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论信息系统效用及其影响因素   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  

The development and growth of organisms, as well as the occurrence of diseases are widely subject to epigenetic regulation. Active DNA demethylation occurring in the epigenetic reprogramming process plays an important role in the development of early embryos and the generation of germ cells, hence attracting keen attention from scientists. However, the biological significance and mechanisms of this epigenome remodelling have remained unclear.  相似文献   

信息化指数模型及上海信息化水平的测定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
夏磊 《情报理论与实践》2001,24(6):436-438,416
The paper gives an improved model of informatization index. With this model, the social informatization indices of Shanghai from 1995 to 1999 are measured. The social informatization level of Shanghai in those 5 years is analyzed.  相似文献   

从图书馆学五定律到信息资源建设五原则的思考   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
曹作华 《情报理论与实践》2003,26(6):534-536,527
With an exploration of the correlations of the five laws of library science with the five principles of information resources construction, this paper discusses the embodiment of Ranganathan‘s eternal thought of taking the user as the center in the five principles, and analyzes the connotations and characteristics of the principles of information resources constmcfion so as to understand and grasp the practice of inforamtion resources construction at a higher level.  相似文献   

大众传播信息合理使用原则分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The principle of the rational use of the copyright of mass communication is an importamt legal system to protect the right of the social public and individuals to use information. However, this system is facing severe challenges both in technology and in benefit. This paper attempts to analyzes the problems in the principle of rational use, such as the principle of judgement, abuse restriction and the principle of rational use under the network communication conditions.  相似文献   

At present, China uses energy consumption per unit of gross domestic product (GDP) as a .major statistical index for energy efficiencymeasurement. Although it reflects the level of energy consumption of an economy to a certain extent, this approach has grave defects when drawing static or dynamic comparisons, both in this country and abroad. However, there is currently no generally accepted way of evaluation in this regard.  相似文献   

Water is the foundation of an arid ecological system, as the quantity and quality of surface water and groundwater determine its structure and function. The study on the relationship between water and ecosystem is the basis of ecosystem protection. Taking the Ejina delta, an extremely arid area located downstream of the Heihe River in northwestern China, as an example, this article gives an overviewe of the study in three aspects: (1) the groundwater table and salinity dynamics and their driving factors, (2) the groundwater depth and salt threshold of natural vegetation ecosystem, and (3) the impact evaluation of ecological flow control on Ejina natural vegetation. The authors point out the importance of the research into the relation between water and ecosystem and its key difficulties and weakness, and put forward strategies for promoting the study processes.  相似文献   

English is a very important subject in education, but simultaneously it is very difficult for students to master in the teaching process. With the coming of the information age, the constant emergence of multimedia resources provides a great assistance for English teaching. In this paper, the evaluation on the value of using multimedia assisted teaching resources in English teaching is introduced.  相似文献   

基于主题分布的我国情报学文献计量分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
With a statistical analysis of the research papers on information studies published from 1991 to 2000 in China, this article makes a bibliometric analysis of the subject distribution of these papers so as to reflect the present situation and development trend of researches on information studies in China.  相似文献   

The intercrossing of disciphnes is an important impetus of scientific development. The existing automatic information retrieval systems are not propitious for the generation of new ideas and the interdisciplinary multiplication as they are developing towards more intelligent, knowledgeable and specialized ones. The scientific development calls for a new automatic information retrieval tool. The research will be a comprehensive subject involved with many disciplines and rields, and need to be conducted in order and step by step.  相似文献   

严浪 《情报探索》2014,(3):21-23,14
从学科博客概念入手,阐述学科博客服务评价的意义,分析影响学科博客服务质量的4个因素:学科信息建设、学科信息利用、学科信息交互和学科信息服务,并构建学科博客服务评价指标体系,然后用改进的层次分析法求得各指标权重并进行实证分析.  相似文献   

以万方数据库数据为依据,运用对比分析法,对《中文核心期刊目录总览》中图书情报类19种核心期刊的来源文献量、即年指标、总被引频次、影响因子、学科扩散指标等8个指标值进行排名和分析,以了解《情报科学》近年各指标状况。建议通过提高稿件学术质量,进一步提高影响因子,扩大《情报科学》的学术影响力。  相似文献   

