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多媒体学习是数字时代学习的"新常态",如何为学习者创建高效的学习体验是多媒体学习设计面临的重要挑战.国外学者Moreno将情感引入多媒体学习认知理论,提出"多媒体学习的认知—情感理论模型".基于此,文章通过实验方法验证情感表征对多媒体学习体验带来的一些影响.研究结果表明:积极的情感表征对促进记忆、降低认知负荷、提高学习满意度、增强学习动机的学习体验有显著的正向作用,但在理解力、成就感方面尚未发现明显的正向或负向作用.最后,对多媒体学习中的情感表征设计、积极情感对学习体验的作用以及如何开展多媒体学习进行讨论,以期为多媒体学习的科学设计提供决策依据.  相似文献   

杨炳煌 《考试周刊》2008,(47):197-198
所谓体验,是指"由身体性活动与直接经验而产生的感情和意识"。对学生体验的重视,其实就是将学生的内心世界以及生活世界纳入到学生的学习当中来,发挥它们对学习的促进作用,引导学生在体验中学习成长。在体验性学习中,学生学习的不仅是认知方面的知识,还有情感、态度、价值及实践方面的知识。教师要树立"以活动促发展"的教学观念,成为学习环境的  相似文献   

韩立淼 《小学生》2013,(7):44-44
《数学新课程标准》指出:要强调从学生已有的生活经验出发,让学生亲身经历实际问题抽象成数学模型并进行解释与应用的过程。《数学新课程标准》建议教师"让学生在现实情境中体验和理解数学",数学学习中的体验是指学生个体在数学活动中,通过行为、认知和情感的参与,获得对数学事实与经验的理性认知和情感态度。体验性是现代学习方式的突出特征,在小学数学教学中我们需要提倡"体验学习",充分发挥学生的  相似文献   

教师情感是教师在其教育教学工作中,与学生进行交往所产生的情感体验。教师积极情感是激励学生学习进步的催化剂,丰盈学生生命成长的沃土壤,塑造教师人格魅力的自驱力,促进教师专业发展的原动力。教师情感的形成既受到教师客体主观方面的影响,又受到教师所处环境空间等客观方面的制约。培育教师积极情感,需要从涵养教师自身和创设情感空间两方面入手。唤醒教师情感意识,从理智认知走向自我认知;激发教师情感意愿,从客观体认走向主观期待;构筑丰盈的校园情感空间,从功利漠视走向人文关怀;营造尊师的社会情感空间,从工具性需求走向价值性回应。  相似文献   

从情感与认知心理学角度观察,情感具有动力功能、调节功能、迁移功能、疏导功能、信号功能。积极的情感,有利于提高认知的积极性,导致认知的优化,推进认知的深化,促进认知的内化,增进认知的传递。在教育过程中,教师与学生是一个共同体,存在着情感交流的需要;学生在成长过程中,都存在关爱的需要。如果能够在教育活动中满足这种需要,必将会产生正性的情感体验。在近几年的办学实践研究中发现,我们许多学生在学习过程中,无论在学业或是心智等方面都表现出较高的成长性。究其原因,我们认为,学校坚持"让师生在关爱中成长"的育人理念,从"心"出发,以情优教,努力寻找教育过程中情感的正能量,是实现教育增值的一个重要方面。  相似文献   

施苏玲 《考试周刊》2010,(56):91-92
体验式数学学习是指学生个体在数学活动中,通过行为、认知和情感的参与。获得对数学事实与经验的理性认知和情感态度。它充分展现了以人为本的教育理念,注重学生自主学习、自悟学习、自得学习,让学生在亲身体验活动中真正动起来。本文从体验学习的内容选择和体验学习的主要途径等方面.就小学数学教学中如何开展体验学习进行了初步的探索。  相似文献   

低年级学生认知思维难以保持较好的状态,这需要教师激活学生内在的思维动力,保障课堂教学的趣味性特征。教师可从尊重认知、角色体验、揣摩洞察等方面激发学生的学习欲望,并以最佳的情感和思维状态介入到课堂教学环节中,为夯实学生的核心素养奠定基础。  相似文献   

从认知体验视角和基于网络虚拟学习社区(VLC)的自考课程学习优势出发,探讨自考生在网络虚拟学习社区学习环境中的认知情感体验形成过程和自考课程学习活动的认知情感体验设计。网络虚拟学习社区中认知活动的体验过程形成了自考生认知情感体验体系,自考生在网络虚拟学习社区学习中的认知体验形成过程可分为认知体验、行为体验和情感体验三个环节。基于网络虚拟学习社区的自学考试课程学习活动中认知情感体验设计是从认知体验形成过程的三个环节进行设计的。  相似文献   

