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This article examines the ideological dimensions of the career portfolio. This genre, an increasingly common part of high school and post-secondary school curricula, invites students to collect items from multiple domains and to reflect upon what these items say about who they are and where they are going. Through a critical analysis of the primary instructional form used in one school's career portfolio program, this article describes how the genre calls students to present themselves as certain kinds of people inhabiting certain kinds of worlds. More specifically, it is argued the genre prompts students to individualize themselves and endorse in their portfolios a middle-class ideology of self-cultivation and self-promotion.  相似文献   

The demands of teaching more challenging content to more diverse learners suggest a need for teacher education that enables teachers to become more sophisticated in their understanding of the effects of context and learner variability on teaching and learning. Instead of implementing set routines, teachers need to become ever more skillful in their ability to evaluate teaching situations and develop teaching responses that can be effective under different circumstances. This article examines how a growing number of teacher education programs are using authentic assessments of teaching – cases, exhibitions, portfolios, and problem-based inquiries (or action research) – as tools to support teacher learning for these new challenges of practice. Using specific teacher education programs as examples, the article examines how and why these strategies appear to provide support for teacher learning and avenues for more valid assessment of teaching. The authors also discuss circumstances in which these strategies may be less effective and suggest features of the assessments and programmatic contexts that are associated with more and less successful use.  相似文献   

Alternative assessment measures, particularly the use of portfolios, which capture authentic student learning are gaining wider acceptance in K-12 school settings. Portfolios have a rich history in higher education, and recently they are becoming a more popular assessment device in colleges of education. Using educational leadership preparation programs as an example, this article examines the use of portfolio assessment by focusing on the relationship between a folio and a portfolio, the possible artifacts and attestations to include in a folio, the structural components of portfolios, and the different uses of portfolios. The implications of incorporating portfolios in leadership preparation programs also are discussed, including how to alleviate the ambiguities and uncertainties faculty and students experience when this form of authentic assessment is utilized.Bruce G. Barnett is an Associate Professor and Director of the Division of Educational Leadership and Policy Studies at the University of Northern Colorado. His interests include the preservice and inservice preparation of educational administrators, with particular emphasis in the areas of reflective practice, instructional leadership, and staff development. He has published articles dealing with professional preparation, peer coaching, reflective practice, mentoring, portfolio development, and the moral dilemmas facing educational leaders.  相似文献   

The use of electronic portfolios is increasingly becoming popular in teacher education programs. The electronic portfolio allows learners to express their work and take ownership over their own ability to plan and assess and reflect upon their learning during a specific period of time. While many teacher education programs have adopted electronic portfolios in order to meet accreditation requirements, others use electronic portfolios to develop and improve on students’ technology skills—train students on how to better use technology in instruction and student assessment. Irrespective of the reasons for adoption, there is the need to assess students’ perceptions of electronic portfolios, and especially to explore the benefits and challenges students face in using electronic portfolios in their course work. Using a qualitative research design, the current study explored teacher candidates’ attitudes toward electronic portfolios and the differences that electronic portfolios bring to their profession. Such a study is necessary to help administrators identify students’ needs to ensure that they are gaining the maximum benefits from the use of electronic portfolios in their programs of study.  相似文献   

It is necessary for teachers to consider alternative means of evaluating their students. One method proving to be effective for gathering and organizing student productivity, growth, and development is the portfolio approach. This article describes the Early Childhood Portfolio Assessment Preparation (ECPAP) Model that was used to facilitate the use of student portfolios in two different early childhood education programs. The goals of the model, the six steps followed and the participants' responses to this project are discussed. This article may serve early childhood directors and supervisors who are preparing teachers to implement student portfolios as a supplement or an alternative to the existing assessment and evaluation programs. Also early childhood teacher education students can benefit from the design and implementation of ECPAP.  相似文献   

Bullying is an increasing problem within childcare facilities, preschool programs, and public schools. As a result, many districts are instituting anti-bullying intervention programs. This article defines bullying and explains the direct and indirect forms it can take. First, it examines research on bullying during the beginning years of school. Next, it explains how relational aggression occurs and the importance of positive peer support systems within their schools. The article concludes by examining the effects of consistent anti-bullying initiatives (e.g. conflict resolution strategies, daily check-ins, journals, and peacemaking activities) that address bullying behaviors among young children. Through consistent and clear interventions, students can build positive peer relationships that promote a safe and healthy school climate and culture.  相似文献   

