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This paper uses scale-independent indicators to explore the Chinese national and regional innovation systems during economic transition. Our perception of an innovation system is frequently informed by conventional indicators based on linear assumptions while actually innovation systems may behave differently. Scale-independent indicators characterize non-linear properties of an innovation system. They can give decision makers deeper insight into the dynamics of innovation systems, and they may lead to more practical public policies [Katz, J. S. (2006). Indicators for complex innovation systems. Research Policy, 35, 893–909].As reported for the European and Canadian innovation systems the Chinese systems exhibited scaling correlations between GERD (Gross Expenditure on Domestic R&D) and GDP (Gross Domestic Product) over time and at points in time. The scaling factors of the correlations tell us that between 1995 and 2005 the Chinese GERD exhibited a strong non-linear tendency to increase with GDP. Furthermore they show that the GERD of the Western region is growing much slower than its GDP as compared with Eastern and Central regions. This observation has policy implications suggesting further improvements need to be made to the research infrastructure and funding of the Western region.The GDP–POP (Population) scaling factor shows that the ‘wealth intensity’ or GDP per capita is increasing much faster than the exponential growth of the Chinese population. In contrast the systemic GDP–POP scaling factor shows that regional development is non-linear. Finally, the paper–GDP and patent–GDP scaling factors tell us that outputs of science and technology for China are growing faster than economic growth. The systemic paper–GDP and patent–GDP scaling factors show that the growth rates are uneven across the provinces.  相似文献   

In response to the call for a science of science policy, we discuss the contribution of indicators at the macro-level of nations from a scientometric perspective. In addition to global trends such as the rise of China, one can relate percentages of world share of publications to government expenditure in academic research. The marginal costs of improving one's share are increasing over time. Countries differ considerably in terms of the efficiency of turning (financial) input into bibliometrically measurable output. Both funding schemes and disciplinary portfolios differ among countries. A price per paper can nevertheless be estimated. The percentages of GDP spent on academic research in different nations are significantly correlated to historical contingencies such as the percentage of researchers in the population. The institutional dynamics make strategic objectives such as the Lisbon objective of the EU – that is, spending 3% of GDP for R&D in 2010 – unrealistic.  相似文献   

The Department of Energy's (DOE) scientific and technical information system, operational since the mid-1940s, is described as an example of the manner by which a large Federal R&D agency organizes, manages, and disseminates the information produced by its laboratories and contractor organizations. The role of the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI) within the DOE R&D cycle and its place in the DOE information infrastructure are outlined. OSTI's activities, products, and services are described under the following headings: management and dissemination of DOE research results; access to worldwide information on energy R&D; information management and accountability systems; and information consulting and specialized services.  相似文献   

文章通过统计重庆市专利申请和R&D 相关数据,在分析其发展趋势的基础上,运用SPSS 软件对专利申请 量和R&D 指标作相关性分析并建立回归模型。结果显示:专利申请量与R&D 支出呈显著正相关关系,政府、企业应 继续加大R&D 投入力度,尤其要发挥企业的主导作用。  相似文献   

以皖江城市带九市一县一区与珠江三角洲九市作为研究对象,利用内生经济增长函数模型对两地区的科 技投入与经济产出进行实证分析,研究结果显示:皖江城市带地区应该强化企业科技研发的主体作用,加快建立以企 业为主体,政府宏观支持的科技研发布局,促进科技成果特别是政府与高校科研成果应用转化;珠江三角洲地区应该 进一步提高科技投入占GDP 的比重,使其与经济发展趋势相匹配,提高科技投入对经济增长的贡献。  相似文献   

Artificial intelligence has become an important tool for governments around the world. However, it is not clear to what extent artificial intelligence can improve decision-making, and some policy domains have not been the focus of most recent studies, including the public budget process. More specifically, budget allocation is one of the areas in which AI may have greatest potential. Therefore, this study attempts to contribute to this gap in our existing knowledge by answering the following research question: To what extent can artificial intelligence techniques help distribute public spending to increase GDP, decrease inflation and reduce the Gini index? In order to respond to this question, this article proposes an algorithmic approach on how budget inputs (specific expenditures) are processed to generate certain outputs (economic, political, and social outcomes). The authors use the multilayer perceptron and a multiobjective genetic algorithm to analyze World Bank Open Data from 1960 to 2019, including 217 countries. The advantages of implementing this type of decision support system in public expenditures allocation arise from the ability to process large amounts of data and to find patterns that are not easy to detect, which include multiple non-linear relationships. Some technical aspects of the expenditure allocation process could be improved with the help of these kinds of techniques. In addition, the results of the AI-based approach are consistent with the findings of the scientific literature on public budgets, using traditional statistical techniques.  相似文献   

