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魏微的小说以温和的叙事苦心经营生命历程、执著揭示生存困境,是对欲望时代生命存在本质的沉思与理解,也是对欲望时代生存方式的质疑。在这个意义上,可以将魏微的部分小说纳入存在主义的广义范畴。本文试论魏微富有誉声的三篇短篇小说:《父亲.来访》、《化妆》、《异乡,》以此为例看魏微小说对悖谬生存的描述,揭示作家创作的现实意义和独特的审美价值。  相似文献   

Reader-Response Criticism is one of the schools of western literary criticism.The scholars of the school hold the view that literature is a performative art and each reading is a performance,analogous to playing/singing a musical work,enacting a drama,etc.Literature exists only when it is read.They maintain that reading is a transction between the reader and the text,meaning is as dependent upon the reader as it is dependent upon the text.So there is no universal and absolute interpretation of a poem;rather,there can be several probable interpretations.According to their view-point,a literary text possesses no fixed and final meaning and value.Literary meaning and value are “transactional”,“dialogic”,created by the interaction of the reader and the text.In this paper,the writer,with his interpretation of the poem The Road Not Taken by famous American poet Robert Frost,tries to demonstrate that Reader-Response Criticism,in a sense,is reasonable in proving that the reality of the text lies between the reader and the text and in the transaction,it is the readers who bring their world of experience to activate the text.  相似文献   

This paper examines the ways in which young children construct and negotiate musical meaning as song-makers in a post-modern consumerist musical world. A critical analysis of the presentation of music in two popular Australian children's television programmes (Play School and Hi-5) and the ways in which such media impact upon children's constructions of music and musical understanding is presented. This analysis provides a context for the examination of tensions that exist between a modernist account of what constitutes musical understanding in the young child, and an account that is cognisant of post-modern aesthetics. The implications of this concerning views of children's musical development and curriculum decision making are discussed and a view of the child as an active agent in the construction of her musical worlds is illustrated through an examination of the musical narratives of a 4-year-old child.  相似文献   

IntroductionTheRoadNotTakenRobertFrostTworoadsdivergedinayellowwood ,AndsorryIcouldnottravelbothAndbeonetraveler ,longIstoodAndlookeddownoneasfarasIcouldTowhereitbentintheundergrowth ;Andhavingperhapsthebetterclaim ,Thentooktheother,asjustasfair ,Becausei…  相似文献   

解构主义对于文学文本以及作者思想的解构没有确定的文本要意,主张文本读者从不同的生存环境、文化习俗、历史背景、思维模式、生活习惯、宗教信仰等多个角度对于文本进行阅读以及理解。因此,解构主义语境的文学翻译中,译者可以通过自己对于文本的阅读以及理解角度有多种文化阐释。本文主要从解构主义语境对于文学翻译的文化差异进行分析论述。  相似文献   

惠帅 《天中学刊》2014,(5):48-51
对"一件文学文本的意义是什么"这一问题,向来有诸种回答,如作者意图、读者理解、文本自身等,而这些回答显然都有一定的问题。通过分析理解以及对作品的存在及其意义时间性的探析,我们看到了这个文学作品意义的问题本身所具有的不合理性,进而从文学作品意义"到时"角度看到了以上诸种回答的问题所在,进一步揭示了作品意义的时间性。  相似文献   

Structuralism provides people with an effective solution in their constant quest of meaning.Readers and literary writers as well may make meaning out of a literary text with the concept of binary opposition,such as"fact/fiction".The author analyses the novel and points out that the"fact/fiction"opposition existing in the main characters,and that Mr.Fowles cleverly takes advantage of the opposition and leave the quest of fact to the readers,thus creating a more"factual"world in the story.  相似文献   

This semiotically informed article problematizes the concept of literacy as an aesthetic activity rather than reading skills and offers strategies for assessing young readers’ understanding of fictional texts. Although not based on empirical research, the essay refers to and theorizes from extensive field studies of children’s responses to literature. The concept of the implied reader, derived from reception theories, is employed to explore the skills demanded in order to make meaning from fictional texts. The essay presents a number of interpretative codes, including anticipatory, narrative, hermeneutic, semic, symbolic and referential. The implication of these codes is investigated in their relevance for texts specifically addressed to young readers. The article argues that literary competence is an essential component of a child’s intellectual growth that should be trained and encouraged, and that the acknowledgement of this competence it is of overall importance for educational research as well as for practitioners.  相似文献   

作者从分析曼斯菲尔德不确定的国家身份入手,结合曼斯菲尔德的传记、书信日记和她的短篇作品,剖析其国家身份不确定性的根源和形成原因,解读小说幻灭主题,结论认为研究曼斯菲尔德不确定的国家身份对进一步理解短篇小说主题特色和写作风格有重要的作用。  相似文献   

图画书不是插图书,不是认字书,也不是语言教科书。图画书运用"图"和"文"两种媒介,为幼儿创造了独特的阅读世界。从生命教育的角度看,阅读图画书就是幼儿与图画书、与同伴、与老师展开对话,共同建构多元化意义,从而引领幼儿享受图画书所创造的感性世界、故事世界、幻想世界的乐趣的过程。让图画书走进幼儿的日常生活,需要以合作共享为轴心建立生态阅读圈,以经验整合为轴心建立阅读系统。如此,逐步使阅读成为幼儿的生活方式,图画书才能真正以润物细无声的方式惠泽幼儿的生命。  相似文献   

