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目的了解国际范围内运动干预老年人跌倒风险领域研究进展,为我国未来相关领域研究提供一些建议。方法以Web of Science等外文期刊平台相关领域的研究为数据,采用CiteSpace5.7软件对运动干预老年人跌倒风险研究进行知识图谱的绘制以及可视化分析。结果1)运动干预老年人跌倒风险研究领域,2014年之后进入突增期,并在此之后至今仍然保持一个较高的研究热度;2)发文机构排名前3的分别为:卡罗林斯卡研究所、悉尼大学以及香港中文大学;不同研究机构、学科之间的交叉联系紧密,涉及了医学、神经科学、社会学、人口学、统计学等多个领域;3)主要关注老年人跌倒发生的主要因素,并通过多种运动方式干预来提升老年人的肌肉力量、下肢稳定性来降低老年人跌倒风险。结论运动干预老年人跌倒风险强调以预防为主,通过多种运动方式干预来提升老年人的下肢肌肉力量、下肢稳定性、改善老年人平衡能力及步态,降低老年人跌倒发生率,提升老年人生活质量,有效降低增龄性变化产生的不良影响,共同促进老年群体健康。在未来研究中,可尝试关注不同类型运动对提升老年人神经灵活性以及提升肌肉质量效果方面的研究。  相似文献   

心血管疾病(cardiovascular disease,CVD)是包括动脉粥样硬化、心力衰竭、心脏缺血后再灌注损伤和心肌梗死等血管和心脏的复杂病症。血管内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞和心肌细胞生理功能障碍是诱发CVD的关键因素。研究表明,运动能够对心脏和动脉的形态、功能起到积极的调控作用,可作为CVD非药物疗法的重要手段之一。运动可通过调控多种运动因子的表达水平,如肌肉分泌的Fstl1、Irisin和MSTN,脂肪分泌的Omentin、Apelin、CTRP3和CTRP9,肝脏分泌的FGF21、ANGPTL3和ANGPTL4等,进而调控血管内皮细胞、平滑肌细胞和心肌细胞的分化、增殖和凋亡,从而发挥其防治CVD作用。本文试图梳理肌肉、脂肪和肝脏分泌的运动因子与调控心脏和动脉功能之间的相关信号通路及其机制,为运动干预防治CVD提供新的思路。  相似文献   

随着国家对体育运动发展支持力度的加大,民俗体育项目得以迅速发展,其中龙舟运动在成为全国竞技运动正式比赛项目后,逐渐在高校发展并具有较大规模。但是竞技龙舟运动在训练或比赛中易导致体育风险事故的发生,或给学生的身心和财产带来严重的损失。本文主要采用文献资料法、问卷调查法、帕累托分析法等研究方法,以高校竞技龙舟运动风险因素为研究对象,以高校竞技龙舟运动员、教练员、裁判员为调查对象,对其龙舟运动的风险情况进行调查与分析,运用帕累托分析法进行数据分析,找出高校竞技龙舟运动风险的主次风险因素,提出对高校竞技龙舟运动的风险防范对策。得出以下结论:(1)高校竞技龙舟运动的主要风险为组织管理因素风险、场地器材因素风险、运动员自身因素风险和教练员的影响因素风险;其他因素风险为次要风险;裁判员的影响因素风险为一般风险。(2)组织管理因素风险主要表现在赛区组织、运动员管理、学校管理方面;场地环境因素风险主要集中在自然环境、龙舟场地、龙舟器材方面;运动员自身因素风险主要体现在运动员的行为活动、心理、知能技能方面。(3)无法去控制体育运动自身不可避免的风险,但可以因地制宜地应对风险,运用预防控制法、风险规避法、风险转移法进行针对各类风险的防范。  相似文献   

运动风险成为影响运动效果的重要因素之一。加大对运动风险的干预,需要提升运动参与者的运动风险识别能力、运动风险的规避能力等。以成年人健身风险为研究对象,在分析成年人健身风险的类型、成因等基础上,提出控制成年人健身风险发生的措施,以期为更好的梳理与预防健身风险提供有益参考。  相似文献   

