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系列教育机会均等与“快速启动规划”   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
“早期获得大学升学意识和准备规划”是近几年美国联邦教育部实施的一系列旨在提高全国教育质量、调整学生自身发展态势、促进系列教育机会均等的资助项目之一。该项目对社会处境不利学生升学抱负与意愿和学业准备进行早期开发与培养,在提高中学生学业水平和升学比例等方面的实践初见成效,很值得我们探讨和借鉴。  相似文献   

"课程选择"项目是美国在公平和质量教育理念的引领下,依托于K-12在线教育解决教育机会不均等问题而开发的项目,旨在提高教育质量、促进教育公平,满足学生的多元需求,为学生升学和就业提供公平的学习机会."课程选择"项目遵循公平选择、以学生需求为导向、注重质量和问责,建立充足、持续、基于绩效的费用模式的原则.目前此项目已在一些州得到广泛开展.  相似文献   

美国基础教育SBAC学业质量评价体系,充分体现"为升学和就业做准备"的理念,旨在通过评价促进学生学习和改善教学。该体系,对我国不断改进测量评价指标体系、推进"促进学校、师生和谐发展"的有效教育评价具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

从"教育立交桥"看"对口升学班"   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从社会上对"对口升学班"的不同反响,引出"对口升学班"该不该举办,该如何举办的问题,既不能急功近利,盲目抓"对口升学率",也不能不闻不问,只重视培养学生的技能.全面理性地分析"教育立交桥"的内涵和性质,指出职业院校应摆正教育教学方向,达到应试教育的升学与实用技能的就业二者兼顾和统一.  相似文献   

泰国:把职教作为“战略发展产业”,日本:中职教育为学生就业和升学做准备,韩国:中职教育学业证书和职业资格证书并重,印度:中职教育资格证书考试合格者即可成为技术人员,美国中学生物学科教育目标,英国中学生物学科教育目标.  相似文献   

教育机会均等问题与升学选择理论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
由于升学选择与教育机会均等有着必然的联系,因此对生活在现代学历社会中的人来说,升学选择无疑对他们的人生之路具有非常重要的意义.有关升学选择已吸引着众多学者的注意,在理论研究方面已出现大量成果.但是,这些研究分属于经济学、社会学、心理学等学科领域,彼此之间缺乏应有的交流.本文首先利用三个模型--地位获得模型、成本收益模型、消费模型总结归纳有关升学选择理论,在此基础上,进一步导入阿玛蒂亚·森的"潜在能力视角",对教育机会均等问题重新进行分析.  相似文献   

二战后,美国普及教育阶段的城乡差距和种族歧视依然严重.为了应对这一挑战,美国掀起了农村"学校合并"的运动高潮,大规模合并农村学校,重组学区,提升农村学校的"规模效益"、学术内涵和教育质量.20世纪60年代,在教育机会均等理论思潮的影响下,美国农村普及教育在价值取向上发生了转折,开始追求城乡各类学校学生的教育机会均等,从而步入"多元均等"的发展路径.  相似文献   

随着社会政治经济的发展,儿童放学后时间应如何利用已成为现代社会的热点话题。近年来,我国也面临着如何解决"三点半"难题的困境。因此,本文对美国"放学后计划"的实施在促进学生身心健康发展,提高学生的学业发展水平,减轻危险事件发生,增强学校、社区及家庭间的合作,为未来生活、升学及工作做准备等方面获得一定成效。美国"放学后计划"对学生身心健康发展等方面的经验可为我国开展放学后活动提供有益启示。  相似文献   

在《国家中长期教育改革和发展规划纲要(2010-2020年)》中,这样指出:高中阶段教育要“建立学生发展指导制度,加强对学生的理想、心理、学业等多方面指导”,并“采取多种方式,为在校生和未升学毕业生提供职业教育”。我们认为,  相似文献   

高职心理健康教育与学业规划教育具有培养全面发展、可持续发展的高等技术应用型人才的共同目标。通过课程融入、活动切入、辅导介入等途径将心理健康教育与学业规划教育结合实施,有利于高职院校整合资源、提高教育收益,也有利于提高学生学业规划制定的科学性、动态性和执行的有效性。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to gain a better understanding of early preparation for postsecondary education and explore the effectiveness of Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP). This comparative case study included 836 students from two cohorts (GEAR UP and Non GEAR UP). We compared high school attendance, retention, behavior incidents, GPA, graduation rates, and college attendance by GEAR UP, socioeconomic status, and race. GEAR UP students performed significantly better on all measures. There were differences found in both cohorts along SES and racial lines; these differences were less pronounced within the GEAR UP cohort. Recommendations for school reform, collaborations between education institutions, and further research are included.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that postsecondary education has become a necessity for US youth. College access, however, has been found not to be equal for all. As a result, federally funded college-readiness programs, such as Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), have been established to increase the numbers of economically disadvantaged students with access to college. This quasiexperimental case study compared academic and nonacademic college-readiness indicators between cohorts of GEAR UP students and nonparticipants in 1 urban high school. Overall, cohorts of GEAR UP students outperformed their non-GEAR UP peers on all measures (grade-point average, attendance rate, behavior, graduation rate, and college enrollment) despite a dramatic demographic shift that led to greater proportions of educationally disadvantaged students in the GEAR UP cohorts.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Program (GEAR UP) on college readiness outcomes using a quasi-experimental design. GEAR UP is designed to increase the number of low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education by providing 6-year grants to states and district partnerships to provide services at high-poverty middle and high schools. Specifically, this study sought to evaluate whether 173 schools that participated in GEAR UP showed increases in the percentages of students who were prepared to enter and succeed in postsecondary education, as compared to students from similar, non-GEAR UP schools. Seven years (2003–2009) of matched cohort data were compiled to include all regular (e.g., nonspecial education) high schools with grade 12 enrollment as documented by the National Center for Educational Statistics. Participation in and performance on three College Board assessments that measure college readiness at the high school level (SAT, PSAT/NMSQT, and AP) as well as percent free/reduced-price lunch were used to identify comparable schools. Results showed that, overall, the GEAR UP program showed positive evidence of improving college readiness outcomes for low income students using a variety of college readiness measures.  相似文献   