当代海外华文女作家当中,虹影以其离经叛道的性格和越轨的笔致在中国文坛中落地开花。她以多元化的"世界作者"的身份,从女性的角度来观察和体悟自身,释放女性潜能,突破以往女性身体书写的"私语化"的庸俗窠臼,构建女性的独立话语;同时从人道主义的世界眼光出发,超越了通俗的两性欲望,提出人性终极问题,为当下女性写作提供了很好的范例。  相似文献   

言语行为理论的核心观点是语言具有施行功能。文学虚构话语也具有以言行事的功能,即建构文学艺术世界。文学虚构话语对现实产生的影响,实际上就是文学以言行事产生的以言取效的言语行为,主要体现在读者和作者分别通过具有意向性的阅读和写作言语行为塑造了自身。作者在建构文学艺术世界中所展示的理想文化人格,在作者和读者的认可意向状态中形成的集体意向性,对两种主体的塑造发挥着重要作用。从言语行为理论角度探析文学虚构性话语如何塑造人,从而深入理解文学的现实功用。  相似文献   

The secondary worlds created in fantasy encourage the reader to compare and contrast the real world with the imaginary. In this way, fantasy as a genre can be transformative. In this article, the dystopia created in The Giver (1993) by Lois Lowry is examined as a metaphor for racism. After exploring the young adult novel as mystical fantasy in the context of reader response theory, the author evaluates the monochromatic world of The Giver as a portrayal of the consequences of a colorblind stance. Pedagogical considerations and implications for practice are also discussed. Susan G. Lea received her M.Ed. from the University of Pennsylvania, where she is currently a doctoral candidate. She also serves as Chair, Board of Trustees, The Agnes Irwin School, an independent girls day school in Rosemont, PA. Her areas of research include how aesthetic response and co-constructed meaning are enhanced through well-known visual art presented in intertextual sets of picturebook art parody, local public mural art parody, and original artwork. Zelnick, “The battle for color-blind public policy.” Lowry, The Giver.  相似文献   

邯郸成语典故是我国成员典故当中丰富的文化资源,其中《黄粱梦》的故事就是一个例子。在叙述各方改编中对这个故事意涵的发掘,从对梦情节的诠释和梦醒来后的哲理指出这个故事反映的经典涵义是作者对于自己精神世界的独特理解。  相似文献   

多罗茜.帕克是20世纪前半叶美国著名女作家,对帮助构建海明威传奇起到关键作用。作者对多罗茜的人生、她在构建海明威传奇中的作用和她的文体风格和影响进行了评述,期望这有助于中国读者对这位传奇作家和海明威的了解。  相似文献   

曼斯菲尔德是英国著名的短篇小说家,一贯以创新的叙述方式为评论界所称道。她的短篇小说《泡菜》中人物的对话与细节描写,蕴含着丰富的文体色彩,展现了作家细腻的笔触及其艺术手法上的高深造诣。  相似文献   

本文从系统功能语言学视角深入分析了文学语篇的多重结构和动态交际过程,该过程涉及作者、隐合作者、叙述者、角色、读者、隐含读者、听述者等。根据文学语篇的这种特有交流特征,作者提出了相应的翻译操作策略。  相似文献   

This paper reports on some data on the effects of screen‐based interactivity on children's engagement with storybook apps during family shared book reading that were gathered in a 2‐year, small‐scale ethnographic case study in Spain. Data analysis focuses on the complex interplay between the storybook app's interactive features and the children's responses to them. Our findings show that interactive elements increase the child's autonomy, as they tend to promote the importance of the reader, positioning him or her as a collaborator, storyteller, an author or an internal character in the fiction; something that can materialise in exciting narrative strategies that can trigger powerful responses to digital literary texts in emergent readers, including playing, creating new fictions or engaging emotionally with the story. Finally, we argue that the Reader Response models that have been used over recent decades to understand children's reading experiences with storybooks need to be revised to better understand their current experiences with interactive texts.  相似文献   

交际中的文化缺省是指在同一文化机制里交际双方共有的文化背景知识的省略。文学作品中的文化缺省是指作者向读者交流时对双方共有的相关文化背景知识的省略。由于文化缺省是一种特殊的文化现象,而原文作者和译文读者的认知环境不同,文化铁省很可能在跨文化语篇交际中导致误读或理解障碍。这就需要译者发挥其跨文化交际中的作用,在译语中采取必要的连贯策略,使读者对语篇作出正确解读。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the belief by Piaget that immanent justice responses occur when fairness judgments override conceptions of physical causality in young (6-8 years) children's understanding of a certain type of story. The structure of Piaget's stimulus stories was analyzed, and they were found to involve 3 narrative elements: motive valence, outcome valence, and causal connection. These 3 factors were crossed to create 8 types of stories, one of which (e.g., a character with a bad motive receives a negative outcome which is noncausally related to the previous motive) was the type used by Piaget. It was predicted that 2 types of stories would yield immanent justice responses: good motive/positive outcome/noncausal and bad motive/negative outcome/noncausal. Subjects received 4 stories and answered the Piagetian immanent justice questions and rated outcome fairness. Subjects were 48 each of children in grades 1, 3, and 5 and 38 college students. Results supported the prediction that children use the belief in a just world in immanent justice judgements.  相似文献   

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