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Using a model of retention, this study focused on minority and nonminority students' adjustment to college. Data were collected via mailed questionnaire from 799 freshmen at a residential, public research university in the Midwest. Path analysis was used to test the model. Results indicated that perceived quality had significant effects on intent to persist for minorities but not for nonminorities, and academic achievement had significant effects on intent to persist for nonminorities but not for minorities. Similarities between the two groups, however, clearly overshadowed differences. For instance, perceived racial discrimination exerted equivalent effects (although weak) on intent to persist for minorities and nonminorities.  相似文献   

This paper examines the impact of college quality and academic major on the earnings of a nationally representative sample of baccalaureate recipients. We extend previous work in this area by analyzing the magnitude of change in the influence of these factors at two points in the early career of these graduates. Our results demonstrate that, despite significant variation, graduates from higher quality colleges enjoy a greater rate of growth in earnings during their early career. We also show that growth in earnings varies significantly by the graduates major field of study. Wage growth for women and racial minorities is also examined.  相似文献   

加快扶持人口较少民族发展,是构建社会主义和谐社会与全面建设小康社会的重要内容和紧迫任务,而西南地区喀斯特石漠化严重制约着该民族地区经济社会的发展。以贵州毛南族为例,分析西南生态脆弱地区人口较少民族发展现状及其面临的主要问题,提出加快扶持该地区人口较少民族发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

英国少数民族教育政策的特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英国少数民族教育政策具有尊重多元文化、注重立法、政策法律效力高、所制定的政策力求能够体现种族及性别平等观念及地方享有较大的教育政策制定权等特点。可为我国少数民族教育政策的发展提供借鉴。  相似文献   

Identity Processes among Racial and Ethnic Minority Children in America   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
A synthesis of the literature related to identity processes among American ethnic and racial minority children and adolescents is presented. In general, ethnic and racial identification, preferences, and attitudes have been studied among younger children, while the constructs of ego identity and ethnic identity have been generally studied among adolescents. The literature is unequally distributed across ethnic groups, with more research on African Americans and American Indians, and on Hispanics and Asians. Methodological concerns, such as problems of nonequivalence across groups, are identified in the conduct of research on ethnic and racial minorities. The synthesis concludes with an identification of intervention efforts along with an articulation of conceptual issues salient for promoting and theorizing about identity development processes among ethnic and racial minority children and adolescents.  相似文献   

Ethnic Minority Experience in Higher Education   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
It appears that institutions of higher education in Britain are far behind the schools and colleges of further education in assessing the experience and success of ethnic minorities, and in developing and monitoring equal opportunity policies. The article starts with a review' of currently available evidence from the literature on the participation rate of various ethnic groups in higher education. This is followed by a brief discussion of some key factors influencing their entry into higher education institutions. The information available to date indicates an uneven distribution of ethnic minorities between these institutions and the subjects they offer. The article contains the preliminary findings, from a research project, on the performance of students f om ethnic minority groups at Bradford & Ilkley Community College and four other institutions of higher education in the North of England. There is a brief discussion of some important issues, including racial discrimination and racial harassment, acting as barriers to the success of ethnic minorities in higher education. It is suggested that further research in this area is urgently needed to ensure that students from ethnic minority communities benefit equally from the higher education provision in Britain.  相似文献   


Although strides towards inclusivity and racial equality have been made in graduate education, many barriers to graduate education remain for racial/ethnic minorities. In response, we created Scholars Committed to Opportunities in Psychological Education (SCOPE), a mentor-based program for racial/ethnic minority undergraduates. 63 racial/ethnic minority undergraduates completed the SCOPE curricula and pre- and post-program questionnaires regarding graduate school application knowledge, application confidence, stress, self-efficacy, and SCOPE program satisfaction. Mentors completed a training and questionnaires in one SCOPE cohort. Knowledge about the GRE, the application process, and application confidence increased, and stress decreased, following SCOPE. The result of this work is a portable mentoring program that can be used across disciplines and demographics to increase inclusivity and equality.  相似文献   

民国时期新桂系的民族政策述评   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
新桂系处理民族问题的基本方针是民族同化。在这个方针指导下,新桂系在少数民族地区进行了社会、政治、化教育和风俗习惯等方面的改革。这些改革对少数民族的社会进步有一定的积极意义。但新桂系推行大汉族主义,强迫弱小民族同化,实行民族歧视和民族压迫,给少数民族带来了许多苦难,违背了少数民族的意愿,恶化了民族关系,加剧了民族矛盾。新桂系民族政策的反动性是明显的,消极影响是严重的。  相似文献   

美国少数民族为美国政治、经济、社会与文化发展做出了巨大贡献,但长期以来他们在教育、就业和住房等方面仍遭受各种歧视。20世纪60年代美国少数民族强烈表达平等分享政治、经济和文化权利诉求,多元文化主义在美国逐渐兴起。  相似文献   

The United States government recently enacted a number of policies designed to increase the number of American born students graduating with degrees in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM), especially among women and racial and ethnic minorities. This study examines how the earnings benefits of choosing a STEM major vary both by gender and across the distribution of academic achievement. I account for the selection into college major using propensity score matching. Measures of individual educational preferences based on Holland’s theory of career and educational choice provide a unique way to control for college major selection. Findings indicate that the earnings benefit to STEM major choice ranges from 5 to 28 % depending both on academic achievement and on gender and that high-achieving students benefit more from STEM major choice. Further, high achieving men benefit more from STEM majors than high-achieving women. Earnings differences in major choice may play an important role in explaining the underrepresentation of women in STEM major fields, especially among high achieving students.  相似文献   