基于北京、天津、河北三地2008-2012 年R&D经费支出、R&D人员全时当量和技术市场总成交额等数据, 构建面板数据时点固定效应模型,对影响京津冀地区技术创新能力的各因素进行研究,重点探讨了技术市场与科技创 新能力之间的关系。结果表明,技术市场交易额对专利授权数具有显著的正向作用,但影响程度极其微弱。需建立技 术市场信息统一平台,规范技术评估标准,健全技术市场的风险投融资机制,并辅以提供补贴等措施,发挥技术市场 对技术创新能力提升的积极作用。  相似文献   

根据1979—2008年的相关数据,对我国公共图书馆财政投入与GDP之间的关系进行协整检验,并在此基础上建立误差修正模型。格兰杰因果关系检验表明,公共图书馆财政投入对国民经济的发展具有正向促进作用,同时又受国民经济发展的制约。公共图书馆的经济效益应得到社会的正确认识和重视,政府应加大对公共图书馆事业的投入使公共图书馆与国民经济协调发展。  相似文献   

For decades following independence, informational media in Indonesia developed parallel with the interests of the state that made use of the media as a means to legitimize and maintain its identity as a progressive ‘‘developmental state’’. The Internet, which came to Indonesia during the early phase of the political crisis in the 1990s, economically and politically has risen to become an alternative media that is no longer under state control, thus bolstering civil society in its resistance to state and corporate domination. Based on Indonesia's experience, this paper describes how the Internet provides means for popular resistance to the dominant paradigm.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to examine the empirical relationship between educational indicators and research outcomes in top twenty nations of the World in terms of number of publications, citations and patents. The literature on higher education is useful in expressing the general and visible characteristics of a research domain, but cannot reveal the possible interaction between educational reforms and research outcomes. In order to overcome this limitation, the current study employed a panel cointegration technique to evaluate the long-run relationship between educational indicators and research productivity over a period of 1980–2011. The results reveal that educational indicators act as an important driver to increase research productivity in the panel of selected countries. The most promising educational factors i.e., higher education enrolment increases GDP and number of publications by 0.898% and 1.425%, respectively. Similarly, higher education expenditures per student increases research and development (R&D) expenditures, number of citations and number of patents by 1.128%, 0.968% and 0.714%, respectively. Finally, increasing school-life expectancy contributed to researchers in R&D by 0.401%. The study concludes that there is a window of opportunity to equip the youth with necessary skills to ensure a sustainable future for the nations. Higher education empowers and enables students to compete in a highly competitive and interconnected world through research and innovations, which are the drivers of new ideas, businesses and economic growth.  相似文献   

The unique three-way partnership formed by the University of Illinois at Chicago’s federal depository library, the U.S. State Department, and the Government Printing Office (GPO) to deliver and preserve foreign policy information through servers housed at the University’s library offers some critical insights into the assumptions and policies of the GPO’s Federal Depository Library Program. Ultimately, the Internet’s explosive growth, combined with powerful graphical interfaces of the major Web browsers, undermines several recently enacted laws that attempt to standardize (or centralize) effective information resource management within the federal government. Not only has GPO steadily lost political and economic support over the last decade from both legislative and executive leaders for its production and distribution programs, many agencies now consider their “.gov Webspaces” the natural successors to the GPO and its depository library program. As a result, a new model of government information distribution is being forged within the highly decentralized and interactive environment of the World Wide Web.  相似文献   

The Internet and its World Wide Web (Web) have an important role to play in the economic development of China. The government of the People's Republic of China has declared its intention to open opportunities for foreign trade and investment in China. Part of the commitment is a commitment to rule of law. Rule of law acceptable to commercial interests requires transparency and decisional rationality. These two features can be realized most quickly by connecting legal institutions through the Internet's Web to bodies of international commercial law, thus creating a virtual library for Chinese legal decision makers, and using the Web as a quick and cheap electronic “printing press” for Chinese legal decision makers. As a result, their statutes, rules, and decisional law become available to commercial interests. But technology is not enough. Innovative cross-cultural exchange programs aimed at the legal, managerial, and Web-master professions will round out this rule of law support for commercial globalization.  相似文献   