In the United States, the Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP) fosters relationships between racial-ethnic and low-income adolescents and adults and peers who help them and their families take formal steps toward pursuing a college degree. However, the extent to which GEAR UP students seek teachers, counselors, parents, or friends to prepare for college during program participation is underexplored in the literature. Using the Theory of Reasoned Action as a guiding framework, this study examined the extent to which GEAR UP participant attitudes, subjective norms, and intentions influenced whether participants sought academic support from teachers, counselors, parents, or friends during an academic semester. Strong direct and indirect effects were found in structural equation models examining GEAR UP student subjective norms, intentions, and behaviors regarding seeking academic support from friends. The data on students seeking academic support from school personnel and parents were less conclusive. Participation in GEAR UP activities influenced these relationships. Implications for how practitioners and researchers support the college readiness of adolescents in GEAR UP are discussed.


为了帮助弱势学生群体顺利升入大学,增加他们接受高等教育的机会,美国联邦政府制定了一系列专门针对这类学生群体的大学预备计划,并取得了显著的成效.其中备受关注且得到普遍认可的是TRIO计划和GEARUP计划.这两项计划虽然在具体内容上存在些许差异,但他们也具有一些共同的特征和原则,如充足的财政支持、完善的信息渠道、重视家长参与、开展早期干预活动,并借助于政府、学校、大学和社会组织的力量共同增加处境不利学生群体的高等教育入学机会.  相似文献   

This transcendental phenomenological investigation examined urban students’ experiences in Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate Programs (GEAR UP), an afterschool college readiness program. The federally funded program provides low-income and minority students information and access to services that lead to increased opportunities for post-secondary education. Interviews with 10 participants revealed that (a) navigating the college system; (b) expansion of career options; (c) counseling relationship; (d) personal insight; and (e) future orientation were major themes. Implications for school counselor preparation and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

A quality system (named GEAR; acronym for Combined Evaluation Audit Round in English), has been introduced in eight institutes of the Dutch general practitioner specialty training. This paper focuses on the local and national effects of GEAR. Seventeen semi-structured interviews were conducted with the directors and quality co-ordinators. At a local level, GEAR provided the institutes with insights into their current practice. The institutes designed and implemented several improvement plans based on feedback. Furthermore, GEAR addressed quality management more systematically, and it enhanced the quality culture. At a national level, the institutes formulated national priorities. In addition, GEAR stimulated collaboration as a result of more frequent contacts. Institutes differed in their perception of the extent to which GEAR offered added value. Integrating the quality system into the local policy was sometimes a problem. Despite some scepticism at the start, GEAR provoked enthusiasm that can contribute to the quality of medical education.  相似文献   

Kosovo emerged from a period of conflict with Serbia only after an extensive NATO bombing campaign against Serbia. While the final political status seems settled with its declaration of independence in 2008, much remains to be determined. Preceding the declaration of independence and following it, Kosovo is an emerging democracy which is actively developing its own distinct institutions. In support of teacher development in Kosovo is the Kosovo Educator Development Program (KEDP) which was to act as the lead agency for teacher training in the region. The KEDP was an $8 million development initiative funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA). As the lead agency for teacher training promoted a major reform of preservice teacher training, and in particular the establishment of a new Faculty of Education for the University of Prishtina (UP). By the end of 2004, the consensus was that the new Faculty of Education seemed to be a success but that it was still in a very fragile state. Fragile indeed – the reform process has been seriously challenged as the initial and reformed-minded Dean was replaced in controversial (allegedly illegal) decanal elections which installed a more conservative and anti-reformist Dean and Pro-Deans. Each side has strong views, but what are they? What are the issues of the antagonists and protagonists in this dispute? To answer these questions the authors will discuss the changing context of Kosovo teacher education, and using a reflective narrative as a methodology will frame the perspectives key sources and their views of the reform challenges facing to new Faculty of Education. This is followed by a discussion seeking a greater understanding of these conflicting perspectives.  相似文献   

The present research argues that YELL (Youth Education Life Line), a committee of the group AIDS Coalition to Unleash Power (ACT UP), faces limitiations in its effort to pressure for frank HIV/AIDS education, not only because of its postmodern approach to education, but also its lack of political and economic resources. Using Touraine's perspective on social movement and the postmodern approach to education, the present research argues that resource mobilization and identity paradigms combined, rather than separately, offer a better theoretical understanding of the new social movement that adolescent activism for frank HIV/AIDS education represents.  相似文献   

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