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Gray's neurological theory of anxiety (1982, 1990; Gray & McNaughton, 2000) predicts that state anxiety will decrease with continuous exposure to a fear arousing stimulus. Previous studies of psychological and physiological state anxiety patterns during public speaking have reported a pattern of progressively decreasing anxiety levels consistent with this phenomenon, known as habituation. In the current report, the extent to which the state anxiety behaviors of speakers conform to the habituation pattern is examined. In the first of two studies, 30 novice speakers presented informative speeches to audiences of 18 to 20 fellow students. These speeches were videotaped and replayed in their entirety for observers (N=30) who rated the severity of each performer's speech anxiety behaviors. In the second study, each videotaped presentation was divided into one‐minute segments and presented in random order to a new set of observers (N=25). Procedures in the second study were designed to control for rater expectations that state anxiety would decline over time. Overall, behavioral measures of public speaking state anxiety displayed a continually declining pattern associated with habituation.  相似文献   

Previous empirical studies of anxiety patterns associated with public speaking performance have exhibited major differences between the psychological and physiological waveforms. Moreover, current research indicates that, in physiological studies of public speaking anxiety, several different patterns are embedded in the overall pattern, thereby demonstrating the importance of discovering the proper differentiated pattern for any given speaker. In the present study, the general psychological anxiety pattern for public speakers was examined in order to attempt to discover if independent, differentiated, patterns reside within the global pattern. A primary and a secondary pattern emerged. These sub‐patterns are significantly different from one another at all major moments or milestones of the experience. In a second study, these patterns were identified by differing levels of anxiety sensitivity. Theoretical, pedagogical, and therapeutic implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

Recently, scholars have suggested that biological factors, such as temperament, influence human social behavior, particularly in the formation of traits, such as communication apprehension. Despite progress in this area, the relationship between temperament and states, such as speech anxiety, remains unclear. Theories of temperament predict that the rate at which subjects habituate to stress varies inversely with the degree to which they are sensitized during initial confrontation with stress‐producing stimuli. The inverse relationship between habituation and sensitization, in the context of public speaking state anxiety, is examined in this report. In two separate studies, using both physiological and psychological measures of state anxiety, the inverse relationship between sensitization and habituation was confirmed. Specifically, sensitization accounted for 69.1% and 50.3% of the variance in physiological and psychological habituation, respectively.  相似文献   

团体心理咨询对大学生自卑心理影响的实验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
团体心理咨询对大学生自卑心理影响的实验结果表明:实验班与控制班相比,当众演说焦虑程度有较大幅度的降低,而在自我评价方面(尤其在口头表达、当众演说、乐观心态、交际水平方面)有显的提高。说明团体心理训练对大学生自卑心理有明显的影响。  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine the extent to which anxiety sensitivity and speech trait anxiety serve as predictors of state anxiety during public speaking. A model is proposed and tested, in which anxiety sensitivity and speech trait anxiety are found to be significant predictors of state anxiety during public speaking. The model accounted for 43.1% of the variance in the dependent variable. Anxiety sensitivity, or fear of physical sensations or consequences, contributes unique variance to anxiety during public speaking beyond that of trait anxiety alone. Implications for theory development, instruction, and therapy are examined.  相似文献   

公共演讲是口译教学不可切分的环节,增加演讲操练可培养学生口译必备的语言能力、思维能力和心理素质。针对地方高校口译教学演讲训练课时不足的现状,可通过增加培训课时、丰富操练形式、扩展训练平台、扩充评估媒介的方式,结合定题演讲、即兴演讲、演讲口译对学生进行训练,同时将评估主体从教师向学生拓展,通过自我评估和同伴评估最大化发挥学生主体性,借此促进学生演讲能力发展,推动本地化口译人才培养进程。  相似文献   

英语语音语调的性别差异及其形成原因   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
英语中存在着比较明显的性别差异,诸如女性发音比男性更接近标准语体和高雅口音、更喜欢使用升调等等。形成英语语音语调性别差异的原因是多方面的,如神经生理原因、文化心理原因,而最根本的原因则是男女社会地位不平等。英语性别差异不仅是一种语言现象,而且是一种社会现象。只有实现男女地位平等后,才能达到英语性别平等。  相似文献   

