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近年来0—3岁婴幼儿早期教育的研究日益受到重视,亲子综合课程是0-3岁婴幼儿早期教育课程中必不可少的内容之一,而高职高专担负着培养优秀师资的重要责任,如何在高职高专学前教育专业0—3岁早期教育方向课程中设置亲子综合课程?怎么进行教学?课程效果如何?本研究围绕这一思路进行了初步的探索和尝试。  相似文献   

0~3岁早教社区服务现状与示范性幼儿园作用的发挥   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
建立以社区为基础的0~3岁早期教育服务网络,是我国学前教育发展的必然走向和总体目标。但在我国社区构建与发展刚起步阶段,社区这一“基础”还很不完善,建立和运行这一基础的学前教育服务网络需要理顺关系、规范各种行为。在建设和运行以社区为基础的0~3岁儿童早期教育服务中,可以将示范性幼儿园培育成为核心的实体单位、重要的推动力量,以发挥其作为研究基地与社区早教服务枢纽的示范、辐射作用。  相似文献   

采用问卷法,面向全省范围内的幼儿园及0-3岁婴幼儿家长进行问卷调研,了解已开展过0-3岁早期教育服务指导的幼儿园基本现状,以及幼儿园对于开展0-3岁早期教育服务指导的总体意愿;了解家长在0-3岁早期教育方面的需求及现状。调查分析发现,幼儿园超半数有开展0-3岁早期教育服务指导工作的意愿;幼儿园受家长认可、最突出的优势是"办园规范,值得信赖";服务指导最主要形式为亲子活动和托班;政策、师资、资金是所需的主要支持。据此建议应及早出台相关具体政策规范幼儿园开展0-3岁早期教育指导服务,幼儿园也应从师资、形式、内容、场地、时间等方面提升专业性、兼顾灵活性以满足家长需求,幼儿园开展0-3岁早期教育指导服务应在先总结典型经验的基础上逐步推广。  相似文献   

0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育共同体的建构与保障   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育发展的瓶颈在于缺乏一个让有着共同需求与价值理念的各方主体共同投入与积极合作的平台,构建0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育共同体或许是一条有效的解决途径.由政府各部门如计生、民政、妇联、教育、卫生等组成联席会议协调小组,负责有关0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育的价值引领、事务决策和工作统筹;社区和幼儿园作为早期教育服务的主要实施场所与承担者,协商合作,共同承担早期教育的主要工作.其中幼儿园是执行主体,其亲子园应负责承担社会散居婴幼儿的教育与服务事务,其托班集中为0~3岁入园婴幼儿服务.社区则应致力于整合社会各类教育资源,调动各部门与家庭的积极性,为早期教育活动的开展创造良好的环境氛围;教研部门与儿保部门应加强专业指导,提供专业支持;家庭则应加强对早教工作意义的认识,积极主动地参与各类婴幼儿早期教育活动.通过促使各主体间达成价值共识,提升各主体的公共精神,加强各主体间的伙伴关系,构建包括决策层、管理层、操作层、条件保障层在内的立体运行机制,能有效保障0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育共同体的顺利运行,推动社会早教工作的开展.  相似文献   

0-3岁是人生发展的关键期,著名儿童教育家蒙台梭利认为:3岁决定人的一生;中国也有俗话说:3岁看大,7岁至老.由此可见,早期教育对一个人的成长有着非常重要的意义.只有重视早期教育,才能使教育事业取得事半功倍的效果.  相似文献   

积极推进0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育已成为全球化的发展趋势.上海市将建立"0~6岁学前教育整体、系统、科学的一体化管理体制"作为教育改革的一项重要举措,在0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育指导服务方面开展了一系列的研究与探索,积累了一定的经验.如建立了长效工作机制,搭建了指导服务平台等.但也碰到了不少问题,如早期指导内容还是以促进婴幼儿认知、动作发展为主,忽视其积极的情绪情感和良好的个性与社会性发展;早教指导机构仍以幼儿园为主,缺乏专门机构、专用活动场所及专门师资,等等.上海市0~3岁婴幼儿早期教育指导服务工作要想取得进一步发展,必须在加大宣传力度、发挥多部门优势、完善经费投入机制等方面继续作出努力.  相似文献   

钱晓飞  马磊 《早期教育》2012,(10):11-14
进入20世纪90年代以来,0岁~3岁婴幼儿的教育越来越受到社会各界的关注,0岁~3岁被看作是人生的起步阶段,早期教育已延伸到从生命的产生即零岁阶段。因此着眼于0岁-3岁婴幼儿早期教育现状的调查研究,对于发展和完善0岁~3岁早期教育有着重要的启示作用。  相似文献   

0-3岁是大脑潜能开发的一个关键时期,对一个人的终身发展起着重要的奠基作用。本文重在探讨内蒙古乌兰察布市集宁区0-3岁幼儿早期教育中家长或监护人在教育观念、教育方式和教育行为等方面存在的问题。  相似文献   

示范性幼儿园0~3岁早教骨干师资的“培植”   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在0~3岁早教师资极缺的现时期,把示范性幼儿园骨干教师培植成为0~3岁早教骨干教师是最行之有效和最快捷的应对措施。优势互补的专业共同体研究与实践的环境是培植的肥沃土壤。根植0~3岁早期教育服务的先进理念,认清幼儿园骨干教师所需要加强和提升的早教专业素质是培植取得成功的关键。运行教师发展的内驱动力、外在保障和交互作用的联动系统能有效、快捷地促进0~3岁早教骨干教师自主成长。  相似文献   

