说创作的始终,本文以其长篇小说代表作《浮躁》 《秦腔》 《带灯》为例,试图从叙事视角、叙事主题和思想价值等方面综合分析、阐释贾平凹乡土叙事的现实脉络与悲悯情怀.  相似文献   

彭家煌是“五四”乡土小说作家群中的优秀一员,他以溪镇为自己着力表现的乡土世界。其笔下的乡土世界展示了文化风俗、人性与人的价值并表现出对人物细密的剖析能力以及“悲喜剧”相互交融等创作特色。作者通过对封建传统的批判,显示出小说内在的文化内涵。  相似文献   

“五四”乡土小说的悲剧意蕴   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
“五四”乡土小说创作表现出了中国现代文学普遍具有的悲凉感伤的美学风格。本文通过对创作者的悲剧思维倾向、作品的悲剧主题内涵和作品的悲剧表现方式三方面的分析描述揭示出了“五四”乡土小说所蕴含的悲剧意味。  相似文献   

李琳琳 《文教资料》2012,(33):86-88
文学中的历史与道德问题,是文学理论的重要论题,二者既相互对立又相互联系,形成矛盾与张力。对二者的不同倾向,既影响着作者的创作,也关系到读者对作品的评价。本文将就这一现象在中国近代乡土小说中的表现加以探讨.以求提供一种研究乡土小说的新的方式和角度。  相似文献   

本文所论述范围限于1919-1984年,因为真正现代意义上的中国乡土文学创作始于五四时期,而1985年以后的乡土文学又具有了新质。湖南现当代乡土写实小说与同期的中国乡土小说同中有异,天章从主题、人物、叙述视角入手分析其特点并作客观评价。  相似文献   

二十世纪二三十年代两岸的乡土小说创作在中国社会文化转型的时代背景下呈现出异轨同驰的文学现象.本文主要探讨两岸乡土小说的同构性和异质性.这种因特殊语境而形成的同构性,体现为两岸相似的文学理论资源和风云激荡的社会语境;而两岸乡土小说的异质性,可归纳为作品主题的不同和相异的地方色彩及风俗画的描绘,台湾的乡土小说提出了反对日本帝国主义殖民统治的时代要求.  相似文献   

在20世纪70年代回归民族传统、乡土现实的社会思潮与文学思潮中,台湾新世代诗人开始崛起。在"文化中国"的精神向度上,新世代诗歌注重挖掘古典题材,让古典激活现代,使现代融于古典,重新诠释神话和历史,追求史诗品格,弘扬民族精神。同时,塑造古代圣贤形象并与之进行超越时空的心灵对话,表现出年轻一代知识分子传统的救世济民的理想情怀。  相似文献   

The idea of ‘the university’ has stood for universal themes—of knowing, of truthfulness, of learning, of human development, and of critical reason. Through its affirming and sustaining of such themes, the university came itself to stand for universality in at least two senses: the university was neither partial (in its truth criteria) nor local in its significance (at least, the university was an institution of the nation state and even had global significance). Now, this universalism has been shot down: on the one hand, universal themes have been impugned as passé in a postmodern age; in the ‘knowledge society’, knowledge with a capital ‘K’ is giving way to multiple and even local knowledges (plural). On the other hand, the very process of globalization has been accused of being a new process of colonization. Global universities, accordingly, may be seen as a vehicle for the imposition of Western modes of reason (often suspected in turn of being no more than Western economic reason at that). Diversity is the new watchword, a term that—we may note—has come to be part of the framing of the contemporary policy agenda for higher education.

