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如果把鞋的历史进行分类,可以说基德是“NIKE”鞋初期类型的代表人物。 90年代初,NIKE提高了在美国国内篮球鞋业的市场占有率。那个时候10几岁的基德实力已经被NIKE所认同,并从中受到了很多的恩惠。从进入NBA开始,就和NIKE签定了合同,并一心一意地服役至今。 80年代,还是CONVERSE、ADIDAS的时代,但NIKE通过迈克尔·乔丹创造了发展的机会。那时对于刚进NBA的迈克尔·乔丹来说,真正得到NIKE的恩惠还是在90年代初。而NIKE在篮球领域真正着手于人才、资金等战略也是在90年代初。  相似文献   

在洛杉矶湖人对洛杉矶快艇的比赛中,科比没有穿着自己的新款球鞋——Zoom Kobe3,而是穿上了刚刚推出的另一款新球鞋。这也告诉人们。在即将到来的北京奥运会上,科比将不会穿着自己签名款式的Zoom Kobe系列了,而能让Kobe放弃自己签名鞋的原因就是一款更强大的鞋——NIKE HYPERDUNK。HYPERDUNK最大的特点就是一轻。HYPERDUNK篮球鞋的重量仅仅为13盎司,比普通耐克篮球鞋要轻18%。要知道科比在每场比赛中平均要跑2.5英里,重量更轻的篮球鞋意味着他能在球场上获得更多的能量。在Nike订货会的时候,这款鞋被放在天平的一端,天平的另一端则是羽毛,鞋子是不可能比羽毛轻的,但是Nike想告诉我们的只有一个:鞋子很轻。而实现这一目标的核心则是被NIKE称之为"Flywire"的鞋面支撑技术。这一技术最早是应用在田径跑钉鞋上的,其原理与悬索大桥的钢缆相同。侧面用一根根强韧的细尼龙丝"吊"住,材料只应用于结构中所必需的部位。以超强韧的尼龙细丝代替传统鞋面材料为足部提供精准的支撑,从而使运动鞋的重量大幅减轻。"Nike Hyperdunk是超轻质的篮球鞋,它牢固而且响应迅速,能为我在比赛中带来真正的优势。"科比说道。  相似文献   

59.adidas A3 Superstar Ultra这是阿迪2003年为勒布朗·詹姆斯量身定做的战靴。当时还在ADIDAS工作的瓦卡诺(他当年为NIKE工作时,签下了乔丹;后来转投ADIDAS,又签下了麦迪和科比)已经和这个预备巨星合作了两年,他准备把SUPERSTAR ULTRA——这双现在最好的ADIDAS运动鞋配备在最好的球员身上。所以我们可以从这双鞋上找到当时ADIDAS所有最好的技术。就像是LEBRON的外号"KING"一样,SU- PERSTAR ULTRA就是ADIDAS那一年的国王。1180元的价格,不仅远远高于T- MAC3的890元,甚至比AIR ZOOM GENERATION还要贵,一双并非明星专用的球鞋,能有如此高价,阿迪卖的是技术,即全掌A3。它周身的每一寸肌肤仿佛都  相似文献   

Klap冰刀铰链点定位和冰鞋跖屈对能量输出影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用纵跳模型模仿Klap冰刀的蹬冰推离阶段,以此评估铰链点位置和鞋底跖屈对能量产生的影响.通过在跑鞋下绑附不同长度的木板和一个在跖骨头下跖屈木板,选择6名速滑运动员进行一组3次的最大强度纵跳,一共5组,每组穿着条件分别如下:跑鞋、在跖骨头下跖屈木板、(距离足尖)-25 mm木板、0 mm木板和+25 mm木板.在后3个刚性鞋底条件下,产生的总能量没有显著差异,但是存在势能和动能方面的差异.在产生的总能量和动能方面,跖屈鞋底比刚性鞋底大9%.如果纵跳的能量测量上的差异反映了滑行结果,跖屈鞋底可能比当前的Klap冰刀(该鞋底是刚性的)提高3%的滑行速度.  相似文献   