建立以社区为基础的0~3岁早期教育服务网络,是我国学前教育发展的必然走向和总体目标。但在我国社区构建与发展刚起步阶段,社区这一"基础"还很不完善,建立和运行这一基础的学前教育服务网络需要理顺关系、规范各种行为。在建设和运行以社区为基础的0~3岁儿童早期教育服务中,可以将示范性幼儿园培育成为核心的实体单位、重要的推动力量,以发挥其研究基地、社区早教服务枢纽和示范辐射作用。  相似文献   

Artful Dodgers is an arts education project developed by two artists and delivered in two early years settings located in two areas of urban disadvantage. It is a music and visual arts programme designed and implemented with early years teachers of children aged 3–5 years. It explored whether the provision of high-quality arts experiences could enhance children’s emerging literacy and numeracy. A novel ‘artist in(formed) residency’ model was developed within a unique arts education research design. Piloting a tripartite relationship between researchers, artists and early years teachers, this study was situated within a qualitative action research paradigm, with both artists located in both services weekly over a 12-week period. The evaluation of the programme indicates changes in pedagogical planning and style in the early years teachers over the period of the artists’ residency. Their language became more reflective and their practice incorporated a wider and richer range of materials; there was greater evidence of more child-led activities and unstructured play opportunities over the duration of the study. The data suggest that children’s social, cooperative and communication skills were enhanced. Recommendations have implications for the professional development of artists and teachers working in early years settings.  相似文献   

在现实生活中,教养者由于缺乏对婴幼儿生理及心理发展规律的了解,对婴幼儿的早期教育只养不教或过度教育或教养脱离,很难做到教养相融。0~3岁是婴幼儿教养的关键时期,教养者应正确认识教养之间的关系,根据婴幼儿生理及心理发展规律,因人施教,因时施教,通过有效的教养相融,为祖国未来的花朵“施肥修剪”,承担自己应有的责任和义务。  相似文献   

Since 2001 in Finland, all six year olds have had the right to free pre-school education, and almost all pre-school-aged children take advantage of this opportunity. The purpose of this article is to dissect the development of Finnish pre-school education curricula within the societal context and within the changes in trends of curriculum planning between 1972 and 2000. The study analysed five curricula texts through qualitative content analysis by paying attention to the functions of pre-school education and the positioning of children and educators. The development of pre-school education consisted of four phases: (1) the era of pre-school education trials; (2) the era of heterogeneous pre-school education arrangements; (3) the era of changes in curriculum policies; and (4) the era of pre-school education establishment. The results indicated that the changes in pre-school education curricula related to the changes in Finnish society and in basic education.  相似文献   

本研究自编《宁波市0-3岁早期教养指导教师专业能力与家长满意度问卷》,采用分层随机取样方式对宁波市早教机构中193位家长进行调查。运用SPSS16.0进行描述统计分析,了解家长对0-3岁早期教养指导教师所提供有形及无形服务的满意程度。根据结果,从早教机构、教师角度提出建议。  相似文献   

International debates persist about what constitutes desirable outcomes from early childhood education experiences. The New Zealand early childhood curriculum brings together academic and social-pedagogic outcomes as interdependent holistic constructs named ‘dispositions’ and ‘working theories’. These constructs are complex notions that require interpretation by researchers and teachers in order to be recognised as outcomes by those with a vested interest in children's education: parents and policy-makers. This paper engages with the construct of working theories. It explains its genesis and outlines research activity thus far. The paper draws on findings from a two-year qualitative research project exploring children's interests, inquiries and working theories. The paper analyses two vignettes of working theories into mutually constitutive components of knowledge, skills and strategies, and attitudes and expectations. It argues that deconstructing working theories into elements able to be recognised by those outside early childhood education provides a way to demystify these innovative outcomes. Such scrutiny may assist parents and policy-makers to understand ways that the learning they value is present in the early years. Further, holistic outcomes are responsive to research and scholarship on appropriate pedagogy that encourages children to develop identities as learners, identities critical to living in the twenty-first century.  相似文献   

The empirical research for this paper was undertaken with leaders of early years setting in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). The investigation sought to establish to what extent it was possible to behave in line with the concept of pedagogical leadership in the twenty-first century in an Arab Muslim monarchy, dominated by Islam, where directive leadership and control by the state has been the traditional norm. Education in KSA is now subject to reform, however, with leadership roles and responsibilities becoming a key issue and the early years sector being one of the major targets for development.  相似文献   

0-3岁是人生身心发育的关键期,家长、父母在重视对孩子身体保健的同时,也要重视对孩子的心理保健。心理保健可以从几个方面入手:满足孩子各种合理的需求,培养儿童积极的情绪;培养孩子良好的习惯和生活自理能力;提供丰富、适宜的环境刺激,发展儿童的动作能力和语言能力;客观对待孩子的过失和错误。  相似文献   

Launched in 2009, the Aistear early years curriculum framework sought to complement and extend the primary school curriculum (PSC) at infant class level in the Republic of Ireland. While Aistear focuses on the development of attitudes, values and learning dispositions and is neither statutory nor inspected, the PSC centres on the acquisition of subject-based knowledge and the development of age-appropriate skills, and is subject to external inspection. To explore teachers’ experiences regarding the status of Aistear vis-à-vis the Curriculum, this study adopted a multi-method approach involving questionnaire surveys (n?=?104), one-to-one interviews (n?=?6) and classroom observations (n?=?6) to identify everyday practices in the classroom. Acknowledging the importance of play, there was little evidence that Aistear has transformed classroom teaching. Didactic teaching approaches remain dominant, with play afforded peripheral status. The study provides an original insight into the challenges teachers experience in meeting competing curricular demands.  相似文献   

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