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Owen Mann 《国际体育史杂志》2013,30(13):2187-2211
The Cultural Bond? Cricket and the Imperial Mission

Cricket tours provide an excellent insight into the relationship between the colonies and England during the Imperial era. New Zealand has never had much of a cricketing legacy, but the game was still cherished and English tours were enthusiastically followed because they provided a link with ‘home'. Two English cricket teams visited New Zealand in the Edwardian age, the Lord Hawke XI in 1902-03 and the MCC in 1906–07. These tours were intended to be a panacea for a struggling local game while providing an extension of the cultural bonds of Empire. Both tours were rich in Imperial code and ceremony but their impact was lost in translation. The Lord Hawke XI, although all conquering, failed to win the hearts and minds of the New Zealand public because of a series of on-field moments of poor sportsmanship, and the public response to the treatment of the professionals in the team. The MCC team provided a fair challenge to New Zealand team, but lacked the star appeal of the Lord Hawke team, leaving the public somewhat underwhelmed. Both tours exemplify the difficulty in balancing the ideals inherent in the game with the realities of colonial sporting expectation.

Le lien culturel ? Le cricket et la mission impériale

Les tournées de cricket donnent un excellent aperçu des relations entre les colonies et l'Angleterre pendant l'ère Impériale. La Nouvelle-Zélande n'a jamais vraiment eu d'héritage en cricket, mais le jeu était aimé et les tournées de l'Angleterre étaient suivies avec enthousiasme parce qu'elles fournissaient un lien avec la ‘maison’. Deux équipes de cricket anglaises ont visité la Nouvelle-Zélande dans la période Edwardienne, The Lord Hawke XI en 1902-3 et le MCC en 1906-7. Ces tournées étaient destinées àêtre une panacée pour un jeu local combattif en fournissant une extension des liens culturels de l'Empire. Les deux tournées furent riches en signes et cérémonies impériaux mais leur impact fur perdu dans la traduction. The Lord Hawke XI, bien que remportant tout, a échouéà gagner les c?urs et l'esprit du public de Nouvelle-Zélande en raison de leur faible sportivité dans une série d'événements sur le terrain et de la réponse publique au traitement des professionnels dans l'équipe. L'équipe MCC a opposé un défi honnête à l'équipe de Nouvelle-Zélande, mais n'a pas été aussi attractive que celle du Lord Hawke XI, sans parvenir vraiment à combler le public. Les deux tournées illustrent la difficultéàéquilibrer les idéaux inhérents au jeu et les réalités des attentes coloniales.

¿Un vínculo cultural? El críquet y la misión imperial

Las giras de críquet proporcionan una visión excelente de la relación entre Inglaterra y las colonias durante la época imperial. Nueva Zelanda nunca ha gozado de una gran tradición criquetera, pero el juego era apreciado y las giras de equipos ingleses tenían un seguimiento entusiasta, ya que proporcionaban un vínculo con ‘la madre patria’. Dos equipos de críquet ingleses visitaron Nueva Zelanda en la época eduardiana, el Lord Hawke XI en 1902-03 y el MCC en 1906-07. Se pretendía que estas giras fueran una panacea para el débil críquet local, al tiempo que supusieran un refuerzo de los lazos culturales con el Imperio. Ambas giras estuvieron preñadas de ritual y ceremonia imperial, pero su impacto quedó mitigado por problemas de comunicación intercultural. El Lord Hawke XI, aunque lo ganó todo, no pudo conquistar los corazones y las mentes del público neozelandés a causa de una serie de episodios antideportivos en el campo, y de la respuesta del público al tratamiento de los profesionales en el equipo. El MCC supuso un reto limpio para el equipo de Nueva Zelanda, pero carecía del atractivo estelar del Lord Hawke, lo que dejó al público más bien frío. Ambas giras ejemplifican la dificultad a la hora de hallar un equilibrio entre los ideales propios del juego y las realidades del deporte colonial.