人体膝关节交叉韧带生物材料力学特征实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沙川华  张涛  李龙 《体育科学》2013,33(1):72-77,83
目的:通过对膝关节交叉韧带进行生物材料力学的实验研究,为分析其损伤机理、防治、修复、人工材料置换等提供依据.方法:取膝关节无病变,年龄在25~35岁之间的成年男性左、右膝关节前交叉韧带(ACL)与后交叉韧带(PCL),共计24条.将ACL分为前内束(AMB)与后外束(PLB),PCL分为前外束(ALB)与后内束(PMB),并进行冰冻切片,制作标准试件后,使用上海大学力学实验中心“生物材料力学性能测试系统”完成“一维拉伸试验”与“应力松弛试验”.实验数据经统计学处理,进行:1)左、右ACL与PCL相同各部分之间比较;2)ACL各部分之间比较;3)PCL各部分之间比较;4)ACL各部分与PCL各部分之间比较.结果:1)左、右膝关节ACL、PCL各部分之间比较均没有显著性差异;2)1 s应力松弛率PMB最大,其次为PLB、ALB、AMB; 100 s应力松弛率PMB最大,其次为PLB、AMB、ALB,比较结果均呈高度显著性差异(P<0.01);3)在被拉伸至2%时,AMB显著性大于PLB(P<0.05);在被拉伸至4%时,ALB显著性大于AMB(P<0.05):ALB高度显著性大于PLB(P<0.01);在被拉伸至6%和8%时,ALB显著性大于AMB(P<0.05);4) ACL与PCL各部分的拉伸刚度、弹性模量、破坏应力3项指标没有显著性差异(P>0.05); 5)PLB与PMB破坏应变显著性大于AMB与ALB(P<0.05).结论:1)人类膝关节ACL与PCL生物材料力学特征没有侧别差异;2)PMB与PLB的粘性较大,屈曲性较强,具有较好调整负荷的能力,是运动损伤不易发生的材料学原因之一;3)AMB在被拉伸的初始阶段对载荷反应较强,ALB随着材料的被拉伸长度的增加,对负荷的反应呈现逐渐增强的现象;4)由于ACL与PCL来源相同、组织结构相似,故其材料力学特征相同,在生理受力范围内,其抗拉伸能力差异不大.  相似文献   

NIKE SHOX JUMP OFF AF 鞋面:全纹皮和轻质合成材料制成的鞋面。内部快速鞋带系统。TPU鞋带将双足紧扣于下。中底:轻质PHYLON中底,采用鞋面包裹置中底技术。脚跟处SHOX弹力柱和前掌处Zoom Air。 外底:耐用硬橡胶外底和改良的人字形增强摩擦力。 一款轻质、舒适及良好的弹跳系统的的篮球鞋,为FLIGHT型的选手而设计。款式流行、前卫,适合于有表现力的选手。  相似文献   

自从2008年1月AIR JORDAN XX3发布以来,运动鞋界便展开了有史以来关于篮球鞋最伟大的争论:下一双AIR JORDAN会继续以AIR XX4命名吗?然而,尽管争论愈演愈烈,隶属于NIKE公司的JORDAN品牌,同时也作为传奇巨星的特许销售,却始终没有给出明确的答案……直到现在。2009年1月8日,在纽约的一个媒体活动中,迈克尔·乔丹亲自揭晓了AIR JORDAN 2009。它成熟的设计传承延续了这双世界最受尊敬的篮球鞋传统,并同时开启一个全新的命名系统,让AIR JORDANI至XX3成为历史的同时保持了迈克尔·乔丹传统的特殊性。"在AIR JORDAN系列最初的23年营销中,我们不断挑战自我以及整个产业,生产出超越极限的运动球鞋。"迈克尔·乔丹说道,"AIR JORDAN 2009开启了品牌的新篇章——这将是我们工作的体现,也将成为未来23年的营销方向。"  相似文献   