目的:从运动心理学角度探讨大众健身人群风险认知、风险承担、运动能力判断、运动损伤经历等心理预测因素与运动损伤的相关性,同时测定以上因素对实际健身锻炼中运动损伤的预测效度,并探究其间的性别差异,旨在为进一步有效减少和预防运动损伤提供理论依据.方法:从健身俱乐部新入会的学员中,随机选取300名(男性150人,女性150人)年龄在26~35岁之间的健康成年志愿者组成实验组,进行为期12周,每周3~4次的健身锻炼.要求受试者在俱乐部每次锻炼前及时记录并提供风险认知、风险承担、运动能力判断及运动损伤经历等信息.利用运动损伤风险量表(RISSc)、风险承担行为量表(RTB)和李克特五级评分法(Likert-Type Scale)等对以上因素进行测试与评价.之后,对实验数据进行相关性分析、多元Logistic回归分析和多元方差分析等统计学处理.结果:1)“风险认知”并不与“风险承担”或“运动损伤”呈负相关;2)低水平的“风险认知”和“运动能力判断”使锻炼者受伤风险显著增加,其比值比( ORs)区间为:3.79~7.95;3)“运动能力高估”与“运动损伤”呈正相关;4)“运动能力判断”与“风险承担”呈正相关;5)“风险承担”与“运动能力高估”、“运动损伤”或“运动损伤经历”之间不存在相关性;6)“运动损伤经历”与运动损伤之间也不存在相关性;7)女性的“风险认知”水平比男性高,“风险承担”水平比男性低;但在“运动能力判断”和“运动能力高估”上,并无性别差异,且随后男性和女性在健身锻炼中发生的运动损伤量较为接近.结论:1)健身锻炼心理预测因素中,“风险认知”不与运动损伤呈负相关;“运动能力高估”与运动损伤呈正相关;“风险承担”与运动损伤之间无相关性.2)低水平的“风险认知”和“运动能力判断”是健身锻炼者发生运动损伤的重要心理危险因素;3)女性风险认知力比男性高,运动能力判断(高估)与男性相似,风险承担行为比男性少,且易受过去运动损伤经历的影响.  相似文献   

目的:探讨不同运动干预对胰岛素抵抗(IR)大鼠肝脏游离脂肪酸(FFA)及腺苷酸活化蛋白激酶(AMPK)、乙酰辅酶A羧化酶(ACC)、肉毒碱棕榈酰基转移酶(CPT1)含量的影响,探讨不同方式运动对IR大鼠肝脏FFA代谢的可能机制。方法:高糖高脂饲料喂养建立IR大鼠模型,并随机分为对照组(C组)、有氧运动组(E组)、抗阻运动组(R组)、有氧+抗阻联合运动组(RE组),随后运动组IR大鼠进行8周的不同运动干预,运动干预结束后36 h,检测肝脏FFA、AMPK、ACC、CPT1酶含量。结果:(1)8周不同运动干预后E组、R组、RE组肝脏FFA含量均显著低于C组(P<0.01),但各运动组间无显著差异(P>0.05);(2)8周不同运动干预后E组、R组、RE组AMPK、CPT1酶含量均显著高于C组(P<0.01),其中RE组显著高于E组、R组(P<0.01)。各运动组ACC酶含量均显著高于C组(P<0.01),但各运动组之间未见差异(P>0.05)。结论:(1)8周不同运动干预均能显著降低IR大鼠肝脏FFA含量,其机制可能与运动显著上调IR大鼠肝脏AMPK、C...  相似文献   

目的:FTO(fat-mass and obesity-associated)基因是首个得以广泛验证的肥胖易感基因,FTO rs9939609位点的突变与肥胖和糖尿病等密切相关.以男大学生为例,探讨运动和饮食干预对于FTO不同基因型个体影响的差异.方法:将被试随机分为运动组(E组)、运动饮食控制组(E+D组)、对照组(C组),运动类型主要为有氧运动,饮食干预主要包括营养知识讲座和反馈.检测所有被试FTO rs9939609位点基因型,测试指标主要为体成分和糖尿病相关指标.结果:对于FTO rs9939609位点TT型,E组在干预后BMI和体脂百分比的下降程度显著性高于C组,E+D组BMI、体脂百分比、内脏脂肪指数和血糖的下降程度显著性高于C组;而对于FTO rs9939609位点TA型被试,E+D组BMI、腰围和体脂百分比、血糖的下降程度显著高于C组.运动饮食干预对于风险等位基因携带者腰围的干预效果更明显.结论:运动和饮食干预显著改善被试体成分和血糖等指标.运动饮食干预对于携带FTO风险等位基因的TA型被试腰围干预效果更明显.  相似文献   