Kulturelle Bindung? Kricket und die imperiale Mission

Kricket-Reisen eröffnen einen exzellenten Einblick in die Beziehung zwischen England und dessen Kolonien in der Ära des Imperialismus. Neuseeland hatte nie ein umfassendes Kricket-Erbe gehabt, trotzdem wurde das Spiel stets geschätzt und Besuche aus England fanden großen Anklang, da sie eine Verbindung zur ‘Heimat’ darstellten. Im edwardianischen Zeitalter bereisten zwei englische Kricketmannschaften Neuseeland; zum einen die Lord Hawke-Elf im Jahre 1902/03, zum anderen der Marylebone Cricket Club 1906/07. Diese Touren sollten ein Allheilmittel für die hiesigen Probleme des Spiels sein, indem sie eine Erweiterung der kulturellen Verbindung des Empires herstellten. Beide Touren waren durch ausdrucksstarke, imperiale Sprache und Zeremonien gekennzeichnet, deren Bedeutung aber nicht verstanden wurde. Obwohl sie alle Spiele gewann, schaffte es die Lord Hawke-Elf nicht, die Herzen und den Geist der neuseeländischen Öffentlichkeit für sich zu gewinnen, was mit einer Reihe von Unsportlichkeiten auf dem Feld und den öffentlichen Reaktionen in Bezug auf die Behandlung von Profisportlern im Team zusammenhing. Die Mannschaft des Marylebone Cricket Club stellte für das neuseeländische Team eine ansprechende Herausforderung dar, ihr fehlten jedoch die Stars, über die das Lord Hawke-Team verfügte, weshalb das Publikum weitgehend unbeeindruckt blieb. Beide Reisen verdeutlichen die Schwierigkeit, die inhärenten Ideale des Spiels mit den Realitäten der Erwartungshaltung im Kolonialsport übereinzubringen.


In order to investigate the situation of political cognition and ability, the research group had surveyed some rural areas by the methods of questionnaires, literature review and case interviews. The d...  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was twofold: (a) to explore and describe the relationships between different facets of motivation, involvement, and commitment to running, and (b) to test whether recreational coached runners differ from non-coached runners in their motivation, involvement, and commitment to running. Drawing on the psychological continuum model (PCM), a model was proposed to test relationships among motives, attitudinal and behavioral involvement, and commitment to running as a leisure activity. Results showed that two (enjoyment and health) out of five motives were significant indicators of attitudinal involvement. Attitudinal involvement was a significant predictor of behavioral involvement, which in turn was a significant predictor of commitment. Coached runners differed from non-coached runners in all tested variables. The structural relationships among the variables varied based on the tested group. Implications for theory and practice are presented.  相似文献   

This paper examines the development of association football in the South and West Ulster counties of Fermanagh, Tyrone, Cavan, and Monaghan in the pre-World War One era against the backdrop of the sporting ‘revolution’ and the political and social climate in Ireland at that time. While the Irish Football Association was founded in Belfast in 1880 and the game’s early growth in Ireland was centred in East Ulster, South and West Ulster were areas which were rather dislocated from the hearth of soccer in the province’s largest city, where professional structures were in place by 1894 and where senior and junior association football clubs were strongest. The origins of a number of clubs are examined and it will be shown that despite a lack of major industry and a professional structure, by the early 1900s, the game of soccer had established a strong role within society in many local communities in the area. An examination of the social backgrounds of players and administrators illustrates that leagues and cups were played on a cross-community basis in many areas and that patronage, as well as player participation and administration, came from nationalists as well as unionists.  相似文献   

The article uses an episode from the television series ‘The Sopranos’ to illustrate how embodied experiences of sporting practices such as high-school football involve both conscious and unconscious dynamics. It outlines how cultural practices such as masculinist sport are psychically incorporated into the body through the process of identification. The article uses Freud's concept of identification to explain how fantasy and representation are involved in the formation of embodied subjectivity. Contemporary queer theories about identification provide insights into how psychic dynamics both reinforce and undermine the illusory cultural promise of heteronormative whiteness offered by high-school sport and physical education.  相似文献   

BackgroundA goal of 10,000 steps per day is widely advocated, but there is little evidence to support that goal. Our purpose was to examine the dose–response relationships between step count and all-cause mortality and cardiovascular disease risk.MethodsCochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, EMBASE, OVID, PubMed, Scopus, and Web of Science databases were systematically searched for studies published before July 9, 2021, that evaluated the association between daily steps and at least 1 outcome.ResultsSixteen publications (12 related to all-cause mortality, 5 related to cardiovascular disease; and 1 article contained 2 outcomes: both all-cause death and cardiovascular events) were eligible for inclusion in the meta-analysis. There was evidence of a nonlinear dose–response relationship between step count and risk of all-cause mortality or cardiovascular disease (p = 0.002 and p = 0.014 for nonlinearity, respectively). When we restricted the analyses to accelerometer-based studies, the third quartile had a 40.36% lower risk of all-cause mortality and a 35.05% lower risk of cardiovascular event than the first quartile (all-cause mortality: Q1 = 4183 steps/day, Q3 = 8959 steps/day; cardiovascular event: Q1 = 3500 steps/day, Q3 = 9500 steps/day; respectively).ConclusionOur meta-analysis suggests inverse associations between higher step count and risk of premature death and cardiovascular events in middle-aged and older adults, with nonlinear dose–response patterns.  相似文献   