在走访和会展现场进行参展企业问卷调查结果的基础上,通过不同性质企业在增加R&D活动人员折合全 时当量、R&D投入占GDP比重、科技机构数、了解新的技术等主要评价指标进行量化分析,以期对企业基于会展平台 的科技信息资源开发与利用态度作出客观、系统的评价,为相关决策部门或管理机构部门、企业经营者提供参考。  相似文献   

R&D 经费、科技投入及政策定位的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
R&D 资金投入是最重要的科技经费投入,在我国经历了不同政策定位的发展过程。20 世纪90 年代国家 高层决策, 要加大科技投入,并规定了R&D 资金投入的指标,经过18 年的努力,才达到原定10 年要实现的愿望。文 章在分析我国R&D 资金投入经历的政策定位的基础上,对增加R&D 经费投入进行思考,提出了一些想法。  相似文献   

以著名中文搜索引擎企业百度为例,对搜索引擎企业技术创新风险进行实证研究。主要从百度技术创新面临的风险类型入手,分为政策风险、市场风险、研发风险、模式风险和资金风险,通过对不同的类型风险的分析及研究,有针对性地提出搜索引擎企业在技术创新风险规避方面应该采取的措施,以期对这类企业的技术创新管理起到指导作用。  相似文献   

美国国立实验室和实验基地承担着国防、能源、航空航天、卫生健康,农业等领域的重要研发任务。长 期以来,美国联邦政府对这些实验室的管理形成了一套规范的办法,特别是在其经费管理方面具有独到的方法,从而 保障了国立实验室的有效运行。美国的这些方法对我国的研发经费管理很有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Background:Despite a strong research presence in Lancashire Teaching Hospitals National Health Service (NHS) Foundation Trust (LTHTR), allied health professionals from the organization are underrepresented in developing and publicizing research that is inspired by day-to-day clinical practice and staff experiences. Two LTHTR departments, Library and Knowledge Services (LKS) and Research and Innovation (R&I), came together to enable a group of staff to develop the knowledge and skills that they needed to access information and create new “home grown” research.Case Presentation:A clinical librarian and an academic research nurse created a research engagement program in the diagnostic radiography department at LTHTR, which included the development, delivery, and evaluation of 6 workshops. Sixteen individuals took part in these workshops, and data were collected on library usage, self-efficacy in information literacy, and research output before and after their delivery. Library membership increased by 50% among diagnostic radiography staff, literature search requests from this department increased by 133%, and all participants who attended at least 1 workshop reported an increased Information Literacy Self Efficacy Scale (ILSES) score. An increase in research activity and outputs was also attributed to the program.Conclusions:This project has resulted in a set of freely available workshop plans and support resources that can be customized for other health care professionals and has won several awards for its innovative use of departmental collaboration. Through the evaluation of the program from workshop attendees and non-attenders, we have identified impacts, outputs, and barriers to engagement in order to continue to deliver this content to other departments and embed a home grown research culture at LTHTR.  相似文献   

以2013 年我国产学研合作创新48 家优秀企业为样本,实证分析企业合作对创新企业的影响。研究表明, 作为整个价值链中的供应商和客户对产品创新具有较大影响,竞合企业之间的合作对企业产品创新具有显著的积极影 响,公司规模和盈利能力与企业产品创新显著正相关,决策者R&D投资决策对企业合作中产品创新有显著影响。强调 指出,企业要选择供应链企业进行合作,特别是加大与供应链中的供应商和客户的合作程度,作出有效的R&D投资决 策,同时政府部门应该制定培育和发展企业网络创新的政策。  相似文献   

? 现代科技馆体系发展“ 十四五” 规划(2021—2025 年) ? 高度重视实体科技馆建设、对科技馆展览创新提出高质量发展要求? 具有非常重要的指导意义和现实作用? 以广东科学中心展览研发创新实践为例? 从联合社会力量、建立研发机制、探索跨界融合、健全创新发展四个方面探讨科技馆展览展品研发高质量创新发展的新途径?  相似文献   

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