This article examines Anglo-western assumptions about the role of individual views and voices in constructing knowledge, and how these assumptions can disadvantage students from ‘Confucian-heritage’ cultures whose social values around education and authority constrain their self-expression in western classrooms. Lecturers may mistake their good manners for a lack of critical thinking or originality, and read their suggestive style as a failure to take responsibility for their ideas. A challenge for academic skills specialists promoting inclusive practices is to go beyond helping students to acculturate to local conventions, and help lecturers to recognise the varieties of writing that stem from different kinds of intellectual and social engagement with the world. This article advocates respect for students' reticence, together with explicit discussion of local expectations. It suggests a method by which lecturers, skills specialists and students could identify common goals of writers in different educational traditions, and see how these are achieved in the target discourse.  相似文献   

The study presented here examines the contribution of portfolios to the communication between parents and early childhood education and care centres. Using content analysis techniques, 2104 portfolio entries are examined with a view to establishing what impression they are intended to create. While the actual purpose of portfolios emphasizes the children as producers and addressees, the study shows that portfolio entries are made primarily by the teachers with the parents as addressees. On the basis of Erving Goffman’s concept of ‘impression management’ five main topics (topoi) are elaborated, which characterize the impression the teachers make: the portfolios contain entries that present the children as (1) having fun, (2) cultivating friendship, (3) being prepared for school, (4) receiving high-quality care and (5) being valued as individuals. These topoi give indications of the different ways the teachers understand their role and how they perceive themselves, as well as providing an insight into the kinds of beliefs underlying their pedagogical work.  相似文献   

English Language Learners (ELLs) usually spend most of the school day with regular classroom teachers. The ability of English-as-a-second-language (ESL) teachers to help these students, then, depends in part on their ability to influence how the classroom teachers think of ELL students and ESL itself. One way ESL teachers do this is through “positioning discourses”—discursive practices that connect the children in certain ways to neighborhood reputations, political imagery, policy priorities, and professional responsibilities. This paper examines how ESL teachers in two contrasting school systems produce different kinds of positioning discourses in responding to different contextual constraints and pressures. Drawing on interview data, we show how teachers in an urban setting use elements of neighborhood reputation to position their students, while teachers in a more affluent suburb use discourses of expertise and professional knowledge to reshape the way ESL is understood. Our goals are to explicate how these discourses are produced and used.  相似文献   

Policymakers’ demands for standardization and improved student achievement increasingly define what early childhood educators working in publicly funded programs teach. Doing so has made it difficult for educators to engage in practices with children that incorporate their sociocultural worlds into their instruction. To begin to address this challenge, this article examines the experiences of one pre-kindergarten teacher who participated in a professional development course that asked her and her colleagues to implement culturally relevant lessons with their students in their high-stakes urban teaching context. She took up this challenge by examining the issue of parental incarceration with her culturally and linguistically talented students. Analyzing her and her students’ experiences in this investigation provides insight into how early educators can begin to address their students’ sociocultural worlds through culturally relevant pedagogical practices within their standardized teaching contexts.  相似文献   

The Bologna Process of higher education reform has led to a vast array of different programs of study in German teacher training. In this article, we firstly analyze the implementation of Bachelor programs in teacher training, comparing profession-oriented programs (i.e. those aiming to train students for the teaching profession from the beginning of studies) to polyvalent programs (i.e. those aiming at broad qualifications and including a late decision to become a teacher). Secondly, we investigate whether students enrolled in these study programs differ systematically in their subjective certainty about their career choice. To answer these questions, we analyze portfolios of documents related to teacher training programs from nine German universities that prepare students for teaching in the academic track. Additionally, we analyze data from N?=?2585 Bachelor and N?=?928 Master degree students. We found that most programs, even when they espouse polyvalence, require an early decision to become a teacher. Moreover, our data confirm findings from earlier studies indicating that student teachers are highly certain about their career choice from the very beginning, with students in polyvalent programs being slightly less certain than those in profession-oriented programs (d?=?0.32).  相似文献   

