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In this study, the authors use participant interviews to examine how participating in an international event enabled the accumulation of subcultural capital. The authors conducted interviews with players (N = 9) in the Australian Football League (AFL) International Cup from Canada, USA, New Zealand, and Ireland. The AFL International Cup created a liminal state offering individuals with opportunities for: (a) national representation; (b) international competition and comparison; (c) cross-cultural learning and interaction; (d) sport subcultural engagement; and, (d) authentic game experiences. The resulting experience enabled participants a deeper connection with the sport subculture, which created the potential for sport advocacy in their home countries. Results will assist international sport event hosts in creating meaningful participant experiences that facilitate deeper personal attachments to the sporting subculture.  相似文献   

A lot of the fun in contemporary sports talk relies on shared understandings about the culture of competitive sporting teams. The purpose of this paper is to explore how often humorous discourses are negotiated by sport fans as they narrate a sense of their own history and identity as followers of professional sports teams. This analysis draws on research conducted with followers of the Australian Football League (AFL), which included 21 life story interviews. As an oral historian, I was interested in how individuals negotiated popular ideas about Australian football in the ‘composition’ of their memories. This attention to the dynamic between the public and personal is described as a ‘popular memory approach’ to oral history. In this paper I explore the place of class in popular understandings about AFL club cultures. I argue that the role class plays in popular discourse around sporting club cultures is revealed more fully when we examine the ways in which individuals – in this case followers of AFL teams – make sense of it.  相似文献   

后奥运时期中国体育体制变革走向   总被引:33,自引:2,他引:31  
2008年北京奥运会后,中国体育体制的改革之路将面临着发展观念的大转变,即以奥运为核心的体育发展观向以人为本的体育发展观的转变,从竞技体育强国的目标指向向着体育大国的目标指向转变,从体育利益单一主体向社会化多元化发展观的转变,从渐进式自然发展观向“重点突破、全面推进”的系统发展观转变。发展重心的大转移,即体育工作重心将出现以群众体育为重点的战略大转移。竞赛体制的大变革,即体育体制改革将以机制改革为核心,以竞赛体制的变革为突破口,全面推进,从而构建以科学发展观为指导的、以人为本为核心的充满生机和活力的新型中国体育体制。  相似文献   

The action sport industry is a high growth sector that attracts the lucrative Generation Y market. Although there is a growing body of literature that examines the characteristics and traits of the Generation Y market as consumers of action sports, little is known about the supply side of the action sports industry. This paper illustrates through the example of the skateboarding sport cluster, that this sector has evolved in an organic, almost chaotic manner very different to that of the mainstream sports industry. Entrepreneurs have taken advantage of the open system, the lack of formal boundaries and the risk loving nature of the market to grow the sector into a very profitable industry. The paper specifically illustrates the differences to mainstream sports in relation to provision of facilities, program development and pathways and the roles of suppliers, councils and program developers.  相似文献   


In elite sport, to remain competitive at the international level, it is critical to understand the game demands on players to ensure sport specific training programmes are designed for optimal athlete preparation and conditioning. In netball, recent research examining the activity patterns of players at the elite level is lacking, with only one study undertaken on this level of competition in the past 30 years. Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide coaches with up to date knowledge of player activity patterns as a basis for the design of optimal sport specific training programmes. The Australian female netball team were analysed using video footage of three international test matches. Player activity was categorised into five movement and eight game-based activities; and further classified as work or rest. Results suggest that differences in the current game exist when compared to the previous analysis. Positional differences were also found with regard to player activity confirming the need for an individualised component of training based on player position.  相似文献   

大城市大众体育比赛经营的法律保障研究   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
大城市大众体育比赛的组织、经营和管理必须要运用法律法规手段来引导、规范以保障赛事的顺利进行。从对比赛参与群体、经营者和大众体育赛事推动城市发展3个方面的法律保障进行分析研究,发现已有的体育法规在某些方面难以跟上社会体育和体育产业新的发展形势。提出大城市大众体育比赛法律保障的相关对策,尤其应探索体育产业发展趋势,提高体育立法的前瞻性。  相似文献   

什么是体育——一个适合进行法律分析的体育行为定义   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
对体育法学提出的对体育进行法律或法学定义的必要性进行了论述,提出了体育概念的两个范畴,即作为行业或产业的体育和作为人的行为的体育,分析了体育行为的特征或特性,提出了适合进行法律或法学分析的体育概念,即体育是以既定的客观统一的规则进行的,以竞争为目的的游戏性行为。  相似文献   

伴随着众多的体育赛事逐步走向市场化,体育观众在体育赛事中的地位越来越重要,如何吸引大量观众到赛场观看比赛成了赛事组织者寻求利润过程中必须解决的一个课题。以体育观众为研究对象,通过运用个人投资理论对观众出席观看比赛的行为进行深入分析,为赛事组织者寻求解决方案提供了理论依据,其独特的研究视角对体育观众的深入研究有一定的启发作用。  相似文献   

对美国纯洁体育的追梦者卢瑟·哈尔西·古利克(1865-1918)的体育思想进行了分析,结果表明:身心灵协调发展的理念、游戏是体育本质特性的哲学观和基于体育活动发展社会文化的思想等是其体育思想的主要内容;揭示了他敢为人先、推进社会组织体育文化建设和努力构建公平公正的体育底色的精神在当下依然具有教育价值。  相似文献   

