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差速器壳设计是汽车设计环节的关键,尤其差速器壳的强度分析是设计的重点之一。本文通过运用PROE软件进行三维设计,运用ANSYS软件对差速器壳进行强度分析,通过对差速器壳模型进行网格划分、差速器壳负载及边界条件的设定,计算求解得出差速器壳应力分布图,从而找出差速器壳易破坏部位,寻找到提高差速器壳强度的措施。  相似文献   

橄榄蚶形态参数关系的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
测量了1357个橄榄蚶的壳长、壳宽、壳高、湿全重、软体部湿重和软体部干重。分析表明,橄榄蚶各性状间的相关系数均达到显著水平。壳长与壳高,壳长与壳宽,壳长与铰合部长,湿全重与软体部湿重之间均呈线性正相关,可用线性回归方程模式表示:Y=aX+b;壳长与湿全重,壳高与湿全重之间呈幂函数关系,可用幂函数回归方程表示:Y=aX^b。建立了经济性状与壳体形态性状的多元回归方程。  相似文献   

上回顾期夏壳壳在前往奶奶家的路上遇到了一个小男孩,他和壳壳一样,是个狂热的昆虫爱好者,他还约壳壳去壳壳溪谷捉虫……7.奶奶家的奇遇到站了,奶奶没来接我。不过没事,奶奶家我太熟了,就是闭着眼睛我都能摸到。我走的是近路。可是走了十来步,我就发现有点儿不对劲儿  相似文献   

徐静 《辅导员》2011,(32):21-22
《金蝉脱壳》是苏教版小学语文第九册第二单元的一篇课文,它极其生动地介绍了金蝉脱壳的过程,展示了那奇特动人的情景,启发学生留心观察周围事物。课前备课时发现文中"壳"字出现了数次,如:金蝉脱壳、透明发亮的壳、蝉虫脱的壳、脱壳、蝉尾出壳、未出壳、出壳、蝉壳,而教学参考书上说"课文中除‘金蝉脱壳’中的‘壳’读qiao,其余的几个‘壳’都读ke"。这  相似文献   

对封闭导体壳内外电场的分布特点进行了研究,得出导体壳接地与不接地时空间各处电场的分布:不接地的导体壳,壳内的带电体对壳外的电场有影响,但壳外的电场对壳内无影响;接地的导体壳,内、外电场均无影响.并由此分布规律出发对2种典型的封闭导体球壳内外电场的分布情况进行到了详尽的分析.  相似文献   

桔子开花一朵朵,桔子结果青壳壳。秋风摸摸它,变成黄壳壳;太阳亲亲它,又变红壳壳。打开红壳壳,弯弯月亮坐一桌。  相似文献   

上回顾期进入夏壳壳家的竟然是那个长鼻子巨人!为了找到夏壳壳,它将自己缩小了,还带来了一张可怕的通缉令……4."拎着夏壳壳的脑壳回来见我"突击队这天晚上,我几乎一夜未合眼。你说,我看了那样一张让人胆战心惊的悬赏通缉令,还能睡得着觉吗?此时此刻,食人妖王国的城门前排起了一条长长的队伍。自从三个星期之前,城墙的墙头上贴出了那张"悬赏通缉夏壳壳"的布告之  相似文献   

上期回顾食人妖公主真的把夏壳壳的爸爸变成了一只星天牛,它飞到夏壳壳家楼下的法国梧桐上,被一个小男孩捉住了。为了夺回它,夏壳壳和小男孩打了起来,无意中伤害到了星天牛……我回家以后,又在黑暗中坐了很久,等眼泪都快流干了才开灯。一开灯,我惊呆了——餐桌上有一只星天牛,正在那儿大嚼大  相似文献   

上期回顾夏壳壳替长鼻子巨人传话时,大癞蛤蟆精发现了他脖子上的水晶球。大癞蛤蟆精的一番话让夏壳壳陷入了恐慌……2.我梦见爸爸变成了一只星天牛  相似文献   

夏壳壳把变成癞蛤蟆的海妖三颗牙带回了家里,结果,夏壳壳的妈妈差点儿把它当螃蟹给蒸了。万幸的是,它逃过了这一劫。但夏壳壳还是不禁为海妖三颗牙担忧……5.我带癞蛤蟆去了我奶奶家我忘记今天是星期六了。早上起来,要不是妈妈拦住我,我差点儿背上书包去上学。吃完早饭回到房间,我对癞蛤蟆——海妖三颗牙庄严地宣布了  相似文献   