入选百种杰出学术期刊的特征分析与持续影响力对策   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目的】对2012-2014年高校主办科技期刊入选"百种中国杰出学术期刊" 的典型特征进行研究。【方法】 分析入选期刊重要文献指标的变化。【结果】 指出在所属学科中期刊综合评价总分领先和影响因子、学科影响指标、他引率等文献计量指标居前是科技期刊入选百种杰出学术期刊的关键,用影响因子当量值可预测今后入选的期刊。结合《中国矿业大学学报》蝉联百种杰出学术期刊的工作实践,提出编辑在初审来稿创新时应注重的3个层次和关注的3个方面因素。【结论】 把握期刊组稿优先方向,注重在稿源、评审质量、编辑水平和传播速度4个方面提高期刊的竞争力,有助于期刊今后入选百种杰出学术期刊。  相似文献   

本文以SCI被引次数作为论文质量的评价指标,从合作方式、合作方、合作学科三个角度,采用期望、频率比和相关性方法分析了科研合作对论文质量的影响。总体来看,华东理工大学的国际合作论文质量要远高于国内合作和无合作论文,而国内合作论文略微优于无合作论文,但不同学院的情况有所不同。合作国家或合作机构影响着合作论文的质量,科研实力强的合作伙伴确实能提高合作论文的质量,但是与合作方的整体科研实力并不成正比。交叉学科间的合作对中低质量的论文产出有积极影响,但对高质量论文的产出影响却因学科而不同。  相似文献   

为了深入分析重庆市的科研情况及发展趋势,本文提出一种基于ScienceCitationIndexExpanded(SCI—EXPANDED)收录论文的分析评价方法,通过对论文数量、来源期刊、学科分布、影响因子等方面进行统计分析和比较,研究区域科学研究的整体水平。根据该方法,本文对重庆市2007年度各科研机构的SCI—E收录论文进行了统计分析,从各机构收录论文的数量、学科类别、论文的期刊分布及期刊影响因子、被引次数及H指数等方面进行了统计分析,其结果反应了重庆市的科学研究现状。  相似文献   

从技术创新的指标特征论证了现阶段我国企业并不是技术创新的主体,分析了主体化错位的成因,并在此基础上提出了我国企业技术创新主体化的策略。  相似文献   

“HIF指数”评价科技期刊学术影响的机理与实践   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
鉴于影响因子与h指数等单一主流期刊评价方法各具特色与优劣,本文提出一种新的科技期刊学术影响力评价方法:HIF指数,它继承了影响因子与h指数设计的巧妙之处,为科技评价提供一种新的途径。在详细阐述了HIF指数的机理后,以CSSCI收录的前20种经济学类核心期刊为样本,计算各期刊HIF指数并对其进行客观评价。结果表明,HIF指数吸收了影响因子与h指数评价指标的各自优点,反映的期刊学术影响更加全面,计算过程简易,评价结果客观、科学可靠。HIF指数同样适用于科技期刊、学科和国家等层面的科研成果与学术影响评价。  相似文献   

在定性分析基础上,系统揭示区域协同创新驱动因素及影响因素,构建其作用模型并形成相应研究假设;建立区域协同创新驱动因素及影响因素评价指标体系,基于效率视角选择其测度方法并构建相应测度模型;进行实证研究,测度区域协同创新驱动因素的驱动强度及影响因素的影响水平,进而对研究假设进行检验,揭示我国区域协同创新驱动因素及影响因素的作用机理,并提出促进区域协同创新的策略建议.研究发现:我国区域协同创新主要受政府、市场和企业三方因素驱动;环境质量因素和创新主体能力因素对协同创新具有正向影响,而创新主体距离对区域协同创新具有显著的负向影响;区域协同创新效率与区域经济发展水平间存在显著的正相关关系.  相似文献   

基本科学指标(ESI)数据库机构评价指标普遍用以评价高校的学科是否进入世界一流学科行列。以ESI数据指标为参照系,借助Web of Science数据库中SCIE/SSCI数据,通过分析尚未入围ESI的学科现状及发展态势,探讨一种有力支撑高校学科发展决策的思路和方法,供从事高校学科服务的研究人员借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

以区域技术创新的内涵及构成要素为基础,构造覆盖面较广的指标体系,通过专家甄别及相关性分析等有效环节,构建区域技术创新能力综合评价指标体系。给出了区域技术创新能力评价的德尔菲—熵值法评价模型,将客观熵权与主观权重相结合,通过区域技术创新能力发展指数和协调指数来评价技术创新能力状况。对泰安市2004—2008年的区域技术创新能力进行了综合评价,结果显示,泰安市区域技术创新能力了历经较弱、中等、较强的递进过程。  相似文献   

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