This paper examines the organization and representation of time in certain kinds of undergraduate programs, here represented by a sociology program in a US university. Written requirements for the major are analyzed as constituting a ‘chart’ that defines academic time in terms of units of before–after relationships. The paper shows how students ‘reuse’ these temporal units when charting paths through the university and reckoning their academic work to specific futures.  相似文献   


Traditionally, community colleges serve students who live within the school’s local region. Some community colleges are looking for strategies to increase geographic access to their technical education programs. Exploratory research on online technical education programs found some programs are using online and distance-learning strategies to make their programs more accessible. This paper examines two such technical education programs and the different ways they are making their programs available to students across the country. Looking at these two programs revealed that the types of online and distance-learning strategies and tools these programs chose to deliver instruction are, at least in part, dependent on characteristics of the technical equipment students are being taught to master. These characteristics include the equipment’s availability and accessibility, as well as how expensive and/or dangerous this equipment can be.  相似文献   

This article discusses the ePortfolio system for grades 9–12 at the Virtual Learning Academy Charter School (VLACS). ePortfolio implementation at VLACS developed from an Advisory course curriculum that supports students' journey toward becoming college, career, and citizenship ready. We provide a unique perspective for implementation in that VLACS is completely online. Drawing from experiences in brick-and-mortar schools, online instruction, and research on digital portfolio programs, we utilize online portfolios to build a virtual community and engage students in their learning. The article summarizes key components to ePortfolio implementation and highlights how ePortfolios enable VLACS students to both reflect on their experience as learners and demonstrate academic and professional competencies.  相似文献   


School violence is of increasing concern to educators worldwide in the wake of tragedies such as the one in Littleton, Colorado. This article explores how hate group web sites, violent computer games, and related Internet activities are delivering material to young people with hostile and violent content. The Internet is also serving as a new vehicle for expression among students, sometimes conveying their messages of despair and hopelessness. The article discusses ways that teacher educators can equip future teachers to deal with these issues. It also examines what some schools and communities are currently doing to confront these issues and proposes ways to integrate Internet considerations into anti‐violence and mental health programs.  相似文献   

While the number and relative proportion of English language learners (ELL) in public school systems is rapidly increasing, ELL students are often overlooked for gifted programs, and for this reason are grossly underrepresented in gifted and talented education programs. Identification practices that were implemented decades ago did not take into account the linguistic and cultural diversity of students that are present in schools today. This theoretical article examines current gifted identification practices related to ELL students in public schools nationwide. The authors identify necessary components to this process that are often overlooked for ELL populations. Recommendations for best practice and future research are provided.  相似文献   


This article describes the results of qualitative research using portfolios in a preservice teacher education program. Our study involved participant observation of 26 portfolio review sessions, and open‐ended interviews with 13 student teachers and 13 cooperating teachers. We sought to understand how portfolios might contribute to the assessment and professional development of prospective teachers. We discuss potential benefits and identify several important practical issues that others might consider when introducing portfolio assessment into their own preparation programs.  相似文献   

Students in many teacher education programmes experience confusion about portfolios. This study investigated whether using an analogy in the introduction of a portfolio helps teacher education students understand both the purpose of a portfolio and how to compile it. It was also investigated whether these students’ understanding correlates with their appreciation of portfolios. In the analogy, portfolios were compared with job application letters, curricula vitae and the references that are common in selection procedures for new employees. This analogy was helpful in promoting students’ understanding. Their understanding correlated with their appreciation of this instrument.  相似文献   

This paper examines how the inclusion of everyday mathematics into classroom instruction can make mathematics more meaningful to students. The concept of mathematical meaningfulness is reviewed and then compared to the experiences of children learning about money at home and at school. The empirical study used interviews and observations to determine what activities Hawaiian children from preschool through second grade did with money at home, while shopping and during classroom lessons. The interview data are used to show what kinds of knowledge children derived from these experiences at different ages. This everyday knowledge is compared to what children were expected to learn about money in school. The data support the conclusion that certain kinds of differences between everyday and school mathematics can make the inclusion of everyday mathematical topics in classrooms problematic. The paper concludes with a discussion of how everyday mathematics can be more profitably included in the curriculum, with examples from several mathematics programs.  相似文献   

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