李迪 《职教通讯》2019,(2):58-62
探讨了认知行为疗法对社交焦虑的干预,并根据美国心理学家Stefan G.Hofmann提出的社交焦虑的认知行为治疗模型,采用演讲暴露、心理教育、认知重建以及现实暴露等认知行为的干预技术,设计出符合我国大学生的社交焦虑的团体干预方案。该团体治疗方案共八次,以切实可行的不断增加难度的演讲暴露为主要暴露方式。实践证明,对于大学生社交焦虑的症状改善具有显著效果,易于推广。  相似文献   

叶萍 《高教论坛》2006,(4):79-81,96
写作历史性地被认为只是口语的记载,是一种为记录和传播口语而出现的现代发明,并长期被排斥于应用语言学研究的边缘。这种偏见因而造成了二语习得研究对写作的忽视。事实上,写作作为一种语言输出形式,是与口语输出同样重要的有效交际行为,能在二语学习过程中减轻面对面交际给学习者带来的心理压力,并有助于语言知识的内化。网络电子邮件的出现更突显了写作在二语习得中的作用。因此,如何利用写作来促进二语学习应成为二语习得研究的一个重点。  相似文献   

从社会心理语言学角度看英语言语行为性别差异   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方芒 《怀化学院学报》2004,23(3):105-107
言语行为性别差异是英语中一个值得探讨的问题。从语音等多方面对男女言语行为的差异进行了总结 ,并从社会心理、社会地位和权力、个人心理、男女生理差别等四个方面分析了造成这些差异的原因。  相似文献   

作为外语学习中特有的一种复杂心理现象,语言焦虑在学习者中普遍存在,并且在所有影响学习者的情感因素中是妨碍外语学习的最大不利因素,因此教师应分析学生语言焦虑产生的原因,并有针对性地提出缓解语言焦虑的方法。由于幽默的生理与心理功效,把幽默带入课堂将有利于创造良好的情感环境和课堂学习气氛,最大程度地降低学生的焦虑程度,提高学生的语言学习效果。  相似文献   

Using Self Determination as a framework, the purpose of the study was to examine the relationships between basic psychological needs, motivational regulations, self-esteem, subjective vitality, and social physique anxiety in physical education. One thousand and eighty two high school students aged between 14 and 19 [mean (M) = 15.89 ± 0.95 years] from six public high schools participated to the study. Students’ basic psychological needs: motivational regulations, subjective vitality and self-esteem served as positive indicators, while social physique anxiety was a negative indicator of psychological well-being. Structural equation modelling results revealed that students’ motivational regulations mediated the relationship between basic psychological needs and psychological well-being. Intrinsic motivation negatively predicted social physique anxiety and positively predicted subjective vitality. Amotivation positively predicted social physique anxiety and negatively predicted subjective vitality. Identified regulation and external regulation positively predicted subjective vitality. Results supported the tenets of Self Determination Theory (SDT) and suggested that satisfying adolescents’ basic psychological needs in physical education will promote their psychological well-being.  相似文献   

目的:考察考前心理辅导方案对考虑焦虑、复习效率和学习成绩的辅导效果,以及通过集体心理辅导和个别心理干预对学生的学习成绩有多大的提高。研究方法:采用斯皮乐伯格的“测验焦虑调查表”(TAI)(上海师大叶仁敏修订版),对98年高三毕业班的学生进行测试。根据测出的考虑焦虑程度分为低焦虑组和高焦虑组,分别对其进行考前心理辅导,并与对照组比较。结果:高焦虑会影响学生的考虑成绩,低焦虑有利于成绩上升。无论是高焦虑组还是低焦虑组受辅导后学生的学习成绩都呈上升趋势,而高焦虑上升幅度较大,尤其是经个别心理干预后效果更明显。结论:老前心理辅导确实有利于改善高焦虑考生的心态,提高考试成绩。表明,此方案在中学是行之有效的,也是势在必行的。  相似文献   

