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Four pigeons pecked keys and pressed treadles for food reinforcers delivered by several variable-interval schedules of reinforcement. Then the subjects responded on several concurrent schedules. Keypecking produced reinforcers in one component, and treadle-pressing produced reinforcers in the other. The changeover delay, which prevented reinforcement after all switches from one response to the other, was 0, 5, or 20 sec long. An equation proposed by Kerrnstein (1970) described the rates of treadle-pressing and keypecking emitted during the variable-interval schedules. The k parameter of this equation was larger for keypecking than for treadle-pressing. The R0 parameters were not systematically different for the two responses. The rates of keypecking and treadle-pressing emitted during the components of the concurrent schedules correlated with, but were not equal to, the rates of responding predicted by Herrnstein’s equation and the subject’s simple schedule responding. The ratios of the rates of responding emitted during, and the ratios of the time spent responding on, the components of the concurrent schedules conformed to an equation proposed by Baum (1974), but not to Herrnstein’s equation.  相似文献   

A modification of the nonlinear curve-fitting procedure proposed by Wetherington and Lucas (1980) was used to assess how well Herrnstein’s (1970) equation for the rates of responding during concurrent schedules described performance. The equation fitted some results very well, accounting for 80% or more of the variance in the data in studies that used moderate-duration changeover delays and provided the same positive reinforcers, operanda, and simple schedules in the two components. The equation fitted the data poorly in other studies. The k parameter changed with several variables; it was not as constant as Herrnstein (1974) suggested. R0 did not fit Herrnstein’s interpretation as reinforcement from unprogrammed sources. Forty percent of all values of R0 were negative, and another 23% were unreasonably large (greater than 50 reinforcers/h). The data suggest that Herrnstein’s equation is not a general theory of concurrent-schedule responding, and that Herrnstein’s interpretation of k and R0 should be modified.  相似文献   

Four pigeons pecked for food reinforcement on variable interval 1-min schedules and on the variable-interval 1-min components of multiple, concurrent, and pseudoconcurrent schedules. The pseudoconcurrent schedule provided only one schedule of reinforcement; but, any reinforcer could be collected by responding on either of two keys. The rate of responding generated by the variable interval schedule was not greater than the rates of responding generated by the components of the complex schedules. But, the rate of reinforcement obtained from the variable interval schedule was greater than the rates of reinforcement obtained from the components of the multiple schedule. These results may contradict the equation proposed by Herrnstein (1970). The equation predicts that the rate of responding generated by a schedule of reinforcement will be greater when the schedule appears alone, than when it appears as one component of a complex schedule.  相似文献   

Previous research that compared the estimated parameters (i.e.,k andR e) from Herrnstein’s (1970) hyperbolic matching law equation within the same individuals responding for qualitatively different consummatory reinforcers (i.e., water and sucrose solution) found similar asymptotic response rates (k). The present study compared these parameters within subjects responding on levers for consummatory and nonconsummatory reinforcers. Male Wistar rats responded on a lever in a running wheel on a series of tandem FR 1 VI schedules for either 0.1 ml of a 15% sucrose solution or the opportunity to run for 15 sec. Herrnstein’s hyperbola was fit to response and reinforcement rates from each session. Results showed thatk values were significantly higher for sucrose than for wheel-running reinforcement. On average,R e was lower for sucrose than for wheel-running reinforcement, though not significantly lower. The results of the present study appear to violate the assumption of the constancy ofk in Herrnstein’s matching law analysis.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked keys on concurrent-chains schedules that provided a variable interval 30-sec schedule in the initial link. One terminal link provided reinforcers in a fixed manner; the other provided reinforcers in a variable manner with the same arithmetic mean as the fixed alternative. In Experiment 1, the terminal links provided fixed and variable interval schedules. In Experiment 2, the terminal links provided reinforcers after a fixed or a variable delay following the response that produced them. In Experiment 3, the terminal links provided reinforcers that were fixed or variable in size. Rate of reinforcement was varied by changing the scheduled interreinforcer interval in the terminal link from 5 to 225 sec. The subjects usually preferred the variable option in Experiments 1 and 2 but differed in preference in Experiment 3. The preference for variability was usually stronger for lower (longer terminal links) than for higher (shorter terminal links) rates of reinforcement. Preference did not change systematically with time in the session. Some aspects of these results are inconsistent with explanations for the preference for variability in terms of scaling factors, scalar expectancy theory, risk-sensitive models of optimal foraging theory, and habituation to the reinforcer. Initial-link response rates also changed within sessions when the schedules provided high, but not low, rates of reinforcement. Within-session changes in responding were similar for the two initial links. These similarities imply that habituation to the reinforcer is represented differently in theories of choice than are other variables related to reinforcement.  相似文献   

