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Virtual restoration of cultural heritage (CH) artefacts is an important task that aims to digitally recreate the original appearance of damaged items. In this paper, a method that can be used for virtual restoration of faces appearing in damaged Byzantine icons is presented. Given a damaged face, the complete three-dimensional (3D) geometry of the face is reconstructed using data from the non-damaged facial parts and the texture of the damaged areas is restored. A key aspect of the proposed method is the use of a customized 3D deformable face model suitable for representing the geometry of Byzantine faces, the so-called Byzantine Style Specific Model (BSSM). A BSSM is generated by enforcing rule-based constraints on a deformable model trained using 3D scans of human faces. The use of a BSSM ensures that the Byzantine style is preserved during the process of shape restoration.  相似文献   

To create photorealistic three-dimensional (3D) models of real scenes and objects is a challenging problem that demands advanced knowledge of computer vision and computer graphics. Systems that can reconstruct the 3D model of cultural artefacts have found many applications such as virtual museum and historical archiving. While there are methods for 3D digitization of cultural artefacts with high geometric resolution, there are still limitations in achieving high textural resolution for virtual exhibition. One major problem is that the object surface exhibits specular reflection of illuminated light during the acquisition of surface texture. The shading of the target object does not match to other objects or pictures in the virtual scene. Also, if texture of the object must be composed of multiple images, the mismatch of shading (radiometric difference) among the images can be very prominent. In order to create high visual quality exhibition, the specular reflections must be eliminated and then the virtual scene is relit by a synthetic light source. Most existing methods for the identification and removal of specular reflection component demand special device or rely on information obtained in a single image. In order to reconstruct a complete 3D model, we need to acquire a multi-view image sequence. We therefore propose a new method that is applicable for the separation of diffuse and specular reflection components in multi-view image sequence. Also, our method can tackle the specular reflection across the texture boundary. The image sequence is first normalized by the estimated illumination color. Based on the dichromatic reflection model, the specular chromaticity is replaced by the corresponding diffuse chromaticity, which can always be found in neighboring views with the highlights already faded away. We test the new method in modeling Yixing ceramic teapots. The shape model of the teapot is obtained by a laser scanner. The diffuse image sequence is then used to generate the texture map. We create the virtual scene with the photorealistic 3D teapot model, some synthetic 3D models and still pictures. Interactive exhibition of the artefact is achieved with the control of the mouse and simple keyboard commands. This paper gives an account of the procedures for the creation of interactive virtual exhibition of ceramic artefacts.  相似文献   

A number of software solutions based on the Structure-From-Motion (SFM) and Dense Multi-View 3D Reconstruction (DMVR) algorithms have been made recently available. They allow the production of high quality 3D models by using unordered image collections that depict a scene or an object from different viewpoints. In this work, we question the quality of the data produced by a commercial SFM-DMVR software. An Ottoman monument located in the region of Xanthi, Greece has been selected as a case study. We attempted to quantify the quality of the SFM-DMVR data in relation to the data produced by a Time-of-Flight terrestrial 3D range scanner. We have implemented a number of comparisons between different parts of the monument in order to assess the mesh deviations and the reconstruction's accuracy. In order to further ensure the validity of our evaluation phase, we performed additional distance measurements between feature points on the monument's surface by using a total station and empirical measurements. The applicability of the SFM-DMVR method was questioned by creating a complete 3D digital replica of the monument.  相似文献   

This paper describes how some innovative methodologies have been designed and employed to support the restoration of the Madonna of Pietranico, a terracotta statue severely damaged in the 2009 earthquake. The statue, fragmented in many pieces, has undergone a complex restoration performed by a multidisciplinary working group. The contribution of digital technologies was planned from the very beginning, since the complexity of this restoration originated the design of innovative procedures for managing the reassembly and restoration process. The Madonna test bed was therefore an example of how technology innovation could be pushed by clear application needs. A first important contribution was the study of the recombination hypothesis of the fragments. This initial phase was performed on digitized 3D models of the statue fragments, with the aim of reducing fragments manipulation, preventing further damages and increasing the capabilities to rehearse and evaluate different reassembly options. The accuracy of the 3D scanned models and the new recombination procedure introduced in this paper allowed to manage this phase in the digital domain with successful results. The digital 3D models were also used to design and produce an innovative supporting structure, constructed with a rapid prototyping device. Another important contribution concerned the study and virtual restoration of the polychrome decoration of the statue; our aim was to reproduce and restore in the virtual 3D domain the very complex original polychrome decoration, on the base of the remaining traces. Consequently, new virtual painting functionalities have been designed on the MeshLab platform (an open-source tool for 3D models visualization and manipulation) for reproducing pictorial decorations over digital 3D models and have been assessed on this specific test bed. This allowed us also to investigate the complexity of the virtual repainting process and to identify further technology enhancements. Finally, computer graphics technologies have been also used to produce a video that tells the story of the restoration.  相似文献   