游泳运动对大鼠股骨和腰椎骨生物力学特性影响的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
步斌 《体育科学》2005,25(11):55-57
实验目的:探讨游泳训练对大鼠股骨和腰椎骨生物力学特性的影响。实验方法:以36只SD大鼠为实验对象,以大鼠游泳训练为运动模型,分为对照组(n=18)和实验组(n=18),每天训练30min,共6周。取双侧股骨第5腰椎制成试件,在日产万能试验机和力学参数测试系统中做3点弯曲的生物力学特性测试(弹性模量、最大载荷、屈服应力、最大应力、能量吸收等)及对骨的横断面积和骨矿含量进行测定。实验结果:股骨3点弯曲数据显示两组间的弹性模量、最大载荷、屈服应力、屈服应变无明显变化(P>0.05),而最大应力、最大应变和能量吸收则有显著下降的趋势(P<0.05),横断面积和骨矿含量无明显变化(P>0.05)。腰椎骨压缩试验的结果显示,实验组除能量吸收外(P>0.05),其最大载荷、屈服应力、最大应力、屈服应变和骨矿含量等参数均有显著增加(P<0.05)。提示,游泳对腰椎的刺激较大,可使腰部生物力学特性产生适应性变化。根据国内、外的相关研究,游泳运动是防治腰部骨质疏松和下腰部疼痛较好的锻炼方法之一,值得在临床上进一步研究。  相似文献   

运动鞋核心技术的生物力学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
运动鞋科技的每一项进步,都离不开生物力学研究.无论国际一线品牌Nike和Adidas,还是以安踏为代表的国内一线品牌,其核心技术的创新都必须遵循人体运动的生物力学原理.足的结构与力学功能问题、"足一鞋一地"相互作用的力学问题、鞋体材料与结构的运动功效问题以及足的骨结构生物力学建模问题,一直以来都是运动鞋生物力学研究的主题.运动鞋的核心技术主要体现在材料和结构方面,材料决定了性能,结构决定了功能.但运动鞋的鞋底科技则代表着运动鞋的核心科技,国内、外品牌运动鞋的关键技术也多集中体现在鞋底科技上.国际一线品牌运动鞋的核心技术主要是缓震减震、能量回归、足跟控制和模拟裸足.国内一线品牌运动鞋虽然新概念频出,但技术原理雷同,运动鞋的生物力学实验研究和功能测试不足,主因则是运动鞋生物力学研究的专业人才十分匮乏.  相似文献   

美国人保罗·考克斯设计了一种新型运动鞋。穿用这种鞋可提高弹跳力和跑步速度。这种被称为“弹力鞋”的运动鞋与普通运动鞋不同,它的鞋底前部有一块六英寸宽,二分之一鞋底长的弹力板,弹力板与鞋底之间由弹性材料相连接。  相似文献   

探讨主动落地反跳和被动着地两种落地方式下,篮球鞋对于冲击力信号和股四头肌软组织室振动的影响,以及它们三者之间可能存在的相互关系,并找寻在此过程中能够切实反映篮球鞋变化的新的敏感指标,以期为运动鞋的功能需求和设计提供新的方向。  相似文献   