论公共危机管理中的社会心理调控   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
公共危机事态会给公众带来社会性焦虑与恐慌、流言与谣言的传播以及骚乱与暴乱等诸多社会心理问题  相似文献   

近些年开展积极心理教育已逐渐成为学校教育的重要趋势。以河北省张家口市涿鹿县800名农村初中生为研究对象,应用心理健康诊断量表(MHT)前后两次进行调查,第一次调查后实施为期一年半的积极心理干预,结果表明积极心理干预对学生的学习焦虑、自责倾向影响非常显著,对对人焦虑、冲动倾向的影响比较显著。农村初中生的心理问题主要体现在与教师、家长的教育方式以及教育评价密切相关的方面,如学习焦虑、自责倾向、过敏倾向等,应大力推进教育、教学方式和评价机制的改革,开展积极心理健康教育系列活动。  相似文献   

In recent years, physical education has provided the impetus for an increasing number of subspecialties. Among one of the more prominent health-related developments has been the growth of cardiac rehabilitation programs. The complexity of cardiovascular disease necessitates that exercise specialists are cognizant of both the psychological and physiological dilemma of the paticnt. Therefore, this paper provides an integrative review of literature perianing to the coronary-prone behavior pattern (type A). It presents a discussion of the behavioral predispositions associated with this action-emotion complex together with the physiological consequences and concomitant eardiovaseular risk observed in individuals identified as type A. Finally, a social learning framework is offered as an aid to the practitioner in understanding and influencing the modification of such behavior.  相似文献   

联觉是人脑天生的一项特殊功能,它主要发生在生理层,主要是生理学或脑科学研究的对象;移觉主要是指人的实时心理出现的跨感官刺激——反应现象。它是人类后天社会心理的感觉自发行为,主要发生在心理层,属于心理学研究的领域;通感是人类言语行为的自觉建构,它主要发生在语言层。通感形成是一个动态的过程,它主要包括生理联觉、心理移觉和语言通感三个维度。  相似文献   

对河北省上千名中小学教师,应用症状自评量表(SCL-90)和自编影响教师心理健康因素的问卷进行测查并辅以个别访谈,结果显示:教师在躯体化、强迫、焦虑、抑郁、敌对、恐怖、偏执、精神病性8项因子分均与全国常模有显性差异;不同性别教师在焦虑、恐怖两项因子分有显差异;不同年龄教师在躯体化、强迫因子分存在显差异;不同学历教师各因子分无差异;教师心理问题属于中度以上严重水平的检出率为9.31%。由此,河北省教师的心理健康问题应引起教育管理部门的重视,建议从生理、心理及社会行为三个层面予以干预及调适。  相似文献   

叶潇潇 《海外英语》2012,(15):59-63
Since 1970s,the research on second language acquisition has been developed with times.The research focus of lLanguage teach ing has shifted from the study of how to teach students to how to learn for students,with particular attention to explore the influence that students’psychological factors such as learning motivation,learning attitude and learning anxiety have on learning outcomes.Among those emotional variables,anxiety is considered to be one of the most critical psychological variables.English classroom anxiety is different from the ordinary classroom anxiety and receives much attention from scholars.Horwiz(1986) pointed out that foreign language anxiety is a unique phenomenon in language learning.In China,English learning in senior high school is a very important period.It is a common phenomenon to see students behaving anxiously in the English class.Therefore,the anxiety in the English class of senior high school de serves attention.This paper will analyze the main reasons of students’anxiety and points out several effectively methods to relieve their anxiety so as to enhance English classroom teaching and learning effect.  相似文献   

学术演讲是公众演讲的一个重要分支。它属于公众演讲,又有其独特的演讲目的。比尔.盖茨在清华大学的演讲词是一篇典型的学术演讲,其语言描写(词汇层面、句法特征、修辞手段)、语篇(替换关系和连接关系)和语境(语场、语旨及语式)等方面都体现了学术演讲的特征。  相似文献   

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