《Sport Management Review》2020,23(3):509-520
Women’s football struggles to build a solid platform in terms of fan interest. However, while an increase in gate receipts can help assist its long-term sustainability, there is limited evidence in the academic literature on the factors influencing spectator demand in women’s football. The authors investigate determinants of stadium attendance for UEFA Women's Champions League (UWCL) matches. Using regression models deployed on 554 UWCL games played between 2009/10 and 2017/18, the authors examine contextual and sport-related variables as the main predictors of stadium attendance. Findings show that there is no continuous growth of attendance over the period examined, and highlight that spectators’ interest is positively associated with five factors: stage of the competition, uncertainty of match outcome, competitive intensity, away club’s reputation and weather conditions. Football governing bodies should put in place initiatives to ensure match outcome uncertainty is maintained as this represents a key determinant to maximise stadium attendance. Based on the specific context of European women’s football, recommendations to foster its development are discussed. These include incentivising investment into the elite women’s game and designing sport policies to encourage participation at grassroots levels.  相似文献   

本文从理论上、概念上对运动训练与运动比赛加以区别,并从运动技术、战术、心理、体能等方面论述了运动训练和比赛之间的关系,认为运动训练与运动比赛有着本质的区别,不能运用比赛代替训练。以期提高对比赛和训练的认识水平,处理好比赛与训练相互关系,促进运动训练沿着理性、健康的方向发展提高,取得应有效益。  相似文献   

普通高校田径运动会竞赛规程的改革   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制定竞赛规程是组织运动会的前提,以田径运动会竞赛规程为着眼点,对高校田径运动会进行思考,认为高校田径运动会存在目标定位锦标化、项目设置专业化、参与对象精英化、激励机制单一化等问题.依据阳光体育精神,提出更新运动会项目设置、计分方法和奖励机制的措施,并在厦门大学第43届田径运动会检验,实践证明可以达到参与人数飙升、赛场气氛热烈、团队意识增强、运动情趣提升等目标.  相似文献   

运动员与运动训练专业大学生社会适应性的比较研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在查阅大量文献的基础上,通过问卷调查法比较专业运动员与体院运动训练系学生在社会适应性上的差异,并揭示对运动员和运动训练专业大学生的社会适应性具有较强预测性的因素。数据结果显示:运动员在社会适应性上要好于运动训练专业大学生;高学历体育生(运动员和体院学生总称)、男性、农村户口、竞技成绩优秀者具有较好的社会适应性;文化程度对社会适应性的多个维度具有很好的预测性。  相似文献   

Sleep is generally regarded as a valuable resource for psychological and physiological well-being. Although the effects of sleep on athletic performance have been acknowledged in sport science, few studies have investigated the prevalence of sleep problems and their effects on elite athletes before a sport event. In this study, 632 German athletes from various sports were asked about their sleep habits during the night(s) before an important competition or game. The findings indicate that 65.8% of the athletes experienced poor sleep in the night(s) before a sports event at least once in their lives and a similarly high percentage (62.3%) had this experience at least once during the previous 12 months. Athletes of individual sports reported more sleep difficulties than athletes of team sports. The main sleep problem was not being able to fall asleep. Internal factors such as nervousness and thoughts about the competition were rated highest for causing sleep problems. Most athletes stated that disturbed sleep had no influence on their athletic performance; however, athletes also reported effects such as a bad mood the following day, increased daytime sleepiness, and worse performance in the competition or game. The differences between individual and team sports indicate that athletes in some sports need more help than those in other sports in managing sleep problems.  相似文献   

文章在回顾核心竞争力、大学核心竞争力的基础上,确定了我国社会体育专业核心竞争力的特征及内涵。依据上述特征与内涵,文章采用德尔菲法请专家确定了社会体育专业核心竞争力的指标及权重,同时,应用AHP(层次分析法)及模糊综合评价法对高校社会体育专业核心竞争力进行了实证分析。  相似文献   

运动竞赛项目的竞赛方法学分类研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以揭示竞赛方法的共性特征、本质联系及内在规律为目的,以竞技体育、社会体育及学校体育中所有竞赛项目为对象,主要采用文献资料法、访问调查法、逻辑分析法,对竞赛项目进行分类研究。研究深入具体项目的比赛过程,抓取不同种类项目用作比较的参照系的共仅属性,并以参照系的共仅属性作为分类标准,实现了运动竞赛项目分类,提出了“竞赛项目分类体系”和“运动竞赛项目体系”。  相似文献   

运用历史与现实、层次与类型以及系统的整体性对体育概念及其分类进行探讨,指出:体育是以身体练习和运动项目为基本手段,增强体质,促进人体全面发展,提高运动技术水平的一种社会文化活动,以其活动主体和目的为依据可分为:群众体育,学校体育,竞技体育三个组成部分,体育的方法手段,知识理论,场地器材是一体化的,竞技只是体育的一种活动形式和方法,将体育与竞技分开缺乏理论依据和实践基础。  相似文献   

就当前体育市场亟待解决的前沿性问题和制约因素 ,对广西体育走向市场现状、问题及对策进行探讨 ,得出结论 :体育中介市场是体育产业重要的中介载体 ,具有巨大的市场潜力 ,发展体育经纪人和体育经纪公司等市场中介是体育媒介市场发展和成熟的基础。把体育中介市场作为重点发展就是要解决广西体育产业发展中存在的瓶颈制约 ,通过加快体育中介市场的发展来带动整个体育产业 ,尤其是健身娱乐和竞赛表演业的发展。提出创建一个独特实体结构的中介组织的设想以及市场化操作思路。  相似文献   

王增鑫  于涛 《体育学刊》2011,18(1):42-45
从体育精神的本体、社会存在、外延3个角度出发对体育精神的本质进行了研究,同时通过不同时期的思想意识形态对西方体育的推动作用的梳理和比较,总结出最主要的5种体育精神:自由和平等精神、公平竞争精神、追求卓越精神、运动家精神、契约精神,并分析了5种体育精神的思想来源。  相似文献   

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