Children prefer learning from, and affiliating with, their racial in‐group but those preferences may vary for biracial children. Monoracial (White, Black, Asian) and biracial (Black/White, Asian/White) children (= 246, 3–8 years) had their racial identity primed. In a learning preferences task, participants determined the function of a novel object after watching adults (White, Black, and Asian) demonstrate its uses. In the social preferences task, participants saw pairs of children (White, Black, and Asian) and chose with whom they most wanted to socially affiliate. Biracial children showed flexibility in racial identification during learning and social tasks. However, minority‐primed biracial children were not more likely than monoracial minorities to socially affiliate with primed racial in‐group members, indicating their in‐group preferences are contextually based.  相似文献   

A rich interdisciplinary literature exists exploring the determinants of state higher education funding policies. However, that work has collectively ignored an important finding from political economy literature: namely, that citizens’ preferences regarding public spending are strongly influenced by the state’s ethnic and racial context. Drawing on a unique panel of state-level data covering the years 1982–2009, we find that states demarcated by increased racial and ethnic diversity and eroding white majorities do tend to spend less on subsidies to public higher education, resulting in decreased state appropriations as well as more tepid support for financial aid programs. Critically, however, we find that the negative effects of increased ethnic and racial fractionalization can be mitigated—and in some circumstances, fully offset—by a high degree of positive social interaction between ethnic and racial groups. These results are discussed within the pragmatic context of continued state emphasis on degree attainment as a mechanism to foster economic growth as well as broader considerations about equality and social justice.  相似文献   

The level of development of higher education (HE) is an important indicator to measure the development of the social economy and the civilization of a region or country. In this article, we compare the distribution of the freshmen of ethnic minorities (EMs) with the distribution of EMs over the population, based on a sample of 1 464 freshmen from 25 EMs of Yunnan Province in People’s Republic of China (PRC). Although this analysis shows that access to HE is equal for some categories of EM students, it still shows that access to HE is harder for these minorities in comparison with freshmen from Han (major ethnic group comprising of 92 % of the Chinese population) families.  相似文献   

基于国际国内经济与贸易形势变化的背景下,针对地方院校经贸人才培养定位的特殊性,以梧州学院为个案,分析国际经济与贸易专业应用型人才培养的障碍,并提出新型人才培养模式的思路。  相似文献   

外援是少数民族贫困人口反贫困的必要条件,能在一定程度上推动少数民族贫困地区的经济增长,特别是对人口较少民族,外援可以起到显著的作用。如果从较长的时间来观察,即使外援在短期内缓解贫穷,也不能够帮助少数民族贫困人口跳出贫穷陷阱,因为外援极易导致少数民族贫困人口反贫困的依赖性,只有外援与自立的融合才是少数民族贫困人口反贫困的必然路径。  相似文献   

This study of diverse Asian American students at a racially integrated public high school illustrates that the achievement gap is a multi-racial problem that cannot be well understood solely in terms of the trajectories of Black and white students. Asian American students demonstrated a high academic profile on average, but faced difficulties and failure in ways rendered invisible by widespread acceptance of the “Model Minority Myth,” which says that Asians comprise the racial minority group that has “made it” in America through hard work and education, and therefore serve as a model for other racial minorities to follow. Findings point to policy implications for teachers, counselors, school staff, social services and government.  相似文献   


Latino students now make up 1 in 4 public school students in the United States and are a rapidly growing population in nontraditional settlement areas. Yet -persistent racial and ethnic disparities in educational achievement and attainment are cause for grave concern, as high school graduation and postsecondary -education are increasingly necessary for success in a 21st-century knowledge economy. This essay discusses a major shift in demographics across the nation and the resulting urgent educational challenges.  相似文献   

湖南地方民族经济立法机构积极创制符合民族地区市场经济发展特殊规律和体现民族地区经济发展客观要求的民族经济法规,取得了巨大成就,同时也存在地方民族经济立法体系不完善、自主性和针对性不强等问题。究其原因,主要是地方民族经济立法理论指导和实践经验欠缺、地方民族经济立法观念创新不足、地方民族经济立法规划不强。  相似文献   

全球化、新国际劳动分工与全球城市的崛起   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在全球化的背景下,世界经济的地域分布及其构成正在发生复杂而深刻的变化。特别是20世纪晚期,资本主义生产方式开始从福特主义向灵活积累转变。伴随这种转变而出现的“时空压缩”新体验,反映出资本对区位的选择更加敏感。新国际劳动分工本质上是跨国公司凭借资本优势将企业内部分工扩展到发展中国家的一种尝试,外国直接投资则是实现这一战略目标和生产布局的主要手段。上世纪80年代以后,外国直接投资主要流向服务业,金融业和高级生产者服务业也在世界主要城市趋于集中,“全球城市”(或称为“世界城市”)因此形成。在此过程中全球城市逐渐成为世界经济活动的主要单元,民族国家的力量则受到削弱,但两者之间错综复杂的关系并不像表面显示的那样简单,对此学界至今仍没有定论。  相似文献   

通过对美国大学少数族裔STEM教育的现状分析发现,美国大学的少数族裔整体接受STEM教育的比率仍然较低,黑人学生STEM教育的参与度不高,原住民学生的STEM教育入学率低下,少数族裔女性学生在STEM职业发展中处于不利地位。这受到美国历史、文化、经济和教育等多元化因素的综合影响。为此,美国实施多元化的路径提升少数族裔STEM教育质量,例如,设置适合少数族裔发展的STEM教学培养模式,设立不同类型的STEM奖学金资助计划,建立有助于提升少数族裔STEM研究能力的研究机构,开发优秀的STEM大学课程资源等。这对我国少数民族的理工科教育的发展具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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