伤病是运动员体育人生的最大障碍,许多才华横溢的运动员因为伤病而早衰早退,但运动训练中伤病又难以避免。因此,伤病后的康复是每个运动员必须面对的课题。本专栏节选2012年度国际上关于运动损伤康复的有关文章,分别为青少年体育运动中团队项目与个人项目受伤风险的不同;教练员对运动员运动损伤后压力一相关成长的认知;运动损伤后心理干预的作用;运动中股后肌拉伤的概率、机制及风险因素。从不同角度给广大运动员及教练员以启示与借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:通过8周的低强度的走跑运动对6名14~20岁的自闭症患者的AETC(孤独障碍疗效评定量表)、BMI、肌肉含量、体质率的影响。探讨低强度走跑的运动干预对自闭症患者影响的相关关系。方法:对6名14~20岁的确诊的自闭症患者进行运动干预,测试前后的身体成分和AETC量表测评。结果:AETC量表评分下降,体重整体增加、体脂率整体上升。结论:运动干预对自闭症患者有积极的影响,且运动干预时机越早越好;与自闭症患者相处需要在鼓励、表扬和奖励的氛围中进行的,对于他们的运动干预需要增加力量训练;自闭症患者的运动干预是需要长期进行的,不仅仅是学校教育上,家庭教育中运动干预也是急需的。  相似文献   

目的:本实验探讨短时中等强度不同类型运动对小学生执行功能的影响作用,为运动促进小学生执行功能发展提供理论依据和实践基础。研究对象与方法:选取四年级小学生160名,将学生随机分为短时中等强度不同类型运动组和对照组,其中有氧运动干预组40人,阻力运动干预组40人,灵敏运动干预组40人,对照组40人,采用E-primel.l系统测量被试实验前期-后期执行功能的抑制、刷新和转换三个子功能的变化。结果:(1)短时中等强度不同类型运动对执行功能整体的影响存在差异;(2)不同类型的运动对小学生执行功能的抑制功能存在显著性差异;(3)短时中等强度不同类型运动对小学生的刷新功能影响存在差异(4)短时中等强度不同类型运动对小学生的转换功能影响存在差异。结论:(1)短时中等强度的运动可以提高小学生的执行功能,对小学生执行功能起选择性的积极影响;(2)运动类型是运动对小学生执行功能起积极作用的影响因素;(3)短时中等强度不同类型运动对执行功能整体及其各个子功能的影响具有差异性,有氧运动相较于灵敏运动和阻力运动更有利于促进小学生执行功能的提高。  相似文献   


In the present study, we examined different categories of cardiorespiratory fitness and obesity and their relationship with risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) factors in youth. We hypothesized that youngsters with low cardiorespiratory fitness would be at greater risk of CVD risk factors, whether they are obese or not. This study was carried out as a part of a longitudinal research project conducted in the Porto and Braga districts, Portugal, with children and adolescents aged 10–16 years of age. A total of 392 children (173 boys, 219 girls) participated in the study. We used a chi-square test to analyse the relationship between the participants' cardiorespiratory fitness and body weight (non-overweight or overweight/obese). For the purpose of this study, a new variable with four groups was created: non-overweight +unfit (37.4%), non-overweight + fit (35%), overweight/obese + unfit (11%) and overweight/obese + fit (10%). A one-way analysis of variance was used to compare the differences according to fitness and fatness groups. The main finding of this study was that regardless of fatness, participants with higher cardiorespiratory fitness presented with a lower prevalence of CVD risk factors.  相似文献   



The study purpose was to assess perceptions of physical therapists (PTs) regarding the role of physical therapy in cardiovascular disease (CVD) prevention.


A 25-item survey, validated by expert cardiovascular/pulmonary (CVP) PTs, was sent electronically to 2,673 PTs. Each item represented an element of clinical practice behavior: education of CVD/risk factors (EDCVD), administration of primary CVD prevention (PRECVD), identifying underlying CVD/risk factors (IDCVD), monitoring CV status in patients with CVD (MONCVD). Responses were assigned numeric values (strongly agree = 5 to strongly disagree = 1), and mean element scores were analyzed.


Most of the 516 respondents were APTA Section members (34% CVP Section, 42% other Section membership) and worked in academia (53%). Items showing a high (> 95%) level of agreement included patient education of smoking (97%) and monitoring exercise intensity (99%), assessing exercise benefits (99%), clinically identifying obesity (97%) and hypertension (97%), and monitoring CV response to exercise (99%). Items failing to reach 80% overall agreement were patient education of CVD medications (79%) and blood chemistry (72%), and assessing CVD family history (75%), patient BMI (60%), and body composition (33%). Identifying underlying CVD (77.2%) was the only practice behavior failing to reach 80% agreement. Outpatient PTs agreed significantly less to all elements vs. academics, and to IDCVD vs. all PTs except home health.