Five rats responded on several concurrent schedules in which pressing a key produced reinforcers in one component and pressing a lever produced reinforcers in the other component (Experiment 1). Four pigeons responded on several concurrent keypeck treadlepress schedules (Experiment 2). The programmed rates of reinforcement varied from 15 to 240 reinforcers per hour in different conditions. Rates of responding usually changed systematically within experimental sessions, and the changes were similar for the two components of a concurrent schedule. These results imply that within-session changes in responding may not confound the predictions of theories that describe the ratio of the rates of responding during the two components of concurrent schedules. Instead, within-session changes may be controlled by a mechanism that integrates the reinforcers obtained from the two components.  相似文献   

Five pigeons pecked for food reinforcement on several concurrent schedules. Their body weights were varied from 80% to 110% of their free-feeding weights. A number of predictions of the equations proposed by Herrnstein (1970) were tested. As predicted, the relative rate of responding equalled the relative rate of reinforcement for all subjects, on all schedules, at all body weights. And, as predicted, the overall rates of responding on the components of a concurrent schedule were slower than the local rates of responding on the components of an identical multiple schedule. Contrary to prediction, the total rate of responding generated by the concurrent schedules did not increase with increases in the total rate of reinforcement they provided. And, contrary to prediction, the k parameter did not remain constant, and the R0 parameter did not increase with increases in body weight. It was concluded that Herrnstein’s matching law and his interpretation of the m parameter are correct but that the interpretations of k and R0 require further investigation.  相似文献   

Pigeons pecked keys for food reinforcers delivered by several variable-interval and multiple variable-interval schedules. The rates of responding emitted during the simple schedules were not systematically different from the rates emitted during the multiple schedules when the components of the multiple schedule were identical. The rates of responding emitted during the components were usually greater than the rates emitted during comparable simple schedules when the components were more favorable than the added components of the multiple schedules. Response rates during the components were not significantly lower than those during comparable simple schedules when the components were less favorable. The observation of higher rates of responding during the more favorable components conforms to a prediction of several additive theories (e.g., Rachlin, 1973) but violates a prediction of Herrnstein’s (1970) theory. However, the additive theories are brought into question by the fact that changing the location of the discriminative stimuli did not change the pattern of results.  相似文献   

Although an arbitrarily specified instrumental response may persist when free reinforcers are concurrently available, the interpretation that earned reinforcers are preferred is tenuous. The present advance-response procedure used both time allocation and advance response rates as indices of preference between free and earned water in rats. When multiple schedule components were two response-dependent schedules with different overall reinforcement rates, higher rates of reinforcement were preferred. However, when the multiple schedule consisted of response-dependent and response-independent components equated for overall rates of reinforcement, no consistent preference for free or earned reinforcers was evident. That a preference for free reinforcers was not obtained is difficult to reconcile with concepts of least effort.  相似文献   