Examining the use of sport by totalitarian regimes during the interbellum period reveals that politicians saw the potential of sport not only for patriotic expression and international exhibition but also as a means to exert control over youth. Francoism participated in such uses of sport, imitating German and Italian organizations’ development of a youth sport structure. The Franco regime emphasized sport in universities to the extent that it made physical education a required subject to obtain a degree. This study’s primary objective is to reconstruct the doctrinal genesis of Francoist university sport, tracing it to the years before the Spanish Civil War, specifically noting the international influences that sustained it and the draft regulations that gave it legal standing despite resistance from both university youth and from sport. To this end, documentary sources are analyzed, including archival material, printed sources (legal decrees written during the period examined in this study and historical accounts of the subject), publications of Falange and related organizations, and speeches and proclamations from Falange and the Sindicato Español Universitario (SEU).  相似文献   

The centenary of the death of Albert Craig is an appropriate moment for a retrospect of his contribution to the popular sporting poetry of the time. Occasional brief personal reminiscences or short appreciations of Craig have surfaced after his death. This article attempts to remedy the previous lack of a full-length study of a remarkable figure who entertained huge numbers of sporting spectators with his compositions and his conversation. Craig's progress through an unrivalled career is followed chronologically and thematically. It is supported by contemporary reports and by collecting together some 500 surviving examples of his work culled from sources previously unconsidered.  相似文献   

Gold Medals in Summer Qlympics Measures A 1) Program to develop junior athletes to top level 2) National Training Center 3) National Coach Academy B 1) Sports medicine and sciences(JISS) 2) Anti-doping 3) To hold international competitions  相似文献   


Bulgaria was one of the leading sport nations of the second half of the twentieth century; however, the Bulgarian national anthem has not been played at Olympic Games since 2008. In the current article, historical records on planning are compared to the results of athletes to determine the factors behind the remarkable rise and decline of Bulgarian sport during the last six decades. Historical geographical information systems (GISs) are used to analyze the spatial distribution of Olympic medals in each of the successfully developed sports. The data reveal that often the central Bulgarian planners failed to achieve the goals set in the ambitious programme of the totalitarian communist state. In spite of the efforts for diversification, Bulgaria’s success came from only seven sports mainly: less than any other of the leading sport nations during the 1970s and the 1980s. At the same time, the victories of Bulgarian athletes had little impact on the sport activity of the common Bulgarian.  相似文献   

世界冠军(4月11日至5月10日)4月22日至4月25日2004年玛诺—仅升杯现代五项世界杯赛暨奥运会预选赛在北京举行,匈牙利的加博尔和俄罗斯的塔提亚娜分获个人项目男、女冠军。4月22日至4月30日在雅典举行的世界杯射击赛中,悉尼奥运会冠军、法国名将弗兰克·迪穆兰以687.5环夺得男子  相似文献   

Although much research has examined the relationship between exercise and affect, few studies have considered the effects of exercise bouts of different durations and few researchers have questioned the longer term effects that might be associated with acute exercise. The aim of this study was to compare the effects of the standard health recommended exercise duration of 30?min with a shorter (15?min) bout of exercise upon individuals' affect scores both during and after exercise. Twenty-three (mean age 22.4 years) physically active participants engaged in two counterbalanced cycle ergometer exercise conditions for 15?min (short bout) and 30?min (moderate bout). The participants completed the Subjective Exercise Experience Scale before, during, 5?min, 30 mins, 1?h and 2?h after both exercise conditions. A series of 2 × 6 within-participant repeated-measures analyses of variance for positive well-being (P?<0.01), psychological distress (P?<0.01) and fatigue (P?<0.01) scores revealed significant time main effects, with improved scores over time. No significant differences were noted between the 15-min and 30-min exercise bouts. These results indicate that positive affective responses are experienced by exercisers after relatively short bouts of acute exercise and these effects can still be evident some time later.  相似文献   

lisahunter 《Sport in Society》2018,21(9):1382-1399
Surfing economies, working through material culture in the form of high fashion clothing, surfing monikers or fashion clothing has had scholarly attention in the past. Unlike other sports however, clothing for performance rather than fashion or cultural consumption remains under-researched. With increasing research on the gendered and sexualized nature of surfing alongside an increasing emphasis on female surfing as athletic performance, a paradox seems apparent. In warm-water competition, women deal with tensions associated with appearance, sponsorship driven by sexual objectification and functional surfwear that increases exposed body surface – while men’s clothing epitomizes comfort, protection and ultimately a reduction in exposed body surface. Under the guise of athletic performance and celebrating female gains in the sport, a patriarchal thread seems to tie up a particular sex, gender and sexuality order that is neither new nor productive for high performance or full participation.  相似文献   