目的:探讨高、低帮篮球鞋对落地时踝关节内翻的运动学、地面反作用力及下肢主要肌群活动的影响,尝试理解高、低帮篮球鞋与踝关节落地稳定之间的关系;方法:13名受试者分别穿着高、低帮篮球鞋,手抓杠悬于空中,从40 cm高度分别垂直下落至内翻15°、内翻30°、内翻25°伴随跖屈10°(25°+10°)、内翻25°伴随跖屈20°(25°+20°)的倾斜面上,分析其踝关节运动学、地面反作用力及小腿主要外翻和背屈肌群(胫骨前肌、腓骨长肌和腓骨短肌)的肌电活动;结果:高、低帮鞋对内翻角度的变化、最大内翻角速度和地面垂直及水平冲击力没有显著影响;在15°倾斜面时,穿着高帮鞋出现预激活时间比低帮鞋晚(P<0.05),同时,在15°和25°+20°下腓骨长肌和腓骨短肌落地前50 ms的平均振幅更小(P<0.05);结论:选取的高帮鞋对踝关节的运动学和冲击力的改变不显著,但却在一定程度上影响了周围肌肉的预激活,对限制踝关节活动起到了积极的作用.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the protective functions of cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. Twelve male students participated in the study (mean +/- s: age 12.7 +/- 0.4 years, mass 40.7 +/- 5.9kg, height 1.50 +/- 0.04m). Cloth sport shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, crosstraining shoes, and barefoot conditions were investigated in random sequence. Human pendulum and cutting movement tests were used to assess cushioning performance and lateral stability, respectively. For cushioning, the running shoes (2.06 body weight, BW) performed the best, while the cross-training shoes (2.30 BW) and the basketball shoes (2.37 BW) both performed better than the cloth sport shoes (2.55 BW) and going barefoot (2.63 BW). For the lateral stability test, range of inversion--eversion was found to be from 3.6 to 4.9 degrees, which was far less than that for adult participants (> 20 degrees). No significant differences were found between conditions. All conditions showed prolonged durations from foot-strike to maximum inversion (66-95 ms), which was less vigorous than that for adult participants (< 40 ms) and was unlikely to evoke intrinsic stability failure. In conclusion, the cloth sport shoe showed inferior cushioning capability but the same lateral stability as the other sports shoes for children.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the protective functions of cloth sport shoes, including cushioning and lateral stability. Twelve male students participated in the study (mean ± s: age 12.7 ± 0.4 years, mass 40.7 ± 5.9 kg, height 1.50 ± 0.04 m). Cloth sport shoes, running shoes, basketball shoes, cross-training shoes, and barefoot conditions were investigated in random sequence. Human pendulum and cutting movement tests were used to assess cushioning performance and lateral stability, respectively. For cushioning, the running shoes (2.06 body weight, BW) performed the best, while the cross-training shoes (2.30 BW) and the basketball shoes (2.37 BW) both performed better than the cloth sport shoes (2.55 BW) and going barefoot (2.63 BW). For the lateral stability test, range of inversion–eversion was found to be from 3.6 to 4.9°, which was far less than that for adult participants (> 20°). No significant differences were found between conditions. All conditions showed prolonged durations from foot-strike to maximum inversion (66–95 ms), which was less vigorous than that for adult participants ( < 40 ms) and was unlikely to evoke intrinsic stability failure. In conclusion, the cloth sport shoe showed inferior cushioning capability but the same lateral stability as the other sports shoes for children.  相似文献   


This study examined the effects of shoe collar-height and counter-stiffness on ground reaction force (GRF), ankle and knee mechanics in landing. Eighteen university basketball players performed drop landing when wearing shoes in different collar height (high vs. low) and counter-stiffness (stiffer vs. less stiff). Biomechanical variables were measured with force platform and motion capturing systems. Two-way repeated measures ANOVA was performed with α = 0.05. Wearing high collar shoes exhibited smaller peak ankle dorsiflexion and total sagittal RoM, peak knee extension moment, but larger peak knee varus moment than the low collar shoes. Stiffer counter-stiffness shoes related to smaller ankle inversion at touchdown and total coronal RoM, but larger peak knee flexion and increased total ankle and knee sagittal RoM than the less stiff counter-stiffness. Furthermore, wearing stiffer counter-stiffness shoes increased forefoot GRF peak at high collar condition, while no significant differences between counter-stiffness at low collar condition. These results suggest that although higher collar height and/or stiffness heel counter used can reduce ankle motion in coronal plane, it would increase the motion and loading at knee joint, which is susceptible to knee injuries. These findings could be insightful for training and footwear development in basketball.  相似文献   