Accordingly, in such a situation of multiple meanings, both within and across institutions, the university becomes an institutional means for developing the capacities—at both the personal and the societal levels—to live with ‘strangeness’: perhaps here lies a new universal for the university? But, then, if that is the case, if strangeness is the new universal for the university, some large challenges await those who would claim to lead and manage universities.  相似文献   

In urbanized areas, incorporating residents’ concerns and priorities into the stormwater management debate has focused on adults rather than youth. This study used Photovoice, a tool that includes photographs taken by youth, to uncover youth concerns and perceptions about their local watersheds. This study consisted of a comparative study of two watersheds. Twenty students produced 468 photographs. Although both groups of students shared common themes regarding stormwater and pollution, these themes differed in level of concerns over local environmental issues, sentiments with particular features in their local watersheds, and concerns about local watersheds. From a methodological perspective, Photovoice provided a way of capturing youth perspectives and to identify important features and issues in their respective local watersheds.  相似文献   

当前国际教育改革主题与我国教育改革走向探析   总被引:37,自引:0,他引:37  
20世纪90年代以来,国际教育改革主要是围绕着这样一系列主题展开的:一是在新的意义上全面提高教育质量;二是重新调整教育公平与效率的关系;三是协调政府与市场在教育发展中的作用及其相互关系;四是调整中央与地方在教育管理中的关系;五是积极采取应对教育国际化的措施;六是建设学习化社会。我国教育改革总体上与国际教育改革的趋势是相一致的。在未来一段时期内,教育质量、教育公平、政府与市场的关系、分权与集权的关系、教育国际化和构建学习化社会,仍将是我国教育改革的重要内容。  相似文献   

改革开放35年尤其是近10年来,宁波市高度重视舞台艺术的创作,一批精品脱颖而出,优秀人才崭露头角,舞台艺术呈现百花齐放的大好局面。宁波的舞台艺术在创作上高度重视开掘本土题材,一批弘扬地方文化、表现改革开放新事物的优秀剧目接连涌现,重视移植外国的戏剧的经典名著,充分展示了宁波戏剧界积极的探索精神和创新追求。有关部门积极培育观众的鉴赏水平,为戏剧艺术的长远发展做好基础工作。可见,宁波舞台艺术已形成长足的发展活力与创新潜力,一定会在未来的发展中如鲲鹏展翅,扶摇直上九万里。  相似文献   

This essay sketches a theoretical rationale for a revived pedagogy and research program in environmental studies within the field of professional communication. The first wave of such studies drew upon themes established by environmental rhetoric and ecocriticism within the Cold War context of political environmentalism. The second wave might well look to ecocomposition and ecopoetics in developing a new kind of ecologically sensitive workplace study and a renewed interest in the language of space and place and the concepts of local and global in teaching and research.  相似文献   

This essay sketches a theoretical rationale for a revived pedagogy and research program in environmental studies within the field of professional communication. The first wave of such studies drew upon themes established by environmental rhetoric and ecocriticism within the Cold War context of political environmentalism. The second wave might well look to ecocomposition and ecopoetics in developing a new kind of ecologically sensitive workplace study and a renewed interest in the language of space and place and the concepts of local and global in teaching and research.  相似文献   

In this paper, we utilise the theoretical concept of ‘boundary crossing’ to explore how, as Australian university teacher educators, we worked with library curators and a class of student teachers to mount a public exhibition of their group work. We consider how the students crossed ‘boundaries of imagination’ in symbolic representation and critical analysis by creating artistic installations to express global education themes. We reflect on what we, the university educators, learned about crossing institutional and pedagogical boundaries to mutually facilitate new learning. We argue for the importance of shared public pedagogy as offering new avenues for teacher education and of connecting with local communities.  相似文献   

The authors describe themes of cultural persistence, political resistance, and hope in the art of one Puerto Rican neighborhood in the Midwestern United States. The themes are described across three contexts: community mural art, poetry from students in an alternative high school, and poetry from seventh grade students in a neighborhood middle school. In describing currents of Puerto Rican identity-making, resistance to gentrification, and struggles against local oppression that are evident in all three contexts, the authors argue that as they name their worlds, students commit acts of social justice through their perpetuation of historical and cultural themes situated within a tradition of community activism.  相似文献   

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