花艳 《考试周刊》2014,(31):102-102
正长期以来,在我国,英语被作为一门学科,一门没有感性的学科存在于教学中,过于侧重认知方面,忽视情感方面的倾向,忽视情感因素对教学的影响,教师未能充分利用所教语言与学生进行有效的双向交流。学习既是一种行为参与,又是一种情感心理体验。教与学不仅是一个从传道到接受的单纯认知过程,还是一个心理变化过程,并且认知的效果往往取决于情感的变化。罗杰斯的人本主义思想证明了这一点,他强调以  相似文献   

在课程和教学领域,深度学习就是学生在教师的引领下,围绕具有挑战性的学习主题,全身心积极参与、体验成功、获得发展的有意义的学习过程。深度学习需要教学资源的支持,而历史博物馆资源具有的直观性、学术性、教育性等特点,契合了深度学习的需求。在初中历史教学中,教师可以尝试从认知建构、情感体验、课堂互动和深度成长等方面切入,利用好博物馆资源来促进学生的深度学习。  相似文献   

幼儿的体验活动本质上是一种具有探究性和实践性的学习活动。良好的活动体验可以强化幼儿的学习兴趣,改善幼儿的学习态度,促进幼儿对事物的认识与理解,增强幼儿学习的目的性和持续性,往往代表着高水平的学习卷入,说明幼儿的体验活动与其深度学习之间存在着有机的内在连接。教师应尊重幼儿的学习主体性,给予幼儿充分的自主学习机会,提高幼儿对体验活动的情感参与;应为幼儿创设真实的学习情境,提升幼儿活动体验的水平与质量,促进幼儿学习能力与学习品质的发展;应加强与家庭、社区之间的合作,为幼儿开展体验活动、实现深度学习提供外部环境支持。  相似文献   

First-year higher education (HE) students experience different challenges during their studies. These challenging learning situations can trigger self-regulated learning (SRL) skills, which students use to handle these situations. Thus, the aim of this study is to investigate (a) first-year HE students’ cognitive, motivational and emotional challenges experienced in both individual and collaborative learning situations and (b) the relationship between SRL skills and experienced learning challenges. Participants included 107 first-year pre-service teachers. Data consisted of students’ self-reports via (a) open-ended answers on a challenge questionnaire and (b) Likert-scale items from MSLQ and MRS questionnaires. Based on students’ SRL profiles, differential effects on the challenging experiences were investigated. The results show that different aspects related to students’ cognition, motivation, emotions and well-being were challenging for students. Also, connections were found between students’ SRL skills and the types of experienced learning challenges. Students with high SRL reported fewer learning challenges related to motivational aspects and more challenges related to cognitive aspects than students with low SRL.  相似文献   

Edcamps are a voluntary, democratic form of unconference. This paper presents participants’ perceptions regarding the impact of Edcamps. Data were gathered from a survey and interviews (N=105). Participants overwhelmingly reported that Edcamp experiences caused changes in their practices and in student learning. The impacts of Edcamps were often described in terms of student engagement, experiences, and dispositions, rather than traditional measures of achievement such as test scores. Participants experienced various obstacles and supports as they utilized what they had learned at Edcamps. Considering these results, the Edcamp model and its implications for other forms of teacher learning are discussed.  相似文献   

Understanding how young adolescent learners interact with mobile vocabulary learning applications can aid them in becoming more engaged with the information and feedback they are receiving. Inspired by the literature on learner-oriented feedback practice, this study asked two research questions: 1) what kind of feedback from the mobile apps can predict their learning experience, and 2) what features are useful in the support of self-assessment practice? Both survey data (n = 259) and interview data (n = 12) were collected from students at a junior school in southern China. Quantitative analysis suggests that high levels of satisfaction and perceived usefulness are associated with two factors: 1) visualizing the learning gaps with reference to external standardized tests and curricula, and 2) encouraging independent rather than social learning strategies. The qualitative data identified four main features or principles which may support young adolescent learners’ use of apps for self-assessment practice: 1) explicit links to curricula and tests; 2) immediate feedback on answers and learning strategies with more similar tasks; 3) maintaining relationships with teachers and peers, and 4) emotional support. Implications include the integration of quick automatic feedback to app users, clear alignment of self-assessment tasks with national curriculum and tests, and stronger emotional and cognitive support from both peers and instructors.  相似文献   