We present a novel 3D reassembly method for fragmented, thin objects with unknown geometry. Unlike past methods, we do not make any restrictive assumptions about the overall shape of the object, or its painted texture. Our key observation is that regardless of the object's shape, matching fragments will have similar geometry and photometry along and across their adjoining regions. We begin by encoding the scale variability of each fragment's boundary contour in a multichannel, 2D image representation. Using this multichannel boundary contour representation, we identify matching sub-contours via 2D partial image registration. We then align the fragments by minimizing the distance between their adjoining regions while simultaneously ensuring geometric continuity across them. The configuration of the fragments as they are incrementally matched and aligned form a graph structure that we use to improve subsequent matches. By detecting cycles in this graph, we identify subsets of fragments with interdependent alignments. We then minimize the error within the subsets to achieve a globally optimal alignment. We leverage user feedback to cull the otherwise exponential search space; after each new match is found and aligned, it is presented to a user for confirmation or rejection. Using ceramic pottery as the driving example, we demonstrate the accuracy and efficiency of our method on six real-world datasets.  相似文献   

Stone conservation at Chambord Castle and monitoring of its changes over time is actually an urgent necessity in order to preserve and enhance this historic and tourist site. Its porous stones suffer from degradation problems depending on physical and chemical parameters that are the origin of frequent restorations. The goal of this research is to supply authorities of the castle with a tool for scientific monitoring and decision support, based on the acquisition of alteration mapping and on the estimation of degradation patterns, in order to permit rational programming operations of restorations. This paper proposes an approach for digital documentation about the conservation state of buildings. The approach is based on the connection between a structured 3D model and structured 2D mapping data. In particular, in the NUBES web platform, a specific interface has been implemented, permitting the displaying and cross-reference of 2D mapping data on the 3D model in real time, by means of structured 2D layer-like annotations concerning stone degradation, dating, and material.  相似文献   

The evolution of real time 3D graphics technologies in combination with high bandwidth Internet connections and modern Web browsers enable users to explore complex 3D scenes. As a rule, a virtual visitor has to manually explore the geometrically complex 3D model in order to discover points of interest. This manual exploration is a time consuming process that, in some cases, can be assisted by sets of predefined points of interest. In this paper, we propose the annotation of 3D scenes in order to equip the user with a text based 3D scene search engine. The search engine provides a query mechanism that unburdens the user from the time consuming process of manually exploring vast 3D scenes. It responds to queries by exploiting the metadata of each 3D model and returns textual and visual information along with a group of links that correspond to relative points of interest within the 3D scene. The search engine allows the virtual visitor to automatically be transferred to a specific point of interest. We have built a Web accessible prototype system that is able to handle queries related to historical data, topological relationships and architectural properties of buildings. A number of 3D reconstructions covering urban areas of cultural importance located in Northern Greece have been annotated and used in the search engine as case studies. The prototype system is based on open source technologies and on a hybrid metadata schema that is derived from the MIDAS Heritage and MACE schemas.  相似文献   

The Minerva of Arezzo is an ancient bronze statue located at the Museo Archeologico in Florence and currently under repair at the Restoration Centre of the Soprintendenza Archeologica of the Tuscany Region. We assembled a complete three-dimensional (3D) digital model of the Minerva before the restoration started. More 3D models will be produced to keep track of the variations that occurred during the restoration process, up to the final acquisition of the form of the restored artwork. The modelling of the Minerva will be the focal point of an ambitious “Minerva Project” that involves the integration of data from other sources in a 3D digital model of the object. Besides this, the project is aimed at showing how 3D techniques can be used to design useful and easily manageable new tools for the diagnostics of archaeological objects. 3D measurements have been realized by means of a high-resolution laser scanner developed at National Institute for Applied Optics (INOA). The instrument is composed of commercial low-cost components in order to be competitive with the very expensive commercial devices. Besides this, our scanner is supported by an efficient and flexible software developed by Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) that supports all the post-processing phases of a 3D scanning session (range data alignment, merge and simplification).  相似文献   