We assessed the intraocular pressure (IOP) behaviour during a 1-minute period of isometric physical effort and the immediate 1-minute of recovery in the mid-thigh clean pull and squat exercises at three different intensities. Twenty physically active individuals performed the isometric mid-thigh clean pull and squat exercises at three intensities (0% [low-intensity], 25% [medium-intensity] and 50% [high-intensity] of the maximum isometric force). IOP was semi-continuously measured by rebound tonometry. There was a statistically significant effect of exercise intensity on IOP (p < 0.001, ?p² = 0.416), observing that IOP increments were positively associated with exercise intensity. The mid-thigh clean pull and squat exercises did not demonstrate differences (p = 0.510), and also, no differences were observed between men and women (p = 0.683). The IOP changes during the isometric physical effort showed a positive linear behaviour in all conditions (r = 0.70 to 0.96). IOP returned to baseline levels after 8 seconds of recovery. Our data showed a progressive and instantaneous IOP increment during isometric exercise, which was positively associated with exercise intensity. IOP changes were independent on the type of exercise and participant´s sex. After exercise, IOP rapidly (≈ 8 seconds) returned to baseline levels.  相似文献   

对中国社会综合调查(CGSS2006)数据进行二次资料分析,发现不同教育程度、职业的管理位置、居住空间城市老年人的健身锻炼情况有显著性差异。退休前不同的技术职称等级、行政级别、所在单位不同等级、不同幸福感、生活满意感和社会经济地位主观认同的城市老年人对是否锻炼有显著性差异。性别、年龄没有成为区分体育锻炼行为差异的变量。应用社会分层和社会心理学研究成果分析认为社会客观位置与锻炼行动之间存在“结构化”关系,具有追求健康、非生产性、炫耀式休闲特征的身体锻炼行为成为文化资本的重要组成部分,不断被用来强化社会地位群体的边界。研究进一步对体育部门职能方向提出了可行性建议。  相似文献   

In this article, I will look at the impact of sport on relations between states. In particular, I will study the role that sport has played in enhancing (or damaging) diplomacy in international relations. I will look especially at the role that the Olympics and the Asian Olympics have played in promoting diplomatic breakthroughs between countries. My cases focus on the use of sports diplomacy to foster the end of the Cold War in Asia, studying the breakthroughs between Korea, China and Russia. I will then look at the Beijing Games of 2008 and Guangzhou Asian Games of 2010.  相似文献   

The story of Jesse Owens has become one of the dominant sports narratives of the twentieth century. The compelling visual record of his performance at the 1936 Berlin Olympics has been used to argue for a number of political and social causes. What is particularly fascinating about the images of Owens’s win is the ways in which it functioned for diametrically opposing ideological viewpoints. The story behind the footage reveals an interesting confluence of history and visual rhetoric. This essay considers how the Owens footage was put to work as both an example of American exceptionalism in one case and a transcendent appeal designed to mitigate the stigma of Nazi ideology in another. The principles of visual rhetoric elucidate the ways in which imagery like the Owens footage is purposefully packaged to portray these types of messages.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the problem of delimiting and contextualizing ‘alternative modernities,' and the way in which sport factors into the logic of delimitation. After postulating six ideal type alternative sportive modernities in India, the Hanuman Vyayam Prasarak Mandal is analyzed as the articulation of a type of modernity that is linked to liberal secular nationalism. By looking at both the development of the HVPM through time as well as the performance of yoga and mallakhamba in various international sporting and gymnastic events, a specific relationship between nationalist and transnational social imaginaries is examined. Finally, the HVPM is compared and contrasted with the sportive activities of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, a militant Hindu nationalist organization. Through this comparison it is possible to see how similar configurations of sport and gymnastics articulate different modernities, and how these alternative modernities both intersect and diverge from one another.  相似文献   

以系统训练的足球和速滑运动员为研究对象,采用Cybex-Norm等速测力系统对运动员髋关节屈伸等速向心收缩的力学测试,探讨两项目运动员髋关节在不同速度下屈伸的力学特征规律与不同,为运动员的科学训练和选材等提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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