STEM教学已经成为跨学科教育的主流,然而目前我国针对学生STEM课堂情绪的研究主要以问卷调查等定量研究为主,质性研究较少。问卷调查作为一种课后的检测手段,降低了对学生直观情绪变化探究的真实性。而且情绪虽然通过个人表达,但它作用于日常社会交互并被社会交互所影响。描述微观社会环境中社会互动结果的情感能量(Emotional Energy),可以反映个体或集体在进行成功的社会交互后的情感体验,有助于人们从社会学视角分析情绪与认知间的相互作用。基于情感能量模型,采用民族志观察法,对某乐高课堂中的学生情绪状态进行分析后发现:(1)在STEM课程中情感能量有戏剧性和非戏剧性的波动,这种情绪能量体验会随着课程的深入而发生变化;(2)学生的情感能量与其课堂表现紧密相关;(3)高强度的小组情感能量更有助于科学知识的理解;(4)将情感注入STEM学习会增强学生的学习兴趣。因此,教师在STEM教学中要注意学生课堂情绪的调节,采取一定的教学支持或干预措施激励学生探究和小组合作,提升STEM教学质量。  相似文献   

Identity learning: the core process of educational change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The aim of this paper is to offer an additional perspective to the understanding of educational change processes by clarifying the significance of identity learning. Today’s innovations require changes in teachers’ professional identity. Identity learning involves a relation between social‐cognitive construction of new meanings and individual, emotional sense‐making of new experiences. This relationship between cognition and emotion asks for a strong learning environment: the question is whether schools provide these strong learning environments. To answer this question, the paper provides an overview of the existing knowledge about schools as contexts for teacher learning and change. It will become clear that the emotional side of the change process has been overlooked. A model for identity learning is presented, involving both meaning‐giving and sense‐making. Building on this model, it is discussed how school leaders can build strategies for the identity learning of teachers.  相似文献   

This study used responses of 20 student teachers to describe the different ways in which student teachers perceive the practice of their mentors as internal triggers for learning in their practicum experiences in the schools. Reported observations from pedagogical journals of student teachers were described according to various kinds of teaching knowledge and skills and were further categorized as providing either support or challenge to student teachers’ perceptions of learning to teach. The student teachers identified support and challenge in each one of the categories of teaching knowledge and skills, thereby supplying evidence for different kinds of emotional and cognitive triggers for learning. Based on the findings, we make some recommendations for supervision of mentoring relationships.  相似文献   

认知学习理论已成为当前课程改革的理论基础之一,并将在今后的教学中得到更广泛的应用。在认知学习理论的指导下,教师应更加关注学生认知结构的合理性,运用恰当的教学策略促进新旧知识的联系;教师应在整个教学过程中使学生保持良好的情感体验;教师可以通过元认知训练提高学生自主学习的水平。  相似文献   

Teachers are highly concerned about students with Emotional and Behavioural Difficulties (EBD). Lately, much emphasis has been given to the field of prevention in schools, through the Competence‐Enhancement Perspective. Emotional Intelligence (EI) and Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) provide the necessary skills to be acquired by students. The current study explored Greek in‐service teachers’ perceptions of the most important cognitive, emotional and social skills students should possess, in order to prevent the occurrence of EBD. It was found that teachers emphasised the importance of emotional skills. The study acknowledges teachers’ significant role in children’s social and emotional learning and advocates their involvement in the design of skills programmes for EBD pupils.  相似文献   

Results from the present study indicate that a majority of Norwegian 8th grade students experience satisfactory support from teachers and relations with peers. However, about 6% of the sample reported being harassed on a weekly basis. Moreover, results indicate that there is room for improvement, especially regarding the teachers’ emotional support of students, as well as their ability to prevent students from being harassed. Twelve per cent of the sample reported more severe emotional complaints, whereas 10% of 8th grade students reported more severe musculoskeletal complaints. Results showed significant associations of teacher support and peer relations with emotional as well as musculoskeletal complaints (EM complaints). Exposure to harassment at school and a perceived lack of academic support from teachers showed the strongest associations with EM complaints. Associations were stronger for students reporting learning difficulties than for students not reporting learning difficulties. This was mainly due to stronger associations between exposure to harassment and EM complaints among students reporting learning difficulties.  相似文献   

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