Physical therapists support most CVD prevention behaviors, but not given elements of patient education and identifying underlying CVD/risk factors.Key Words: cardiovascular disease, primary disease prevention, secondary disease prevention  相似文献   

BackgroundBoth hypertension and grip strength (GS) are predictors of mortality and cardiovascular disease (CVD), but whether these risk factors interact to affect CVD and all-cause mortality is unknown. This study sought to investigate the associations of GS with the risk of major CVD incidence, CVD mortality, and all-cause mortality in patients with hypertension.MethodsGS was measured using a Jamar dynamometer (Sammons Preston, Bolingbrook, IL, USA) in participants aged 35–70 years from 12 provinces included in the Prospective Urban Rural Epidemiology China Study. Cox frailty proportional hazards models were used to examine the associations of GS and hypertension and the outcomes of all-cause mortality and CVD incidence/mortality.ResultsAmong 39,862 participants included in this study, 15,964 reported having hypertension, and 9095 had high GS at baseline. After a median follow-up of 8.9 years (interquartile range, 6.7–9.9 years), 1822 participants developed major CVD, and 1250 deaths occurred (388 as a result of CVD). Compared with normotensive participants with high GS, hypertensive patients with high GS had a higher risk of major CVD incidence (hazard ratio (HR) = 2.39; 95% confidence interval (95%CI): 1.86–3.06; p < 0.001) or CVD mortality (HR = 3.11; 95%CI: 1.59–6.06; p < 0.001) but did not have a significantly increased risk of all-cause mortality (HR = 1.24; 95%CI: 0.92–1.68; p = 0.159). These risks were further increased if hypertensive participants whose GS level was low (major CVD incidence, HR = 3.31, 95%CI: 2.60–4.22, p < 0.001; CVD mortality, HR = 4.99, 95%CI: 2.64–9.43, p < 0.001; and all-cause mortality, HR = 1.93, 95%CI: 1.47–2.53, p < 0.001).ConclusionThe present study demonstrates that low GS is associated with the highest risk of major CVD incidence, CVD mortality, and all-cause mortality among hypertensive patients. High levels of GS appear to mitigate long-term mortality risk among hypertensive patients.  相似文献   

BackgroundRegular exercise is beneficial for adults with cardiovascular disease (CVD) and CVD risk factors. Tai Ji Quan is popular among older adults and may offer additional exercise options. The present article aims to review the scientific literature published within the past decade on Tai Ji Quan as an exercise modality to prevent and manage CVD.MethodsAn electronic literature search of four databases (PubMed, CINAHL, PsycINFO, and AMED) was conducted from April 2003 through March 2013. Studies that examined Tai Ji Quan, were published in English, and specified a target study population of participants with a known CVD condition (e.g., coronary artery disease, chronic heart failure, or stroke) or studies conducted among participants with a CVD risk factor (e.g., hypertension, dyslipidemia, or impaired glucose metabolism) were included.ResultsA total of 20 studies met the inclusion criteria: 11 randomized clinical trials, seven quasi-experimental studies and two cross-sectional studies. The effect of Tai Ji Quan was examined on more than 20 different study variables among persons with coronary artery disease (n = 5 studies), chronic heart failure (n = 5 studies), stroke (n = 4 studies), and CVD risk factors (n = 6 studies). These studies were conducted primarily in Asia (n = 9, 45%) or the United States (n = 8, 40%). Overall, participants enrolled in Tai Ji Quan had better outcomes, though mixed results were reported.ConclusionCollectively, these studies indicate that Tai Ji Quan is a safe form of exercise to prevent and manage CVD. Further research is needed with more rigorous study designs, larger sample sizes, adequate Tai Ji Quan exercise doses, and carefully chosen outcome measures that assess the mechanisms as well as the effects of Tai Ji Quan, before widespread recommendations can be made.  相似文献   

以1 215名学龄儿童为被试,以适度睡眠、合理饮食、口腔卫生、体育锻炼、防止久坐五类健康促进因素与冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害因素为对象,对影响其健康因素的结构特点进行了分析.研究结果表明,学龄儿童的健康危害因素间具有显著的正相关,而健康促进因素间的关系则较为复杂.验证性因素分析结果也表明,学龄儿童健康因素的结构特点主要包含两个因素,其中健康生活习惯因素主要包括适度睡眠、合理饮食与口腔卫生三类健康促进因素;冒险生活方式因素则包括冒险、越轨、吸烟、过量饮酒、冒险骑车五类健康危害因素以及体育锻炼、防止久坐两类健康促进因素.以期建立较为全面、合理的学龄儿童健康因素的结构模型,减少影响学龄儿童的健康危害因素,增大影响学龄儿童的健康促进因素,促进学龄儿童的身心健康发展.  相似文献   