This paper describes MultiTool, a new programming shell for use in developing multi-media education and training applications with microcomputer-based software and videodisk-based images. This system was generalized from a prototype system that was developed for teaching construction equipment and methods. MultiTool enables other users to develop their own education and training applications. It provides a variety of standard development options that perform distinctly different functions. It also includes libraries of graphic designs, function buttons, interface elements and video drivers. The potential impact of this program resides in improving the quality and productivity of training and education in engineering, science and other fields  相似文献   

对创建网上课程的单机运行程序、外壳程序及安装/卸载程序作了详细的介绍,给出了使用Netbox对网站进行打包、Authorware中使用浏览器控件以及创建自动运行网站服务器的技术与方法,从而解决了在局域网内或单机上运行网上课程的目的。  相似文献   

To assess the impact of a college preparation program, district-wide changes in high-stakes test pass rates are examined, followed by an examination of specific program elements that are associated with students’ score changes. Changes in pass rates for districts with and without services are compared for the Latina/o and overall student populations. This study also examines the relationship between hours of participation in various elements of the college preparation program and changes in test scores of low-income Latina/o students. Results indicate that key program elements related to improvements in test scores include participation in mentoring and summer programs.  相似文献   

针对许多P区非金属元素具有较强成链能力这一特点,以部分P区非金属元素为例,从原子核外电子层结构、成链的原因、成链的方式等方面进行分析对比,得出P区非金属之间共价键的键能不同是形成不同链状化合物的主要原因.  相似文献   

卢倩 《青海师专学报》2007,27(5):98-101
本文通过对第二周期元素价电子层结构、原子半径、成键轨道及其重要参数的分析,讨论了第二周期非金属元素的不规则现象,并且分析了产生这些不规则性的原因.  相似文献   

Mentoring can be used as a pedagogical alternative both to extend and augment the educational experience of business students. This article addresses a gap in the literature regarding the use and effectiveness of mentoring in undergraduate business education by examining improvements to an existing mentoring program. After reviewing the mentoring literature and identifying four critical elements for program success (matching, preparation, interaction and outcome assessment), the researchers used a cohort design and developed a survey to assess baseline participant satisfaction with these elements. Interventions were developed to enhance the mentoring program, and a second cohort allowed the authors to assess the benefits of these interventions. With statistically significant improvements in two out of four program elements (and a third showing marginally significant differences), the results demonstrate that the authors’ approach to evaluating and enhancing mentoring program effectiveness is useful in business education.  相似文献   

We report on the development of an after-school and summer-based science, technology, engineering, and mathematics curriculum infused with the arts and social emotional learning content (STEAM SEL). Its design was motivated by theory and research that suggest that STEM education is well-suited for teaching empathy and other emotion-related skills. In this paper, we describe the activities associated with the development and design of the program and the curriculum. We provide expert-ratings of the STEAM and social emotional elements of the program and present instructor and participant feedback about the program’s content and its delivery. Our results revealed that infusing the arts and social emotional learning content into science education created a holistic STEM-related curriculum that holds potential for enhancing young children’s interest in and appreciation for science and its applications. The data also suggested that the program was well-developed and, generally well-executed. However, experts rated the STEAM elements of the program more positively than the SEL elements, especially with regard to sequencing of lessons and integration among the lessons and hands-on activities, indicating that program revisions are warranted.  相似文献   

相关文献的回顾表明,开展一个远程学习项目需要多种要素的支持,包括教师支持、学生支持、内容支持、课程管理系统支持、技术支持、项目支持和社会支持等。经特尔斐专家调研,本研究遴选出其中46个同远程学习项目服务支持有关的要素并置于一个同心圆模型中,它们可以用于帮助做出远程教育的规划和评估。  相似文献   

Ratings were obtained for item-inclusion importance for counselor preparation program follow-up surveys for program graduates and their employers. Survey elements are suggested.  相似文献   

The use of aggregated student evaluations of their courses and course elements (e.g., subject functionality, affect, difficulty, graded assignments) is suggested as an efficient and useful means of obtaining program and department assessments. Given that the instruments used to collect student evaluations are valid (if they are not, they should not be used for any purpose), then averaging class data is likely to provide a valid and reliable index of program and department effectiveness as evaluated by students.Program and department assessment data are presented and discussed for a large northeastern professional school. Large and significant differences in the ratings of program elements were found. Although many of the elements designed into the program by the administration and faculty were perceived as operational by the students, some discrepancies between the design and student perceptions existed. Substantial departmental differences were also found which indicated areas of strength and weakness both within and across departments. The potential usefulness of the assessment for internal change and development is discussed.  相似文献   

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