This study examined the effect of wearing time on comfort perception and landing biomechanics of basketball shoes with different midsole hardness. Fifteen basketball players performed drop landing and layup first step while wearing shoes of different wearing time (new, 2-, 4-, 6- and 8-week) and hardness (soft, medium and hard). Two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was performed on GRF, ankle kinematic and comfort perception variables. Increased wearing time was associated with poorer force attenuation and comfort perception during landing activities (p < 0.05). The new shoes had significantly smaller forefoot (2- and 4-week) and rearfoot peak GRF impacts (all time conditions) in drop landing and smaller rearfoot peak GRF impact (6- and 8-week) in layup; shoes with 4-week of wearing time had significantly better perceptions of forefoot cushioning, forefoot stability, rearfoot cushioning, rearfoot stability and overall comfort than the new shoes (p < 0.05). Compared with hard shoes, the soft shoes had better rearfoot cushioning but poorer forefoot cushioning (p < 0.05). Shoe hardness and wearing time would play an influential role in GRF and comfort perception, but not in ankle kinematics. Although shoe cushioning performance would decrease even after a short wearing period, the best comfort perception was found at 4-week wearing time.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of body mass and shoe midsole hardness on kinetic and perceptual variables during the performance of three basketball movements: (1) the first and landing steps of layup, (2) shot-blocking landing and (3) drop landing. Thirty male basketball players, assigned into “heavy” (n = 15, mass 82.7 ± 4.3 kg) or “light” (n = 15, mass 63.1 ± 2.8 kg) groups, performed five trials of each movement in three identical shoes of varying midsole hardness (soft, medium, hard). Vertical ground reaction force (VGRF) during landing was sampled using multiple wooden-top force plates. Perceptual responses on five variables (forefoot cushioning, rearfoot cushioning, forefoot stability, rearfoot stability and overall comfort) were rated after each movement condition using a 150-mm Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). A mixed factorial analysis of variance (ANOVA) (Body Mass × Shoe) was applied to all kinetic and perceptual variables. During the first step of the layup, the loading rate associated with rearfoot contact was 40.7% higher in the “heavy” than “light” groups (= .014) and 12.4% higher in hard compared with soft shoes (= .011). Forefoot peak VGRF in a soft shoe was higher (= .011) than in a hard shoe during shot-block landing. Both “heavy” and “light” groups preferred softer to harder shoes. Overall, body mass had little effect on kinetic or perceptual variables.  相似文献   

依据篮球技术运用的实效性原则,对三种篮球变方向运球突破组合技术的运作方法进行了论述,并对运球突破组合技术中运用时机、合理动作、合理运用、合理组合等几个关键环节做了分析与讨论。  相似文献   

对我国普通高校篮球教练员相关研究的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前,有关高校篮球教练员问题的研究主要分三类:(1)通过抽样调查反映教练员现状,(2)通过中外对比分析我国高校篮球教练员制度的不足,(3)分析高校篮球教练员应具备的能力素质及其训练指导思想。总体上看,研究涵盖面较广,但系统性及深入程度不够,缺乏对工作业绩评价体系、培养提高模式等方面的研究,建议今后将研究重点放在制定合理的评估指标、奖惩制度,建立系统化的培养提高体系上。  相似文献   

对篮球技战术分类体系演进与重构的思考   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
对篮球技战术分类体系的演进及存在问题进行分析发现 ,现行篮球技战术分类体系存在“分类遗漏”、“分类标准不统一”等问题 ,将球的状态划分为本方控制球、对方控制球、争球等三种状态 ,建立了争球状态、争球技术、争球战术等概念 ,在此基础上重新构建了篮球技战术分类体系。  相似文献   

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