To comprehensively shed light on whether viewing football games is associated with a higher risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Electronic databases were searched through 17 May 2018. All studies focusing on the association between viewing football matches and the fatal or non-fatal CVD were identified. Viewing football matches was associated with a higher risk of fatal overall CVD (RR: 1.06, 95%CI: 1.01–1.12) in both men (RR: 1.13, 95%CI: 1.004–1.28) and women (RR: 1.08, 95%CI: 1.01–1.15). Subgroup analysis showed that failure of the team has a higher risk of fatal overall CVD (RR: 1.29, 95%CI: 1.15–1.45). However, lower risk of fatal overall CVD from spectators was observed when team obtained a victory (RR: 0.80, 95%CI: 0.66–0.96). For non-fatal CVD, viewing football matches was associated with a higher risk of non-fatal overall CVD (RR: 1.24, 95%CI: 1.09–1.41) in both men (RR: 1.73, 95%CI: 1.12–2.69) and women (RR: 1.25, 95%CI: 1.08–1.45). Subgroup analysis showed that viewing football matches was associated with a higher risk of non-fatal myocardial infarction (RR: 1.20, 95%CI: 1.04–1.38) in both men and women (RR: 1.51, 95%CI: 0.99–2.28; RR: 1.21, 95%CI: 1.08–1.36, respectively). No significant increase was found in fatal or non-fatal stroke. Viewing football matches was associated with a higher risk of the fatal and non-fatal CVD, especially in male spectators. The victory of team could have a lower risk of fatal CVD. Therefore, precautionary measures should be required for the reduction of healthcare burden in football matches.  相似文献   

BackgroundCardiorespiratory fitness (CRF) is inversely associated with mortality in apparently healthy subjects and in some clinical populations, but evidence for the association between CRF and all-cause and/or cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality in patients with established CVD is lacking. This study aimed to quantify this association.MethodsWe searched for prospective cohort studies that measured CRF with cardiopulmonary exercise testing in patients with CVD and that examined all-cause and CVD mortality with at least 6 months of follow-up. Pooled hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using random-effect inverse-variance analyses.ResultsData were obtained from 21 studies and included 159,352 patients diagnosed with CVD (38.1% female). Pooled HRs for all-cause and CVD mortality comparing the highest vs. lowest category of CRF were 0.42 (95% confidence interval (95%CI): 0.28–0.61) and 0.27 (95%CI: 0.16–0.48), respectively. Pooled HRs per 1 metabolic equivalent (1-MET) increment were significant for all-cause mortality (HR = 0.81; 95%CI: 0.74–0.88) but not for CVD mortality (HR = 0.75; 95%CI: 0.48–1.18). Coronary artery disease patients with high CRF had a lower risk of all-cause mortality (HR = 0.32; 95%CI: 0.26–0.41) than did their unfit counterparts. Each 1-MET increase was associated with lower all-cause mortality risk among coronary artery disease patients (HR = 0.83; 95%CI: 0.76–0.91) but not lower among those with heart failure (HR = 0.69; 95%CI: 0.36–1.32).ConclusionA better CRF was associated with lower risk of all-cause mortality and CVD. This study supports the use of CRF as a powerful predictor of mortality in this population.  相似文献   


This article presents results of a systematic review of the literature (2000–2017) examining the prevalence and correlates of psychological distress among retired elite athletes. Forty articles were selected and included. Our review suggests the prevalence of psychological distress among retired athletes is similar to that found in the general population. However, subgroups reporting medical comorbidities, significant pain, a greater number of concussions, less social support, and adverse psychosocial factors were at greater risk for psychological distress. Additionally, athletes experiencing psychological distress in retirement often do not seek treatment for their distress. Based on the existing literature, there is a need for greater standardization and use of reliable measures, as well as use of diagnostic interviews in order to assess the most accurate prevalence of psychological distress among these athletes. Longitudinal designs, matched control groups, more heterogeneous samples, and use of multivariate analyses would also help to more accurately determine the prevalence and risk factors of psychological distress in this population. This review suggests a number of different clinical implications and highlights directions for future research to enhance our understanding of the long-term psychological health of former elite athletes.  相似文献   

运动对腹部脂肪积累及肥胖基因表达的影响   总被引:31,自引:4,他引:27  
复制了系统游泳运动减少腹部脂肪积累的大鼠模型;用Northern印记杂交测定了训练大鼠及对照大鼠ob mRNA表达量;并对运动减肥的分子生物学机制进行初步探讨。研究结果表明系统游泳运动减少腹部脂肪积累与运动所致的ob mRNA表达水平增高密切相关。  相似文献   

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