Rats pressed levers for Noyes pellets or keys for sweetened condensed milk reinforcers delivered by multiple schedules. Session length and baseline rates of reinforcement were varied in two experiments. Rates of responding increased during the early part of the session and then decreased for both responses and reinforcers, as well as for all subjects and values of the independent variables. Changes in response rates across the session sometimes exceeded 500%. Respoiise rates peaked approximately 20 min after the beginning of the session, regardless of session duration, when subjects responded on a multiple variable interval 1-min variable interval 1-min schedule. The function was flatter for longer sessions than it was for shorter sessions. The function was flatter, more symmetrical, and peaked later for lower rates of reinforcement than for higher rates of reinforcement. The function appeared early in training, and further experience moved and reduced its peak. Variables related to reinforcement exerted more control over some aspects of this function than did variables related to responding. These within-session patterns of responding may have fundamental implications for experimental design and theorizing.  相似文献   

We present an algebraic model of resistance to extinction that is consistent with research on resistance to change. The model assumes that response strength is a power function of reinforcer rate and that extinction involves two additive, decremental processes: (1) the termination of the reinforcement contingency and (2) generalization decrement resulting from reinforcer omission. The model was supported by three experiments. In Experiment 1, 4 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple variable-interval (VI) 60-sec, VI 240-sec schedules. In two conditions, resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency and presenting response-independent reinforcers at the same rate as in training. In two further conditions, resistance to change was tested by prefeeding and by extinction. In Experiment 2, 6 pigeons were trained on two-component multiple VI 150-sec schedules with 8-sec or 2-sec reinforcers, and resistance to change was tested by terminating the response-reinforcer contingency in three conditions. In two of those conditions, brief delays were interposed between responses and response-independent reinforcers. In both Experiments 1 and 2, response rate was more resistant to change in the richer component, except for extinction in Experiment 1. In Experiment 3, 8 pigeons were trained on multiple VI 30-sec, VI 120-sec schedules. During extinction, half of the presentations of each component were accompanied by a novel stimulus to produce generalization decrement. The extinction data of Experiments 1 and 3 were well described by our model. The value of the exponent relating response strength and reinforcement was similar in all three experiments.  相似文献   

Five pigeons pecked lighted keys for food reinforcers delivered by several multiple variable interval 2-min variable interval 2-min schedules. At different times, the components of the multiple schedule both supplied food reinforcers, both supplied water, or one supplied food and the other supplied water. Rates of responding during the water component of the food-water schedule were lower than the rates during comparable components of the water-water schedules (negative contrast). But, the rates of responding during the food component of the food-water schedule were not greater than the rates of responding during comparable components of the food-food schedules (absence of positive contrast) at two different levels of water deprivation. These results raise questions about several theories of behavioral contrast, and they may restrict the scope of any theory that attributes positive and negative contrast to symmetrical factors.  相似文献   

Rats’ leverpressing was reinforced on variable-ratio (VR) schedules. As ratio values increased, response rates initially increased with them, then eventually decreased. In Experiment 1, rates were uniformly higher with one-pellet reinforcers than with two-pellet reinforcers—theparadoxical incentive effect. Killeen’s (1994) mathematical principles of reinforcement (MPR) described the data quantitatively but failed to predict the advantage for the one-pellet condition. In Experiment 2, rats received one-, two-, and three-pellet reinforcers with counterbalanced preloads of pellets; the continued superiority of the smaller reinforcers ruled out a satiation explanation. Experiment 3 introduced a 20-sec intertrial interval (ITI), and Experiment 4 filled the ITI with an alternate response to test a memorial/overshadowing explanation. In Experiment 5, the rats received one or two standard grain pellets or one sucrose pellet as reinforcers over an extended range of ratios. Once again, rates were higher for one than for two pellets at short to moderate VR values; thereafter, two pellets supported higher response rates. The diminution of the effect in Experiment 3 and its reversal in Experiment 4 and in Experiment 5 at large ratios provided evidence for overshadowing and reconciled the phenomenon with MPR.  相似文献   