We present our recent efforts in the digital preservation of a set of baroque sculptures made by Antônio Francisco Lisboa, known as O. Aleijadinho, which is an important American baroque artist. The set was made in the beginning of the xix century and is composed of 12 near real sized sculptures, hand-carved in soapstone. These sculptures represent 12 of the 16 prophets from the Holy Bible and are part of a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Our group has been collaborating with UNESCO in a project that aims to preserve all these statues. We hereby present our initial efforts, consisting of the 3D digital preservation of the Prophet Joel sculpture. We developed a complete 3D digital preservation pipeline composed of four main stages: data acquisition, 3D reconstruction, texture generation and 3D model visualization. By evaluating our results in this first sculpture, we discuss the improvements we conceived before applying our pipeline in the remaining ones. Finally, we present the 3D model of the Prophet which registers the sculpture's current state and will be used in restoration, research and educational activities. We believe this contribution may be useful to guide further research on similar scenarios, showing how to avoid some practical mistakes and achieve good results.  相似文献   

In this article we present our global approach to the problem of accurate 3D measurement and reconstruction of 3D works of art using a calibrated multi-camera system. In particular, we illustrate a simple and effective adaptive technique for the self-calibration of CCD-based multi-camera acquisition systems with minimum a-prior information. We also propose a general and robust approach to the problem of close-range partial 3D reconstruction of objects from stereo-correspondences. Finally, we introduce a method for performing an accurate patchworking of the partial reconstructions, based on 3D curve matching.  相似文献   

In most cases, the polychrome paintings that decorated heritage buildings no longer exist or are reduced to mere remnants. These facts decontextualize the sites in their historical and artistic evolution, distort the intention under which they were conceived, and hamper their accomplishment. Current recovery methods are restricted to the stabilization of the remains in their present status, requiring a lot of completely manual work that is expensive and almost unrelated to the use of new technologies. Three-dimensional digitalization and modelling is proved to be the basis for the virtual recovery of paintings in a significant edifice. To do so, an innovative methodology is presented that allows the 3D geometric information of a site (captured using a laser scanner) to be combined with specially designed 2D artistic images. The resulting 3D digital models can then be focused, with high efficiency projectors, on the equivalent area of the original site, and also used as raw material to compose a video-projection without perspective effects to emulate, with due rigour, the primitive appearance, its evolution along time, the effects of the deterioration, or other interesting aspects. The results obtained at Sta. María de Mave (Palencia, Spain) are presented, supporting the potential of this new methodology not only as a scientific way to discuss possible restoration hypotheses with experts or as a didactic tool for narrating the historical evolution of a monument, but also as a spectacular show for tourists.  相似文献   

Image-based modeling is an appropriate technique to create 3D models of cultural heritage objects, which starts with the basic task of designing the camera network. This task is, however, quite crucial in practical applications because it needs a thorough planning and a certain level of experience. The optimal camera network is designed when certain accuracy demands are fulfilled with a reasonable effort, namely keeping the number of camera shots at a minimum. In this study, we report on the development of an automated method for designing the optimal camera network for a given cultural heritage building or statue. Starting from a rough point cloud derived from a video image stream, the initial configuration of the camera network is designed, assuming a high-resolution HR state-of-the-art non-metric camera. To improve the image coverage and accuracy, we use a mathematical non-linear optimization with constraints. Furthermore, synthetic images are created to guide the camera operator to the designed images. From the first experimental test, we found that a target accuracy of 10 mm could be maintained although the initial number of more than 300 high-resolution images got reduced to less than 90 for the final, optimized network.  相似文献   

3D reconstructions of small objects are more and more frequently employed in several disciplines such as medicine, archaeology, restoration of cultural heritage, forensics, etc. The capability of performing accurate analyses directly on a three-dimensional surface allows for a significant improvement in the accuracy of the measurements, which are otherwise performed on 2D images acquired through a microscope. In this work we present a new methodology for the 3D reconstruction of small sized objects based on a multi-view passive stereo technique applied on a sequence of macro images. The resolving power of macro lenses makes them ideal for photogrammetric applications, but the very small depth of field is their biggest limit. Our approach solves this issue by using an image fusion algorithm to extend the depth of field of the images used in the photogrammetric process. The paper aims to overcome the problems related to the use of macro lenses in photogrammetry, showing how it is possible to retrieve the camera calibration parameters of the sharp images by using an open source Structure from Motion software. Our approach has been tested on two case studies, on objects with a bounding box diagonal ranging from 13.5 mm to 41 mm. The accuracy analysis, performed on certified gauge blocks, demonstrates that the experimental setup returns a 3D model with an accuracy that can reach the 0.05% of the bounding box diagonal.  相似文献   