The hyperbolic-decay model is a mathematical expression of the relation between delay and reinforcer value. The model has been used to predict choices in discrete-trial experiments on delay-amount tradeoffs, on preference for variable over fixed delays, and on probabilistic reinforcement. Experiments manipulating the presence or absence of conditioned reinforcers on trials that end without primary reinforcement have provided evidence that the hyperbolic-decay model actually predicts the strength of conditioned reinforcers rather than the strength of delayed primary reinforcers. The model states that the strength of a conditioned reinforcer is inversely related to the time spent in its presence before a primary reinforcer is delivered. A possible way to integrate the model with Grace’s (1994) contextual-choice model for concurrent-chain schedules is presented. Also discussed are unresolved difficulties in determining exactly when a stimulus will or will not serve as a conditioned reinforcer.  相似文献   

Rats and pigeons responded for food delivered according to multiple schedules. The session length varied from 10 to 120 min, and the programmed rate of reinforcement varied from 15 to 240 reinforcers per hour. Response rates usually changed systematically within experimental sessions. For both rats and pigeons, responding reached a peak after an approximately constant amount of time since the beginning of the session, regardless of session length. When rats, but not pigeons, served as subjects, the peak rates of responding occurred later in the session and the within-session changes were smaller for lower than for higher rates of reinforcement. The similarities between the results for rats and for pigeons when session length varied suggest that at least one of the factors that produces the within-session changes in responding is shared by the present species, responses, and reinforcers. The differences in results when rate of reinforcement varied are more difficult to interpret.  相似文献   

Pigeons’ choice responding on 10-sec interpolated probes was studied after baseline training on multiple variable-interval variable-interval schedules of food reinforcement. Unreinforced choice following training with three different relative reinforcement rates (Experiment 1), with a 3-ply multiple schedule (Experiment 2), and with three different relative reinforcement durations (Experiment 3) was examined. Least squares lines were fit to choice relative response rate and schedule relative response rate as functions of training relative reinforcement rate; choice slope was significantly greater than schedule slope in all three experiments. This result is counter to the prediction of Herrnstein’s (1970) theory that these slopes should not differ. Luce’s (1959) theory also failed to account for the data. It was concluded that choice responding was controlled by both approach to the stimulus associated with the smaller mean interreinforcer interval or the longer duration, and avoidance of the other stimulus.  相似文献   

Previous research showed that sucrose and wheel-running reinforcement of leverpressing generate different response rate asymptotes. To investigate the basis of this difference, the present study assessed the role of inhibitory after-effects and excitatory stimulus effects on measures of responding in rats exposed to fixed-interval schedules that randomly produced either sucrose or wheel-running reinforcers. Different discriminative stimuli were associated with each reinforcer type. Inhibitory aftereffects and excitatory stimulus effects were assessed by the pattern of postreinforcement pauses and local response rates across the four different combinations of previous and upcoming reinforcer types: wheel-wheel, wheel-sucrose, sucrose-wheel, and sucrose-sucrose. Results showed that, regardless of the prior type of reinforcer, response rates were higher and pauses were shorter in the presence of a stimulus signaling sucrose reinforcement. This suggests that differences in response rate asymptotes generated by these qualitatively different reinforcers may have more to do with differences in excitatory stimulus effects than with inhibitory after-effects.  相似文献   

Three rats responding on fixed-interval schedules received either 1 or 4 pellets at the end of 2-min intervals. Five experimental conditions manipulated the relative probabilities of these two reinforcers. Response rates following the 1-pellet reinforcer were always higher than the rates following the 4-pellet reinforcer. The rates after the 1-pellet reinforcer were also highest in those experimental conditions where it was delivered with low probability. Contrast effects were observed when two sequential fixed intervals differed in reinforcer magnitudes. It was concluded that the context of reinforcement as well as the specific reinforcer magnitude affects responding under fixed-interval schedules.  相似文献   

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