Nowadays, some virtual museums include 3D room scenes to show the models of its pieces, just like in real museums. Nevertheless, the generation and maintenance of this kind of scenes is generally difficult and should be done by an expert. For example, any change such as including a new piece or modifying the position of an existing fragment usually requires a different design and the creation of a new scene. In this paper we present a case study on the development of a web-based application to automatize this process. To this end, a database to store both graphic and non-graphic information about the pieces, and some 3D rooms to show them has been created. The designed scenes only contain some pieces of furniture to exhibit the fragments, which will be subsequently included. Thus, when a room is loaded in the web page, its associated pieces are obtained through a query in the database and its models are dynamically included in the original scene. Therefore, the position changes or the inclusion of new pieces are not performed in the 3D model, but in the database. Our application makes the transmission of the knowledge to the general public easier because any new discovered piece can be included in a existing museum effortlessly.  相似文献   

Computer tomography (CT) technology has greatly contributed to the feasibility and convenience of detecting and visualizing the internal material constitution and geometrical fabrication of museum artifacts. This paper presents a case study of 3D virtual reconstruction for the CT-acquisition-based study of a cultural heritage artifact. It documents the complete procedure, including the preprocessing, segmentation and visualization of the data by providing coarse interactive exploration and integrated high-quality renderings. A parallel aim achieved was to use open source tools and free software for segmentation and visualization, thus providing full transparency of the adopted methodology and 3D visualization methods, and a cost effective solution for ordinary CPU-based PC users. Furthermore, the challenges of the large data volumes involved have been addressed using preprocessing, a segmentation scheme and linked front-to-back management to keep interaction and high-quality rendering available, thus achieving corresponding demands.  相似文献   

As part of research in progress on the study and design of an ontology knowledge model, this paper focuses on development of a shape-grammar schema for extracting attributes of spatial organization of a subset of cultural heritage relics, namely, caravanserais, from a selected corpus with a common architectural language of design. First, shape-grammar rules for classification of caravanserais of the selected corpus are developed and are represented in drawing by using Auto CAD tool. Shape rules as a natural-language equivalent are then devised by describing design functions and clarifying the topology of shapes. Based on these shape rules in given text, the hierarchy of a shape-grammar schema in the Protégé knowledge representation tool is designed, and each shape rule is defined as an interconnecting individual (or instance) in OWL language. This schema will enable us to extract computer-based semantics of shape-grammar rules. To illustrate this innovative approach, a selected corpus was classified by using the shape-grammar schema with the support of knowledge extraction tools.  相似文献   

Terrestrial laser scanning technique has represented one of the more advances occurred in the last years in the field of data acquisition. Time-of-Flight (TOF) systems provide a fast and reliable tool to measure millions of 3D points allowing a very effective and dense measurement of the surface geometry. Nowadays, the generation of high quality 3D models is a practice applied to different kind of objects: small or medium size artworks, parts of human body, cars, buildings, civil infrastructures (like dams, bridges, plants, etc.) and whole archaeological sites as well. In most cases, in order to capture the whole object geometry a number of single scans need to be acquired from different positions and then stitched together (i.e. registered each other) to generate the full 3D model. The automatization of the registration of multiple scans acquired from a terrestrial laser scanner (TLS) still represents a very attractive research field. The chance to automatically align several point clouds would reduce processing costs in terms of time and human resources. In addition it would allow even non-specialist users to produce 3D models with good quality. This paper contributes to this research area by presenting a method for the automatic registration of very dense point clouds acquired by TLS systems. The proposed solution is an extension to large datasets of an automatic range data registration procedure we developed a few years ago for the modelling of point clouds acquired with close-range laser scanners. Such procedure, based on the spin-images (SIs) algorithm, has been then improved with the introduction of a multi-resolution method that generates a pyramid of spin-images in order to speed up the matching between adjacent scans. The results we present show that this method can be successfully applied for the automatic registration of high density laser scans of complex and large structures of Cultural Heritage.  相似文献   

In this paper, the authors briefly review the state of the art of the 3D acquisition and digitizing techniques applied to heritage. The main focus is on motivations, issues and technical specification of the 3D digitizing of heritage artworks. Different digitizing technologies currently available for this specific application have been evaluated and tested, with application to a pair of case studies, showing that 3D digitizing technologies are sufficiently developed for extensive application in the field of cultural heritage.  相似文献   

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